3형식 문형: S + V + O
V : 완전타동사, 자동사+전치사
O : 명사,대명사,to부정사,동명사,동족목적어,재귀대명사(S≠O)
● 3 형식 : S + 완전타동사 + 전(X) + O
- accompany(go with) her
- obey her
- await(wait for) her
- approach her
- answer her
- marry her
- resemble(take after) her
- mention(언급) her
- address(speak to) the public
- enter the room (enter into : 시작하다)
- attend the meeting
- discuss the problem
- consider the safety
- inhabit(live in) seoul
- leave seoul
- reach(arrive at) busan
- join(participate in) the army
- survived the fire
- explain the situation
- tell the company (회사에 말하다.)
- approve this iphone (아이폰을 승인하다.)
- oppose the idea (아이디어를 반대하다.)
- access the network
- exceed the speed limit
- disclose one's intentions
- regret the decision
- resemble my parents
- appreciate you
- Inspect the area
- raise your hands
precede 목적어 ~에 선행하다
proceed to+명사 계속하다 'proto'
● 목적어 자리에 to 부정사 or 동명사
할 일/하고 싶은 일 | 한 일/하기 싫은 일 |
want to hope to expect to long to desire to would like to agree to consent to ask to beg to demand to decide to determine to choose to intend to plan to prepare to clam to vow to(맹세) manage to attempt to endeavor to seek to strive to pretend to promise to tend to fail to need to refuse to afford to deserve to hesitate to threaten to |
enjoy -ing
** offer to
** ask to
** (can not) afford to R~능력이 (안)되다.
some people tend to resist change.
The poor woman couldn't afford to get a smartphone.
More girls avoid showering after PE classes than boys do.
She denies attempting to murder her husband.
● to 부정사 or 동명사 - 둘 다 쓰고 의미 같음
'sbc llh'
- start
- begin
- continue
- like
- love
- hate
● to 부정사 or 동명사 - 둘 다 쓰고 의미 다름
- forgert, remember to (할 일, 미래), -ing(한 일, 과거)
- regret to(**유감이다.), -ing(**한 일을 후회하다)
- stop to R (R 하기 위해 멈추다), -ing(~를 멈추다)
- tryt to(열심히 노력하다), -ing(시험 삼아 해보다)
I remember to take a walk into the woods.
I remember taking a walk into the woods.
I forgot to lock the door.
I forgot locking the door.
● 전치사구 수반 타동사
from 방해, 금지
prevent, prohibit, keep, hold, stop, ban, bar, disable, dissuade(단념), discourage, hinder, hamper(방해), restrain(제지), block, obstruct, deter(차단) + O + from -ing
The school will start a program designed to deter kids to watch TV too much (×)
The bad weather prevented me from going fishing.(◯)
keep 유지. 보수 동사군
V2 - keep quiet 부사 보어 불가
keep indifferent 계속 냉담하다
V3 - keep -ing
keep from drinking 술을 삼가다
V4 - keep + O + from -ing
They could not keep from laughing. 그들은 웃지 않을 수 없었다.
The heavy rain kept us from going out.
V5 - keep + O + 분사 목적격 보어 (-ing /pp/형)
keep the light burning 계속 불을 켜 두다
V3 - prohibit + O + from V-ing
V5 - forbid + O + to R ★★
Of 통고, 확신, 경고, 고발, 제거, 박탈(4 형식, 3 형식)
inform, remind, convince, assure, persuade
warn, accuse, convict, suspect, rob, deprive, rid, relieve, ease + A + of + B
Society has deprived woman of many eaqual rights.
Woman has been deprived of many equal rights by society.
With 공급, 교체
provide, supply, furnish, present, equip, endow, replace, substitute + A + with + B
The owner had to provide the elephant with special food.
It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks.
For 비난, 상벌
blame, criticize, denounce, reproach rebuke, reprimand, reprove 비난하다.
praise, scold, punish, excuse, thank + A + for + B
He blamed me for the accident.
I hope you'll excuse me for being so lste.
from, to
distinguish(tell, know) A from B
A를 B와 구별하다
attribute(ascribe, impute) A to B
A를 B 탓으로 돌리다.
Reason distinguishes man from the animals.
He attributed his failure to bad luck.
추가 상세
equip A with B
A에게 B를 갖추어주다
fill A with B
A에게 B를 채우다
A be filled with B
furnish A with B
A에게 B를 공급하다
present A with B
A에게 B를 제출하다; 선사하다
They presented him with an ipad
provide A with B
A에게 B를 제공하다
Cows provide us with milk.
=Cows provide milk for us.
supply A with B
A에게 B를 공급하다
bribe A with B
A에게 B를 뇌물로 주다
deprive A of B
A에게서 B를 빼앗다
relieve A of B
A에게서 B를 덜어주다
rid A of B
A에게서 B를 제거하다
rob A of B
A에게서 B를 강탈하다
The burglar robbed me of money
공급 동사
부여하다 + A[사람] + with + B[사물] : A에게 B를 제공·공급하다
갖추어주다 + A[사람] + with + B[사물] : A에게 B를 제공·공급하다
채우다 + A[사람] + with + B[사물] : A에게 B를 제공·공급하다
공급하다 + A[사람] + with + B[사물] : A에게 B를 제공·공급하다
제출하다; 선사하다 + A[사람] + with + B[사물] : A에게 B를 제공·공급하다
제공하다 + A[사람] + with + B[사물] : A에게 B를 제공·공급하다
보충하다 + A[사람] + with + B[사물] : A에게 B를 제공·공급하다
공급하다 + A[사람] + with + B[사물] : A에게 B를 제공·공급하다
분리·제거·박탈 동사
치우다 + A[사람] + of + B[사물] : A에게서 B를 뺏다[제거하다]
빼앗다 + A[사람] + of + B[사물] : A에게서 B를 뺏다[제거하다]
reagrd(look upon, think of) A as B
A를 B로 여기다
blame(scold, thank) A for B
A를 B의 이유로 비난하다(꾸짖다, 감사하다)
substitude A for B
A로 B를 대신하다(=replace B with A)
prevent(stop, keep,discourage) A from v-ing
A가 v하지 못하게 하다
rob(deprive) A of B
A에게서 B를 빼앗다
remind(inform, convince) A of B
A에게 B를 상기시키다(알리다, 확신시키다)
owe(attribute, ascribe) A to B
A를 B의 탓으로 돌리다
prefer A to B
B보다 A를 선호하다
provide(supply, present) A with B
A에게 B를 공급하다(=provide B for A)
mistake A for B 'A와 B를 착각(혼동)하다'
I've mistaken you for someone else.
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