● 사역동사/준사역동사
make O R let O R have O R / ing |
사역동사 사 Ma Le Ha O R "사마리아OR" |
help O to R / R get O to R / ing |
준사역동사 Hel Ge O to R "헬게이to" |
● 사역동사 능동태
S V O R(= 목적보어 역할)
●사역동사 수동태 : 목적어가 앞에 올 때
S be made to R(= 목적보어 역할)
- make의 수동태 → be made to R
- have의 수동태 → be asked to R
- let의 수동태 → be allowed to R
The students were made to clean the classroom again. 학생들은 교실을 다시 청소해야 했다.
The boy was made to clean his desk.그 소년은 자신의 책상을 청소해야 했다.
The doctor made him stop smoking. 의사는 그가 금연하게 했다.
He was made to stop smoking by the doctor.
She had the porter carry the bag. 그녀는 짐꾼에게 가방을 옮기게 했다.
The porter was asked to carry the bag by her.
Mom let me go to the concert. 엄마는 내가 콘서트에 가는 것을 허락해 주셨다.
I was allowed to go to the concert by Mom.
● have+O+p.p
O와 C 관계가 수동이면, C는 p.p
- 사역, 수동: (목적어가) ~하게 시키다 have my hair cut
- 경험: (목적어가) ~을 당하다 have my bike stolen
- 완료: (목적어를) ~을 해버리다, 마치다 have my homework done
- 상태: (목적어가) ~인 상태이다 have no money left
Many buildings and houses / had their roofs torn off / by the tornado.
많은 건물과 집은 / 지붕이 뜯겨 나갔다 / 토네이도에 의해. <경험>
You must have your parking tickets stamped to get a parking discount. <사역>
I already have my bags packed for the trip tomorrow. <완료>
The soccer player had one year left on his contract, so he couldn’t change teams.
Examine your thoughts, and you will find them wholly [to occupy / *occupied] with the past or the future.
● let+O+be+p.p
사역동사 let의 O와 C가 수동 관계인 경우
I won’t let myself be ignored by anyone.
(나는 나 자신이 누구에게도 무시당하지 않도록 할 것이다.)
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