잡스 영어/영어 어휘, 어원

sense,consensus,sensuous,dissension,consent,dissent,resent,sentimental,presentiment,consentient,어원, sens-, sent-,= feel

Jobs 9 2021. 1. 27. 17:09

어원, sens-; sent-= feel


sense n. 감각 (a sense of smell)

consensus n. 공감 (general consensus)

sensuous a. 심미적인 (sensuous eyes)

dissension n. 의견불일치 (dissension among the members)

dissent 의견을 달리하다.

consent n. 동의/ v. 동의하다 (consent to the plan)

resent v. 화를 내다 (resent his constant interruptions)

sentimental a. 감상적인 (by a sentimental motive)

presentiment n. 예감 (have a presentiment)

consentient a. 만장일치의 (be consentient to the plan)

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