영문법 - 태 (Voice), 수동태, 능동태, 명령문 수동태, 부정문 수동태, 의문문 수동태, 시초수동, 수동태 관용표현

Jobs 9 2021. 9. 27. 11:32

태 (Voice)

● 수동태와 능동태

1) 태 : 동작의 관점의 차이에 의해서 생기는 동사의 표현 형식을 태라고 한다.

수동태 : 동작을 하는 쪽에 중점을 둠.

능동태 : 동작을 받는 쪽에 중점을 둠.


2) 능동태를 수동태로 고치는 방법

① 능동태의 목적어가 수동태의 주어가 됨.

② 능동태의 동사는 be +pp로 바꿈.

③ 능동태의 주어는 by 뒤에 와서 부사구를 이룸.

He wrote this letter. (능동태)

 S       V      O

This letter was written by him. (수동태)

      S          V (부사구)

All the people in the world admire Kennedy. (능동태)

= Kennedy is admired by all the people in the world. (수동태)


3) 수동태로 쓸 수 없는 동사 :

목적어가 있는 문장이라고 모두 수동태로 바뀌지는 않는다.

have(가지고 있다), resemble, lack, become 등은 수동태가 안 되는 동사들이다.

She resembles her mother. → Her mother is resembled by her. (×)


● 수동태의 시제

be의 시제는 능동태의 시제와 일치시키고, 인칭·수는 수동태의 주어와 일치시킨다.

구 분 현 재 과 거 미 래
단순형 It is done. It was done. It will be done.
완료형 It has been done. It had been done. It will have been done.
진행형 It is being done. It was being done. (없 음)

Jack builds the house.

→ The house is built by Jack. (현재)

Jack built the house.

→ The house was built by Jack. (과거)

Jack will build the house.

→ The house will be built by Jack. (미래)

인칭에 따라 will, shall을 정한다.

He will catch me. (단순미래)

→ I shall be caught by him.

I will do it. (의지미래)

→ It shall be done (by me)

Jack has built the house. (현재완료)

→ The house has been built by Jack.

Jack had built the house.

→ The house had been built by Jack. (과거완료)

Jack will have built the house.

→ The house will have been built by Jack. (미래완료)

Jack is building the house.

→ The house is being built by Jack. (진행형)

Jack can build the house.

→ The house can be built by Jack. (조동사)

Columbus discovered America.

= America was discovered by Columbus.

He has painted these pictures.

= These pictures have been painted by him. (현재완료형 수동태)

She had often seen such a sight before.

= Such a sight had often been seen by her before. (과거완료형 수동태)

He is copying the manuscript.

= The manuscript is being copied by him. (현재진행형 수동태)

I shall see you there.

= You will be seen there by me.

I will pay the money tomorrow. (의지미래)

= The money shall be paid by me tomorrow.

단순미래의 경우 1인칭에는 shall, 2·3인칭에는 will을 쓴다.

의지미래에서는 shall과 will이 그 반대로 된다.

You must write the letter.

= The letter must be written by you.

You ought to do it.

= It ought to be done by you.

You need not write it.

= It need not be written by you.

He may have made it.

= It may have been made by him.


● 재귀대명사가 목적어인 경우

능동태에선 동작을, 수동태에선 상태를 표시한다.

I devoted myself to my business. (동작)

→ I was devoted to my business. (상태)

She dressed herself for supper. (동작)

→ She was dressed for supper. (상태)


● 4 형식 문장의 수동태

1) 4 형식의 문장은 대개 간접목적어를 주어로 하든지, 직접목적어를 주어로 하여 두 개의 수동태가 가능하다. 4 형식의 수동태는 3 형식의 문장이다.

Tom gave me the book. (4 형식)

→ I was given the book by Tom. (직·목을 주어로, 3 형식) : the book은 보류 목적

→ The book was given me by Tom. (간·목을 주어로, 3 형식) : me는 보류 목적

→ The book was given to me by Tom. (1 형식)


2) I.O가 보류 목적어가 될 때

일반적으로 I.O가 보류목적어가 될 땐, 그 앞에 전치사 to, for, of 등을 사용한다.

S + V + I.O + D.O → S + V + D.O + pre +I.O)

① to를 사용하는 동사 : send, tell, lend, give, offer, bring, owe, teach, show, write,

read, 등...

② for를 사용하는 동사 : buy, make, find, choose, get, cook, build 등...

③ of를 사용하는 동사 : ask, inquire, require 등...

A letter was sent (to) me by him.

A watch was bought for me by him.

Some questions were asked of me by him.


3) D·O만 수동태의 주어로 하는 동사

write, make, get, bring, carry, send, throw, pass, afford, ensure, intend, mean, preach, reach, return, wire, yield, hand, read, sell, sing, do 등의 동사는 D·O만 수동태의 주어가 될 수 있다.

She made me a doll. → A doll was made for me by her.

I wrote him a letter. → A letter was written him by me.

A book was brought (to) him. (○)

He was brought a book. (×)

A long letter was written (to) him. (○)

He was written a long letter. (×)

4) I·O만 수동태의 주어로 하는 동사

envy, call, kiss, answer, save, spare 등은 I·O만 수동태의 주어가 된다.

They envied him his luck. → He was envied his luck (by them). (○)

His luck was envied him. (×)

He was called names by everybody. (○)

Names were called him. (×)

I was spared the trouble. (○)

The trouble was spared me. (×)

He was kissed goodnight. (○)

Goodnight was kissed him. (×)


● 5 형식 문장의 수동태

1) 5형식 문장을 수동태로 바꾸면 2 형식 문장이 된다.

They elected him chairman. (5 형식)

→ He was elected chairman (by them). (2 형식)


2) 지각동사, 사역동사가 있는 5 형식 문장의 목적보어는 원형부정사이지만 수동태로 바꾸어 쓰면 to 부정사로 써야 한다.

I saw him enter the room.

→ He was seen to enter the room by me.

We heard him sing. = He was heard to sing.

We made her do the work. = She was made to do the work.

사역동사 중 let, have는 수동태가 없다.

let, have를 수동태로 할 때 :

let → be allowed to

have → be asked to로 바꾸어서 한다.

He had me sing. → I was asked to sing by him.

He let me go. → I was allowed to go by him.

3) 일반인을 나타내는 we, you, one, they, people, someone, somebody 등은 수동태에서는 보통 생략하며, 보어는 주어가 될 수 없다.

They elected Kennedy President.

→ Kennedy was elected President (by them).


● 합성 동사의 수동태

합성동 사는 수동태에서 한 단위로 취급된다.

1) 자동사 + 전치사 = 타동사구.

He laughed at me. (3 형식)

→ I was laughed at by him. (1 형식)

2) 타동사 + 추상명사 + 전치사 = 타동사구.

take care of, find fault with, pay attention to, give heed to,

catch sight of, lose sight of etc.

They took good care of the child. (3 형식)

→ The child was taken good care of (by them). (1 형식)

→ Good care was taken of the child (by him).

3) 동사 + 부사 + 전치사 = 타동사구.

The villagers looked up to the doctor. (3 형식)

→ The doctor was looked up to by the villagers. (1 형식)

speak well of → be well spoken of의 형태.

They speak well of Mary.

→ Mary is spoken well of (by them). (×)

→ Mary is well spoken of (by them). (○)


● 목적어가 명사절인 수동태

가주어 It를 내세우든지, that절 속의 주어를 수동태의 주어로 한다.

본동사 시제 = that절 동사 시제 → 단순부정사.

본동사 시제보다 that절 동사 시제가 하나 더 과거 → 완료부정사.

They say that he is honest.

→ That he is honest is said (by them).

→ It is said (by them) that he is honest.

→ He is said to be honest (by them).

They say that he was honest.

→ It is said (by them) that he was honest.

→ He is said to have been honest (by them).


● 의문문 수동태

의문문을 수동태로 고칠 경우는 평서문 → 수동태 → 의문문으로 바꾸어 가면 이해가 쉽다.

Did you plant this tree?

→ You planted this tree. (평서문)

→ This tree was planted by you. (수동태)

→ Was this tree planted by you? (의문문; 처음 문장의 의문문 수동태)

Who saw the accident?

→ Who saw the accident. (평서문; 非문장)

→ The accident was seen by whom. (수동태; 非문장)

→ By whom was the accident seen? (의문문; 처음 문장의 의문문 수동태)

What did he write on the blackboard?

→ What was written on the blackboard by him?


● 명령문 수동태

Let + 목적어 + be + 과거분사의 형태를 사용한다.

Do it at once.

→ Let it be done at once.

Don't touch the stone.

→ Don't let the stone be touched.

→ Let the stone not be touched.

명령문의 부정은 두 가지가 있다.

Don't let + 목적어 + be + 과거분사

Let + 목적어 + not + be + 과거분사


● 부정문 수동태

no ↔ not + any. nobody ↔ not + anybody.

never ↔ not + ever. nothing ↔ not + anything.

neither ↔ not + either. no one ↔ no + anyone.

not은 항상 문두로 가려는 성질이 있음.

Anyone can not solve the problem. (×)

→ No one can solve the problem. (○)


● 동작의 행위를 나타내는 전치사

1) 능동문의 주어는 수동태에서 대개 전치사구로 나타나는데 그때의 대표적인 전치사는 by이지만, 동사에 따라 다른 전치사가 오는 경우가 있다.

Snow covers the mountain.

→ The mountain is covered with snow.

Everybody knows the poet.

→ The poet is known to everybody.

A man is known by the company he keeps.

His sudden death surprised me.

→ I was surprised at his sudden death.

기쁨, 슬픔, 놀람 따위의 감정을 나타내는 동사는 보통 수동태로 나타내며, 여기 수반하는 전치사는 대개 at, with이다.

I am pleased with my students.

I am satisfied with the result.

I was astonished at his conduct.

This book interests me.

→ I am interested in this book.

I was tired from the work.

I was tired of my quiet life.

The street is crowded with a lot of people.


2) By + 행위자를 표시하지 않는 경우

① 행위자가 일반적인 사람일 때.

English is spoken in Hongkong (by them)

② 행위자가 명백하지 않을 때, 또는 누군지 알 수 없을 때.

The house was built in 1470 (by somebody).

③ 행위자가 누군지 표현할 필요가 없을 때.

Mary and I were invited to Jane's house.


● 수동태가 주로 사용될 때

1) 능동태의 주어가 분명하지 않을 때.

He was killed during the war.


2) 수동태의 주어가 막연한 일반인을 나타낼 때.

Spanish is spoken in Mexico, too.


3) 능동태의 주어보다 수동태 주어에 관심이 클 때.

Mr. Truman was elected president again.

The child was run over by a car.


4) 수동의 의미가 거의 없이 자동사로 느껴지는 경우.

ⓐ 종사, 위치, 사망, 출생의 동사.

I am now engaged in writing a book.

be absorbed in: ~에 몰두하다.

be situated = be located: ~에 위치하다.

ⓑ 익사, 피해, 탈선, 부상의 동사.

The river drowned him. (×)

→ He was drowned in the river. (○)


5) 앞 문장과의 연결상으로.

He made a speech and was asked many questions at the end.

(그는 연설을 했다. 그리고 그 연설 끝에 많은 질문을 받았다.)


6) 행위자를 나타내지 않는 것이 좋다고 생각될 때.

Some things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken.

(말하지 말았어야 할 것을 오늘 밤 여기에서 몇 가지 말했다.)


● 동작 수동태와 상태 수동태

Our house is painted every year. (동작)

= We paint our house every year.

Our house is painted green. (상태)

= We have painted our house green.

The door is shut at seven every evening. (동작)

The door is shut now. (상태)


● 주의할 수동태

1) 형식은 능동이나 수동의 뜻이 있는 경우

sell, lock, read, translate, peel 등의 동사는, 형태는 능동이지만 의미는 수동의 뜻을 나타내는 경우도 있다.

This novel sells well. (이 소설은 잘 팔린다.)

This orange peels well.

His novels read well.

He sold the watch a at a good price. (3 형식)

His new novel sells well. (1 형식)


2) 형식은 수동이나 뜻은 능동인 경우 (특히 감정을 나타내는 말에 많다.)

I was greatly astonished at the sight. (나는 그 광경을 보고 매우 놀랐다)


3) have (get) + 목적어 + 과거분사의 두 가지 의미

① 손해가 되는 경우 : … 을 ~당하다.

② 이익이 되는 경우 : … 을 ~시키다.

I had my purse stolen.

I had my watch stolen. (당하다)

I had my watch mended. (시키다)


4) 기타

This house is building.

= This house is being built. (이 집은 건축 중에 있다.)

The meal is now cooking.

He is to blame.

= He is to be blamed.

a book to read = a book to be read.

a house to let = a house to be let : 셋집.

water to drink = water to be drunk : 음료수.


● 시초수동

I am acquainted with him. (상태)

I became acquainted with him at the party. (동작의 시초)

be acquainted with ~: “~을 알고 있다”의 뜻으로 현재의 상태를 나타내고 있다.

be 동사 대신에 ‘become, grow, get + 과거분사’의 형태가 되면 ~하게 되다의 뜻으로 어떤 일이 일어나는 시초나 동기를 나타내므로 시초수동이라고 한다.



● 수동태 관용 표현

(1) be absorbed/engrossed/immersed/lost in :「~에 열중하다, 몰두하다」
He is absorbed in reading a novel.
(2) be accustomed/used to :「~에 익숙하다」
I am not accustomed to this kind of food.
(3) be acquainted with :「~에 정통하다, 잘 알다」
I am acquainted with the lady.
(4) be addicted to :「~에 빠져 있다, 중독되다」
He is addicted to drinking.
(5) be annoyed with + 사람, .at + 사물:「~에 짜증나다」
She was annoyed with Tom.
He was annoyed at her stupidity.
(6) be based/grounded/founded (up)on :「~에 기초하다」
This is based on the same principle.
(7) be bored with :「~에 지루해하다」
We were bored with his lecture.
(8) be caught in :「(비 등을) 만나다」
He was caught in a shower on the way.
(9) be composed of :「~으로 구성되다」
Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
(10) be concerned about :「~을 걱정하다」  in/with :「~와 관련되다」
We are concerned about his financial situation.
They were deeply concerned in that business.
▶ as[so] far as S + be concerned :「~에 관한 한」
As far as the quality is concerned, it is perfect.
(11) be confronted/faced with/by :「~에 직면하다」
He was confronted with great difficulties.
(12) be connected/associated with :「~와 관련되다」
He is connected with the company.
(13) be convinced/assured of/that :「~을 확신하다」
I am convinced of his honesty.
I am convinced that he is honest.
(14) be covered with :「~로 덮혀 있다」
The road was covered with snow.
(15) be derived from :「~에서 유래하다」
This word is derived from Latin.
(16) be devoted/committed/dedicated to :「~에 전념하다」
He was devoted to world peace.
(17) be disappointed at :「~에 실망하다」
I was disappointed at his failure.
(18) be dressed in :「(옷을) 입다」
She was dressed in a black suit.
(19) be drowned :「익사하다」
He was drowned in the pond.
(20) be embarrassed/confused by :「~에 당황하다」
He was greatly embarrassed by lack of money.

(21) be engaged in :「~에 종사하다」 to :「~와 약혼중이다」
He is engaged in foreign trade.
He is engaged to my sister.
(22) be exposed to :「~에 노출되다」
Many people were exposed to danger.
(23) be fed up with :「~에 싫증나다, 질리다」
We are fed up with your complaining.
(24) be filled with :「~로 가득 차다」
The classroom is filled with students.
(25) be forced/compelled/obliged to V :「~하지 않을 수 없다」
I was forced to sign the paper.
(26) be inclined to V :「~하는 경향이 있다, ~하고 싶다」
I am inclined to go for a walk.
(27) be indulged in :「~에 빠지다, 탐닉하다」
He was indulged in gambling.
(28) be injured/wounded/hurt :「부상하다, 다치다」
She was injured in the accident.
(29) be interested in :「~에 관심이 있다」
He is interested in history.
(30) be involved in :「~에 관련되다, 열중하다」
He is involved in a plot.
(31) be known to + 대상 :「~에게 알려져 있다」
. for + 이유 :「~로 유명하다」
. as + 자격 :「~으로 알려져 있다」
. by + 판단 :「~에 의해 알 수 있다」
He is known to everybody.
He is known for the poem.
He is known as a poet.
A man is known by his company.
(32) be located/situated in/at/on :「~에 위치하다」
The church is located on the hill.
(33) be married to :「~와 결혼해 있다」
She is married to a rich man.
(34) be occupied with/in :「~에 종사[전념]하다」
She is occupied with needlework.
(35) be offended at :「~에 화내다」
He was offended at my remarks.
(36) be opposed to :「~에 반대하다」
He was opposed to her idea.
(37) be pleased/delighted with :「~에 기뻐하다」
I was pleased with your success.
(38) be possessed of :「~을 소유하다」
.by/with :「~에 사로잡히다」
She is possessed of great wealth.
He is possessed by an evil spirit.
(39) be related to :「~와 관계가 있다」
A language is closely related to the culture.
 (40) be satisfied/contented with :「~에 만족하다」
She is not satisfied with her job.
(41) be seated :「앉다」
He was seated behind me.
(42) be supposed to V :「~하기로 되어 있다, ~해야 한다」
He is supposed to arrive at six.
Everybody is supposed to know the law.

(43) be surprised/ astonished/ alarmed/ frightened /astounded/ startled/ amazed at :「~에 놀라다」
We were surprised at the news.
(44) be taken aback :「놀라다」
He was taken aback to hear the news.
(45) be tired of :「~에 싫증나다」
from/with :「~로 피곤하다」
I am tired of eating the same thing every day.
I was tired from a long walk. 





● say와 tell의 구문 구조

① say + 목적어 : ~  말하다

 (say + 목적어/ say + 목적어 to 사람 / say + to 사람 + that 절)

He said the whole story.

He said that he saw her leave the building.


이 경우에는 목적어가 수동태의 주어

 The whole story was said by him.

 That he saw her leave the building was said by him.


또한 두 번째 문장은 that 절을 가주어 it으로 대신해서 가주어 진주어를 사용

 It was said by him that he saw her leave the building.


② tell + 간접목적어 + to 동사원형 : ~에게 ~ 하도록 말하다

 (tell 사람 to 동사원형 / tell 사람 that절)

He told me to leave right away.

He told me that I had to leave right away.


이것을 수동태로 하려고 보니 목적어가 두 개 (간접 목적어, 직접목적어)여서 수동태도 두 개

간접 목적어를 주어로 하는 수동태

 I was told (by him) to leave right away.

 I was told (by him) that I had to leave right away.

직접 목적어를 주어로 하는 수동태 

 To leave right away was told (by him) to me.

 That I had to leave right away was told (by him) to me.


마찬가지로 주어가 너무 기니까 가주어 진주어로 나타내 보면 각각

It was told (by him) to me to leave right away.

It was told (by him) to me that I had to leave right away.


● tell과 say의 차이

정리하면 say는 수동태로 하면 능동태의 목적어가 주어로 오고 이 목적어로는 명사(구) 혹은 명사절이 오기 때문에 특히 that 절이 온다면 ‘that 절 is said ~’ 절이 수동태로, 그리고 이것을 가주어 진주어로 나타내어 ‘It is said that + 주어 + 동사’ 구문이 전형적인 수동태 구문


tell 은 ‘~에게 ~을 말하다’로 목적어가 두 개. 그러므로 수동태도 두 개. 직접목적어로 to + 동사이나 that 절이 오면 이것이 수동태의 주어로 올 수 있고 또한 가주어 진주어로 나타낼 수 있으므로 ‘It is told to ~ ‘혹은 ‘It is told that 절’의 형태가 되고, 간접 목적어가 주어로 나온다면, ‘사람 is told to~’ 또는 ‘사람 is told that 절’의 형태로 수동태.



say의 수동태 형태는 ‘It is said that 절’ (That 절 is said ~’)

tell의 수동태 형태는 ‘It is told to~’ ‘It is told that절’, ‘사람 is told to~’ ‘사람 is told that절’


● 구문 정리

A is said to ~ : A는 to 이하라고 말하여진다

She is said to be pleased with the result.

(그녀는 그 결과에 만족해한다고 (사람들에 의해) 말해진다.->사람들이 그녀가 그 결과에 만족해한다고 한다.)


A says that 주어 + 동사 :A 가 that 이하라고 말한다

She says that she is pleased with the result.


It is said that 주어 + 동사 : that 이하라고 말하여진다

 It is said that she is pleased with the result.


A tells B to : A가 B에게 to 이하 하라고 말하다

 She told me to wait here.


A is told to : A 가 to 이하 하라고 말을 듣다

 I was told to wait here.


A tells B that 주어 동사: A가 B에게 that라고 말하다

She told me that you would come here.


A is told that 주어 동사: that 이하 한다는 것을 A 가 듣다

was told that you would come here.


It is told to A that 주어 동사: that 이하라고 A에게 말해지다

It was told to me that you would wait here.



He regrets selling all his old records.

그가 그의 모든 옛날 레코드를 판 것을 후회한다. (sell 은 타동사)

All his old records were sold in a minute.

 그의 모든 옛날 레코드가 순식간에 팔렸다. (be sold 수동태)

Anti -age cream always sells well.

주름예방크림은 항상 잘 팔린다.  (sells = be sold or be bought by people 수동태)



● look

He looked at his watch.

그가 시계를 보았다. (look at 은 ~을 보다라는 타동사)

His watch was looked at by him. (수동태로 was looked at처럼 만들 수는 있지만 이렇게 수동태로는 잘 쓰이지 않는다.)

She looks after three orphans.

그녀는 세명의 고아를 돌본다. (look after는 타동사로 ~를 돌보다)

Three orphans are looked after by her. (수동태로 are looked after는 가능)

She doesn't look happy at all. (look 은 ~처럼 보이다 라는 자동사 --> 수동태 불가능)

그녀는 전해 행복해 보이지 않는다.

Sara is looked like by her mother. (X)

사라는 그녀의 엄마와 닮았다.  (look like ~을 닮다, ~처럼 보이다 라는 자동사로 쓰일 때는 수동태 불가능)



● read 

My father reads a paper every morning.

아버지가 매일 아침 신문을 읽는다.  (read을 읽다 라는 타동사)

A paper is read by my father every morning.   (수동태 가능)

The sign reads, " Be quiet!"  (read는 ~라고 쓰여있다 라는 자동사--> 수동태 불가능)



● pay off 

He paid off all his debt.

그가 모은 빚을 다 갚았다.  (pay off는 ~을 갚다 라는 타동사)

His endeavor will pay off someday.

그의 노력이 언젠가 결실을 가져올 것이다. (pay off는 자동사--> 수동태 불가능)




기출문제 유형


▷ 수동태 문제는 밑줄 친 부분 중 잘못된 것을 고르는 문제에 주로 출제된다. 동사에 밑줄이 쳐져 있는 경우에는 수동태인지 능동태인지를 확인해야 하는데, 주로 동사 다음에 명사가 있는 경우는 능동태, 명사가 없는 경우는 수동태로 간주한다.

Nothing can be accomplished without effort. (O)     Nothing can accomplish without effort. (X)

They share a lot of interests. (O)     They are shared a lot of interest. (X)

단, call, name, consider은 주로 5 형식에 쓰이는 동사로 다음에 명사(목적 보어)가 있는 경우도 수동태가 될 확률이 높다.


지각동사와 사역동사는 수동태가 될 때, 동사 원형의 목적 보어는 to 부정사가 된다.

He was seen to come out of the store. (O) He was seen come out of the store. (X)


want, need, require은 다음에 동명사를 쓰면 수동의 의미가 된다.

My computer needs fixing. = My computer needs to be fixed.





(1) We have so many tasks which need doing in all phases of medicine, public health, agriculture, industry and basic research.

(2) Tom was seen to come out of the room by them.

(3) My shoes want to mend.

(4) Very few are aware that certain kinds of food and drink, if consumed regularly, can lead to higher level of stress.

(5) The group was consisted of ten people.


(6) Some dolphins have been seen open and close their eyes while they sleep.

(7) In fact, the memory‟s capacity is theoretically unlimited.

(8) The brain can record more than 86 billion bits of information every day, and our memories can probably hold 100 trillion bits in a lifetime.

(9) It is a step-by-step set of instructions that, if carried out, exactly solves the problem.

(10) While a computer follows instructions very rapidly, it does only and exactly what it tells.


(11) Algorithms are used to design these very specific instructions.

(12) The school locates north of the town.

(13) I was really amazed when I was offered the job.

(14) The lower animals must have their bodily structure modified in order to be survived under the conditions.

(15) Those who want medical assistance to die must be undergone unbearable suffering


(16) Unable to do anything or go anywhere while my car was repairing at my mechanic's garage, I suddenly came to the realization that I had become overly dependent on machines and gadgets.

(17) She supposed to phone me last night, but she didn’t.

(18) That wonderful thought was suddenly occurred after I came to Jeju.

(19) Innovation, business is now learning, is likely to find wherever bright and eager people think they can find it.

(20) These things are happened as everything is all in a lifetime.


(21) The expression was appeared in the mid-19th century; by the end of the century, it was being used outside of horse racing to mean "with no trouble at all."

(22) Sharks have been looked more or less the same for hundreds of millions of years.

(23) Previously, many scientists had been believed that shark gills were an ancient system that predated modern fish.





(1) We have so many tasks which need doing in all phases of medicine, public health, agriculture, industry and basic research. (O)

(2) Tom was seen to come out of the room by them. (O)

(3) My shoes want to mend. (X)

→ mending

(4) Very few are aware that certain kinds of food and drink, if consumed regularly, can lead to higher level of stress. (O)

(5) The group was consisted of ten people. (X)

→ consisted of


(6) Some dolphins have been seen open and close their eyes while they sleep. (X)

→ to open

(7) In fact, the memory’s capacity is theoretically unlimited. (O)

(8) The brain can record more than 86 billion bits of information every day, and our memories can probably hold 100 trillion bits in a lifetime. (O)

(9) It is a step-by-step set of instructions that, if carried out, exactly solves the problem. (O)

(10) While a computer follows instructions very rapidly, it does only and exactly what it tells. (X)

→ is told


(11) Algorithms are used to design these very specific instructions. (O)

(12) The school locates north of the town. (X)

→ is located

(13) I was really amazed when I was offered the job. (O)

(14) The lower animals must have their bodily structure modified in order to be survived under the conditions. (X)

→ to survive

(15) Those who want medical assistance to die must be undergone unbearable suffering. (X)

->must undergo


(16) Unable to do anything or go anywhere while my car was repairing at my mechanic's garage, I suddenly came

→ was repaired

to the realization that I had become overly dependent on machines and gadgets. (X)

(17) She supposed to phone me last night, but she didn’t. (X)

→ was supposed to

(18) That wonderful thought was suddenly occurred after I came to Jeju. (X)

→ suddenly occurred

(19) Innovation, business is now learning, is likely to find wherever bright and eager people think they can find it. (X)

→ to be found

(20) These things are happened as everything is all in a lifetime. (X)

→ happen


(21)The expression was appeared in the mid-19th century; by the end of the century, (X)

→ appeared

(22) Sharks have been looked more or less the same for hundreds of millions of years. (X)

→ looked

(23) Previously, many scientists had been believed that shark gills were an ancient system that predated modern fish. (X)

→ believed


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