잡스 영어/영어 어휘, 어원

ravish, rapacious, rapid, rapture, rape, enrapture, 어원, rap(t)-, rav-,= snatch, catch, take

Jobs 9 2024. 11. 19. 11:29

어원, rap(t)-; rav-= snatch; catch; take


rapid a. 빠른 (at a rapid rate of speed)

ravish v. 강탈하다; 매혹시키다 (be ravished with joy)

Middle English: from Old French raviss-, lengthened stem of ravir, from an alteration of Latin rapere ‘seize’.


rapacious a. 욕심스런 (a rapacious loan shark)

rapture n. 황홀 (with rapture)

rape v. 강탈하다 (rape the girl)

enrapture v. 황홀하게 하다 (be enraptured at her beauty)
