
잡스 영어/영어 어휘, 어원 524

matrix,maternal,maternity,matrilineal,matrimonial,matron, 어원, mater-,= mother

어원, mater-= mother maternal a. 어머니의 (maternal affection) maternity n. 어머니가 됨 (a maternity hospital) matrilineal a. 모계의 (a matrilineal society cf. line) early 20th century: from Latin mater, matr- ‘mother’ + lineal. matrimonial a. 결혼의 (a matrimonial agency) matron n. 부인 (a matron of honor) matrix 매트릭스, 모체, 기반, 모형, 행렬 late Middle English (in the sense ‘womb’): from Latin, ‘breeding female’, later ..

amass,massive,massacre,어원, mass-,= heap up, pile

어원, mass-= heap up; pile amass v. 축적하다 (amass a large fortune *a-= to) late 15th century: from French amasser or medieval Latin amassare, based on Latin massa ‘lump’ (see mass). Similar: gather collect assemble accumulate stockpile pile up heap up rack up run up scrape together store (up) hoard cumulate accrue lay in/up garner stash (away) Opposite: dissipate mass n. 큰 더미 (a mass of letters) mas..

maritime,marine,submarine,mariner,marina,어원, mar-= sea

어원, mar-= sea marine a. 바다의 (marine ecology) submarine a. 바다 밑의/ n. 잠수함 (a submarine volcano *sub-= down) maritime a. 바다의 (maritime insurance) mid 16th century: from Latin maritimus, from mare ‘sea’. mariner n. 선원 (a master mariner) marina n. 해안의 산책길; 계류장 (a marina along the seashore) 공무원 두문자 암기 ✽ 책 구매 없이 PDF 제공 가능 ✽ adipoman@gmail.com 문의 공무원 국어 PDF 다운로드 공무원 영어 PDF 다운로드 공무원 한국사 PDF 다운로드 공무원 행정학 ..

manipulate, emancipate, manifest, maneuver, manual,manufacture,manure, 어원, manu-,= hand

어원, manu-= hand manipulate v. 조작하다 (manipulate the machine) emancipate v. 해방시키다 (emancipate the slave *e-= out cf. evade 피하다) early 17th century: from Latin emancipat- ‘transferred as property’, from the verb emancipare, from e- (variant of ex- ) ‘out’ + mancipium ‘slave’. Similar: liberated independent unconstrained unrepressed uninhibited free and easy free free-spirited manifest v. 내보이다 a. 명백..

maniac, pyromania, monomaniac, bibliomaniac, 어원, mania-,= madness, insanity

어원, mania-= madness; insanity mania n. 광증 (the mania for dancing) maniac n. 광자 (a fishing maniac) pyromania n. 방화광증 (pyromania, or an excessive desire to set fire *pyro-= fire cf. pyrometer 고온온도계) monomaniac n. 집착광증 환자 (a monomaniac obsessed with only one thing cf. mono-= one) a person exhibiting an exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing. bibliomaniac n. 장서광자 (a ..

mandatory,mandate,command,countermand,demand,어원, mand-; mnd-,= command, entrust

어원, mand-; mend-= command; entrust mandate n. 명령/ v. 위임하다 (a mandated territory) early 16th century: from Latin mandatum ‘something commanded’, neuter past participle of mandare, from manus ‘hand’ + dare ‘give’. Sense 2 of the noun has been influenced by French mandat . Similar: instruction directive direction decree command order injunction edict charge commission command n. 명령/ 명령하다 (command s..

malfunction,malediction,malign,malignant,malevolent,malefactor,dismal,malice,malodorous,malaria, 어원, mal-,= bad

어원, mal-= bad malediction n. 저주 (pronounce a malediction on his tormentor) late Middle English: from Latin maledictio(n- ), from maledicere ‘speak evil of’. Similar: curse oath imprecation execration anathema voodoo spell cursing damning damnation hex malison Opposite: blessing malfunction n. 고장/ v. 고장나다 (This camera malfunctions. cf. function) malign a. 나쁜 (a malign effect) malignant a. 악성의 (a ..

judicious, adjudicate, prejudice, 어원, jud-,= judge

어원 : jud-= judge judge n. 재판관/ v. 판단을 내리다 (judge a person by appearance) judicious a. 판단력이 있는 (a judicious umpire) adjudicate v. 판결하다 (adjudicate him to be guilty) early 18th century (in the sense ‘award judicially’): from Latin adjudicat- ‘awarded judicially’, from the verb adjudicare (see adjudge). The noun adjudication (as a Scots legal term) dates from the early 17th century. prejudice n. 선입..

juris, jury, abjure, 어원, jur-,= law, swear

어원 : jur-= law; swear jury n. 배심판사 (the jury consisting of 12 jurors) juris a. 법의 (a juris doctor) abjure v. 맹세하고 버리다(abjure his religion *ab-=away cf. abroad) Similar: renounce relinquish reject dispense with forgo forswear disavow abandon deny gainsay disclaim repudiate give up spurn abnegate late Middle English: from Latin abjurare, from ab- ‘away’ + jurare ‘swear’. perjury n. 위증 (commit perj..

juvenile, juvenility, rejuvenate, 어원, juven-,= young

어원 : juven-= young juvenile a. 청소년의 (a juvenile delinquent) juvenility n. 젊음; 연소 (juvenility and senility) junior a. 더 나이가 적은 (be junior to me) Vs. senior rejuvenate v. 다시 활기차게 하다 (feel rejuvenated after a holiday) early 19th century: from re- ‘again’ + Latin juvenis ‘young’ + -ate3, suggested by French rajeunir . Similar: revive revitalize renew regenerate restore breathe new life into make som..

akin, kinsmen, kinship, kindred, 어원, kin-,= kin, the same race

어원 : kin-= kin; the same race akin a. 유사한 (be akin to each other) Similar: similar related close near corresponding comparable parallel equivalent allied with connected with like mid 16th century: contracted form of of kin . kinsmen n. 동포 (feel sympathy towards his kinsmen) kinship n 유사점 (share some kinship among them) kin n. 동포; 친척 (kith and kin) kindred n. 친척 (all of his kindred) 공무원 두문자 암기 ✽ ..

kinetic, kinesics, Kinetoscope, 어원, kinet-,= movement

어원 : kinet-= movement kinetic a. 운동학의 (kinetic energy) kinetic chain Kinetoscope n. 활동만화경 (Kinetoscope invented by Edison) kinesics n. 운동학 (major in kinesics) 1950s: from Greek kinēsis ‘motion’ (from kinein ‘to move’) + -ics. 공무원 두문자 암기 ✽ 책 구매 없이 PDF 제공 가능 ✽ adipoman@gmail.com 문의 공무원 국어 PDF 다운로드 공무원 영어 PDF 다운로드 공무원 한국사 PDF 다운로드 공무원 행정학 PDF 다운로드 공무원 행정법 PDF 다운로드 경찰학, 헌법, 형법, 형소법 PDF 다운로드 경영학, 경제학..

remain,mansion,menagerie,permanent,어원,main-,man-,men-= stay

어원 : main-; man-; men-= stay remain v. 머무르다 (remain in my memory) mansion n. 저택 (live in a mansion) menagerie n. 동물원 (a glass menagerie) late 17th century: from French ménagerie, from ménage (see ménage). permanent a. 영속적인 (a permanent address) Similar: lasting enduring indefinite continuing perpetual everlasting eternal abiding constant persistent irreparable irreversible lifelong indissoluble ..

magnitude, magnificent, magnify, majuscule, majesty, 어원,magn-,maj-,= big

어원 : magn-; maj-= big magnitude n. 크기; 중요성 (of the first magnitude) Similar: immensity vastness hugeness enormity enormousness expanse size extent greatness late Middle English (also in the sense ‘greatness of character’): from Latin magnitudo, from magnus ‘great’. magnificent a. 거대한 (a magnificent spectacle) Similar: splendid spectacular impressive striking glorious superb majestic awesome awe-..

macrocosm, microscope, macroeconomics, 어원, macro-,= big, micro-,= small

어원 : macro-= big/ micro-= smallmacrocosm n. 대우주; 현실 세계 (the macrocosm and the microcosm cf. cosmos) Similar: universe cosmos world wide world globe creation solar system galaxy outer space system structure totality entirety complex Opposite: microcosm microscope n. 현미경 (a powerful microscope *scope-= observe cf. telescope)macroeconomics n. 거시경제학 (macroeconomics and microeconomics) 공무원 두문자 암기 ✽ 책..

ludicrous, delude, prelude, interlude, collusion, elude, elusive, 어원, lud-, lus-,= play

어원 : lud-; lus-= play ludicrous a. 장난스런 (be ludicrous in his speech) Similar: absurd ridiculous farcical laughable risible preposterous foolish idiotic stupid inane silly asinine nonsensical crazy mad insane derisible Opposite: sensible early 17th century (in the sense ‘sportive, intended as a jest’): from Latin ludicrus (probably from ludicrum ‘stage play’) + -ous. delude v. 속이다 (He deluded me ..

deluge, dilute, ablutions, antediluvian, alluvial, 어원, lu-, lug-, lut-, luv-,= water

어원 : lu-; lug-; lut-; luv-= water deluge n. 홍수 (Noah's Deluge *de-= down) dilute v. 희석시키다 (dilute the solution with water *di-= scatter) mid 16th century: from Latin dilut- ‘washed away, dissolved’, from the verb diluere . ablutions n. 침례; 목욕 (make his ablutions before the Mess *ab-= away) late Middle English: from Latin ablutio(n- ), from abluere, from ab- ‘away’ + luere ‘wash’. The original us..

psychology, physiology, ecology, logic, 어원, logos-, -logy,= study

어원 : logos-; -logy= study ecology n. 생태학 (ecology, or a study of the biological environment) logic n. 논리 (inductive logic) psychology n. 심리학 (psychology, or a study on the mind) physiology n. 생리학 (physiology, or a study on a human body) early 17th century: from Latin physiologia (perhaps via French), from Greek phusiologia ‘natural philosophy’ (see physio-, -logy). 공무원 두문자 암기 ✽ 책 구매 없이 PDF 제공 가능..

allocate, dislocation, localize, locality, locale, 어원, loca-,= place; put

어원 : loca-= place; put dislocation n. 탈골 (be treated for a dislocation *dis-= away) late Middle English: from Old French, or from medieval Latin dislocatio(n- ), from the verb dislocare (see dislocate), based on Latin locare ‘to place’. localize v. 국한시키다 (localize the epidemic) locate v. 위치시키다 (Where is your school located?) allocate v. 할당하다 (allocate the benefits to each member *ad-

circumlocution, monologue, epilogue, eulogy, colloquial, eloquent , 어원, loc-, log-, loq-,= words; say

어원 : loc-; log-; loq-= words; say circumlocution n. 완곡어법 (without circumlocution *circum-= around cf. circumvent) Similar: periphrasis circuitousness indirectness tautology repetition late Middle English: from Latin circumlocutio(n- ) (translating Greek periphrasis ), from circum ‘around’ + locutio(n- ) from loqui ‘speak’. monologue n. 독백 (the actor's long monologue *mono-= alone; one) dialogue ..

neolithic, paleolithic, lithography, Monolith, monolithic, 어원, lith-,= stone

어원 : lith-= stone neolithic a. 신석기의 (the neolithic period) paleolithic n. 구석기의 (the paleolithic era *paleo-= old) lithography n. 석판인쇄 (the inception of lithography *graph-= letter; drawing) Monolith n. 모노리스 (Monolith on Easter Island *mono-= one) monolithic a. 거대한 (monolithic stone statues) megalith n. 거석 (megalith in the prehistoric period *mega-= big) 공무원 두문자 암기 ✽ 책 구매 없이 PDF 제공 가능 ✽ adipoman@..

liquidation, liquid, liquor, liquefy, 어원, liqu-,= water

어원 : liqu-= water liquid n. 액체 (gas, solid and liquid) liquor n. 술 (a liquor store) liquidation n. 청산 (a liquidation sale) liquefy v. 액화시키다 (liquefy a solid material) Similar: make/become liquid condense dissolve precipitate liquidize melt deliquesce late Middle English: from French liquéfier from Latin liquefacere ‘make liquid’, from liquere ‘be liquid’. 공무원 두문자 암기 ✽ 책 구매 없이 PDF 제공 가능 ✽ adipoma..

bilingualist, lingo, linguistics, multilingualist, 어원, lingu-,= language

어원 : lingu-= language lingo n. 말버릇; 뜻 모를 사투리; 은어 (lingoes among youngsters) linguistics n. 언어학 (major in linguistics) multilingualist n. 여러 가지 언어를 말할 줄 아는 사람 (a multilingualist who is able to speak many languages *multi-= many cf. multivision) bilingualist n. 두 가지 언어를 말하는 사람 (a bilingualist who is able to speak two languages equally well *bi-= two) mid 19th century: from Latin bilinguis, from bi..

collide, collision, 어원, lid-, lis-,= damage, hurt

어원 : lid-; lis-= damage; hurt collide v. 충돌하다 (collide head on) early 17th century (in the sense ‘cause to collide’): from Latin collidere, from col- ‘together’ + laedere ‘to strike’. collision n. 충돌 (a head-on collision) 공무원 두문자 암기 ✽ 책 구매 없이 PDF 제공 가능 ✽ adipoman@gmail.com 문의 공무원 국어 PDF 다운로드 공무원 영어 PDF 다운로드 공무원 한국사 PDF 다운로드 공무원 행정학 PDF 다운로드 공무원 행정법 PDF 다운로드 경찰학, 헌법, 형법, 형소법 PDF 다운로드 경영학, 경제학, 회계..

librarian, libel, library, 어원, lib(er)-,= book

어원 : lib(er)-= book library n. 도서관 (return the book to the library) librarian n. 사서 (a librarian at the library) libel n. 책에 의한 명예훼손→비방 (a libel on the president) defame (someone) by publishing a libel. "she alleged the magazine had libeled her" Similar: defame malign slander give someone a bad name blacken someone's name sully someone's reputation speak ill/evil of write false reports about tra..

dyslexia, lexicographer, lexicon, alexia, 어원, lex-,= word, speech, read

어원 : lex-= word; speech; read dyslexia n. 읽기장애 (A person with dyslexia has difficulty reading words. *dys-= bad cf. dyspepsia 소화 불량) lexicographer n. 사전 편집가 (a lexocographer who is editing a dictionary) alexia n. 실독증 (A person with alexia is a person who has lost his or her ability to read. *a-= no; not) lexicon n. 전문사전 (consult a lexicon for a Latin word) early 17th century: modern Latin, from ..

lenient, relent, relentless, lens, 어원, len-, lens-, lent-,= bend

어원 : len-; lens-; lent-= bend lenient a. 너그러운 (lenient punishment) Similar: merciful clement sparing forgiving forbearing tolerant moderate charitable humane indulgent easygoing magnanimous sympathetic compassionate pitying kind mid 17th century (in lenient (sense 2)): from Latin lenient- ‘soothing’, from the verb lenire, from lenis ‘mild, gentle’. relent v. 누그러지다 (He relented somewhat. *re-= ag..

legal, illegal, legitimate, legislature, 어원, leg-,= law

어원 : leg-= law legal a. 법적인 (a legal adviser) illegal a. 불법의 (illegal parking) Similar: unlawful illicit illegitimate against the law criminal lawbreaking actionable felonious unlicensed unauthorized unsanctioned unwarranted unofficial outlawed banned forbidden barred prohibited interdicted proscribed early 17th century: from French illégal or medieval Latin illegalis, from Latin in- ‘not’ + leg..
