잡스 영어/영어 문법

자동사 : 불규칙 변화, 타동사 : 규칙 변화, lie-lay-lain, lay-laid-laid

Jobs 9 2023. 5. 25. 13:36

● 혼동하기 쉬운 자동사와 타동사

자동사 : 불규칙 변화 타동사 : 규칙 변화
lie-lay-lain 눕다.
rise-rose-risen 오르다.
sit-sat-sat 앉다.
fall-fell-fallen 떨어지다.
arise-arose-arisen  발생하다.
lay-laid-laid 놓다.
raise-raised-raised 들다.
set-set-set 놓다.
fell-felled-felled 떨어뜨리다.
arouse-aroused-aroused 발생시키다.
find-found-found 발견하다.
found-founded-founded 설립하다.
hang-hung-hung 걸다.
hang-hanged-hanged 교수형에 처하다.


 Q  밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오.  

In 1778 Carlo de Buonaparte, re-elected as one of the Council of Twelve Nobles, ①was chosen to be a member of a Corsican delegation to King Louis XVI. He took ten-year-old Giuseppe and nine-year-old Napoleone with him, ②to begin their life in their new country. They spent a night in a miserable inn at the port, sleeping on mattresses ③lay out on the floor. En route from Corsica they visited Florence, where Carlo was able to procure a letter of introduction from the Habsburg Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo to his sister Queen Marie Antoinette. Then they went on to France. Admittedly Carlo had something to celebrate, ④having been informed by the Minister for War that Napoleone had been granted a scholarship and a place in the military school at Brienne as 'Royal Pupil' whose expenses would be paid by the King. 

【해설】 정답 ③  
① Carlo de Buonaparte가 주어 was chosen이 동사 : 수/시제/태가 완벽  
② He took가 주어 동사 to begin은 시작하기 위해  
③ They spent가 주어 동사, sleeping :-하면서  on mattresses (which were) ③lay out[lay→laid]로 수정
타동사 lay-laid-laid 놓다.
④ Carlo had가 주어 동사, having been informed : 정보를 들[받]어서[완료수동분사] 


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