어원, fac-; fec-; fic-; feas-; feat-; feit-; fit-; -fy= do; make
fictitious a. 허구적인 (a fictitious story)
confectionery n. 제과점 (some cookies made from this confectionery *con-= together)
defect n. 결함 (physical defects *de-= downward; down)
defeasible a. 파기할 수 있는 (defeasible only with two months' prior written notice *de-= away cf. detour)
factitious a. 인공적인; 가짜의 (shed factitious tears)
mid 17th century (in the general sense ‘made by human skill or effort’): from Latin facticius ‘made by art’, from facere ‘do, make’.
feat n. 업적 (an amazing feat)
defeat v. 패배시키다 (defeat the enemy *de-= down)
forfeit v. 잃다 (forfeit his deposit)
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