잡스 영어/영어 어휘, 어원

misery,commiserate,miserable,miser, 어원, miser-,= wretched,불쌍한

Jobs 9 2020. 12. 18. 16:41

어원, miser-= wretched 불쌍한


misery n. 불행; 고통 (miseries of mankind)

commiserate v. 동정하다 (commiserate another's misfortune *com-= together)
offer sympathy to
be sympathetic to
express sympathy for
send condolences to
offer condolences to
condole with
sympathize with
empathize with
feel pity for
feel sorry for


miserable a. 비참한 (lead a miserable life)

miser n. 구두쇠; 비참한 사람 (a stingy miser) 

late 15th century (as an adjective in the sense ‘miserly’): from Latin, literally ‘wretched’.


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