잡스 영어/영어 문법

must have pp, should have pp 구분 [빈출 영어 문법 100]

Jobs 9 2024. 1. 11. 19:40

must have pp와 should have pp의 의미를 구분해야 한다. 전자는 '..했었음에 틀림없다'이고 후자는 '...했었어야 했는데(못 했다)'라는 의미이다.


. ① At a famous restaurant I was once served food so old that it had gone bad. ② I could smell the rotten meat before the waiter put it on my table. ③ Foolishly, I screamed insults at the waiter who brought those dishes. ④ Directly after that, however, I realized that it wasn't the waiter's fault. ⑤ I must have screamed those abuses at the man who was working in the cooking place.


. ⑤가 틀린 문장이다 : must have screamed를 should have screamed로 고쳐야 한다.


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