잡스 영어/영어 어휘, 어원

영어 어근 어원(라틴,희랍어) 총 정리 #03

Jobs 9 2025. 2. 27. 13:47
Root Meaning in English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Examples
ob-, os- against Latin obstinate, ostentatious, obstreperous
oct- eight Greek (oktō) octagon, octahedron
oct- eight Latin octo octangular, octennial, octovir
octav- eighth Latin octavus octaval
octogen- eighty each Latin octogeni octogenary
octogesim- eightieth Latin octogesimus octogesimal
octon- eight each Latin octoni octonary
ocul- eye Latin oculus, oculare ocular
od- hate Latin odium odious
-ode- path, way Greek anode, odometer
odont- tooth Greek (odous) odontology
odor- fragrant
oecious- house of Greek (oikos)
oed- swollen
oen- wine Greek (oinos)
oesoph- gullet Greek (oisophagos)
ogdo- eighth Greek (ogdoos)
-oid like Greek (-oeides)
olecran- skull of elbow
ole- oily Latin
olig- few Greek (oligos) oligarchy
oliv- olive Latin oliva
-oma cancer Greek
omas- paunch Latin omasum
oment- fat skin Latin omentum
omin- Latin omen, ominis ominous
omm- eye
omni- all Latin omnis omnipotence
omo- shoulder Latin
omphal- navel Greek omphalectomy
oner- burden Latin onus, oneris onerous
onom- name Greek όνομα (onoma) onomatopoeia
ont- existing Greek ontology
-onym name Greek (-onum) pseudonym
oo- egg Greek (oion)
opac- shady Latin opacus opacity
oper- work Latin opus, operis opera
opt- choose Latin optare optional
optim- best Latin optimus optimum
op(t)- eye Greek optos optical
operculum- little cover
ophi- snake Greek ophis
ophthalm- eye Greek (ophthalmos) ophthalmology
opisth- behind Greek
opoter- either
or- mouth Latin os, oris oral, orator
orb- circle Latin orbis orbit
orch- testicle
ordin- Latin ordo, ordinis ordinal, ordinary
ori- Eastern Latin oriri orient
orn- Latin ornare ornament, ornate
ornith- bird Greek ornithology
orth- straight Greek (orthos) orthosis
os(ti)- mouth
os(s/t)- bone osteoporosis
oscill- swing Latin oscillation
ostrac- shell Greek ostracize
ot- ear Greek otology
ov- egg Latin ovum oval, ovule
ovi- sheep Latin ovis ovine
oxy- sharp, pointed Greek (oxus) oxymoron
Root Meaning in English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Examples
pac- peace Latin pax, pacis pacify, pacifist
pach- thick Greek (pachus) pachydermata
paed- child Greek παις, παιδος (pais, paidos) paediatric
pagin- page Latin pagina pagination
pal- stake Latin palus impale
palae-, pale- ancient, old Greek (palaios) paleontology
palin- back Greek παλιν (palin) palindrome
pall- pale Latin pallere pallid, pallor
palli- mantle Latin pallium pallium
palm- palm Latin palma palmate
palustr(i)- in marshes Latin paluster palustral
pan-, pam- all Greek πας (pas) pandemic
pand-, pans- spread Latin pandere, pansus expand, expansion
par(a)- beside, near Greek παρα (para) parallel, parameter
pariet- wall Latin paries, parietis parietal
part(i)- part Latin pars, partis partition
parv- little Latin parvus
pasc-, past- feed Latin pascere, pastus pasture, repast
pass- pace, step Latin passus
passer- sparrow Latin passer passeriform, passerine
pat- be open Latin patere patent
path- to feel, hurt Greek παθος (pathos) pathetic, pathology
pati-, pass- suffer; feel; endure; permit Latin pati, passus passive, patient
patr(i)- father Latin pater, patris patrilocal, patriarch
pauc- Latin paucus paucity
pav- Latin pavement
pecc- sin Latin peccare impeccable
pect- fixed Greek (pēktos) pectic, pectin
pector- chest Latin pectus, pectoris pectoral
pecun- money Latin pecunia pecuniary
ped- child Greek παις, παιδος (pais, paidos) pedagogy
ped- foot Latin pes, pedis pedal
pejor- worse Latin pejor pejorative
pel-, puls- drive Latin pellere propellent, propulsion
pen- almost Latin paene peninsula, penultimate, penumbra
pend-, pens- hang Latin pendere suspend
penia- deficiency Latin
penn-, pinn- feather Latin penna pennate
pent- five Greek (pente) pentagon
pentecost- fiftieth Greek (pentekostos) pentecostalism
pept- Greek peptic
per- thoroughly, through Latin per perfect, persistent
peran- across, beyond Greek
peri- around Greek perimeter, periscope
persic- peach Greek
pessim- worst Latin pessimus pessimal
pet- Latin petere appetite, competition
petr- rock Greek (petra) petroglyph
phaeo- dark Greek
phag- eat Greek φαγειν phagein sarcophagus
phalang- close formation of troops Greek (phalanx, phalangos)
phalar- shining Greek (phalaros)
phanero- visible Greek φανερος
pher- bear, carry Greek φερω pheromone
philia- love, friendship Greek φιλια
phleg- Greek
phloe- tree bark
phob(ia)- fear Greek () hydrophobia
phon- sound Greek φονη (phone) microphone, phonograph
phor- carry Greek (phoros) metaphor
phos-, phot- light Greek φως photograph
phragm- fence Greek (phragma) diaphragm
phren- diaphragm, mind schizophrenia
phryno- toad, toad-like
phyl- tribe
phyll- leaf Greek (phullon) chlorophyll
physa- bladder
phys- nature Greek physics
phyt- plant Greek (phuton) neophyte
pic- pitch Latin pix, picis
pil- hair Latin
pin- pine Latin
ping-, pict- paint Latin pingere picture
pino- drink Greek pinocytosis
pir- pear Latin
pisc- fish Latin piscis Pisces
pisum- pea
plac- plate, tablet Greek
plac- calm Latin placare, placatus placate
plac-, -plic- please Latin placēre, placitus placid
plagi- oblique Greek (plagios)
plan- flat Latin planus explanation, planar
plang- Latin plangere plangent
plas- mould Greek plasma, plastic
platy- flat, broad Greek (platus) platypus
plaud-, plaus- clap Latin plaudere, plausus applaud
ple-, plet- fill Latin plere complete, suppletive
pleb- Latin plebs, plebis plebian
plect-, plex- plait Latin plectere
plen- full Latin plenus plenary
plesi- near Greek (plēsios)
pleth- full Greek (plēthos) plethora
pleur- side Greek pleura
plex- interwoven Greek (plexis)
plic- fold Latin plicare duplication, replicate
plinth- brick Greek (plinthos)
plor- Latin plorare implore
plu- rain Latin
plum- feather Latin pluma plumage, plumate
plumb- lead Latin plumbum
plur- Latin plural
plurim- most Latin plurimus
plus- more Latin plus
pluvi- rain Latin pluvia pluvial
pneu- air, lung Greek pneumatic
pod- foot Greek (pous, podos) podiatry, tripod
pogo- beard pogonotrophy
poie- make Greek ποιεω poiesis
pol- city Greek πολις (polis) metropolis, politics
pol- pole Greek (polos) dipole
pol- pole Latin polus polar
polem- war Greek πολεμος (polemos) polemic
poli(o)- grey Greek (polios)
pollic- thumb Latin pollex, pollicis
pollin- Latin pollen, pollinis pollination
poly- many Greek πολυς (polus) polygon
pon-, posit- put Latin ponere, positus component, position, postpone
ponder- weight Latin pondus, ponderis ponderable
pont- bridge Latin pons, pontis pontoon
popul- people Latin populus population
por- passage Greek πορος (poros) pore
porc- pig Latin porcus porcine, pork
porphyr- purple Greek (porphura) porphyrin
port- gate Latin porta portal
port- carry Latin portare, portatus export, transportation
post- after, behind Latin post posterior, postscript
pot- drink Latin potare potable
potam- river Greek ποταμος (potamos) Mesopotamia
prasin- leek-green Greek (prasinos) prasinous
prat- meadow Latin pratum
prav- crooked Latin pravus depravity
pre- before Latin prae previous
prec- pray Latin prex, precare deprecation
pred- Latin praedari predator
prehend-, prend- grasp Latin prehendere comprehend
prem-, -prim-, press- press Latin premere, pressus pressure
presb- old Greek πρεσβυς (presbus) Presbyterianism
preter- past Latin praeter preterite, pretermission
preti- price Latin pretium
prim- first Latin primus primary, primeval, primitive
prior- former Latin prior priority
priv- separate Latin privare, privatus deprivation
pro- before, in front of Greek προ (pro)
pro- for, forward Latin pro propulsion
prob- try Latin probare probation
proct- anus Greek (proktos) proctology
propri- Latin proprius appropriate
pros(o)- forward Greek (pros)
prot(o)- first Greek πρωτος (prōtos) protoplasm
proxim- nearest Latin proximus proximity
prun- plum Latin prunus prune
psamma- sand Greek (psammos)
pseud(o)- FALSE Greek (pseudos) pseudonym
psil(o)- bare Greek (psilos) epsilon
psych(o)- mind Greek ψυχη (psychē) psycho
psychr(o)- cold Greek (psuchros)
pter- wing, fern Greek (pteron) helicopter
pto- fall Greek ptosis
ptyal- sahva
ptych- fold, layer Greek (ptuchē) triptych
pubi- sexually mature
public- Latin publicus publication
pude- Latin pudere impudent
pugn- fight Latin pugnare pugnacious, repugnant
pulchr- beautiful Latin pulcher, pulchri pulchritude
pulmon- lung Latin pulmo, pulmonis pulmonary
pulver- dust Latin pulvis, pulveris pulverize
pung-, punct- prick Latin pungere puncture, pungent
puni- punish Latin punire punitive
pup- doll Latin pupa pupa, puppet
pur- pure Latin purus impure, purity
purg- Latin purgare expurgate, purgatory
purpur- purple Latin purpura
put- think Latin putare compute, putative
pygo- rump
pyl- gate Greek (pulon) pylon
pyro- heat, fire Greek pyro
Root Meaning In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Examples
quadr- four Latin quattuor quadrangle, quadrillion
quadragen- forty each Latin quadrageni quadragenary
quadragesim- fortieth Latin quadragesimus quadragesimal
quart- fourth Latin quartus quartary quartile
quasi- as if Latin quasi
quatern- four each Latin quaterni quaternary, quaternion
quati-, quass- shake Latin quatere
quer-, -quir-, quesit-, -quisit- search, seek Latin quaerere Inquisition, query
qui- Latin quies quiet
quin- five each Latin quini quinary
quindecim- fifteenth Latin quindecimus quindecimal
quinden- fifteen each Latin quindeni quindenary
quinque- five Latin quinque quinquennium
quint- fifth Latin quintus quintary, quintile
quot- how many, how great Latin quota, quotient
Root Meaning in English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Examples
rach- spine Greek (rhachis)
rad-, ras- scrape, shave Latin radere, rasus abrade, abrasion
radi- beam, spoke Latin radius, radiare radiation
radic- root Latin radix, radicis eradicate, radical
ram- branch Latin ramus ramification, ramose
ran- frog Latin rana Rana
ranc- rancidness, grudge, bitterness Latin rancere rancid, rancor
rap- turnip Latin rapum
raph- seam Greek
rar- Latin rarus rarity
rauc- harsh, hoarse Latin raucus raucous
re-, red- again, back Latin re- recede, redact
reg-, -rig-, rect- straight Latin regere, rectus dirigible, erect, erection, rectum
rem- oar Latin remus bireme, trireme
ren- kidney Latin renes renal
rep-, rept- crawl, creep Latin repere, reptus reptile
ret- net Latin rete reticle, retina
retro- backward, behind Latin retro retrograde, retrospective
rhabd- rod Greek (rhabdos) rhabdoid, rhabdom
rhach- spine Greek (rhachis) rhachiodont
rhag- tear, rent Greek rhagades
rhe- flow Greek (rhein) rheostat
rhin- nose, snout Greek (rhis, rhinos) rhinoplasty
rhiz- root Greek (rhiza) rhizome
rhod(o)- rose Greek (rhodon) rhododendron
rhomb- Greek rhombus
rhynch- snout Greek Rhynchobatus
rid-, ris- laugh Latin ridere, risus derision, ridicule
robor- oak, strength Latin robur, roboris corroboration
rod-, ros- gnaw Latin rodere, rosus corrode, erosion, rodent
rog- ask Latin rogare interrogation
rostr- beak, prow Latin rostrum rostrum
rot- wheel Latin rota, rotare rotation
rub(e)r- red Latin ruber ruby
rug- wrinkle Latin ruga, rugare corrugation
rumin- throat Latin rumen, ruminis rumination
rump-, rupt- break Latin rumpere, ruptus eruption, rupture
rur- country Latin rus, ruris rural
Root Meaning in English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Examples
sacchar- sugar Greek (sakchar) saccharin
sacr-, secr- sacred Latin sacer, sacrare consecrate, sacrament
sagac- Wise Latin sagax, sagacis sagacity
sagitt- arrow Latin sagitta Sagittarius
sal- salt Latin sal, salis, salere salinity
sali-, -sili-, salt- jump Latin salire resilient, salient, saltus
salv- save Latin salvare salvation
san- Latin sanus insane, sanity
sanct- holy Latin sancire sanctify, sanctuary
sanguin- blood Latin sanguis, sanguinis sanguine
sapi-, -sipi- Latin sapere sapient
sapon- soap Latin sapo, saponis saponification
sarc(o)- flesh Greek σαρξ (sarx, sarkos) sarcophagus
sativus- cultivated
saur- lizard, reptile Greek σαυρος (sauros) dinosaur
saxum- rock
scab- scratch Latin scabere scabies
scal- ladder, stairs Latin scala scale
scalen- uneven Greek skalenos scalene
scand-, -scend-, scans-, -scens- climb Latin scandere ascend
scaph- anything hollow, bowl, ship Greek
schem- plan Greek (schema) schematic
schis- split Greek schism
sci- know Latin scire prescient, science
scind-, sciss- split Latin scindere scissors
scler- hard Greek (skler-) scleroderma
scoli- crooked Greek (skolios) scoliosis
scop-, scopy, scept- look at, examine, view, observe Greek kaleidoscope
scrib-, script- write Latin scribere inscribe, scripture
sculp- carve Latin sculpere sculpture
scut- shield
scyph- cup
se-, sed- apart Latin secede, sedition
seba- tallow, wax Latin Sebum, sebaceous
sec-, sect-, seg- cut Latin secare secant, section, segment
sed- settle, calm Latin sedare sedative
sed-, -sid-, sess- sit Latin sedere reside, sediment, session, supersede
sedec- sixteen Latin sedecim sedecimal
segetum- in cornfields
sei- shake Greek (seismos) seismograph
selen- moon Greek
sella- saddle, seat
sema- Greek (sema) semantics, semaphore
semi- half Latin semis semi-final
semin- seed Latin semen, seminis insemination
sen- old man Latin senex, senis senator, senility
sen- six each Latin seni senary
senti-, sens- feel Latin sentire, sensus consensus
sept- Latin saeptum
sept- seven Latin septem septennium
septen- seven each Latin septeni septenary
septim- seventh Latin septimus
septuagen- seventy each Latin septuageni septuagenary
septuagesim- seventieth Latin septuagesimus septuagesimal
septuagint- seventy Latin septuaginta Septuagint
sequ-, secut- follow Latin sequere consecutive, sequence
ser(olu)- any body fluid
ser- late Latin serus
serp- crawl Latin serpere serpent
serr- saw, saw-toothed Latin serra, serrare serration
serv- Latin servare conservation
sesqui- Latin sesqui
set- hair
sever- Latin severus severity
sex-, se- six Latin sex semester, sexangle, sexennium
sexagen- sixty each Latin sexageni sexagenary
sexagesim- sixtieth Latin sexagesimus sexagesimal
sext- sixth Latin sextus sextant
sibil- hiss Latin sibilus, sibilare sibilance
sicc- dry Latin siccus desiccation
sider- star Latin sidus, sideris sidereal
sign- sign Latin signum design, designate, signal
sil- Latin silere silence
silv- forest Latin silva silviculture
simi- ape, monkey Latin simia simian
simil- group Latin similis assimilate, similarity
simul- Latin simulare simulation
singul- one each Latin singuli singular
sinistr- left Latin sinister, sinistri sinistral
sinu- (to draw) a line Latin sinuare insinuate
sinus- hollow, bay
siph(o)- tube Greek siphon
sist- cause to stand Latin sistere consist
soci- group Latin socius, sociare associate, social
sol- sun Latin sol solar
sol- warmth Latin solare consolation
solen- pipe, channel Greek solenoid
solv-, solut- Latin solvere solution
soma- body Greek σωμα (soma) somatic
somn- sleep Latin somnus insomnia
somni- dream Latin somnium
son- sound Latin sonus resonance
soph- Wise Greek σοφος (sophos) sophist
sorb-, sorpt- suck Latin sorbere absorb, absorption
sord- dirt Latin sordes, sordere sordid
soror- sister Latin soror sorority
spati- space Latin spatium spatial
spec-, -spic-, spect- look Latin specere conspicuous, inspection, specimen
spect- watch, look at Latin spectare spectator
specul- Latin speculari speculation
sper- hope Latin spes, sperare desperation
sperm- seed Greek (sperma)
sphen(o)- wedge Greek
spher- Greek (sphaira) spheroid
sphinct- closing
spic- spike Latin spica
spin- thorn Latin spina
spir- breathe Latin spirare respiration
spond-, spons- Latin spondere, sponsus
spondyl- vertebra
spu-, sput- spew, spit Latin spuere sputum
squal- Latin squalere squalid, squalor
squam- scale Latin squama
squarros- spreading at tips Latin
st- stand Latin stare, status stable, station, status, statistic, statue
stagn- pool of standing water Latin stagnare stagnant
stalact- Greek (stalaktites) stalactite
stalagm- Greek (stalagmos) stalagmite
stann- tin Latin stannum stannous
statu-, -stitu- stand Latin statuere institution, statute
stea- fat, tallow Greek (stear, steatos) stearic acid
steg- covering Greek steganography
stell- star Latin stella constellation, stellar
sten- narrow Greek (stenos) stenography
stere- solid Greek (stereos)
stern-, strat- spread, strew Latin sternere, stratus stratify
stern- breastbone Greek (sternon) sternum
stich- line, row Greek (stichos)
stig- Greek stigma
still- drip Latin stilla, stillare distillation
stingu-, stinct- Latin stinguere distinction, distinguish
stoch- aim Greek
stom- mouth Greek
strept- twisted Greek (streptos)
strig- Latin strix, strigis
string-, strict- upright, stiff Latin stringere, strictus stringent
strigos- having stiff bristles
stroph- turning Greek
stru-, struct- Latin struere construction, construe
stud- Latin studere student
stup- wonder Latin stupere stupor
styl- column, pillar Greek (stulos)
su-, sut- sew Latin suere suture
suad-, suas- Latin suadere, suasus persuasion
suav- sweet Latin suavis suave
sub-, su-, sus- below Latin sub
subter- Latin subter subterfuge
sucr- sugar sucrose
sud- sweat Latin sudare
sulc- furrow Latin sulcus
sum-, sumpt- take Latin sumere assumption, consume
super- above, over Latin super supersede
supin- lying back Latin supinus
supra- above, over Latin
surd- deaf Latin surdus absurdity
surg- rise Latin surgere resurgent
syn-, sy-, syl-, sym- with Greek συν (sun) symbol, system
syrin(glx)- pipe Greek
Root Meaning in English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Examples
tac-, -tic- be silent Latin tacere, tacitus reticent, tacit
tach- swift Greek ταχυς (tachus) tachometer
taenia- ribbon Greek (tainia)
tal- ankle Latin talus
tang-, -ting-, tact-, tag- touch Latin tangere, tactus contact, tangent
tapet- carpet Latin tapete, tapetis
tard- slow Latin tardus retard, tardy
tars- ankle Greek ταρσός (tarsos, a flat basket) tarsal
taur- bull Greek ταυρος (tauros) Minotaur
taur- bull Latin taurus Taurus
tax- arrangement, order Greek (taxis) taxonomy
techn- Greek (techne) technology
teg-, tect- cover Latin tegere, tectus protection
tel- far, end Greek telephone, telescope, telegram
teleo- complete Greek teleology
temno- cut Greek
tempor- time Latin tempus, temporis temporary, temporal.
ten-, -tin-, tent- hold Latin tenere, tentus continent, tenacious
tend-, tens- stretch Latin tendere, tensus extend, extension
tenu- slender, thin Latin tenuis attenuate, tenuous
tep- be warm Latin tepere tepid
ter-, trit- rub Latin terere, tritus attrition, contrite
teret- rounded Latin teres, teretis
terg-, ters- wipe Latin tergere, tersus detergent
termin- Latin terminus determine, termination
tern- three each Latin terni ternary, ternion
terr- dry land Latin terra terrace, terrain, terracotta
terti- third Latin tertius tertian, tertiary
test- witness Latin testis testimony
tetr- four Greek (tetra-) tetrahedron
tex-, text- weave Latin texere, textus texture
thalam- chamber, bed Greek (thalamos)
thalass- sea Greek θαλασσα (thalassa) Panthalassa
than- death Greek θανατος (thanatos) euthanasia
the- put Greek τιθημι (tithemi) theme, thesis thesaurus
theca- case Greek
thel(o)- nipple, female Greek
the(o)-, thus- god Greek θεος (theos) theology, enthusiasm
theor- Greek theorem, theory
therm- heat Greek θερμος (thermos) thermometer
thero- breast, mammal Greek
thyreo- large shield
tim- be afraid Latin timere timid
ting-, tinct- moisten Latin tingere, tinctus tincture
tom- cut Greek (tomos) ectomy, atom, tome
ton- stretch Greek (tonos)
top- place Greek τοπος (topos) topic, topography
torn- cut
torpe- numb Latin torpere torpor
torqu-, tort- twist Latin torquere, tortus extortion, torque, torture
tot- all, whole Latin totus total
tox(o)- arrow, bow Greek (toxon)
trab- beam Latin trabs, trabis
trachy- rough Greek (trachus)
trag(o)- goat Greek (tragos) tragus
trah-, tract- pull Latin trahere, tractus subtrahend, tractor
trans-, tra-, tran- across Latin trans tradition, transcend, transportation
trapez- four-sided, table Greek (trapeza) trapezoid
traum- wound Greek (trauma) trauma, traumatic
trecent- three hundred Latin trecenti trecentennial
tredec- thirteen Latin tredecim
treiskaidek- thirteen Greek triskaidekaphobia
trem- tremble Latin tremere tremor
trema- hole Greek (trēma)
tri- three Greek (treis, tria) triad, trigon, tripod
tri- three Latin tres triangle, trivia, triumvirate
tricen- thirty each Latin triceni tricenary
tricesim-, trigesim- thirtieth Latin tricesimus trigesimal
trich- hair Greek (thrix)
trin- three each Latin trini trinity
troch- wheel Greek
trop- turning Greek tropic
troph- feed, grow Greek pogonotrophy
trud-, trus- thrust Latin trudere, trusus extrusion, intrude
tuss- cough Latin tussis, tussire pertussis
tympan- drum Greek τυμπαν- (tumpan-) tympani
Root Meaning in English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Examples
uber- udder Latin uber, uberare exuberant
ulig- in marshes Latin
ulo- wooly Greek
ultim- farthest Latin ultimus ultimate
ultra- beyond Latin ultra ultrasonic
umbilic- navel Latin umbilicus umbilical
umbr- shade, shadow Latin umbra penumbra, umbrella
un-, uni- one Latin unus, unius unary, union
unc- hooked Latin uncus uncinate
unci- ounce, twelfth Latin uncia uncial
und- wave Latin unda abundant, undulate
undecim- eleventh Latin undecimus undecimal
unden- eleven each Latin undeni undenary
ungui- claw, nail Latin unguis
ungul- claw, hoof Latin ungula ungulate
ur-, uro- tail Greek (oura) uroid
urb- city Latin urbs, urbis urban
urg- work Latin urgere urgent
urs- bear Latin ursus Ursa Major, ursine
ut-, us- use Latin uti, usus usual, utility
uv- grape Latin uva uvea
uxor- wife Latin uxor uxoricide
Root Meaning in English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Examples
vac- empty Latin vacare vacancy, vacation, vacuum
vad-, vas- go Latin vadere evade, pervasive
vag- wander Latin vagus, vagare vague
van- Latin vanus vanity
vap- lack (of) Latin evaporation, vapid
veh-, vect- carry Latin vehere, vectus vehicle, vector
vel- veil Latin velum revelation, velate
vell-, vuls- pull Latin vellere, vulsus convulsion
veloc- quick Latin velox, velocis velocity
ven- vein Latin vena venosity
ven- hunt Latin venari venison
ven-, vent- come Latin venire advent, convention
vend- sell Latin vendere vendor, vending
vener- respectful Latin venus veneration, venereal
vent- wind Latin ventus ventilation
ventr- belly Latin venter ventral
ver- TRUE Latin verus verify, verity
verb- word Latin verbum verbal, verbatim, verbosity
verber- whip Latin verber reverberation
verm- worm Latin vermis vermiform
vern- spring Latin ver, vernus vernal
vert-, vers- turn Latin vertere, versus convert, inversion, invert, vertical
vesic- bladder Latin vesica vesical
vesper- evening, western Latin vespera vesperal
vest- clothe, garment Latin vestis divest, vest
vestig- follow, track Latin vestigium investigate
vet- forbid Latin vetare veto
veter- old Latin vetus, veteris inveterate, veteran
vi- way Latin via deviate, obvious, via
vic- change Latin vicis vice versa, vicissitude
vicen-, vigen- twenty Latin viceni vicenary
vicesim-, vigesim- twentieth Latin vecesimus vicesimary, vigesimal
vid-, vis- see Latin videre, visus video, vision
vil- cheap Latin vilis vile, vilify
vill- shaggy hair, velvet Latin villus villiform
vin- wine Latin vinum vinous
vinc-, vict- conquer Latin vincere, victus invincible, victory
vir- man Latin vir virility
vir- green Latin virere virid, viridian
visc- thick Latin viscum viscosity
viscer- organs of the body cavity Latin viscus, visceris visceral
vit- life Latin vita vital
vitell- yolk Latin vitellus
viti- fault Latin vitium vice, vitiate
vitr- glass Latin vitrum vitreous
viv- live Latin vivere revive, survive, vivid
voc- voice Latin vox, vocis vocal, vocation, provocative
vol- fly Latin volare volatility
vol- wish Latin velle volition
volv-, volut- roll Latin volvere, volutus convolution, revolve
vom- discharge Latin vomere vomit
vor-, vorac- swallow Latin vorare, vorax devour, voracious
vov-, vot- vow Latin vovere, votus votive
vulg- common, crowd Latin vulgus divulge, vulgarity, vulgate
vulner- wound Latin vulnus, vulneris vulnerable
vulp- fox Latin vulpes, vulpis vulpine
Root Meaning in English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Examples
xanth- yellow Greek (xanthos) xanthogenic
xen- foreign Greek ξενος (xenos) xenophobia
xer- dry Greek (xēros) xerography
xiph- sword Greek (xiphos) xiphoid
xyl- wood Greek (xulon) xylophone
Root Meaning In English Origin Language Etymology (Root Origin) English Examples
-zo- animal, living being Greek (zōion) protozoa, zoo, zoology
zon- belt, girdle Greek ζωνη (zōnē) zone
zyg- yoke Greek ζυγον (zugon) heterozygous, zygote
zym- ferment Greek ζυμη (zumē) enzyme, lysozyme


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