잡스 영어/영어 어휘, 어원

process,progressive,procedure,proverb,prosper,어원, pro-= forward, in advance

Jobs 9 2021. 1. 14. 20:09

어원, pro-= forward; in advance


process n. 과정 (a process of manufacture)

progressive a. 누진적인; 진보적인 (progressive taxation *gress-= go cf. digress 이탈하다)

procedure n. 과정 (legal procedure)

proverb n. 속담 (as the proverb goes, *verb-= words cf. verbal communication)

Middle English: from Old French proverbe, from Latin proverbium, from pro- ‘(put) forth’ + verbum ‘word’.

prosper v. 번성하다 (May God prosper you! *sper-= scatter cf. disperse 해산시키다) 

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