어원, fract-; frag-; frai-; frang-; fring-; fric-= break
frail a. 약한 (a frail person)
fragmentary a. 단편적인 (fragmentary knowledge)
fragile a. 깨지기 쉬운 (Anything fragile in it?)
infract v. 위반하다 (infract the law)
frangible a. 깨지기 쉬운 (a frangible pot)
infringe v. 침해하다 (infringe on his privacy)
friction n. 마찰; 불화 (friction between the partners)
refraction n. 굴절 (the index of refraction *re-= away cf. remote)
fracture v. 골절시키다 (fracture his leg)
fraction n. 조각; 단편; 분수 (within a fraction of a second)
fragment n. 깨진 조각 (fragments of the vase)
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