어원, ped-; pod-= foot
pedestal n. 발받침 (the pedestal of the statue)
pedigree n. 가계 (a family pedigree)
late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French pé de grue ‘crane's foot’, a mark used to denote succession in pedigrees.
pedal n. 페달 (the pedals of the bike)
impede v. 방해하다 (impede his work)
pedestrian n. 보행자 (Pedestrians Only)
tripod n. 삼각대 (a tripod race *tri-= three)
podiatrist n. 족병의사 (a podiatrist, or a foot doctor)
gastropod n. 복족류 (A snail is included in a gastropod.
*gastr-= stomach cf. gastronome 미식가)
arthropod n. 절족동물 (an arthropod with arthroses in feet
*arthro=ar(join) thr(action)= 관절 articulation cf. arthritis 관절염)
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