어원, ten(d)-; tens-= pull, stretch, thin
attenuate a. 가늘어진/ v. 가늘어지다 (The shaft has become attenuate.)
mid 16th century: from Latin attenuat- ‘made slender’, from the verb attenuare, from ad- ‘to’ + tenuare ‘make thin’ (from tenuis ‘thin’).
extenuate v. 경감하다 (Nothing can extenuate his guilt.)
late Middle English (in the sense ‘make thin’): from Latin extenuat- ‘made thin’, from the verb extenuare (based on tenuis ‘thin’).
contend v. 싸우다; 경쟁하다 (contend with the enemy)
late Middle English (in the sense ‘compete for (something)’): from Old French contendre or Latin contendere, from con- ‘with’ + tendere ‘stretch, strive’.
extend v. 연장하다 (get my visa extended)
distend v. 팽창시키다 (with a distended stomach *dis-= away cf. distract 주의를 산만하게하다)
tendon n. 힘줄 (Achilles' tendon)
tensile a. 장력의 (tensile strength)
extension n. 연장 (Please give me extension 355. *ex-= out cf. extract 추출하다)
tension n. 긴장 (ease the tension)
mid 16th century (as a medical term denoting a condition or feeling of being physically stretched or strained): from French, or from Latin tensio(n- ), from tendere ‘stretch’.
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