잡스 영어/영어 어휘, 어원

outgoing,outstrip,outdoor,outgrow,outrace,outwit,outperform,,outdo,outfox,outdistance, 어원, out-= out; surpass

Jobs 9 2020. 12. 31. 17:48

어원, out-= out; surpass


outgoing a. 외향적인 (an outgoing person)

outdoor a. 옥외의 (outdoor activities)

outstrip v. 능가하다 (outstrip the neighboring country in economic growth) strip=띠, 벗다.

outgrow v. 더 크게 자라다 (He has outgrown his jacket.)

outrace v. 더 빨리 뛰다 (outrace the rabbit)

outnumber v. 숫자가 더 많다 (outnumber the farm population)

outwit v. 더 영리하다; 속이다 (outwit the innocent man)

outperform v. 더 근무를 잘하다 (outperform his colleagues)

outdo v. 더 잘하다 (outdo his classmates)

outrun v. 더 빨리 뛰다 (outrun his pursuers)

outdate v. 날짜에서 앞서다 (an outdated map)

outlast v. 더 오래 지속하다 (This battery will outlast your car.)

outfox v. 더 영리하다 (outfox the fox)

outsmart v. 더 영리하다 (outsmart the intelligent man)

outdistance v. 능가하다 (outdistance the newspaper in its circulation) 

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