영문법 - 동사의 시제(Tense), 현재완료, 과거완료, 미래완료, 현재진행, 과거진행, 미래진행

Jobs9 2021. 9. 27. 10:15

동사의 시제(Tense)


● 동사의 활용

동사란 사물의 동작·상태를 나타내는 품사로서, 문의 구성상 술어가 되는 핵심 역할을 한다.

즉, 술어의 역할을 할 때, 원형(Root), 과거형(Past), 과거분사형(Past Participle)의 세 기본형이 있는데, 이 세 기본형의 변화를 동사의 활용이라고 한다.



● 현재시제 형식
현재시제의 형식은 be, have 동사를 제외한 일반동사는 3인칭 단수에 -s, -es를 붙이는 것 외에는 모두 원형과 같다.

① 어미가 [s, z, t, d ]의 음으로 끝나면 -es를 붙인다.
      kisses, buzzes, washes

② 어미가 'o'이면 '-es'를 붙이고, 어미가 'y'이고 그 앞이 자음이면 y를 'i'로 고쳐 '-es'를 붙인다.
      goes, echoes, does [d z], hurry → hurries, 그러나 buy → buys.


● 현재시제 용법

① 현재의 사실.
    * He lives in England.
    * I see he swimming in the pool.


② 현재의 습관적인 동작, 직업, 성격, 능력...
    * I get up at six every morning.
    * He teaches English.
    * He never takes sugar in his coffee.


③ 불변의 진리, 사실, 속담.
    * The earth moves round the sun.
    * Honesty is the best policy.


④ 역사적 사실.
    * Caesar crosses the Rubicon and enters Italy.


⑤ 옛사람, 옛날 책에 쓰인 말을 인용할 때 현재형을 씀으로써 생생한 표현이 된다.
    * Dryden says that none but the brave deserve(s) the fair.
      (용기 있는 자만이 미인을 얻을 수 있다고 드라이든은 말한다.)


⑥ 미래시제 대용.
    : 왕래발착(往來發着)을 나타내는 go, come, start, leave, arrive, depart, meet, return, sail, ride나  개시를 나타내는 begin 등의 동사는 미래를 나타내는 부사, 부사구와 함께 현재시제의 형태로 미래를 나타낸다.
    * He starts (= will start) for seoul tomorrow morning.


⑦ 시간, 조건부사절에서 미래 대용 (명사절이나 형용사절에서는 미래시제를 그대로 쓴다)
    * I will not start if it rains tomorrow.
    * I don't know if it will rain tomorrow.

시간 : when, after, till, while, as soon as, whether, by the time

조건 :  if, if only, on condition (that), providing(=provided), supposing(=supposed), so long as, unless


  이끄는 절 품사 해석 미래시제(will)
when 부사절 종속접속사 ~할 때
형용사절 관계부사
명사절 의문사 언제
if 부사절 종속접속사 ~할 때
명사절 종속접속사 ~인지 아닌지

● 과거시제 규칙 활용: 어미에 -ed를 붙인다.
    stop → stoped.(단모음 + 자음), try → tried. (자음 + y)


    △2음절의 동사가 [단모음 + 단자음]으로 끝나고 액센트가 뒤 음절에 오면 자음을 중복하고 -ed를 붙인다.
      om/it → omitted, pref/er → preferred, occ/ur → occurred.
      그러나  v/isited, /offered, l/imited.

    △picnic → picnicked, mimic → mimicked.



● 과거시제 불규칙 활용: 어미에 -ed를 붙이지 않는 다른 형태.

 ① A - A - A 형

현재형 과거형 과거분사형 의미
burst burst burst 파열하다
cast cast cast 던지다
cost cost cost 비용이 들다
cut cut cut 자르다
hit hit hit 치다
hurt hurt hurt 상처를 입히다
let let let 시키다
put put put 놓다
set set set 두다
shed shed shed 흘리다
shut shut shut 닫다
spread spread spread 퍼지다
thrust thrust thrust 찌르다
upset upset upset 뒤엎다
read read read 읽다


② A - B - A 형

현재형 과거형 과거분사형 의미
become became become --이 되다
come came come 오다
run ran run 달리다


③ A - A - B 형

현재형 과거형 과거분사형 의 미
beat beat beaten 계속해서 때리다


④ A - B - B 형

현재형 과거형 과거분사형 의미
bend bent bent 구부리다
bring brought brought 가져오다
buy bought bought 사다
catch caught caught 잡다
creep crept crept 기다
deal dealt dealt 다루다
dig dug dug 파다
dwell dwelt dwelt 거주하다, 살다
feed fed fed 먹이를 주다
feel felt felt 느끼다
fight fought fought 싸우다
hear heard heard 듣다
hold held held 잡다, 손에 들다
keep kept kept 지키다
lead led led 이끌다
leave left left 떠나다
lend lent lent 빌려주다
lose lost lost 잃다
mean meant meant 의미하다
meet met met 만나다
pay paid paid 지불하다
say said said 말하다
seek sought sought 찾다, 구하다
sell sold sold 팔다
shine shone shone 빛나다
shoot shot shot 쏘다
sleep slept slept 잠자다
spend spent spent 소비하다
spin spun spun 잣다
stand stood stood 서다


현재형 과거형 과거분사형 의미
stick stuck stuck 찌르다
strike struck struck 치다
sweep swept swept 청소하다
swing swung swung 흔들다
teach taught taught 가르치다
think thought thought 생각하다
weep wept wept 울다
win won won 이기다


⑤ A - B - C 형

현재형 과거형 과거분사형 의미
begin began begun 시작하다
bite bit bitten, bit 물다
blow blew blown 불다
break broke broken 부수다
choose chose chosen 고르다
draw drew drawn 끌다
drink drank drunk 마시다
drive drove driven 운전하다
eat ate eaten 먹다
fly flew flown 날다
forget forgot forgotten 잊다
freeze froze frozen 얼다
grow grew grown 성장하다
hide hid hidden 숨기다
know knew known 알다
ride rode ridden 타다
ring rang rung 울리다
rise rose risen 오르다
shake shook shaken 흔들다
show showed shown 보이다
sing sang sung 노래하다
sink sank sunk 가라앉다
speak spoke spoken 말하다
steal stole stolen 훔치다
strive strove striven 노력하다
swear swore sworn 맹서하다
swim swam swum 헤엄치다
tear tore torn 찢다
throw threw thrown 던지다
wear wore worn 입다
write wrote written 쓰다


⑥ 뜻에 따라 활용이 달라지는 불규칙 동사

현재형 의미 과거형 과거분사형
bear 참다 bore borne
낳다 bore born
bid 명령하다, 말하다 bade bidden
값을 메기다 bid bid
hang 걸다 hung hung
교수형에 처하다 hanged hanged
lie 눕다 lay lain
거짓말하다 lied lied


⑦ 혼동하기 쉬운 불규칙 동사 Ⅰ

현재형 과거형 과거분사형 의미
bind bound bound 묶다
bound bounded bounded 되튀다
fall fell fallen 떨어지다, 쓰러지다
fell felled felled 쓰러뜨리다
find found found 발견하다
found founded founded 창립하다, 세우다
fly flew flown 날다
flow flowed flowed 흐르다
lie lay lain 눕다
lay laid laid 눕히다
see saw seen 보다
saw sawed sawed, sawn 톱질하다
sit sat sat 앉다
set set set 두다
sit sat sat 앉다
set set set 두다
wind wound wound 감다
wound wounded wounded 상처를 입히다
welcome welcomed welcomed 환영하다
overcome overcame overcame 이겨내다, 극복하다


⑧ 혼동하기 쉬운 주요 불규칙 동사 Ⅱ

bear - bore - born : 태어나다. (by~부사구가 있을 땐 borne을 씀)

bear - bore - borne : 참다, 견디다. (태어나다 이외의 뜻으로 쓰일 때)

He was born in 1965.

He was borne by Eve. (그는 이브가 낳은 아이였다.)

The noise can't be borne. (그 소음을 더 이상 참을 수가 없다.)

The voice was borne on the wind. (사람의 목소리가 바람에 들려왔다.)


lie [lai] : 거짓말.

㉶ 거짓말을 하다. (lie - lied - lied - lying)

㉶ 드러눕다, 놓여있다. (lie - lay - lain - lying)

lay [lei] : ㉹ 놓다, 두다(put). (lay - laid - laid - laying)

He is telling a lie.

His body lies in the churchyard. (그는 교회묘지에 잠들어 있다.)

He lay on the grass enjoying the sunshine.

(그는 햇빛을 쬐면서 풀밭에 누워있었다.)

I lay my hand on his shoulder. (나는 내 손을 그의 어깨에 올려놓는다.)

The man lay under suspicion. (그 남자는 혐의를 받고 있었다.)

She has laid the table for dinner. (그녀는 저녁 식탁을 차렸다.)

A railroad was laid across the island. (섬을 가로질러 철도가 가설되었다.)


fall [fɔ:l] : 낙하, 떨어짐, 폭포, 가을.

㉶ 떨어지다, 낙하하다. (fall - fell - fallen)

fell [fel] : ㉹ 넘어뜨리다. (fell - felled - felled)

The book fell from the table to the floor. (책은 테이블에서 마루로 떨어졌다.)

The temperature fell rapidly. (기온이 갑자기 내려갔다.)

He felled his enemy with a single blow. (그는 적을 일격에 쓰러뜨렸다.)

He fells trees in the mountains. (그가 산에서 나무를 베어내고 있다.)


wind [wind] : 바람.

wind [waind] : ㉶ 굽이치다.

㉹ 둥글게 감다, 돌리다, 감아 올리다.

wind - wound [waund] - wound [waund]

wound [wu:nd] : 부상, 상처.

㉹ 상처 입히다.

wound - wounded [wu:ndid] - wounded [wu:ndid]

There's no wind today. (오늘은 바람이 없다.)

The river winds its way to the sea. (강은 꾸불꾸불 바다로 흘러든다.)

The path wound up the hillside. (길은 산허리를 꾸불꾸불 올라갔다.)

He wound up his watch. (그는 시계태엽을 감았다.)

He has a bullet wound in the left arm. (그는 왼팔에 총상이 있다.)

Twenty soldiers were wounded. (20명의 군인이 부상당했다.)


rise [raiz] : ㉶ 일어나다, (해가) 뜨다. rise - rose [rouz] - risen [rizn]

raise [reiz] : ㉹ 들어 올리다, 일으키다, (문제를) 제기하다, 모집하다.

raise - raised - raised [reizd]

I rise at seven every morning. (매일 아침 일곱 시에 일어난다.)

Bubbles rose from the bottom of the lake. (거품이 호수 바닥에서 물 위로 떠올랐다.)

Please raise your hand. (손을 드십시오.)

He raised funds for a holiday. (휴가에 쓸 자금을 조달했다.)

The farmers here raise crops and cattle.

(이곳에 사는 농부들은 농작물과 가축을 기른다.)


hang : ㉹ 걸다, 매달다, 널다. (hang - hung - hung)

hang : ㉹ 목매달다, 교수형에 처하다. (hang - hanged - hanged)

She hung the washing out in the garden. (그녀는 뜰에다 세탁물을 널었다.)

He was hanged for murder. (그는 살인죄로 교수형에 처해졌다.)

I hung the pictures as high as I could. (가능한 한 나는 그 그림을 높이 걸었다.)


bind [baind] : ㉹ 묶다, 감다. (bind - bound - bound [baund])

bound [baund] : 한계, 범위.

㉹ 튀어 오르다, 튀다. (bound - bounded - bounded)  (~을 향해) 떠나는, ~행(行)의.

I bound him hand and foot. (나는 그의 손발을 묶었다.)

She bound the package with a bright ribbon.

(그녀는 밝은 색 리본으로 그 짐을 묶었다.)

There are no bounds to his ambition. (그의 야망에는 끝이 없다.)

The ship is bound for San Francisco. (그 배는 샌프란시스코 행이다.)

The ball bounded back from the wall. (공이 담에서 되튀어 왔다.)


find [faind] : ㉹ 발견하다. (find - found - found [faund])

found [faund] : ㉹ 설립하다. (found - founded - founded)

I found a dollar on the floor. (마루에서 1달러를 발견했다.)

They collected funds and founded a school.

(그들은 기금을 모아 학교를 설립했다.)


see [si:]: ㉹ 보다. (see - saw - seen)

saw [sɔ:]: ㉹ 톱으로 자르다. (saw - sawed - sawed 또는 sawn [sɔ:n]

sow [sou]: ㉹ 씨를 뿌리다. (sow - sowed - sowed [soud] 또는 sown [soun]

sew [sou]: ㉹ 바느질하다, 꿰매다. (sew - sewed - sewed [soud] 또는 sewn [soun])

He sawed the log into planks. (통나무를 톱질하여 널빤지로 만들었다.)

She has been sewing all evening. (그녀는 저녁 내내 바느질을 하고 있다.)

It's too soon to sow yet. (파종하기에는 아직 너무 이르다.)



● 과거시제 용법

① 과거의 동작, 상태, 습관, 경험.

The hosts met their guests. (동작)

He lived with his aunt when he was a boy. (동작)

He was rich once. (상태)

In those days I got up earlier in the morning. (습관)

Did you ever see a giraffe? (경험)

World War Ⅱ broke out 1n 1939.

I used to get up early in the morning. (used to + VR : 과거의 규칙적 습관)

He would often sit up till late at night. (would + VR : 과거의 불규칙적 습관)


② 과거형이 과거완료를 대신하는 경우.

접속사 when, after, till, before, as soon as 등의 접속사는 시간의 전후관계가 명확하므로 구태여 과거완료 시제를 쓸 필요가 없음.

When I finished (= had finished) the work, I went out.

I went out after I finished the work.

The train started before I reached the station.



● 미래시제


  평서문 의문문 대답
1 I shall ~ Shall I ~ You will ~
2 You will ~   Shall you ~ I shall ~
3 He will ~ Will he ~ He will ~



speaker의 의지
hearer의 의지
speaker의 의지
1 I will ~ Shall I ~ ① 명령문
② You shall ~
2 You shall ~ Will you ~ I will ~
3 He shall ~ Shall he ~ ① Let him ~
② He shall 



● 단순 미래

인간의 힘으로 좌우할 수 없는 자연현상이나, 능력, 감정, 필요, 성공, 실패, 기대 등과 같이 단순한 미래 사항을 나타내는 경우를 단순 미래라 한다.

(美語에서는 전부 Will I?, Will you?로 통용된다.)

① 자연현상

I shall be sixteen years old next year.

It will rain tomorrow.

② 능력

When shall I be able to speak English well?

You will be able to speak English well next year.

③ 감정

Shall you not be glad to see him?

I shall be glad to see him.

④ 필요

Shall you need so much money when you go abroad for studying?

Perhaps I shall need then.

⑤ 성공, 실패, 기대

Will he pass the examination? --- No, he will fail.

Shall you meet him tomorrow? --- Perhaps I shall.

⑥ 자연적 결과

If I drive the horse too hard, I shall kill him.


● 의지 미래

인간의 힘(의지)으로 좌우할 수 있는 미래 동작인데, 화자의 의지와 청자의 의지가 있다.

화자(speaker)의 의지 : 말하는 사람이 문의 주어에 대하여 자기의 결심, 욕망 같은 의지를 나타낸다.

I will revenge myself on my enemy. (결심)

Do as I tell you, or you shall die. (⋯ or, I will let you die.) : 위협

No man shall take this without my permission. (금지)

You shall have a watch on your birthday. (약속)

청자(hearer)의 의지 : 의문문에서 질문을 받는 사람의 의지가 되고, 이에 대답을 할 때는 대답을 하는 사람의 의지가 된다.

Shall I have it? (=Will you let me have it?)

Will you come and help me if possible?

Shall he come in? (=Will you let him come in?)


● will의 특수 용법

① 주어의 강한 의지를 말할 때는 생물·무생물·인칭을 막론하고 will을 쓴다.

(주어 자체의 의지는 모두 will을 사용한다.)

If you will grant my request, I shall be much obliged to you.

She will have her own way in everything.

Boys will be boys. Children will do like children.


② 현재의 습관이나 경향을 말할 때

He spends all the money that he has, as students will.

She will sometimes sit up all night, poring over novels.

Dogs will bark when a stranger comes near them.


● shall의 특수 용법

① 명령·규칙·권위 있는 문서에서는 의지 여하에 관계없이 shall을 쓴다.

Article 1 : The Republic of Korea shall be a democratic republic.

Article 9 : All citizens shall be equal before the law.


② 예언을 말할 때

East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.

Ask, and it shall be given you.

All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. - Jespersen-


③ I will보다 더 강한 의지를 나타낼 때는 I shall을 쓴다.

I shall punish you severly if you do that again.

I shan't do such a foolish thing again.


● 현재진행형 (am, are, is + ~ing)

It is raining now. (현재 진행 중인 동작)

He is always grumbling. (습관적인 동작)

always, constantly, continually 등의 부사가 현재진행형과 함께 쓰이면 반복적인 동작이나 습관 등을 나타냄.

미래를 나타내는 부사구와 함께 쓰이면 현재 진행형이 가까운 미래를 나타낼 수 있다.

(특히 왕래발착동사의 경우에)

We are leaving for Seoul tonight.

be going to ~의 용법

ⓐ The ice is going to crack.(얼음이 방금 깨지려고 한다) = be about to + VR

ⓑ The party is going to be a great success. (~할 것이다)

ⓒ My father is going to buy a new car. (~할 예정이다)


● 과거진행형 (was, were + ~ing)

He was reading a novel when I entered the room.

He read a novel when I entered the room. (×)

I was studying English when you called on me yesterday.

과거의 어느 시점에 진행 중인 동작을 나타내므로 과거진행형 사용.


● 미래진행형 (will, shall + be + ~ing)

He will be reading a novel when we go to bed.

We'll be thinking of you when we get to paris.

when~은 시간부사절이므로 미래시제 대신 현재시제를 사용.


● 진행형을 쓰지 않는 동사 (지감소상: 지각, 감정, 소유, 상태 등을 나타내는 동사)

① 존재(be, exist)나 상태(seem, look, appear, resemble) 등을 나타내는 동사.

You look much worried.

He resembles his father. (○)

→ He is resembling his father. (×) : 진행형 불가능

→ He resembles with his father. (×) : resemble은 타동사이므로 with 사용 불가능

→ He is resembled by his father. (×) : 수동태로 사용 불가능


② 지각 (feel, see, smell, hear, taste)을 나타내는 동사.

I see her swimming in the pool.

see가 의지동사로서 구경하다, 면회하다의 뜻일 땐 진행형이 가능하며,

hear가 청강하다의 뜻일 땐 진행형이 가능하다.

They are hearing lectures.

I am seeing the sights of Seoul.

look at은 의지동사로서 ~을 보다 이므로 진행형이 가능하며,

listen to 역시 의지동사로서 귀를 기울이다 의 뜻일 땐 진행형이 가능.


③ 소유 (have, belong, possess, own)를 나타내는 동사.

I have some money with me. (○)

→ I am having some money with me. (×)

He is having breakfast. (○)

have가 소유의 뜻이 아닌 다른 의미로 쓰이면 진행형이 가능하다.

belong to는 ~속하다, ~의 소유이다 의 뜻이므로 진행형을 쓸 수 없음.

This house belongs to me.



● 현재완료 (have + pp)

 과거완료의 영역    현재완료의 영역      미래완료의 영역
 had+p.p             (have + p.p)         (will(shall) + have + p.p)
↑                  ↑               ↑                          ↑
대과거              과거             현재                       미래

현재완료는 현재에 있어서의 동작의 완료, 현재까지의 경험, 과거 동작이 현재에 미치는 결과, 현재까지의 동작·상태의 계속을 나타낸다.

① 완료 (just, already, by this time, yet 등과 함께 쓰임)

과거의 어느 한 시점부터 시작된 동작이 현재에 와서 완료됨을 표현.

주로 just, already, today, this year, recently, not yet, by this time 등과 함께 사용된다.

과거를 나타내는 ago, yesterday, then, last, when, just now 등과 함께 쓸 수 없음.

just, now는 현재완료와 함께 사용하나, just now는 반드시 과거시제와 함께 사용

yet는 의문문, 부정문에 사용되며, already는 긍정문에 쓰인다.

already가 의문문에 사용되면 놀람을 나타낸다.

He has just come back home. (○)

→ He came home just now. (○)

→ He has come home just now. (×)

I have just read the book through.

I have already finished my work.

Twenty years have gone by since then.

Spring has come. (봄이 왔다.) : 동작

Spring is come. (봄이 왔다.) : 상태

Has the bell rung yet? (종이 벌써 울렸니?)

No, it has not rung yet. (아직 안 울렸다.)

Yes, it has rung already. (벌써 울렸다.)

Has he left here already?

When have you read the book through? (×)

When did you read the book through? (○)

I have read the book yesterday. (×)

I read the book yesterday. (○)

② 결과적 용법

She has bought a new car. (과거에 사서 지금도 가지고 있다)

= She bought a new car and has it now.

I have lost my watch. (=Now I have no watch.)

Thousand books have been written about Korea.

He has gone out for a walk. (=He is not at home now.)

have gone (to)는 1, 2인칭에는 사용하지 못함.

I have gone to the station. (×)

You have gone to London. (×)

③ 경험 (과거에서 현재까지)

현재완료시제인 have + p.p가 과거 어느 때부터 지금까지의 경험을 나타낼 땐

ever, never, once, before, seldom, sometimes, often 등과 함께 쓰임.

Have you ever seen a tiger?

I have never seen a whale.

I have been to the station to see my friend off. (have been to: ∼에 갔다 왔다)

Have you ever been in Pusan?

④ 계속 : 주로 since, for 등과 함께 사용된다.

상태의 계속 - 현재완료 have + p.p

동작의 계속 - 현재완료 진행형 have been + ~ing

I have known him since I was a child.

He has been ill for several days.

We have been living in Seoul these four years.

What have you been doing all this while?

He has been dead for seven years.

= It is seven years since he died.

= Seven years have passed since he died.

= He died seven years ago.

I have known her since she was a child. (○) - 상태의 계속.

→ I have been knowing her since she was a child. (×)

He has been studying English for ten years. (○) - 동작의 계속.

구어에서는 종종 have got는 완료의 뜻이 전혀 없이 have의 의미로 사용될 때가 있다.

Have you got a pen? --- Yes, I have got one.

You have got to do this. (=You have to do this.)

⑤ 부사절에서 현재완료는 미래완료의 대용이며, 완료의 뜻을 강조한다.

I'll lend you the book as soon as I have done with it.

⑥ 최상급의 의미를 강조하기 위한 현재완료

He is the greatest poet that has ever lived. (비교급 참조)


● 과거완료 (had + p.p)

현재완료의 기준점이 현재인데 비해서, 과거완료의 기준점은 과거의 어느 정해진 때이다.

즉, 과거의 어느 일정한 때를 기준으로 해서, 그때까지의 동작과 상태의 완료 · 경험 · 결과 · 계속을 나타낸다.


① 완료

They had arrived at the house before night fell.

I had already finished the work when(before) he came.

When I entered the classroom, the lesson had already started.


② 결과

Spring had come by the time she was well again. (결과)

When I reached the station, the train had already started.

When I bought a house, he had already bought a building.


③ 경험

I recognized Mrs. Brown at once, for I had seen her several times before.

I spoke to her whom I had never met before.


④ 계속 : 상태의 계속 - had + p.p.

동작의 계속 - had been + ~ing.

He had lived there for ten years when his mother died.

I had been waiting for an hour when he returned.

The river was swollen, for it had rained for three days.


⑤ no sooner ∼than,

hardly (scarcely)∼ when(before) 은 과거완료를 쓰며, 주어가 도치된다.

as soon as는 통상 과거로 쓴다.

No sooner had they seen a policeman come than they ran away.

=As soon as they saw a policeman come, they ran away.

Hardly had the plane taken off before it began to blow hard.


⑥ 소망동사와 과거완료

expect, intend, want, desire, hope, think, mean, suppose 등 소망의 뜻이 있는 동사가 과거완료에 쓰이면 이루지 못한 사실을 나타낸다.

We had hoped that we should be able to call on you.


● 미래완료 (will 또는 shall + have + p.p.)

미래의 어느 일정한 때를 기준으로 해서, 그때까지의 동작과 상태의 완료, 경험, 결과, 계속 등을 나타낸다.

① 완료

I shall have finished the work by the time you come.

by the time은 시간을 표시하는 부사절이므로 미래시제 will come 대신 현재시제 come을 사용한다.


② 결과

When you wake these fancies will have gone.

She will have been married in ten years.


③ 경험

I shall have read the poem three times if I read it again.

If I read Hamlet once more, I shall have read it five times.

If he goes go England again, he will have been there twice.


④ 계속 : 상태의 계속 - will(shall) have + p.p.

동작의 계속 - will(shall) have + p.p. + ~ing.

He will have been in hospital for two weeks by next Sunday.

I shall have been reading this novel by noon.

He will have lived here for full ten years by April next.

He will have been teaching in this school for full ten years by March next.




기출 문제


(1) Columbus proved that the earth was round.

(2) Please remember to put out the cat before you go to bed.

(3) The hotel has been closed for many years.

(4) He is leaving for China next Friday.

(5) The weather has been nasty for half a month.


(6) I have not walked a mile before it began to rain.

(7) I will have read this book four times if I read it once again.

(8) I couldn’t dream that I am able to pass the examination at the first attempt.

(9) I have successfully completed writing the book three weeks ago.

(10) World War II has broken out in 1939.


(11) As soon as I will get all the vaccinations, I will be leaving for a break.

(12) The result is that you’ll keep postponing your savings plan until it will be too late to do anything about it.

(13) Please arrive back here a day early, in case there will be some details to talk over.

(14) We will be having dinner when she comes tomorrow morning.

(15) The newspapers that were piled up on the front porch were an indication that the residents had not been home in some time.


(16) The scientist reminded us that light travels at a tremendous speed.

(17) I have been knowing Jose until I was seven.

(18) When he left his hometown thirty years ago, little does he dream that he could never see it again.

(19) I barely finished my homework after he returns to my house.

(20) China’s imports of Russian oil skyrocketed by 36 percent in 2014.

(21) I’ll lend you with money provided you will pay me back by Saturday.




(1) Columbus proved that the earth was round. (X)

→ is

(2) Please remember to put out the cat before you go to bed. (O)

(3) The hotel has been closed for many years. (O)

(4) He is leaving for China next Friday. (O)

(5) The weather has been nasty for half a month. (O)


(6) I have not walked a mile before it began to rain. (X)

→ had

(7) I will have read this book four times if I read it once again. (O)

(8) I couldn’t dream that I am able to pass the examination at the first attempt. (X)

→ was

(9) I have successfully completed writing the book three weeks ago.(X)

→ completed

(10) World War II has broken out in 1939. (X)

→ broke out


(11) As soon as I will get all the vaccinations, I will be leaving for a break. (X)

→ get

(12) The result is that you‘ll keep postponing your savings plan until it will be too late to do anything about it. (X)

→ is

(13) Please arrive back here a day early, in case there will be some details to talk over. (X)

→ are

(14) We will be having dinner when she comes tomorrow morning. (O)

(15) The newspapers that were piled up on the front porch were an indication that the residents had not been home in some time. (O)


(16) The scientist reminded us that light travels at a tremendous speed. (O)

(17) I have been knowing Jose until I was seven. (X)

→ had known

(18) When he left his hometown thirty years ago, little does he dream that he could never see it again. (X)

→ did

(19) I barely finished my homework after he returns to my house. (X)

→ had returned.

(20) China’s imports of Russian oil skyrocketed by 36 percent in 2014. (O)

(21) I’ll lend you with money provided you will pay me back by Saturday. (X)

→ lend you money 


스마트폰 토익 교재

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