사회 과학 Social Sciences/심리 Psychology

수렵채집 진화, 진화 심리, 진화한 마음, 분산적, 순간적, hunter-gatherer evolution, evolutionary psychology, evolved mind

Jobs 9 2024. 12. 3. 16:45

인간의 뇌와 마음은 수렵채집 생활에 적응해 있다.
인간의 본성과 역사와 심리를 이해하려면 수렵채집인 조상들의 머릿속으로 들어가는 수밖에 없다. 우리 종은 존속 기간의 거의 대부분을 수렵채집인으로 살았다. 물론 지난 2백 년간 도시 노동자나 사무직 직원으로서 일용할 양식을 얻은 사피엔스의 숫자는 지속적으로 늘어났고, 이에 앞선 1만 년 동안 대부분의 사피엔스는 농부와 목축인으로 살았다. 하지만 이 기간은 우리 조상들이 수렵과 채취를 한 수만 년에 비하면 눈 깜짝할 새에 지나지 않는다. 
오늘날 번성하는 진화심리학에 따르면, 현대인의 사회적, 심리적 특성 중 많은 부분이 이처럼 농경을 시작하기 전의 기나긴 시대에 형성되었다. 심지어 오늘날에도 우리의 뇌와 마음은 수렵 채집 생활에 적응해 있다고 이 분야 학자들은 주장한다. 식습관, 분쟁, 성적 특질 모두, 우리의 수렵채집 마인드가 후기 산업사회의 환경과 그 대도시, 여객기, 전화, 컴퓨터와 상호작용한 결과다. 이런 환경 덕분에 우리는 이전의 어떤 세대와 비교하더라도 물적 자원이 풍부해지고 수명도 길어졌지만, 이 환경은 또한 우리로 하여금 소외되고 우울하고 압박받는다고 느끼게 만들었다. 진화심리학자들은 그 이유를 알려면 우리를 형성했던 수렵채집 세계를 깊이 파고들어야 한다고, 우리는 무의식적으로 아직도 그 속에 살고 있다고 주장한다.
유발 하라리, 『사피엔스』, 70-71.




어떻게 먹거리를 얻고 가려낼까?     

- 수렵과 채집으로 먹거리를 잘 찾아내게끔 진화한 마음 : 인간의 마음은 수백만 년 동안 이어진 수렵채집 생활에서 먹거리를 찾아서 확보하는 문제를 잘 해결하게끔 설계되었을 것이다. 특히 수렵에 요구되는 능력과 채집에 요구되는 능력은 다르므로, 남성과 여성의 공간 인지 능력은 그에 맞추어 달랐을 것이다(p.67)    
- 무엇을 먹어야 할지 잘 가려내게끔 진화한 마음 : 
(1) 어떤 맛에는 이끌리고 어떤 맛에는 멀어지게끔 선천적인 미각 체계가 창작되었다. 높은 열량을 제공했던 먹거리를 달콤하다고 느끼게끔 우리의 두뇌가 배선 된 것이다. 마찬가지로 쓴맛과 신맛을 싫어함으로써 식물이 만드는 방어용 독소를 섭취하는 불상사를 피한다. 적당한 수준의 짠맛에 이끌리는 성향은 갑작스러운 탈수를 예방하는 구실을 한다. 감칠맛에 이끌리는 성향은 단백질이 풍부한 음식을 섭취하게 해준다.
(2) 낯선 음식을 일단 꺼리면서도 한편으로 선호하는 양가적 감정이 진화했다(p.69-70)     

- 우리의 진화한 미각과 현대 산업사회의 낯선 환경이 어긋나면서 비만, 성인병, 스트레스 등 여러 심각한 건강상의 문제를 일으키고 있다(p.72)        

잡아먹거나, 잡아먹히거나     

- 죽은 뒤에 후회 말고 지나치게 경계하자(위험 회피 성향) : 우리의 지각 체계는 모호하면 일단 위험한 것으로 가정하는 식으로 지나치게 예민하게 반응하게끔 편향되었다.(p.78)    

- 먹거리는 옹기종기 모여 있다 : 동식물 먹거리를 찾아나설 때 우리의 인지 기제는 먹거리들이 무작위적으로 혹은 균등하게 분포하기보다는 한곳에 집중적으로 분포하리라고 기대하면서 탐색하게끔 진화하였다. 사실 먹거리 뿐만 아니라 사람이나 보금자리, 물이 있을 만한 것처럼 진화 역사에서 중요했던 다른 종류의 자원들도 특정한 곳에 밀집해서 분포하기 마련이다. 오늘날 현대인들이 물건을 찾거나 정보를 검색할 때 찾으려는 대상이 몇몇 장소에 무리 지어 발견되리라는 가정에 따라 탐색을 한다는 것이 별로 놀랍지 않다(p.80)     

- 위험은 더 쉽게 학습된다        

병원체를 피하라    

 - 병원체를 막는 심리적 방어는 특정 집단에 돌을 던지는 편견, 자기편끼리 뭉치고 외부인을 배척하는 자기 집단 중심주의, 매력적인 이성에 대한 이끌림, 문화적 차이 등등 다양한 영역에 영향을 끼친다(p.86)     

- 병원체를 옮기는 요인의 목록이 혐오감을 일으키는 요인의 목록과 놀랄 정도로 유사했다. 혐오가 병원체 감염을 예방하는 심리적 적응이라는 이론은 많은 증거를 통해 뒷받침되었다(p.87)     


- 혐오와 편견 : 혐오에 대한 화재경보기 원리가 편견을 낳는다. 화재경보기는 아주 약간의 화재 낌새에도 민감하게 작동하게끔 설계되었다. 병원체를 피하는 심리적 방어 체계도 이러한 화재경보기 원리에 따라서 설계되었을 것이다. 전염병에 걸린 게 확실해 보이는 사람만 피하려다 실수로 감염자와 접촉하기보다는, 어딘가 비정상적인 외형을 지닌 사람이면 일단 무조건 피하고 보는 편이 상책이라는 말이다(p.89)    

 - 기생체는 남녀의 짝짓기에도 끼어든다 : 전염병 단서에 노출된 여성은 ‘좋은 아빠가 될 남성’ 보다는 ‘우수한 유전자의 단서를 지닌 남성’ 을 남편감으로 더 선호했다.(p.93)     

- 혐오는 주변 환경에서 병원체를 탐지해 미리 피하게끔 해주는 심리적 적응이다. 혐오감은 노인, 장애인, 비만인 등 형태적으로 낯설고 독특한 사람들에 대한 편견에 영향을 미친다. 다른 집단에서 온 외부인은 우리 집단에 치명적인 병원체를 전파시킬 위험이 있으므로 혐오감은 내부인끼리 뭉치고 외부인을 배척하는 성향에도 일조한다. 그러나 혐오감이 오염의 원천을 피하게 만드는 심리적 적응이라고 해서 결코 특정 집단에 대한 편견, 외부인에 대한 배척, 외모지상주의가 정당화되는 것은 아니다(p.93)



The human brain and mind are adapted to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle.

To understand human nature, history, and psychology, we have to go inside the heads of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Our species has lived as hunter-gatherers for most of its existence. Of course, the number of Sapiens who have earned their living as urban workers or office workers has steadily increased over the past 200 years, and most Sapiens lived as farmers and herders for the previous 10,000 years. But this period is a blink of an eye compared to the tens of thousands of years our ancestors spent hunting and gathering. According to the thriving field of evolutionary psychology today, many of the social and psychological characteristics of modern humans were formed during this long period before agriculture. Even today, scientists in the field argue, our brains and minds are adapted for a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Our eating habits, our conflicts, our sexual characteristics—all are a result of our hunter-gatherer mind interacting with our post-industrial environment, with its megacities, airplanes, telephones, and computers. While this environment has made us wealthier and longer-lived than any previous generation, it has also made us feel alienated, depressed, and oppressed. Evolutionary psychologists argue that to understand why, we must delve deep into the hunter-gatherer world that shaped us, a world we still live in, perhaps unconsciously. 




How do we obtain and select food?

 A mind that has evolved to find food through hunting and gathering: The human mind would have been designed to solve the problem of finding and securing food during the hunting and gathering life that has continued for millions of years. In particular, since the abilities required for hunting and gathering are different, the spatial cognition abilities of men and women would have been different accordingly (p. 67) 

- A mind that has evolved to select what to eat:
(1) An innate taste system was created that is attracted to some tastes and repelled from others. Our brains are wired to perceive foods that provide high calories as sweet. Likewise, by disliking bitter and sour tastes, we avoid the misfortune of ingesting defensive toxins produced by plants. A tendency to be attracted to a moderate amount of saltiness serves as a pretext to prevent sudden dehydration. A tendency to be attracted to savory tastes allows us to consume foods rich in protein. 

(2) The ambivalent feelings of avoiding unfamiliar food while preferring it on the other hand have evolved (p. 69-70)

- The mismatch between our evolved taste buds and the unfamiliar environment of modern industrial society is causing various serious health problems such as obesity, adult diseases, and stress (p. 72)

Eat or be eaten

- Don't regret after death, be overly cautious (risk aversion tendency): Our perceptual system is biased to react overly sensitively by assuming that anything ambiguous is dangerous. (p. 78)

- Food is crowded together: When we go out to find food for plants and animals, our cognitive mechanism has evolved to search while expecting that food will be concentrated in one place rather than randomly or evenly distributed. In fact, not only food, but also other types of resources that were important in evolutionary history, such as people, shelter, and water, tend to be densely distributed in specific places. It is not surprising that modern people today, when searching for objects or information, search based on the assumption that the objects they are looking for will be found in a few places in groups (p. 80)

- Risks are learned more easily


Avoid pathogens

- Psychological defenses against pathogens affect a variety of areas, such as prejudice, throwing stones at certain groups, in-group centeredness, sticking together with one’s own group and rejecting outsiders, attraction to attractive opposite sex, and cultural differences (p. 86)

- The list of factors that transmit pathogens was surprisingly similar to the list of factors that cause disgust. The theory that disgust is a psychological adaptation that prevents pathogen infection is supported by a lot of evidence (p. 87)
- Disgust and prejudice: The fire alarm principle of disgust leads to prejudice. Fire alarms are designed to be sensitive to even the slightest hint of fire. The psychological defense system that avoids pathogens may also be designed according to this fire alarm principle. Rather than accidentally coming into contact with an infected person while trying to avoid only those who clearly have an infectious disease, it is better to avoid anyone who has an abnormal appearance. (p. 89)

- Parasites also interfere with the mating process between men and women: Women exposed to clues about infectious diseases prefer ‘men with excellent genetic clues’ as husbands rather than ‘men who will be good fathers.’ (p. 93) 

- Disgust is a psychological adaptation that detects pathogens in the surrounding environment and avoids them in advance. Disgust affects prejudice against people who are physically unfamiliar and unique, such as the elderly, the disabled, and the obese. Since outsiders from other groups pose a risk of transmitting deadly pathogens to our group, disgust also contributes to the tendency for insiders to stick together and reject outsiders. However, just because disgust is a psychological adaptation that avoids sources of contamination, it does not justify prejudice against certain groups, rejection of outsiders, or lookism (p. 93)
