어원, mot-; mut-= change; exchange; move
motivate v. 동기를 유발시키다 (motivate him to work hard)
commotion n. 혼란 (create a commotion *com-= all)
demote v. 강등시키다 (be demoted to a private *de-= down)
locomotion n. 이동 (legs used for locomotion cf. locomotive)
mutiny n. 반란 (the Mutiny on the Bounty)
commuter v. 통근객 (a commuter train)
late Middle English (in the sense ‘interchange (two things’)): from Latin commutare, from com- ‘altogether’ + mutare ‘to change’. commute (sense 1 of the verb) originally meant to buy and use a commutation ticket, a US term for a season ticket (because the daily fare is commuted to a single payment).
mutation n. 돌연변이 (spontaneous mutation)
mutable a. 변하기 쉬운 (a mutable person who changes his mind so easily)
mutual a. 상호간의 (for mutual interest)
telecommuting n. 재택근무 (telecommuting, or working at home with a computer *tele-= far cf. television)
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