어원 : hom-; hum-= earth; soil; low
homage n. 존경; 경의 (pay homage to the king)
homo sapiens n. 인간 homo(man 남자성인) sapiens(wise 현명한 )(homo sapiens or human beings)
hominid n. 원인; 사람과 비슷한 동물 (a hominid looking like a human being)
humane a. 인도적인 (humane education)
humus n. 부식토 (humus soil)
humble a. 비천한 (Welcome to my humble abode.)
posthumous a. 사후의 (a posthumous book *post-= after cf. postscript)
human a. 인간의/ n. 인간 (human beings)
humiliate v. 굴욕감을 주다 (humiliate himself because of his mistake)
inhume v. 묻다 (inhume the corpse)
exhume v. 발굴하다 (exhume the relics)
late Middle English: from medieval Latin exhumare, from ex- ‘out of’ + humus ‘ground’.
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