운동, 스포츠 과학 Sports sciences/피트니스 Fitness

레그 컬, Leg Curl, 햄스트링, 하체 운동

Jobs 9 2024. 11. 4. 08:13


레그 컬, Leg curl


업드린 채 다리를 굽혀 운동하는 웨이트 트레이닝의 한 종류이다. 주동근은 햄스트링이며, 보조근은 대퇴 사두근 등이다.

손으로 덤벨이나 바벨을 잡고 운동이 가능한 것과는 달리 다리로는 도구를 잡을 수가 없어 레그 컬은 사실상 머신으로만 접할 수 있는 운동이다. 기구 위에 엎드린 상태 또는 앉은 상태에서 발을 바에 끼워넣은 뒤 들어올리는 게 운동방법이다.

물론 종아리에 바벨 원판을 달거나 밴드를 이용하여 집에서 레그 컬을 하는 사람들도 있기는 하다. 혹은 발로 덤벨을 잡고 들어올리는 방법도 있다. 하지만 특히 발로 덤벨을 잡고 레그 컬이나 레그 익스텐션하는 경우는 위험해서 추천하지도 않고, 실제로 하는 사람도 없다. 무엇보다도 굉장히 불편하다. 


Leg Curl

The leg curl is an isolation exercise that targets the muscles of the back of the thigh, specifically the hamstrings. It is an effective exercise for developing strength, size, and muscular endurance in the hamstrings. It is commonly performed using a leg curl machine found in gyms or fitness centers. 

How To do:

Leg Curl Benefits

Strengthening the Hamstrings: Leg curls primarily target the hamstrings, which consist of three muscles: the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. By performing leg curls, you can specifically strengthen and develop these muscles, leading to improved muscular balance in the lower body. 

Enhanced Lower Body Strength: Leg curls are an effective exercise for increasing lower body strength, particularly in the hamstrings. Strengthening these muscles can contribute to improved athletic performance in activities such as running, jumping, and squatting. 

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation: Strong hamstrings play a crucial role in knee stability and help prevent injuries, such as strains or tears. By regularly performing leg curls, you can strengthen the hamstrings and reduce the risk of potential injuries. Leg curls can also be beneficial during rehabilitation after hamstring injuries, as they provide controlled and targeted strengthening of the affected muscles.

Balanced Lower Body Development: Many lower body exercises tend to focus more on the quadriceps (front thigh muscles) rather than the hamstrings. Including leg curls in your workout routine helps create a balance between the anterior and posterior thigh muscles, promoting symmetrical and proportional leg development.

Varied Exercise Options: Leg curls can be performed using various equipment, such as leg curl machines, resistance bands, or even bodyweight exercises. This versatility allows you to choose the variation that best suits your fitness level, preferences, and the equipment available. 

Leg Curl Muscles Worked

Target - Hamstrings






This exercise involves standing with a cable machine and using ankle cuffs to curl one leg at a time towards the buttocks, targeting the hamstrings. The resistance is provided by the cable machine.

Muscle Group

Equipment Required

Cable Standing Leg Curl Instructions

  1. Attach a cable ankle strap to a low pulley cable machine.
  2. Stand facing the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Attach the ankle strap to your right ankle.
  4. Keeping your upper body straight, bend your right knee and lift your heel towards your buttocks.
  5. Hold for a second and then slowly lower your leg back down to the starting position.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and then switch to your left leg.

Cable Standing Leg Curl Form & Visual

Cable Standing Leg Curl Benefits

  • Targets the hamstrings, which are important for knee stability and overall lower body strength
  • Allows for isolation of the hamstring muscles, leading to more effective muscle activation and growth
  • Can be adjusted to target different areas of the hamstring muscles by changing the foot position or using different attachments on the cable machine
  • Provides a low-impact option for those with knee or hip issues, as the exercise does not put pressure on these joints
  • Improves balance and stability as the exercise requires standing on one leg

Cable Standing Leg Curl Muscles Worked

  • Hamstrings
  • Glutes
  • Calves

Cable Standing Leg Curl Variations & Alternatives

  • Single-leg cable standing leg curl
  • Seated cable leg curl
  • Prone cable leg curl
  • Standing cable hip extension
  • Standing cable hip abduction

