제6장 수동태 (Voice)
▷동사가 나타내는 행위의 방향성이 동사의 형태에 나타날 때, 즉 주어 및 목적어에 대한 타동사의 관계를 태(態)라고 한다. Lincoln delivered this speech. 와 This speech was delivered by Lincoln. 을 비교하면, 링컨에 의하여 행동되고 있는 점은 같으나, 언어 표현상으로 보면 전자에서는 행동이 주어에서 나왔고, 후자에서는 행동이 주어에 미치고 있어서 각기 그 방향이 다르다. 영어에서는 태에 능동태(active voice)와 수동태(passive voice)의 두 가지가 있는데, 특히 수동태는 <be + P.P(과거분사) + by + 행위자>의 형태로 특징지어진다. 원래 타동사만이 수동태를 이루는 것이나, <자동사 + 전치사> 등의 어군이 <타동사 상당 어구>로서 수동태가 되는 경우가 흔히 있다.
▷<A(주어)가 B(목적어)를 ∼하다>와 같이 동작하는 주체를 주어로 두는 동사의 형태를 <능동태>라 하고, 이 능동태 문장의 목적어를 주어로 하여 <B(목적어)는 A(주어)에 의해 ∼되다>와 같이 수동적으로 동작의 영향을 받거나 당하는 주체를 주어로 두는 동사의 형태를 <수동태>라고 한다.
▷이 두 가지가 전하는 객관적 사실에는 큰 차이가 없으나, 능동태는 말하는 사람의 관심이 동작 주체에 있고, 수동태는 말하는 사람의 관심이 동작의 영향을 받는 대상에 있다.
제1강 수동태의 필요성과 태의 전환법
수동태로서의 전환은 목적어를 취하는 동사 즉 타동사를 포함하는 다음의 세 개 문형에 한한다.
V = 타동사 : S + V + O : 제3 문형
S + V + I.O + D.O : 제4 문형
S + V + O + O.C : 제5 문형
1. 수동태의 필요성
⑴ 능동태의 주어(행위자)가 분명하지 않거나, 나타내기 어려울 때
* The city is well supplied with water.
He was killed in the air raid.
The seat was taken.
⑵ 능동태의 주어(행위자)가 막연한 일반인 you, we, they, people 등 일 때
* English is spoken in Australia. = They speak English in Australia.
Butter is sold by the pound.
⑶ 종사의 뜻을 나타낼 때 : <∼하고 있다>
* I am now engaged in writing a novel.
Helen is engaged to John.
He was absorbed in deep thought.
⑷ 위치, 출생, 사망, 익사, 병, 부상을 나타낼 때
* My school is situated [located] on the hill.
He was born in 1945.
He was drowned in the river.
Two people were injured in the accident.
She was suddenly taken ill.
⑸ 감정, 피해, 탈선을 나타낼 때
* I am satisfied with that work.
She is not pleased with anything.
The train was derailed.
⑹ 행위의 주체(능동태의 주어) 보다 행위의 대상(수동태의 주어)에 관심이 더 많을 때 : 능동태의 주어보다 수동태의 주어가 더 중요할 때
* He was elected President again.
His son was run over by a truck.
⑺ (재치와 묘미를 위해) 행위자를 밝히고 싶지 않을 때
* Some things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken.
This matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.
Enough has been discussed of the subject in this chapter.
⑻ 앞 문장과의 결합을 용이하게 하기 위해 앞에 이미 나온 주어를 이어받을 때
* He spoke and was applauded by the audience.
He made a speech and was asked many questions at the end.
2. 태의 전환법
* I write the letter. → The letter is written by me.
⑴ 능동태의 목적어를 수동태의 주어로 한다. The letter
대명사일 때는 그 대명사의 주격을 쓴다.
⑵ be 동사를 주어의 인칭과 수에 일치시킨다. The letter : be → is
능동태의 시제는 be 동사를 통해 수동태에서도 그대로 유지한다. 즉, be 동사는 능동태 동사의 시제와 일치한다.
⑶ be동사 다음에 능동태 동사의 P.P를 쓴다. write → written
⑷ 능동태의 주어를 <by + 목적격> 형태의 부사구로 만든다. by me 주어가 명사이면 그대로 쓴다.
⑸ 기타 수식어구 등은 수동태 문장에 그대로 쓴다.
* I praised him yesterday. →
Everybody loves him. →
<참고> 능동태의 주어가 막연한 일반인을 나타내는 we, you, people, they, one 일 때, 불분명할 때, 분명해서 나타낼 필요가 없을 때는 이를 <by us>, <by you>, <by them>등으로 쓰지 않고 이를 생략하는 것이 보통이다.
* They speak English in Australia.
→ English is spoken (by them) in Australia. 일반인
We should not violate traffic regulation.
→ Traffic regulation should not be violated (by us).
My novel was stolen. 불분명
She was hurt in a traffic accident.
Tea will be served after the meeting. 불필요
제2강 수동태의 시제
수동태 <be + P.P>의 시제는 be동사의 시제 변화에 의하여 변하고 과거분사 P.P는 불변이다. <3개의 기본시제 × 4가지 형(形) = 12시제>에 해당하는 수동태의 시제는 다음과 같다.
▷ 기본시제의 수동태 : <be + P.P>
▷ 진행시제의 수동태 : <be + being + P.P>
▷ 완료시제의 수동태 : <have [has] + been + P.P>
▷ 미래진행형의 수동태와 각 시제의 완료진행형의 수동태는 실제 영어에서는 사용되지 않는다.
그래서 실제 사용되는 수동태는 모두 8시제이다.
구 분 | 현 재 | 과 거 | 미 래 |
단순형 be+p.p | am, is, are + p.p | was, were + p.p. | will [shall] be + p.p |
완료형 have been + p.p |
have, has + been + p.p. |
had been + p.p. | will have been + p.p |
진행형 be + being + p.p |
am, is, are + being + p.p. |
was, were + being + p.p. |
쓰이지 않음 |
① be+p.p., have been+p.p., be+being+p.p. 에서 be와 have의 시제는 능동태의 시제와 일치하고 인칭과 수는 새로운 수동의 주어에 일치한다.
② 미래시제의 will, shall은 단순미래, 의지미래에 따라 새로운 수동의 주어에 일치시킨다.
* I will pay the money. → The money shall be paid be me.
가장 간단한 예문으로 각 시제의 문장을 만들어 보자.
* I do it.
1. 현재시제 : I do it.
⑴ 단순 : It is done by me. 행해진다.
⑵ 진행 : It is being done by me. 행해지고 있다.
⑶ 완료 : It has been done by me. 행해졌다.
⑷ 완료진행 : It has been being done by me. (X)
2. 과거시제 : I did it.
⑴ 단순 ; It was done by me. 행해졌다.
⑵ 진행 : It was being done by me. 행해지고 있었다.
⑶ 완료 : It had been done by me. 행해졌었다.
⑷ 완료진행 : It had been being done by me. (X)
3. 미래시제 : I will do it.
⑴ 단순 : It will be done by me. 행해질 것이다.
⑵ 진행 : It will be being done by me. (X)
⑶ 완료 : It will have been done by me 행해졌을 것이다.
⑷ 완료진행 : It will have been being done by me. (X)
4. 준동사의 수동태
⑴ 부정사
① 단순 : <to-R → to be + P.P> : do → to be done
② 완료 : <to have P.P → to have been P.P> : done → to have been done
⑵ 분사, 동명사
① 단순 : <R-ing → being P.P> : doing → being done
② 완료 : <having P.P → having been P.P> : done → having been done
5. <완료형, 진행형>의 수동태가 만들어지는 과정
⑴ 현재진행수동태 = 현재진행형 + 수동태
is [am, are] + R-ing + be + P.P = is [am, are] + being + P.P
⑵ 현재완료수동태 = 현재완료형 + 수동태
have [has] + P.P + be + P.P = have [has] + been + P.P
제3강 문형의 종류에 따른 수동태
수동태로 할 수 있는 동사는 원칙적으로 목적어를 가지는 타동사이므로, 문형상 제3 문형(S + V + O), 제4 문형(S + V + I.O + D.O), 제5 문형(S + V + O + O.C)의 세 문형만 수동태로 만들 수 있다.
1. 제3 문형의 수동태 : S + V + O → S' + V' : 제1 문형
능동태의 목적어 → 수동태의 주어, 능동태의 동사 → <be + p.p>,
능동태의 주어 → 수동태의 <by + 목적격>으로 한다.
⑴ 목적어가 <명사, 대명사>인 경우
* Picasso painted the picture. → The picture was painted by Picasso.
He will paint a picture. →
She loves me. →
① 수동태로 만들 수 없는 완전타동사
소유, 상태를 나타내는 동사, 사람의 의지와 상관없는 동사, 상호관계를 나타내는 동사, 도착을 나타내는 동사는 수동태로 만들지 못한다.
escape, lack, resemble, become, suit, fit, have, let, marry
* This doll has blue eyes. → Blue eyes are had by this doll. (X)
The boy resembles his father. → His father is resembled by the boy. (X)
Her new dress becomes her well. → She is become by her new dress. (X)
The girl lacked musical ability. → Musicl ability was lacked by the girl. (X)
She has three sons. → Three sons are had by her. (X)
He married a Korean. → A Korean was married by him. (X)
He escaped death. → Death was escaped by him. (X)
② 자동사(제1,2 문형)는 수동태가 될 수 없다.
* I go to school. He looked tired.
그러나 예외적으로 run, fly, walk 등이 '운전하다, 비행기로 나르다, ∼를 걷게 하다'의 뜻으로 쓰일 때는 수동태가 가능하다.
* How many persons have been flown to New Zealand this year?
Cheap trains will be run on Sundays.
Horses should be walked for some time after a race.
③ 상호대명사(each other, one another)는 수동태로 할 수 없다.
* Tom and Ann loved each other.
→ Each other was loved by Tom and Ann. (X)
⑵ 목적어가 명사절(that절)인 경우
① 가주어 it (=that절)을 주어로 하여 수동태를 만든다.
* I request that she (should) be sent home.
→ It is requested that she (should) be sent home.
② They [We, People] think, believe, expect, report + that S + V ∼구문의 수동태 전환
consider, suppose, say, know 2가지
* They say that he is rich.
㉮ 가주어 it (that절)을 수동태의 주어로 하는 경우 : <that 이하라고 ∼해지다>
→ <It is said [believed, thought 등] + that + S + V∼>
→ That he is rich is said by them. → It is said that he is rich (by them).
㉯ that절의 주어를 수동태의 S로, V를 to 부정사로 하는 경우 : <to-R이하라고 ∼해지다>
<S + be + said [believed, thought 등] + to-R ∼> : V를 to 부정사로 바꿀 때,
㉠ 주절의 본동사(say)의 시제와 that절의 동사의 시제가 같을 때 : 단순부정사 to + R
㉡ 주절의 본동사시제보다 that절의 동사의 시제가 한 시제 앞설 때 : 완료부정사 to have p.p
→ He is said to be rich (by them).
* They say that he was rich.
→ That he was rich is said (by them). : It ∼that 가주어를 사용하기 전 단계
→ It is said that he was rich. → He is said to have been rich.
They said that he was rich. → It was said that he was rich.
→ He was said to be rich.
They said that he had been rich. → It was said that he had been rich.
→ He was said to have been rich.
We believe that he was honest. →
We believed that he was honest. →
2. 제4 문형의 수동태 전환
I.O와 D.O를 주어로 하여 두 가지의 수동태가 가능한 경우와 I.O나 D.O 중 어느 한쪽만을 주어로 하는 경우가 있다.
⑴ I.O, D.O를 주어로 하는 2개의 수동태가 가능한 경우
give 류의 수여동사 : allow, ask, give, lend, offer, pay, promise, show, teach, tell, etc.
: <S + V + I.O + D.O → S +V + D.O + to + I.O>
* My uncle gave me a camera. 제4 문형
→ I was given a camera by my uncle. 제3 문형
→ A camera was given (to) me by my uncle. 제3 문형 (제1 문형)
She taught them French. → They were taught French by her.
→ French was taught (to) them by her.
<참고>㉠ 일반적으로 사람(I.O)을 주어로 하는 수동태가 더 자연스럽다.
㉡ I.O, D.O 중 수동태의 주어로 사용되지 않고 그대로 남아있는 목적어를 보류(잔류) 목적어라 하며, I.O가 보류목적어일 경우에는 그 앞에 to, for, of를 붙이는 경우가 많다.. ㉢ D.O를 수동태의 주어로 하는 경우 I.O앞에는 전치사 to를 붙여 누가 수여받는가를 분명히 하거나, I.O를 강조하기 위한 것이 보통이다. 간접목적어가 인칭대명사일 때는 to의 생략이 가능하나, 그 외의 경우에는 생략하지 않는 것이 보통이다.
⑵ D.O를 주어로 하는 수동태만 가능한 경우
① make 류의 수여동사: bring, buy, cook, choose, find, get, make, sing
: <S + V + I.O + D.O → S + V + D.O + for + I.O>
② give류 중 일부 : carry, sell, send, pass, read, write
: <S + V + I.O +D.O → S + V + D.O + to + I.O>
위의 동사들은 I.O에게 이익, 불이익을 주는 동사들로서 대체로 D.O를 주어로 하는 수동만 가능하며 I.O를 주어로 하는 수동태는 매우 어색하여 거의 쓰이지 않는다.
* Mom made me a white dress. → A white dress was made for me by Mom.
→ I was made a white dress by Mom. (X)
They bought me a book. → A book was bought for me by them.
→ I was bought a book by them. (X)
She wrote him a letter. → A letter was written to him by her.
<주의> make 류에서 D.O를 수동태의 주어로 하는 경우, I.O 앞에는 반드시 for를 붙여야 한다. 붙이지 않으면 문장 내에서의 IㆍO의 역할을 알기 어렵다. 단, bring의 경우는 for의 생략이 가능하다.
* Some flowers were brought (for) me.
<참고> I.O 앞에 to나 for 이외의 전치사를 두는 경우
* He asked me a question. → A question was asked of me.
They played her a cruel joke. → A cruel joke was played on her.
⑶ I.O를 주어로 하는 수동태만 가능한 경우
answer, call, deny, envy, forgive, kiss, refuse, spare, save, etc.
위의 동사들은 I.O(사람)을 주어로 하는 수동태만 가능하며, D.O를 주어로 하는 수동태는 매우 어색하여 거의 쓰이지 않는다.
* They envied him his luck. → He was envied his luck by them.
→ His luck was envied him by them. (X)
That saved me a lot of trouble. → I was saved a lot of trouble by that.
→ A lot of trouble was saved me by that. (X)
They called him names. → He was called names by them.
He answered me no question. → I was answered no question by him.
He kissed her a goodnight. → She was kissed a goodnight by him.
He forgave me my negligence. → I was forgiven my negligence by him.
→ My negligence was forgiven me by him. (X)
3. 제5 문형의 수동태 전환
능동태의 목적(격) 보어[명사, 형용사, 분사, 부정사]는 그대로 남아 주격 보어가 되어 수동태는 제2 문형이 된다.
* I painted the wall white. → The wall was painted white by me.
They elected him chairman. → He was elected chairman (by them).
I made her happy. → She was made happy by me.
<주의> 목적 보어가 명사일 때 제4 문형으로 착각해서 목적 보어를 수동태의 주어로 해서는
* They elected him chairman. → Chairman was elected him (by them). (X)
⑴ 목적 보어가 <명사, 형용사, 분사, to 부정사> 일 때: 목적 보어를 수동태의 주어로 쓸 수 있다.
* We call him Little Giant. → He is called Little Giant (by us).
I painted the wall white. → The wall was painted white by me.
I made her happy. → She was made happy by me.
He asked me to go out. → I was asked to go out by him.
⑵ 목적보어가 원형동사(동사원형, 원형부정사, R)일 때
: 지각동사나 사역동사가 원형 부정사를 목적보어로 취한 능동태를 수동태로 전환할 경우 원형부정사는 <to-R>로 전환된다.
S + 지각, 사역 V + O + O.C(R) → S + be + 지각, 사역 V의 P.P + to-R
* We saw her enter the room. → She was seen to enter the room by us.
They made us work hard. → We were made to work hard (by them).
We have never seen him smoke. → He has never been seen to smoke by us.
They didn't let us speak. → We were not allowed to speak (by them).
I felt something move in the darkness. →
제4강 명령문, 의문문의 수동태 전환
1. 명령문의 수동태
⑴ 긍정 명령문 : Do it
① 직접 명령문 : <Let + O + be + P.P ∼>
* Do it at once. → Let it be done at once.
Read the novel. → Let the novel be read.
② 간접 명령문 : <Let + O + be + P.P + by + 사람>
* Let him do it. → Let it be done by him.
Let her sing a song. → Let a song be sung by her.
⑵ 부정명령문
① 직접 명령문 : <Don't let + O + be + P.P ∼> 또는 <Let + O + not + be + P.P ∼>
* Don't forget it. → Don't let it be forgotten.
→ Let it not be forgotten.
Don't waste your time. → Don't let your time be wasted.
→ Let your time not be waste.
② 간접 명령문 : <Don't let + O + be + P.P + by + 사람>
<Let + O + not + be + P.P + by + 사람>
* Don't let him do it. → Don't let it be done by him.
→ Let it not be done by him.
2. 의문문의 수동태
<핵심, 기본 원칙(순서)> 첫째, 의문문을 평서문으로 고친다.
둘째, 평서문을 수동태로 고친다.
셋째, 수동태를 의문문으로 고친다.
⑴ 의문사가 없는 의문문 : be동사나 조동사를 문장의 맨 앞에 쓴다.
<조동사 + S(능동태의 O) + be + p.p. + by + 목적격(능동태의 S)∼?>
<Be(Am, Is, Are, Was, Were) + S(능동태의 O) + p.p. + by + 목적격(능동태의 S)∼?>
* Does he love Jane? → He loves Jane. 평서문
→ Jane is loved by him. 수동태
→ Is Jane loved by him? 의문문
Did they find the boys? →
Did he write the novel? →
⑵ 의문사가 있는 의문문
① 의문사가 주어일 때 : <By whom + be + O + P.P ∼?>
* Who broke the vase? → □ broke the vase. (평서문)
→ The vase was broken by □. (수동태)
→ By whom was the vase broken? (의문문)
Who discovered America? →
→ By whom was America discovered?
Who will repair the radio? →
② 의문사가 주어가 아닐 때 : 의문사를 그대로 두고 문장을 기본원칙에 따라 고친다.
㉮ 의문사가 목적격일 때 : <의문사(주격) + be + P.P + by + 주어의 목적격?>
* What did he discover? → He discovered □. (평서문)
→ □ was discovered by him. (수동태)
→ What was discovered by him? (의문문)
What did she write? → She wrote □. (평서문)
→ □ was written by her. (수동태)
→ What was written by her? (의문문)
Who [Whom] do the police suspect? → Who is suspected by the police?
㉯ 의문사가 부사, 기타일 때 : <의문사 + be + O + P.P + by + 주어의 목적격 ∼?>
* When did you finish it? → You finished it □. (평서문)
→ It was finished □ by you. (수동태)
→ Was it finished □ by you? (의문문)
→ When was it finished by you?
How did he solve the problem? → He solved the problem □.
→ The problem was solved by him □.
→ Was the problem solved by him □?
What do you call the tree in English?
→ You call the tree □ in Englsih.
→ The tree is called □ (by you) in English?
→ What is the tree called in English?
제5강 조동사가 있는 문장의 수동태 전환
<기본원칙> S + 조동사 + R + O ∼ → <S + 조동사 + be + P.P + by + 목적격>
* We must find the answer. → The answer must be found by us.
You can speak French. → French is spoken by him.
I will forgive you for this one. → You shall be forgiven for this one.
<주의>⑴ will, shall 조동사는 인칭에 따라 단순, 의지 미래에 맞도록 일치시킨다. 그러나 현대 영어(특히 미국 영어)에서는 대체로 인칭에 관계없이 will을 쓴다.
⑵ have to, be going to, be able to(=can)등도 조동사에 준해서 수동태를 만든다.
* They will have to put off the meeting till later in the week.
→ The meeting will have to be put off till later in the week.
I am going to invite Tom. → Tom is going to be invited by me.
I was able to reach the handle. →The handle was able to be reached by me.
제6강 합성동사(군동사)의 수동태
동사구가 한 개의 타동사 역할을 하는 문장의 수동태를 말하며, 한 단위로 취급된다.
1. 자동사 + 전치사 = 타동사구 (동사에 강세가 온다)
* His friends laughed at him. → He was laughed at by his friends.
We depended on him. → He was depended on by us.
A car ran over the child. →
He accounted for his conduct. →
<기타> ask for : demand deal with : 다루다, 처리하다 insist on : 주장하다
care for : 보살피다 listen to : hear think of : consider
2. 타동사 + 부사 = 타동사구 (부사에 강세)
* He gave up the plan. → The plan was given up by him.
We had to put off the plan. → The plan had to be put off by us.
He didn't make out the plan we had planned.
→ The plan that had be planned by us wasn't made out by him.
3. 자동사 + 부사 + 전치사 = 타동사구 (부사에 강세)
* The villagers looked up to the teacher.
→ The teacher was looked up to by the villagers.
Even his friends can't up with his rudeness.
→ His rudeness can't be put up with by even his friends.
<중요> They speak well of him. → He was well spoken of (by them).
양태나 정도를 나타내는 부사 well, ill, much, highly 등을 수반하는 합성동사가
수동태로 전환되면 이들 부사는 speak well of → be well spoken of의 경우처럼
과거분사 앞에 놓이는 경우가 많다.
4. 타동사 + 명사(목적어) + 전치사 = 타동사구 (명사에 강세)
* They took good care of the child.
→ The child was taken good care of by them. 일반적
→ Good care was taken of the child by them.
We paid every careful attention to his words.
→ His words were paid every careful attention to (by us).
→ Every careful attention was paid to (by us).
이외의 구 make a fool of : ridicule find fault with : criticize
make use of : utilize, use lose sight of : overlook
get rid of : remove take notice of : observe
catch sight of : see keep company with : associate with
give birth to : bear. take advantage of :
제7강 주의해야 할 수동태
1. 부정문 수동태
부정문 수동태는 부정어가 주어인 능동태의 수동태를 말한다.
주어가 부정어(No+명사)인 경우는 주어를 부정하는 부분은 동사를 부정하는 부사(not)로 바꾸어, <not ∼ by any + 명사> 형식으로 한다.
<중요> 능동 수동 능동 수동
no ↔ not ∼ any never ↔ not ∼ ever
neither ↔ not ∼ either nobody ↔ not ∼ anybody
nothing ↔ not ∼ anything
* Nothing pleases her. → She is pleased with nothing. (X)
→ She is not pleased with anything. (O)
No one has ever solved the problem.
→ The problem has ever been solved by no one. (X)
→ The problem has never been solved by anyone.
Nobody took any notice of the fact.
→ The fact was not taken any notice of by anybody.
→ No notice was taken of the fact by anybody.
2. 수동태의 문장 전환은 가능한 한 모든 동사를 다 바꾸어야 한다.
* We must endure what we cannot cure.
→ What cannot be cured must be endured.
Naturally one expects you to interest yourself in the job they have offered you.
→ Naturally you are expected to be interested in the job you have been offered.
제8강 By 이외의 전치사를 쓰는 수동태ㆍ관용적인 표현
1. by 이외의 전치사를 쓰는 수동태
수동태의 행위자는 by를 써서 나타내는 것이 원칙이지만 with, at, in 등의 다른 전치사가 쓰일 때가 많다. 이때 <be + p.p>의 p.p는 상태를 나타내는 형용사에 가까운 것이 많다. 감정을 나타내는 동사에 많으며 기쁨, 슬픔, 놀람에는 대개 at; 만족, 불만족에는 with; 실망, 종사에는 in을 쓴다. 숙어처럼 암기하는 것이 좋다.
⑴ to를 쓰는 경우
* The fact is known to everybody. ← Everybody knows the fact.
The girl was married to a rich merchant. ← A rich merchant married the girl.
⑵ in이 쓰이는 경우 (주로 흥미, 실망을 나타낼 때))
* He is interested in classical music.
I was caught in a shower in my way home.
He was dressed in white.
Workers were occupied in [with] building new roads.
She was absorbed in the novel.
⑶ with가 쓰이는 경우 (주로 도구, 감정을 나타낼 때)
* He was killed with a knife.
She was much delighted with [at] this idea. ← This idea delighted her much.
He was not pleased with [at] anything. ← Nothing pleased him.
I was disappointed with [in] his failure.
I am not satisfied with the result.
The mountain is covered with snow.
The vessel is filled with water.
The man was surrounded by [with] the boys.
⑷ at을 쓰는 경우 (주로 감정을 나타낼 때)
* He was surprised, startled, astonished, frightened at the news.
astounded, alarmed, amazed, shocked, dismayed
We were angry at [with] the boys for their noise.
He was grieved at her death.
She was relieved at his safety.
2. 관용적인 수동태 (수동형으로 능동의 뜻)
<기쁨, 슬픔, 놀람> 등의 감정과 심리, 평소의 <상태, 습관>을 나타내는 동사는 대개 수동태로 표현된다. 우리말로는 보통 능동으로 번역한다.
⑴ 감정, 심리를 나타내는 수동태
* I was surprised [frightened] to hear the news.
. She was deeply moved to tears.
I am convinced of his success.
⑵ 재해, 피해, 익사, 탈선, 부상 등을 나타내는 수동태
* The crops were damaged by flood.
Many children are drowned on this spot every year.
Ten people were injured in the accident.
He was suddenly taken ill.
⑶ 위치, 출생, 사망 등을 나타내는 수동태
* My school is located [situated] on the hill.
He was born in 1975.
Caine was borne by Eve.
He was burnt [sentenced] to death.
⑷ 상태, 습관을 나타내는 수동태
* He was married to a Russian girl.
He is accustomed to the work.
⑸ <종사>를 나타내는 수동태
* She is now engaged in writing a book.
Helen is engaged to John.
He was absorbed in the study.
제9강 수동태의 종류
1. 동작수동태와 상태수동태
수동태에는 <∼되다,∼되다,∼당하다>의 뜻인 동작을 나타내는 수동과 때로는 <∼되어(져) 있다>의 뜻인 상태를 나타내는 수동이 있다. 이렇게 상태를 나타내는 수동 구문의 과거분사는 형용사의 역할을 한다. <동작수동>은 능동태에서 <현재>, <상태수동>은 능동태에서 <현재완료> 또는 <과거>로 바뀐다.
* Our house is painted every year. → We paint our house every year.
Our house is painted green. → We have painted our house green.
The store is closed at six every evening. → They close the store ∼
The store is closed now. → They have closed the store now.
⑴ 동작수동 : <be + p.p.>에서 <동작>의 의미를 분명히 하기 위해 be 대신에 동작 동사 <become, get, grow + p.p.>를 쓰는 경우가 많다.
동작을 강조 : become [get, grow, etc] + p.p.
* He got injured in the accident.
At last the truth become known to us.
You will soon grow accustomed to it.
I got acquainted with him during my stay in Paris.
⑵ 상태수동 : <be + p.p.>에서 <상태>의 의미를 분명히 하기 위해 be 대신에
상태 동사 <lie, remain, stand + p.p.>를 쓰는 경우가 많다.
상태를 강조 : lie [remain, rest, stand, etc] + p.p.
* The front door remained locked.
He lay buried under the snow.
He stands surrounded by his pupils.
⑶재귀대명사(再歸代名詞)를 목적어로 하는 동사
* She dressed herself in black. 동작 → She was dressed in black. 상태
You must prepare yourself for the worst. → You must be prepared for the worst.
2. 경험의 수동태 : <S + have [get] + O + p.p.>
주어가 어떤 일을 경험하는 것을 나타내는 일종의 수동태이다.
⑴ 사역의 뜻 : 주어에게 이익이 되면 <O를 ∼시키다>로 해석한다.
과거분사로 쓰인 동사가 주어의 의지인 경우
* I had [got] my audio mended. = My audio was mended.
⑵ 수동의 뜻 : 주어에게 피해가 가면 <O를 ∼당하다>로 해석한다.
과거분사로 쓰인 동사가 주어의 의지가 아닌 경우
* I had [got] my purse stolen. = My purse was stolen. purse에 중점
= I was robbed of my purse. I에 중점
3. 능동형의 수동적 의미
형태는 능동이면서 수동의 의미를 나타내는 문장으로 동사의 해석에 주의해야 한다.
⑴ S(물주) + bake, catch, clean, compare, cook, cut, fill, lock, open, peel, + 양태(樣態
photograph, read, run, sell, tear, translate, wash, wear, write
* The potatoes baked well in the oven.
No book can compare with the Bible.
Early beans cooks well.
This razor cuts well.
The door locks automatically.
This orange peels well.
She always photographs well.
The sentence reads as follows.
His novel sells like wildfire.
This paper does not tear stright.
This sentence translates easily.
<참고> 대부분의 능동수동태를 만드는 자동사들은 타동사로도 쓰인다.
* This surface cleans easily. 자동사 = This surface is cleaned easily. 타동사
The door opened. 자동사 = The door was opened. 타동사
⑵ to 부정사가 수동의 뜻인 경우
* You are to blame for it. = You are to be blamed for it.
There is no time to lose. = There is no time to be lost.
This house is not to let but to sell. = ∼ not to be let but to be sold.
⑶ 동명사가 수동의 뜻
<S(무생물 주어) + need, require, want, be worth + R-ing>
= <S + need, require, want, be worth + to be + p.p.>
* Your shirt needs washing. = Your shirt needs to be washed.
The plan requires changing. The grass wants cutting.
This play is worth watching twice.
⑷ 현재진행형이 수동진행의 뜻
* This house is now building. = This house is now being building.
The meal is now cooking. The novel is printing.
<주의> <be + 자동사의 p.p.>
수동의 의미를 나타내지 않고, 어떤 동작이 완료된 뒤의 상태를 뜻한다.
* Spring is come. He is gone.
⑸ <to be + p.p.>에서 to be가 생략된 경우
* I'd like it fried. = i'd like it to be fried.
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