운동, 스포츠 과학 Sports sciences/피트니스 Fitness

마운틴 클라이머, Mountain Climbers Exercise Alternatives

Jobs 9 2025. 3. 21. 11:45

마운틴 클라이머

맨몸운동 중 하나로, 문자 그대로 산을 오르는 동작을 하는 운동으로 운동 분류는 일반적으로 컨디셔닝 운동으로 분류한다. 엎드려 뻗친 자세에서 양 발을 가슴까지 번갈아서 뻗었다 내렸다 하는 운동으로 그 모습이 마치 산을 오르는 모습과 닮았다 해서 그대로 붙은 이름.

기본적으론 전신의 여러 근육을 쓰는 운동이며 그 중에서 하복부에 자극을 많이 준다. 그 외에는 플랭크와 유사한 자세에서 시작하다 보니 플랭크에서 이야기되는 여러 근육들도 같이 단련된다.

엉덩이를 들썩들썩하는 것보다는 그렇게 하지 않는 편이 운동효과가 좋다는 사람도 있으니 참고. 다만 여기서 들썩들썩은 지나치게 크게 흔드는 경우이며 일반적으로 마운틴 클라이머를 하면 엉덩이는 움직일수밖에 없으니 너무 강박관념을 가지고 고정하려고는 하지 말 것.






Mountain Climbers Exercise Alternatives: 7 Moves to Try Instead



Mountain Climbers Exercise Benefits

There are many reasons for why mountain climbers can feel so intense, says Sims. Ironically, these are the same reasons people don't like them and what makes them so beneficial. They work most of your upper body, plus your core and cardiovascular system.


“You’re holding a plank position, so your core is engaged, as well as your triceps, chest, and shoulders,” Sims says. “Then you add in the cardio aspect of running your knees into your chest, which leaves you gasping for air.”


So, yes, mountain climbers are undeniably great for building strength and core stability and revving up your heart rate. But they are also more challenging than they look—so if you find them difficult or unenjoyable, you're certainly not alone.


In addition to the strength and cardio challenge, mountain climbers also require a certain amount of hip mobility. “Folks with tight hip flexors may struggle to get their knees to their chest and end up bumping their feet on the floor on the way in,” Sims adds.


While mountain climbers are effective, there are actually plenty of other exercises that have comparable benefits that you might find less daunting—making them very fitting mountain climber alternatives when you really just are not in the mood.


7 Mountain Climber Alternatives

Below, seven mountain climber substitutes you can choose from the next time your workout calls for mountain climbers. Just swap them in for the mountain climbers exercise, or pepper them into other workouts when you're looking for a nice little cardio burst. Start with 15 seconds of each move, and adjust as necessary.

1. High knees


High knees “take pressure away from arms by eliminating plank position, but still get the heart rate up by driving the knees to the chest,” says Sims.

  • Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Keep your chest lifted and your abs tight as you quickly drive your knees toward your chest, one at a time.
  • Swing your arms, focusing on taking your fingertips from hip height to chin height in rhythm with your knees.
  • Go as fast as you can for a set amount of time.

High knees are a primarily cardiovascular exercise. The motion of drawing your knees up also works the core muscles.

2. Plank jack


“These still work the core and rev up the heart rate, but eliminating the knee drive can take some pressure off the hip flexors,” Sims explains. The leg movement also adds some extra quad- and glute-strengthening work.

  • Start in a high plank with your hands shoulder-width apart, palms flat, legs extended behind you, core and glutes engaged.
  • Jump your feet out and in (like jumping jacks). Try not to let your butt and hips bounce up and down as you jump your feet in and out.
  • Continue for a set amount of time.

Plank jacks add a cardiovascular challenge to the already challenging plank, which primarily works the core and shoulders. The jacking motion also engages the glutes and inner and outer thighs—make sure you're squeezing these muscles and keeping your hips from bouncing up and down to get the maximum core- and glute-strengthening benefits.


3. Plank tap


Just like mountain climbers, plank taps keep you in—you guessed it!—a plank. Also similar to mountain climbers, you have to work unilaterally (one side at a time), Sims says, which is great for working on core stability.

  • Start in a high plank with your hands shoulder-width apart, palms flat, legs extended behind you, core and glutes engaged.
  • Tap your right hand to your left shoulder while engaging your core and glutes to keep your hips as still as possible. Try not to let your body rock side to side.
  • Do the same with your left hand to your right shoulder.
  • Continue alternating sides for a set amount of time.

The plank tap works the core, shoulders, and triceps, as you bend and straighten each arm. If you feel your hips rocking a ton, focus on engaging your glutes, and separate your feet a bit farther to create a more stable base.


4. Spiderman plank


The Spiderman plank—sometimes called the spider plank—is basically a slower version of a mountain climber. It works all the same muscles but is less of a cardio workout. If you want to get better at mountain climbers, this is a good move to start with, since it trains the same position and motion but at a more manageable pace.

  • Start in a high plank with your hands shoulder-width apart, palms flat, legs extended behind you, core and glutes engaged.
  • Drive your right knee out and up toward your right triceps. As you do, turn your head to watch your knee meet your arm.
  • Alternate sides as fast as you can while still maintaining a sturdy plank and keeping your torso in place.

The Spiderman plank works the core and shoulders, and puts more of an emphasis on the obliques than other plank variations. 

5. Frogger


This move “definitely gets the cardio in and requires hip flexor mobility, but you can take a break at either the jump in or jump out to plank so it’s not as constant as the mountain climber,” Sims explains.

  • Start in a high plank with your hands shoulder-width apart, palms flat, legs extended behind you, core and glutes engaged.
  • Jump your feet to your hands, landing in a low squat position with your feet outside your hands, and knees grazing your biceps.
  • Jump back to high plank to return to start.
  • Repeat this move for a set amount of time.

The frogger exercise works your core and shoulders and adds some leg strength and hip mobility work as well. Focus on keeping your chest up and not letting your back round or arch as you move from the plank to the squat position.


6. Plank up-down

Like mountain climbers, this move will get your heart rate up, and challenges your arms a bit more, says Sims. The biggest difference is that it doesn’t engage your hip flexors.

  • Start in a high plank with your hands shoulder-width apart, palms flat, legs extended behind you, core and glutes engaged.
  • Lower into a forearm plank, starting with your left arm, followed by your right.
  • Then come up in the same order—starting with your left arm and following with the right.
  • For the next rep, start with the right arm. Continue alternating the arm you start with every time.
  • As you move, keep your hips as still as possible so that they're not swaying from side to side.


The plank up-down works the core muscles, shoulders, and triceps. Focus on keeping your hips stable and square to the floor as you move, instead of letting them dip from side to side. Separating your feet further apart can make this a little easier.


7. Jumping jack

Katie Thompson

Like high knees, jumping jacks take the plank position out of the equation entirely and really just emphasize the cardiovascular challenge you get from mountain climbers. You’re likely very familiar with this exercise, but just in case:

  • Stand with your feet together, core engaged, and arms at your sides.
  • Jump your feet wider than hip-width apart and bring your arms up to clap your hands overhead.
  • Jump your feet back together and bring your arms to your sides to return to starting position.
  • Continue in this way, moving as quickly as you can.

Jumping jacks are a classic cardio move. If you'd prefer something lower-impact, tap each leg out to the side instead of jumping—just move quickly to keep up the cardio challenge.


