어원, mono-= one
monocle n. 외알 안경 (put on a monocle *ocul-= eye cf. oculist 안과의사)
monotheism n. 일신교 (Monotheism, or the belief that there is only one god *theo-= god cf. theology)
monogamous a. 일부일처제의 (a monogamous animal *gam-= marriage cf. bigamy 중혼)
monogram n. 이름 첫 글자로 만든 무늬 (a handkerchief embroidered with her monogram *gram-= letter cf. anagram 철자바꾸기)
monochrome a. 단 색깔의 (a monochrome world *chrom-= color cf. chromosome 염색체)
mid 17th century: based on Greek monokhrōmatos ‘of a single color’.
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