어원, ocul-= eye
oculist n. 안과의사 (an oculist, or an eye doctor)
binoculars n. 쌍안경 (see through binoculars *bi(n)-= two cf. bicycle)
inoculate v. (박테리아 씨눈을) 주사 놓다; 주입하다 (inoculate him against the epidemic
late Middle English (in the sense ‘graft a bud or shoot into a different plant’): from Latin inoculat- ‘engrafted’, from the verb inoculare, from in- ‘into’ + oculus ‘eye, bud’. The sense ‘vaccinate’ dates from the early 18th century.
cf. penicillin, 세균을 죽이려 박테리아 주입)
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