시, 영시, Poem, English poetry

영시, 명시, 100선

Jobs 9 2024. 10. 26. 08:57

1. All the world's a stage (Act 2, Scene 7 from As You Like It) / William Shakespeare

2. Shall I Compare Thee / William Shakespeare

3. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love / Christopher Marlowe 

4. Death, be not proud / John Donne

5. No Man is an Island (For Whom the Bell Tolls) / John Donne

6. The Flea / John Donne

7. The Good-Morrow / John Donne

8. When I consider how my light is spent / John Milton

9. To His Coy Mistress / Andrew Marvell

10. Ah Sun-flower! / William Blake

11. A Poison Tree / William Blake

12. London / William Brake 

13. The Chimney Sweeper / William Brake

14. The Garden of Love / William Blake

15. The Lamb / William Brake

16. The Sick Rose / William Blake

17. The Tyger / William Blake

18. A red, red rose / Robert Burns

19. Composed upon Westminster Bridge / William Wordsworth

20. The Daffodils?/ William wordsworth

21. The Solitary Reaper / William Wordsworth

22. Loves Last Adieu / George Gordon byron

23. MAID OF ATHENS, ERE WE PART / George Gordon byron 

24. She Walks in Beauty / George Gordon byron 

25. Stanzas for Music / George Gordon byron

26. Ode to the West Wind / Percy Bysshe Shelley

27. Ozymandias / Percy Bysshe Shelly 

28. Casabianca / Felicia Hemans 

29. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever / John Keats

30. Bright star / John Keats

31. Ode on a Grecian Urn / John Keats 

32. Ode to a Nightingale / John Keats 

33. To Autumn?/ John Keats?-

34. Today / Thomas Carlyle

35. Concord Hymn / Ralph Waldo Emerson 

36. How Do I Love Thee? / Elizabeth Barrett Browning 

37. A psalm of life / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

38. The Arrow and the Song / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

39. The village blacksmith / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 

40. Crossing the Bar / Alfred, Lord Tennyson

41. Ring out, wild bells / Alfred Tennyson 

42. Alone / Edgar Allan Poe

43. Annabel Lee / Edgar Allan Poe

44. The raven / Edgar Allan Poe

45. Life / Charlotte Bronte 

46. O Captain! My Captain! / Walt Whitman

47. Dover Beach / Matthew Arnold

48. A Bird, came down the Walk / Emily Dickinson

49. Because I Could Not Stop For Death / Emily Dickinson

50. Hope Is the Thing with Feathers / Emily Dickinson

51. I'm Nobody! Who are you? / Emily Dickinson 

52. I taste a liquor never brewed / Emily Dickinson 

53. My Life had stood - a Loaded Gun / Emily Dickinson 

54. Success is counted sweetest / Emily Dickenson

55. The Loneliness One dare not sound / Emily Dickinson 

56. Remember / Christina Rossetti 

57. When I am dead, My Dearest / Christina Rossetti 

58. The Darkling Thrush / Thomas Hardy 

59. God’s Grandeur / Gerard Manley Hopkins 

60. The Windhover To Christ our Lord / Gerard Manley Hopkins

61. Invictus: The Unconquerable / William Ernest Henley 

62. Loveliest of Trees / A. E. Housman

63. Death / W. B. Yeats

64. LEDA AND THE SWAN / William Butler Yeats 

65. The Lake Isle of Innisfree / William Butler Yeats

66. The Rose of the World / William Butler Yeats 

67. When You Are Old / William Butler Yeats

68. IF / Rudyard Kipling 

69. In Flanders Fields / John McCrae 

70. Acceptance / Robert Frost

71. Acquainted with the Night / Robert Frost

72. A late walk / Robert Frost

73. Birches / Robert Frost 

74. Come in / Robert Lee Frost 

75. Fire and Ice / Robert Frost

76. Nothing gold can stay / Robert Frost 

77. Once by the Pacific / Robert Frost 

78. On Going Unnoticed / Robert Frost

79. Spring Pools / Robert Frost

80. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening / Robert Frost 

81. The Flower Boat / Robert Frost

82. The Freedom of the Moon / Robert Frost 

83. The Road Not Taken / Robert Frost 

84. Tree at My Window / Robert Frost

85. Sea Fever / John Masefield 

86. In The Dark Pinewood / James Joyce 

87. She Weeps over Rahoon / James Joyce

88. Bavarian Gentians / David Herbert Lawrence 

89. Wild Things in Captivity / D. H. Lawrence 

90. Dance Figure―For the Marriage in Cana of Galilee―/Ezra Locomis Pound

91. Trees / Joyce Kilmer

92. The Soldier / Rupert Brooke

93. Journey of the Magi / T. S. Eliot

94. Marina Quis hic locus, quae regio, puae mundi plaga? / T.S. Eliot

95. The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock / T. S. Eliot (서문, 1-36행) 

96. Waste Land / T. S. Eliot

97. Seascape / Stephen Spender

98. Ultima Ratio Regum /Stephen Spender

99. Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night / Dylan Thomas

100. The force that through the green fuse drives the flower / Dylan Marlais Thomas

