영문법 - 동명사(動名詞, Gerund, verbal noun)

Jobs 9 2021. 9. 29. 12:33

동명사(動名詞, Gerund, verbal noun)


● 동명사 의미

동사가 동사 이외의 품사로 기능. '동명사'(動名詞, gerund)라는 이름처럼 명사 역할을 한다. 관형어로 기능하면 분사(分詞, participle), 부사어로 기능하면 부동사(副動詞, converb), 명사어로 기능하면 동명사.

to부정사, 분사와 함께 준동사의 한 종류. 생김새는 동사의 원형에 ~ing를 붙인다는 점에서 현재분사와 그 모양이 같지만 현재분사는 동사와 형용사적 성질을 가진 반면 동명사는 동사와 명사의 성질을 가지고 있다는 점에서 차이점이 있다. 동사의 성질을 가지고 있다는 것은 동사처럼 목적어나 보어를 취할 수 있고, 동사처럼 부사(구)의 수식을 받을 수 있다.


● 동명사 형태

1) 1음절어로 단모음 + 단자음으로 끝날 때 : 끝의 자음을 한 번 더 쓰고 ing.

swim → swimming

run → running


2) 2음절어로서 강세가 뒤에 있을 때 : 끝의 자음을 한 번 더 쓰고 ing.

prefer → preferring


3) 발음되지 않는 -e로 끝나는 단어 : -e를 빼고 ing를 붙인다.

come → coming

dance → dancing

smoke → smoking

decide → deciding

예외 : be → being

see → seeing

dye [dai] → dyeing (염색하다)


4) -ie로 끝나는 단어 : ie를 y로 고친 후 ing

lie → lying

die → dying

5) -c로 끝나는 단어가 [k]로 발음될 경우→k를 쓴 뒤에 ing

mimic → mimicking

picnic → picnicking


● 동명사의 기능 : 동사적 의미 + 명사적 역할

1) 주어 자리

Making much money is not the end and aim of life.

It is very pleasant walking in the country. (진주어)

Swimming is a good sports.

Walking early in the morning is my favorite recreation.


2) 명사보어 자리 (주어 = 명사보어)

His hobby is collecting stamps. (동명사)

He is collecting stamps. (현재분사)

Seeing is believing.

It is throwing your money away.

(그것은 돈을 버리는 일이다. 즉, 쓸데없는 낭비다.)


3) 목적어 자리

① 타동사의 목적어

I don't like playing baseball.

I found it unpleasant walking in the rain. (진목적어)

He stopped reading, and began strolling about the garden.

② 전치사의 목적어

Thank you for your answering so promptly.

동사 answering은 전치사 for의 목적어이며(명사적 성질), 그리고 so promptly에 의해 수식(동사적 성질)되고 있다. 또 your가 동명사 앞에 왔다.

They are fond of swimming in the river.

He is above telling me a lie. (그는 나에게 거짓말 할 사람이 아니다.)

He warned me against trusting her.

Besides being useless it is troublesome.

His success was won by hard working.

He is engaged in collecting stamps.

Do you object to my talking to her?

His speech did much towards conciliating the opposition.

I am tired with working.


● 동명사와 현재분사의 구별

1) 동명사는 명사의 역할을 하며, 현재분사는 형용사의 역할을 한다.

명사(동명사) + 명사 : 동명사에 강세가 온다.

형용사(현재분사) + 명사 : 뒤에 있는 명사에 강세가 온다.

a sleeping car = a car for sleeping (침대차) : 동명사

a sleeping child = a child who is sleeping : 현재분사

동명사로 쓰이면 목적이나 용도로 쓰여 ~하기 위하여

현재분사는 상태나 동작으로 ~하고 있는 ···

동명사 현재분사
a sleeping car : 침대차
a dancing room : 무도실
boxing gloves : 권투 장갑
a burning glass : 화경
a waiting room : 대합실
a knitting needle :뜨게 바늘
a sleeping child : 잠자는 아이
a dancing girl : 춤추는 소녀
a boxing man : 권투하는 사람
a burning mountain : 불타는 산
a waiting lady : 기다리고 있는 부인
knitting mother : 뜨게질하는 어머니


● 동명사와 부정사

동사의 특성에 따라 어떤 동사는 동명사만을, 어떤 동사는 부정사만을 목적어로 취하거나, 부정사와 동명사 모두를 목적어로 취하거나, 의미가 달라지는 경우가 있다.


● 동명사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사

mind, enjoy, give up, avoid, stop, finish, escape, admit, consider, deny, postpone, complete, evade, reject, miss, resist, repent, practice, go on, keep on, put off, have done, risk 등

I finished writing my composition.

He admits having done it himself. (그는 자신이 직접 그것을 했다는 것을 인정한다.)
I could not avoid saying so. (나는 그렇게 말하지 않을 수 없었다.)
She denied having told me the secret. (그녀는 나에게 비밀을 말했다는 것을 부인했다.)
I really enjoy playing video games. (나는 정말로 비디오 게임을 즐긴다.)
They escaped being killed. (그들은 죽음을 모면했다.)
His father has given up drinking. (그의 아버지는 술을 끊었다.)
Did you finish writing your report? (당신은 보고서 작성을 끝냈습니까?)
She practices playing the piano after school. (그녀는 방과 후에 피아노 연습을 한다.)
He stopped smoking because the doctor advised him to do so. (그는 의사가 그렇게 하라고 권했기 때문에 금연을 했다.)
Would you mind closing the window? (괜찮으시다면 창문을 닫아 주시겠습니까?)


* 주의: stop ~ing와 stop to 부정사의 차이

stop은 ~ing와 to 부정사를 모두 목적어로 취할 수 있다. 

1) stop ~ing에서 ~ing는 동명사로서 stop의 목적어
He stopped smoking. (그는 담배 피우는 것을 그만두었다.)

2) stop to ~에서 to ~는 부정사로서「~하기 위하여」라는 목적의 의미로 쓰인 부사적 용법의 부정사이다. 이때 stop은「멈추다」라는 의미로 쓰인 자동사
He stopped to smoke. (그는 담배를 피우기 위하여 멈추어 섰다.)


● 부정사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사

wish, hope, care, choose, expect, refuse, decide, mean, plan, desire, determine, agree, learn, seek, promise, manage 등

She agreed to leave at once. (그녀는 즉시 떠나는데 동의했다.)
He has decided to become a doctor. (그는 의사가 되기로 결심했다.)
We all desire to be happy. (우리 모두는 행복해지기를 바란다.)
I determined to go there alone. (나는 그곳에 혼자 가기로 결정했다.)
I hope to see you again soon. (곧 다시 뵙기를 바랍니다.)
She is now learning to ride a horse. (그녀는 지금 말 타는 것을 배우고 있다.)
I didn't mean to upset you. (당신의 기분을 상하게 하려고 했던 것은 아닙니다.)
We're planning to go to Europe this summer. (이번 여름에 유럽에 갈 계획이다.)
They promised to help us. (그들은 우리를 돕기로 약속했다.)
She refused to marry him. (그녀는 그와 결혼하기를 거절했다.)
I want to see him at once. (나는 즉시 그를 보고 싶습니다.)
He wished to be a pilot. (그는 비행사가 되고 싶어 했다.)


● 동명사와 부정사를 둘 다 목적으로 취하는 동사

begin, continue, delay, cease, try, neglect, omit, hate, detest, like, prefer, mean, propose, recollect 등

The baby began crying. (그 아기는 울기 시작했다.)
= The baby began to cry.

 The water started boiling. (물이 끓기 시작했다.)
= The water started to boil.

 They continued working for ten hours. (그들은 열 시간 동안 계속해서 일했다.)
= They continued to work for ten hours.

 Prices will continue rising higher. (물가는 계속해서 높이 오를 것이다.)
= Prices will continue to rise higher.

 I hate dancing. (나는 춤추는 것을 아주 싫어한다.)
= I hate to dance.

 She loves going to parties. (그녀는 파티에 가는 것을 좋아한다.)
= She loves to go to parties.


참고 : 현재진행형에서는 start와 begin의 목적어로 부정사를 쓰는 경향이 강합니다.
The water is starting to boil. (물은 끊기 시작하고 있다.)



● 동명사가 오는 경우와 부정사가 오는 경우, 의미가 달라지는 동사

① remember, forget + 동명사 : 과거의 일.

remember, forget + 부정사 : 미래의 일.

I remember to see him. = I remember that I will see him in the future.

I remember seeing him. = I remember that I have seen him before.

I forget posting the letter. (나는 편지 부쳤던 일을 잊고 있다.)

Don't forget to post the letter. (편지 부칠 것을 잊지 마세요.)

② stop + 동명사 : ~하는 것을 그만두다.

stop + 부정사 : ~하기 위해 가던 길(하던 일)을 멈추다.

I stopped smoking.

I stopped to smoke.

③ try + 동명사 : 시험 삼아 ~해보다.

try + 부정사 : ~하려고 시도(노력)하다.

He tried moving the piano. (그는 시험삼아 피아노를 옮겼다; 옮김)

He tried to move the piano. (그는 피아노를 옮기려고 시도했다; 옮기지 않음)

④ go on + 동명사 : 계속해서 ~하다.

go on + 부정사 : 쉬었다가 다시 계속하다.

He went on talking about his accident.

(그는 줄곧 그의 사고에 대해 이야기를 했다.)

He went on to talk about his accident.

(그는 잠시 쉬었다가 그의 사고에 대해 이야기를 했다.)

⑤ like + 동명사 : ∼를 좋아하다.

like + 부정사 : ∼하고 싶다.

I don't like smoking.

I don't like to smoke here.

I like swimming, but I don't like to swim here now.

⑥ want, need, require + 동명사 : 수동의 뜻

want, need, require + 부정사 : 능동의 뜻

This watch wants mending.

I want to take her out.

That needs no accounting for. (수동의 뜻)

You don't need to account for that. (능동의 뜻)


● 동명사 의미상 주어

1) 문장의 주어가 의미상의 주어가 되는 경우

He repented of having spent all his money.

= He repented that he had spent all his money.

I don't like (my) going to such a place.

He insists that he should attend the party.

= He insists on (upon) attending the party. (his를 생략)

insist는 주장하다의 뜻이므로 that절에서는 반드시 should + VR을 쓰며,

접속사 that은 생략하고, on(upon)을 쓴 뒤 he는 본주어와 같으므로 attending을 씀.

동명사 attending의 의미상 주어가 생략되었다는 것은 본주어와 같다는 뜻임.


2) 문장의 목적어가 의미상의 주어가 되는 경우

I punished him for being dishonest.

= I punished him because he was dishonest.

Would you mind me asking a few questions?

(my asking으로 하는 것이 원칙이지만 미국영어의 구어체에서는 me asking으로 하는 것이 일반화되어 있다.)

He doesn't like me going to such a place.


3) 일반적인 주어가 의미상 주어가 되는 경우

Wandering about aimlessly will be of no use.

= That you(we, they) wander about aimlessly will be of no use.

Teaching is learning.

Studying English is no easy task.


4) 소유격이 의미상의 주어가 되는 경우

문장의 주어가 동명사의 의미상의 주어와 다를 때 쓰며, 동명사 앞에 명시한 소유격은 그 의미상의 주어이므로 번역할 때에는 ∼이,∼가로 된다.

명사의 경우에는 's를 생략할 때도 있다.

I don't like your going to such a place.

I don't like my sister('s) going to such a place.

동명사의 의미상 주어가 명사일 때는 소유격이나 목적격이 모두 가능하지만 소유격으로 쓰지 않는 게 보통이며, 의미상의 주어가 무생물이면 일반적으로 목적격을 사용한다.

He insisted on(upon) Tom('s) attending the party.

= He insisted that Tom should attend the party.

He insisted on my paying for bread.

= He insisted that I should pay for bread.

She had no doubt of her son('s) coming back to her.

Today being Sunday rather complicates matter.

(오늘이 일요일이기에 사건은 복잡하게 된다.)


● 동명사의 시제

1) 형태

원형 동사 단순 동명사 단순 수동 동명사 완료형 동명사 완료형 수동 동명사
be being 없음 having been 없음(자동사이므로)
write writing being written having written having been written
make making being made having made having been made
본동사의 시제와 동일 본동사보다 하나 더 과거시제


2) 단순형 동명사

단순형 동명사는 그 시제가 본동사의 시제와 같은 경우와, 본동사보다 미래의 뜻을 나타낼 때가 있다.

He is ashamed of being poor.

= He is ashamed that he is poor.

He was ashamed of being poor.

= He was ashamed that he was poor.

I am sure of his passing the examination.

= I am sure that he will pass the examination.

I was sure of his passing the examination.

= I was sure that he would pass the examination.

I am sure of his being a man of ability.

= I am sure that he is a man of ability.

He is proud of being a poet. (단문)

= He is proud that he is a poet. (복문)

미래동작을 의미하는 형용사, 동사, 명사 등의 다음에 오는 that절에 미래시제가 오고 본동사가 현재시제일지라도 단순동명사를 사용한다.

There is no hope of his succeeding.

→ There is no hope that he will succeed.

remember, forget 등의 다음에는 완료형 동명사 대신 단순동명사를 사용하며,

remember 다음에 부정사가 오면 미래시제를 쓴다.

I remember that I saw her.

= I remember having seen her. (×)

= I remember seeing her. (○)


3) 완료형 동명사

본동사의 시제보다 먼저인 과거의 때를 나타낸다.

I am sure of his having been a man of ability in his youth.

(나는 그가 젊었을 때는 유능한 사람이었다고 확신한다.)

= I am sure that he was a man of ability in his youth.

He is ashamed of having been poor.

= He is ashamed that he was(has been) poor.

He was ashamed of having been poor.

= He was ashamed that he had been poor.


4) 단순 수동 동명사

I don't like being asked to make a speech.

(나는 연설 부탁을 받는 것을 싫어한다.)


5) 완료 수동 동명사

I never heard of such a thing having been done.

(나는 그런 일이 이루어졌다고는 들어보지 못했다.)

= I never heard that such a thing had been done.


● 동명사 구문의 문장 전환

1) insist that + 주어 + 동사 = insist on + ~ ing: ~을 주장하다.

I insisted he should be invited to the party.

= I insisted on his being invited to the party.


2) decide that + 주어 + 동사 = decide on + ~ ing: ~하기로 결정하다

My father decided that I should marry her.

= My father decided on my marrying her.


3) hear, think, complain, know, dream + that + 주어 + 동사

= hear, think, complain, know, dream + of + ~ ing

I am glad to hear that you have succeeded.

= I am glad to hear of your having succeeded.


4) repent that + 주어 + 동사 = repent + (of) + ~ ing.

He repents that he was idle in his youth.

= He repents (of) having been idle in his youth.


5) suggest, deny, regret, like + that + 주어 + 동사

= suggest, deny, regret, like + ~ ing. (타동사이므로 전치사×)

I suggested that we should play tennis.

= I suggested our playing tennis.


6) be sorry that + 주어 + 동사 = be sorry for + ~ ing :~에 대해 유감이다.

(미안, 감사, 벌, 꾸중 등을 나타낼 땐 이유전치사 for를 사용)

I am sorry that I offended you.

= I am sorry for having offended you.


7) scold, blame A for B : B 때문에 A를 꾸짖다. 나무라다.

He scolded me that I had neglected my duty.

= He scolded me for having neglected my duty.


8) punish A for B: B 때문에 A를 벌주다.


9) be glad (proud, afraid, ashamed, ignorant) + that + 주어 + 동사

= be glad (proud, afraid, ashamed, ignorant) + of + ~ ing

I am glad that my brother passed the exam.

= I am glad of my brother having passed the exam.


10) be sure (certain, convinced, confident) + that + 주어 + 동사

= be sure (certain, convinced, confident) + of + ~ ing : ~을 확신하다.

I am sure that he will live to eight.

= I am sure of his living to eighty.


11) be aware (conscious) + that + 주어 + 동사

= be aware (conscious) + of + ~ ing : ~을 알다.

He was conscious that the matter was important.

= He was conscious of the matter being important.



● 동격 명사절의 문장전환

주로 동격 명사절을 이끄는 문장.

fact(사실), doubt(의심), evidence(증거), chance(기회), report(보고), rumor(소문),

proof(증거), hope(희망), news(소식), idea(생각), certainty(확실), suggestion(제안),

possibility = probability = likelihood(가능성, 가망), conclusion(결론)

The fact that he is honest is known to everybody.

= The fact of his being honest is known to everybody.

                     his honesty

동격명사절인 that~는 주어나 목적어, 보어 등이 생략되지 않은 완전한 문장이어야 한다.



동명사 관용적 표현


● There is no + ∼ ing: ∼을 할 수 없다.
  * There is no knowing what may happen.
    = It is impossible to know what may happen.
    = We cannot know what may happen.
    = 무슨 일이 일어날지 알 수 없다.
  * There is no trusting him.
    = It is impossible to trust him.
    = We cannot trust him.


● It is no use + ∼ ing : ∼해도 소용없다.
  * It is no  use(good) crying over spilt milk.
    = It is +- of no use -+ to cry over spilt milk.
 +- useless -+
    = There is no use (in) crying over spilt milk.
    = What is the use (the point) of crying over spilt milk?


● of one's own + ∼ ing : 자기가 직접 ∼하는
  * This is a picture   of my own painting.
                        which I have painted myself.
                        (which is) painted by myself. (p.p + by oneself)


● It goes without saying      that health is above wealth.
    It is needless to say
    It is a matter of course
    It is not too much to say
    = 건강이 부보다 중요하다는 것은 두말할 필요가 없다.


● cannot help ∼ing    : ∼하지 않을 수 없다.
    cannot but + 동사원형: ∼할 수밖에 없다.
  * I cannot help admiring his courage.

   *have no ∼ but to do : ~할 수밖에 없다.

● on + ∼ ing, in + ∼ ing
  * on + ∼ ing = as soon as (when) + 주어 +동사:∼하자마자. ∼할 때.
    in + ∼ ing = when + 주어 + 동사: ∼할 때에는.
  * As soon as he received the letter he turned pale.
    = On (his) receiving the letter, he turned pale.
    = He had  no sooner received the letter  than  he turned pale.
              scarcely                       when
              hardly                         before

    = No sooner  had he received the letter,  than he turned pale.
      Scarcely                                when
      Hardly                                  before


● cannot too: 아무리 ∼해도 지나치지 않다.
  * We cannot be too careful when we choose friends.
    = We cannot be too careful in choosing friends.


● What, Need + 능동 동명사
  * What      +   능동 동명사 (○)
    Need           수동 동명사 (×)
    Require       수동 부정사 (○)  → ∼을 필요로 한다. ∼을 해야 한다.
  * His house  needs     being painted. (×)
                      wants     painting.      (○)
                     requires   to be painted. (○)


● 동명사 관용적 용법 Ⅰ

  ① be busy  with + 명사.
              (in) + ∼ ing. : ∼하는데 분주하다. 바쁘다.
    * I am busy with my task.
    * She was busy (in) tidying up his desk.

  ② feel like + ∼ ing.
     feel inclined + to do : ∼하고 싶은 생각이 나다.
    * I feel like sleeping now.
      = I feel inclined to  sleep now.
            am disposed to

  ③ What do you say to + ∼ ing? : ∼하는 게 어때?
    * Let's play baseball after lunch, shall we?
      = How about -+ playing baseball after lunch?
        What about -+
      = What do you say to playing baseball after lunch.
      = What do you think about playing baseball after lunch.
        ◇ Let's로 시작되는 부가의문문은 shall we?

  ④ be on the point of + ∼ ing: ∼하려는 찰나다, 막 ∼하려고 하다.

    * He was on the point of   being drowned.
             on the verge of
             on the brink of
             on the edge of
      = He was about to be drowned.

  ⑤ cannot ∼ without … ing: … 않고 ∼하는 일을 없다.
     cannot ∼ but …(S+V)   : … 하면 반드시 ∼하다.

    * Whenever I met him, I think of his brother.
      = I never meet him without thinking of his brother.
      = I never meet him but I think of his brother.
      = 그를 만날 때마다 그의 동생이 생각나다.

  ⑥ be worth ∼ing
     = be worth while + 동명사, 부정사
     = be worthy of + 동명사, 명사
     = ∼할만한 가치가 있다.
    * This is worth while to read this book.
      = It is worth while to read this book.



동명사 관용적 용법 Ⅱ
  ① make a point of + ∼ ing : ∼을 규칙으로 하다.
    * I make a point of getting up early.
      = I am in the habit of getting up early.
      = It is my rule to get up early.
      = I make it a rule to get up early.

  ② come near + ∼ ing.
     go   near + ∼ ing.
     nearly escape + ∼ ing. : 하마터면 ∼할 뻔하다.
    * He came near being drowned.

  ③ not A but B = instead of + ∼ ing = not only A but also B
     = besides           + ∼ ing
       in addition to

    * She is not shy, but unsocial.
      = Instead of being shy, she is unsocial.
    * He is not only brave, but also wise.
      = Besides being brave he is wise.


● To + ∼ ing

  ① be opposed to
      object to                 + ∼ ing : ∼을 반대하다.
      have an objection to
     * I am very much opposed to going there.
     * Have you any objection to my wearing this suit?

   ② contribute to + ∼ ing : ∼에 공헌하다. 기여하다.
     * He contributed to the growth of the city.

   ③ turn one's attention to + ∼ ing (명사) : ∼에 주의를 돌리다.
                                               ∼에 관심을 갖다.
     * He did not turn his attention to making a fortune until he was forty.
       (그는 40이 되고 나서야 재산 모으는데 관심을 가졌다.)

   ④ with a view to + ∼ ing : ∼하기 위하여. (for the purpose)
     * I study English with a view to going abroad.

   ⑤ be equal to + ∼ ing    : ∼할 능력이 있다.
     * I am equal to doing the task.

   ⑥ revote -+ A   to   B(동명사)
     dedicate -+              : A를 B에 바치다.
     * He devoted all his time to studying history.

   ⑦ be use to + ∼ ing.
     be accustomed to + 동사원형(동명사) : ∼에 익숙하다.
     * I am used to playing the piano.
       = I am accustomed to playing (또는 play) the piano.

   ⑧ what do you say to + ∼ ing  : ∼하는 게 어때?
     * What do you say to playing tennis with me?

   ⑨ take to + ∼ ing        : ∼에 빠지다, 정이 들다.
     * He took to writing after he retired from the college.

   ⑩ look forward to + ∼ ing : ∼을 기대하다, 고대하다.
     * I am looking forward to seeing you again.

   ① fall to + ∼ ing = begin to + 동사원형  : ∼을 시작하다.
     * They fell to discussing the serious problem.

● ~ to 다음에 동사원형 아닌, ~ing 동명사 숙어

 to 다음에 ~ing가 나오는 것은 영어의 규칙. 논리적인 설명을 할 수가 없다.


  ① be opposed to
     = object to               ∼을 반대하다.
     * I am very much opposed to going there.(나는 거기 가는 것에 아주 반대한다)
  ② contribute to  ∼에 공헌하다. 기여하다.
     * He contributed to the growth of the city.(그는 그 도시 발전에 기여했다)
  ③ turn one's attention to   ∼에 주의를 돌리다. ∼에 관심을 갖다.
     * He did not turn his attention to making a fortune until he was forty.
       (그는 40이 되고 나서야 재산 모으는데 관심을 가졌다.)
  ④ with a view to : ∼하기 위하여.
     * I study English with a view to going abroad.(나는 해외에 가기 위하여 영어를 공부한다)
  ⑤ be equal to + ∼ ing    : ∼할 능력이 있다.
     * I am equal to doing the task. (나는 그 일을 할 능력이 있다)
  ⑥ devote      A   to   B
     = dedicate                 : A를 B에 바치다.
     * He devoted all his time to studying history.(그는 모든 시간을 역사공부에 바쳤다)
  ⑦ be used to
     = be accustomed to  : ∼에 익숙해 있다.
     * I am used to playing the piano.(나는 피아노 치는 것에 익숙해 있다)
주의) used to + 동사원형 (~하곤 했다)
     * She used to go shopping in the morning. (그녀는 오전에 쇼핑하러 가곤 했다)
  ⑧ what do you say to : ∼하는 게 어때?
     * What do you say to playing tennis with me? (나와 테니스 하는 게 어때?)
  ⑨ take to + ∼ ing        : ∼에 빠지다, 정이 들다.
     * He took to writing after he retired from the college.( 그는 대학에서 은퇴한 후 글쓰기에 빠졌다)
  ⑩ look forward to + ∼ ing : ∼을 기대하다, 고대하다.
     * I am looking forward to seeing you again.(나는 널 다시 보기를 고대하고 있다)





기출문제(부정사, 동명사)


(1) I recommend that the student finish to write her paper as soon as possible.

(2) I couldn’t find any vegetables in the refrigerator, which means my wife must have forgotten to buy some on her way home.

(3) It is foolish for you to do such a thing.

(4) My husband has been busy to work out his project.


(5) They were on the verge to leave the summer resort.

(6) She objects to be asked out by people at work.

(7) Many students assume that textbook writers restrict themselves to facts and avoid to present opinions.

(8) This is one of the important ways in which give help in a mutual aid group is a form of self-help.

(9) It is not very hard for Koreans’ obtaining a U.S. visa, against most people believe.

(10) Unlike what most people believe, it is not very tough for Koreans to obtain a U.S. visa.


(11) The company’s marketing strategy appeals to the consumers who are accustomed to paying bills by credit cards.

(12) Bob regrets wasting his money on useless things. (밥은 쓸데없는 일에 돈을 낭비한 것을 후회한다.)

(13) I don’t remember for him to tell me such a direct lie. (내 기억에는 그가 나에게 그런 뻔뻔스러운 거짓말을 한 적이 없다.)

(14) This leaflet tells you how to avoid getting ill while traveling

(15) We are looking forward for you to come.


(16) She is used to living alone.

(17) I’m having a real problem figuring out that I want.

(18) I don’t mind being treated like this.

(19) It’s thoughtful of him to remember the names of every member in our firm.

(20) Would you mind handing me the paper there?


(21) There is no knowing how far science may progress by the end of the twenty first century. (21세기 말까지 과학이 얼마나 발전할지 알 수 없다.)

(22) She regrets not having worked harder in her youth.

(23) Last night, she nearly escaped from running over by a car.

(24) The main reason I stopped smoking was that all my friends had already stopped smoking.

(25) I look forward to doing business with you as soon as possible.


(26) Hamas also agreed that day temporarily stop firing rockets into Israel.

(27) Parents are responsible for providing the right environment for their children to grow and learn in.

(28) My aunt didn’t remember meeting her at the party. (나의 이모는 파티에서 그녀를 만난 것을 기억하지 못했다.)




(1) I recommend that the student finish to write her paper as soon as possible. (X)

→ writing

(2) I couldn’t find any vegetables in the refrigerator, which means my wife must have forgotten to buy some on her way home. (O)

(3) It is foolish for you to do such a thing. (X)

→ of

(4) My husband has been busy to work out his project. (X)

→ working

(5) They were on the verge to leave the summer resort. (X)

→ of leaving


(6) She objects to be asked out by people at work. (X)

→ being

(7) Many students assume that textbook writers restrict themselves to facts and avoid to present opinions. (X)

→ presenting

(8) This is one of the important ways in which give help in a mutual aid group is a form of self-help. (X)

→ giving

(9) It is not very hard for Koreans’ obtaining a U.S. visa, against most people believe. (X)

→ for Koreans to obtain -> what most people believe

(10) Unlike what most people believe, it is not very tough for Koreans to obtain a U.S. visa. (O)


(11) The company’s marketing strategy appeals to the consumers who are accustomed to paying bills by credit cards. (O)

(12) Bob regrets wasting his money on useless things. (밥은 쓸데없는 일에 돈을 낭비한 것을 후회한다.)(O)

(13) I don’t remember for him to tell me such a direct lie. (내 기억에는 그가 나에게 그런 뻔뻔스러운 거짓말을 한 적이 없다.)(X) 

→ his telling

(14) This leaflet tells you how to avoid getting ill while traveling. (O)

(15) We are looking forward for you to come. (X)

→ to your coming


(16) She is used to living alone. (O)

(17) I’m having a real problem figuring out that I want. (X)

→ what

(18) I don’t mind being treated like this. (O)

(19) It’s thoughtful of him to remember the names of every member in our firm. (O)

(20) Would you mind handing me the paper there? (O)


(21) There is no knowing how far science may progress by the end of the twenty first century. (21세기 말까지 과학이 얼마나 발전할지 알 수 없다.) (O)

(22) She regrets not having worked harder in her youth. (O)

(23) Last night, she nearly escaped from running over by a car. (X)

→ being run over

(24) The main reason I stopped smoking was that all my friends had already stopped smoking. (O)

(25) I look forward to doing business with you as soon as possible. (O)


(26) Hamas also agreed that day temporarily stop firing rockets into Israel. (X)

→ to stop

(27) Parents are responsible for providing the right environment for their children to grow and learn in. (O)

(28) My aunt didn’t remember meeting her at the party. (나의 이모는 파티에서 그녀를 만난 것을 기억하지 못했다.) (O)




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