imprudent 경솔한, 무분별한
어원: im- + prudent
prudent 신중한, 사려깊은
late 14c., from Old French prudent "with knowledge, deliberate" (c. 1300), from Latin prudentem (nominative prudens) "knowing, skilled, sagacious, circumspect;" rarely in literal sense "foreseeing;" contraction of providens, present participle of providere "to foresee" (see provide). Related: Prudently.
뻔뻔스러운, 낯을 붉힐 줄 모르는.
반의어: prudent
유의어: shameless, brazen-faced
impudent 뻔뻔스러운, 염치없는
pudency 내성적임, 수줍음
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