잡스 영어/영어 어휘, 어원

insert,assort,consort,desert,sort,어원, sert-,놓다, sort-,= the same kind, 동종, 부류

Jobs 9 2021. 1. 27. 17:30

어원, sert-(놓다); sort-= the same kind 동종, 부류


insert v. 끼워 넣다 (insert a word in the sentence) [in 안으로] + [sert 놓다]

assort v. 종합하다 (assorted candies)

late 15th century: from Old French assorter, from a- (from Latin ad ‘to, at’) + sorte ‘sort, kind’.

consort v. 어울려 다니다 (consort with thieves)

desert 사막, v. 버리다 (You deserted me when I needed you. *de-= away)

sort v. 분류하다 (sort mail)

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