동사(動詞, Verb)
동사 종류와 문장 5 형식
● 1 형식 문형 : S + V (완전 자동사) : ∼은 ⋯하다.
완전자동사 : 동사만으로 표현이 가능하며, 보어가 필요하지 않은 동사
(fly, fight, grow, smile, sneeze, cough, rise, twinkle, weep, etc.)
Time flies.
I go to church on Sundays.
Stars twinkle in the dark sky.
In summer I go out for a walk to the seashore after dinner.
Nowadays farming doesn't pay.
pay는 타동사로 쓰이면 지불하다, 청산하다
자동사로 쓰이면 보답하다, 수지가 맞다
be가 완전자동사로 쓰이면 존재하다, 있다
do가 완전자동사로 쓰이면 편리하다, 충분하다, 알맞다
● 2 형식 문형: S + V + C (불완전 자동사)
불완전자동사 : 동사만으로는 완전한 표현이 불가능하므로, 보어를 필요로 하는 동사.
(is, become, get, feel, grow, go, taste, smell, look, seem, turn, sound, keep etc.)
1) 명사보어와 형용사보어
He is a soldier. (He = soldier) ( S = C : 명사 보어)
He is gloomy. (He ≠ gloomy) ( S ≠ C : 형용사 보어)
2) become형 동사
become, grow, get, go, come, run, fall, turn 다음에 명사나 형용사가 오면 주격보어로 쓰여서 2 형식 문장으로 '~이 되다'와 같은 불완전 자동사가 됨.
He become a composer. (He = a composer)
He went mad.
become이 타동사로 쓰이면 '~에 어울리다'의 뜻으로 쓰인다.
Her new dress become her well.
3) remain형 동사
remain, keep, lie, hold, continue 다음에 명사나 형용사가 오면 본래의 뜻이 없어지고 '계속해서 ~하다, ~한 상태가 되다'의 뜻인 2 형식 문형이 된다.
He remained silent.
He remained poor all his life.
He remained faithful to the last.
4) 지각동사(감각동사) + 형용사
feel, smell, sound, taste 등의 지각동사 다음에 형용사가 오면 2 형식 문장이 된다.
feel ~ : ~처럼 느끼다.
taste~ : ~하게 맛이 나다.
smell~ : ~하게 냄새가 나다.
sound~ : ~하게 들리다.
5) 기타
Helen looks happy.
She appears sensible.
The wound prove (to be) fatal.
● 유사 보어
S + | live, die marry go be born stand sit, return |
+ | 명사 보어 : 주어와 equal 형용사 보어 : 주어의 상태, 동작 설명 현재분사 : 주어의 능동적 동작 과거분사 : 주어의 수동적 동작 |
→ 완전자동사이지만, 다음에 보어가 오면 모두 2 형식 문장이 됨. (유사 보어)
He died a beggar. (He died + He was a beggar)
The old man sat surrounded by the children.
1) 보어의 형식
보어는 명사, 대명사, 형용사 외에 부사, 구, 절이 되기도 한다.
She is a schoolgirl. (명사가 보어)
I thought it to be her. (대명사가 보어)
She is beautiful. (형용사가 보어)
School is over. (수업이 끝났다; 부사가 보어)
He is away. (그는 가고 없다; 부사가 보어)
He ran himself out of breath.(그는 너무 뛰어 숨이 찼다; 구가 보어)
He seems to know me. (그는 나를 아는 것 같다; 부정사가 보어)
The fact is that I know nothing about it. (The fact = that-clause)
(사실은 나는 그것에 대해 아무것도 모른다; 절이 보어)
His own efforts have made him what he is.(him = what he is)
(그가 이렇게 된 것은 그 자신의 노력 때문이다; 절이 보어)
● 3 형식 문형: S + V + O (완전타동사)
1) 완전타동사
동작을 받는 목적어가 필요하며, 목적어만으로 표현이 가능한 동사.
(discover, catch, keep, smile, know, excuse etc.)
S | V | O |
S | 완전타동사 타동사구 자동사+전치사 |
명사, 대명사, 부정사, 동명사, 동족목적어, 재귀대명사 |
God made man. (God ≠ man) : 3 형식
He will make a scholar. (He = a scholar) : 2 형식
2) 동족목적어
자동사 중에서 그 동사와 같은 뜻을 가진 목적어를 취하여 타동사로 변한 것이 있는데, 이때 같은 뜻의 목적어를 동족목적어라고 한다.
He lived a happy life (3 형식) → He lived happily. (1 형식)
I dreamed a strange dream.
He died hero's death.
We ran a long race.
최상급 다음에 오는 동족목적어는 생략함.
He is breathing his last (breath).
She smiled her brightest (smile).
He shouted his loudest (shout).
3) 목적어의 의미
① I dug the ground. (동작의 직접 대상)
② I dug a grave. (동작의 결과)
③ He overeats himself. (재귀 목적어)
He absented himself from school.
He overworks himself.
She prides herself on her beauty.
④ They love each other. (상호 목적어)
⑤ He wiped off the table. (환유 목적어) : the dust on the table의 의미
cf) He wiped off the dust. (동작의 직접 대상)
⑥ He sent me a letter. (방향 간접목적어) = He sent a letter to me.
⑦ He bought me a new bag. (이해 간접목적어) = He bought a new bag for me.
⑧ I envy you your good fortune. (2개의 목적어를 취하는 동사)
- 목적어의 순서를 전치사를 사용해서 바꿀 수 없다.
God will forgive you your sin.
That will save me a lot of trouble.
4) 목적어의 형식
목적어가 되는 것은 명사, 대명사, 명사구, 명사절 등이 있다.
① He gave ma a book. (me:대명사, a book:명사)
② Everybody wishes to succeed in life. (부정사가 목적어)
③ He always avoids making a promise. (동명사가 목적어)
④ I know (that) he is honest. (절이 목적어)
I don't know if he will come here.
You can't imagine how glad we are.
Did you hear what he said?
Do you know when he will come?
부정사만 목적어로 취하는 동사 :
wish, hope, decide, care, choose, determine, pretend, refuse etc.
동명사만 목적어로 취하는 동사 :
mind, enjoy, give up, stop, finish, avoid, escape, admit, deny, consider,
practice, risk, miss, postpone, resist, excuse, put off etc.
● 4 형식 문형: S + V + I.O + D.O (수여동사)
1) 수여동사
타동사의 일종으로, '어떤 것을 주고받는' 의미를 가진 동사이다.
간접목적어와 직접목적어를 필요로 한다.
(teach, lend, read, make, buy, ask, bring, show, give, send, write etc.)
I gave her the book. (4 형식) = I gave the book to her. (3 형식)
2) 4 형식 문장 ⇒ 3형식 문장
4형식 문장의 간접목적어와 직접목적어의 어순을 적절한 전치사를 사용해서 바꾸어 주면 3 형식 문장이 된다. 이때 사용되는 전치사는 다음과 같다.
⋄ to + I.O → pay, bring, hand, deny, sell, send, lend, give...
⋄ for + I.O → buy, build, make, get, order...
⋄ of + I.O → ask...
⋄ on + I.O → play, impose, bestow, confer...
I paid him the money. → I paid the money to him.
I will buy you a watch. → I will buy a watch for you.
I asked him a question. → I asked a question of him.
He played me a trick → He played a trick on me.
3) 간접목적어를 문미로 보낼 수 없는 동사
envy, save, forgive, pardon 등......
I envy him his patience. (○)
→ I envy his patience to him. (×)
4) 수여동사로 착각하기 쉬운 동사
explain, introduce, announce, confess, describe, prove, suggest, propose 등...
explain... 등은 4 형식 동사로는 쓸 수 없으며 우리말의 간접목적어에 해당되는 부분은 'to + I.O'의 형태로 부사구와 같이 사용.
I will explain to you what this means.
● 5 형식 문형: S + V + O + O·C (불완전 타동사)
1) 불완전 타동사 :
목적어와 동시에 목적어를 설명해 주는 목적 보어를 필요로 하는 동사
(make, elect, find, leave, call, name, keep, appoint etc.)
S | V | O | O·C |
S | V | O | + 명사, 대명사 : 목적어와 equal + 형용사 : 목적어의 상태 설명 + 부정사, 현재분사 : 목적어와의 관계 능동적 + 과거분사 : 목적어와의 관계 수동적 |
① O․C가 명사 또는 대명사
He is a great scholar : 2 형식
= I believe him (to be) a great scholar. : 5 형식
I believe the author to be her : 5 형식
= The author is believed to be she by me : 2 형식
주격 보어는 주격을 사용하며, 목적격 보어는 목적격을 사용한다.
② 목적격 보어가 형용사일 때
I believe him diligent.
③ 목적격 보어가 부정사일 때
I ordered him to go.
to stay in bed.
to take a rest.
④ 목적격 보어가 원형 부정사 (지각․사역동사 다음)
S | 지각동사 사역동사 |
O | O·C (원형부정사) |
S | see, be hold, observe, hear, notice, look at, listen to, watch, feel |
O | VR |
let, make, have, bid, help | VR |
I saw the suspected man enter the building.
⑤ 목적격 보어가 과거분사
I had him (to) build my house.
= I had my house built by him.
목적어 + to do의 관계는 능동
2) 타동사로 착각하기 쉬운 자동사
~을 좋아하다. : graduate from + 목 (○) → graduate + 목 (×)
~을 불평하다. : complain of + 목
~을 기다리다. : wait for + 목
~을 실험하다. : experiment with + 목
~을 동정하다. : sympathize with + 목
~을 방해하다. : interfere with + 목
~을 승낙하다. : consent to + 목
3) 자동사로 착각하기 쉬운 타동사
~에 참석하다 : attend to + 목 (×) → attend + 목 (○)
~에 어울리다 : become + 목
~에 관하여 토의하다 : discuss + 목
~과 닮다 : resemble + 목
~에게 인사하다 : greet + 목
~과 결혼하다 : marry + 목
~에 다가서다 : approach + 목
~에 대하여 언급하다 : mention + 목
4) 공급동사
endow A with B : A에게 B를 수여하다. 주다.
entrust A with B = entrust B to A : A에게 B를 맡기다. 위임하다.
supply A with B = supply B for A : A에게 B를 공급하다.
provide A with B = provide B for A : A에게 B를 공급하다.
furnish A with B = furnish B to A : A에게 B를 설치하다. 공급하다.
present A with B = present B to A : A에게 B를 주다. 선사하다.
fill A with B : A에게 B를 채우다.
equip A with B : A에게 B를 갖추게 하다, 장비하다.
◇ make는 5 형식 모두 응용 가능.
1. He made toward the church.
2. She will make a good wife.
3. God made man.
4. He made me a box.
5. He made her his wife.
기출 문제
(1) I had my watch repaired.
(2) Your problem appeared impossibly.
(3) Having spent his last penny for the cheese, he was determined to eat it all, even if it tasted bitterly to him.
(4) Even the phrase death by electrocution and death by injection sound absurdly and incongruous with modern society.
(5) After several minutes, I happened to turn around and, to my horror, saw this kid‟s younger brother to sit right behind me.
(6) Please explain to me how to join a tennis club.
(7) She now finds very hard to do everything.
(8) We really have to discuss this problem.
(9) She closely resembles her mother.
(10) You must obey to your senior officers.
(11) The minister will address the public tonight.
(12) As artists, what drives us is the desire to make our lives to run more smoothly, with less angst, fewer voids and a minimum of bother.
(13) Needless to say, it is a privilege to address to such a prominent audience like you all.
(14) We had much snow yesterday, which caused lots of people slip on the road.
(15) John became great by allowing himself learn from mistakes.
(16) While I was shopping at the market yesterday, I realized that the prices of many items have been risen in recent weeks.
(17) In Rome, Italy, a store burglary suspect, when caught in a store after closing hours, explained the police that he suffered from a desire to sleep constantly and had fallen asleep inside the store.
(18) Susan likes to lay down for a short nap every afternoon.
(19) Salmons lie their eggs and die in freshwater although they live in salt water.
(20) An experiment done on American astronauts made clear that physical activity is important to retain strong, healthy bones.
(21) Scientists, like other people, are always pleased to have their own ideas confirmed.
(22) I thought it uselessly to fight with them.
(23) I want to have this letter sent by express mail.
(24) I found it stupid to drive under the influence.
(25) He had his political enemies imprisoned.
(26) Most European countries failed to welcome Jewish refugees after the war, which caused many Jewish people immigrate elsewhere.
(27) Even externally they are different from newspapers, mainly because magazines resemble like a book.
(28) The right food can help you being concentrated, keep you motivated, sharpen your memory, speed your reaction time, reduce stress, and perhaps even prevent your brain from aging.
(1) I had my watch repaired. (O)
(2) Your problem appeared impossibly. (X)
→ impossible
(3) Having spent his last penny for the cheese, he was determined to eat it all, even if it tasted bitterly to him. (X)
→ bitter
(4) Even the phrase death by electrocution and death by injection sound absurdly and incongruous with modern society. (X)
→ absurd
(5) After several minutes, I happened to turn around and, to my horror, saw this kid’s younger brother to sit right behind me. (X)
→ sit/ sitting
(6) Please explain to me how to join a tennis club. (O)
(7) She now finds very hard to do everything. (X)
→ finds it
(8) We really have to discuss this problem. (O)
(9) She closely resembles her mother. (O)
(10) You must obey to your senior officers. (X)
→ to 삭제
(11) The minister will address the public tonight. (O)
→ 타동사이므로 다음에 전치사 없이 바로 명사를 목적어로 쓴다.
(12) As artists, what drives us is the desire to make our lives to run more smoothly, with less angst, fewer voids and a minimum of bother. (X)
→ run
(13) Needless to say, it is a privilege to address to such a prominent audience like you all. (X)
→ address such a prominent audience
(14) We had much snow yesterday, which caused lots of people slip on the road. (X)
→ to slip
(15) John became great by allowing himself learn from mistakes. (X)
→ to learn
(16) While I was shopping at the market yesterday, I realized that the prices of many items have been risen in recent weeks. (X)
→ had risen
(17) ~, explained the police that he suffered from a desire to sleep constantly and had fallen asleep inside the store. (X)
→ to the police
(18) Susan likes to lay down for a short nap every afternoon. (X)
→ lie
(19) Salmons lie their eggs and die in freshwater although they live in salt water. (X)
→ lay
(20) An experiment done on American astronauts made clear that physical activity is important to retain strong, healthy bones. (X)
→ made it
(21) Scientists, like other people, are always pleased to have their own ideas confirmed.(O)
(22) I thought it uselessly to fight with them. (X)
→ useless
(23) I want to have this letter sent by express mail. (O)
(24) I found it stupid to drive under the influence. (O)
(25) He had his political enemies imprisoned. (O)
(26) Most European countries failed to welcome Jewish refugees after the war, which caused many Jewish people immigrate elsewhere. (X)
→ to immigrate
(27) Even externally they are different from newspapers, mainly because magazines resemble like a book. (X)
→ resemble
(28) The right food can help you being concentrated, keep you motivated, ~ (X)
→ (to) be concentrated
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