잡스 영어/영어 어휘, 어원

orthodox,orthodontist,orthography,어원, ortho-= correct

Jobs 9 2020. 12. 31. 17:08

어원, ortho-= correct


orthodox a. 정통적인 (orthodox Christianity *dox-= theory)

야구,테니스,권투 ; 오소독스↔사우스포south paw

orthodontist n. 치열 교정사 (an orthodontist correcting malocclusion *dont-= tooth)

orthopedist n. 정형외과의사 (an orthopedist correcting the deformity of the spine *ped-= child cf. pediatrician 소아과의사)

orthography n. 맞춤법 (orthography, or the way words are spelled *graph-= writing)

late Middle English: via Old French and Latin from Greek orthographia, from orthos ‘correct’ + -graphia ‘writing’.

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