어원, equi-= equal
equation n. 방정식 (a chemical equation)
equitable a. 공정한 (an equitable treatment)
equipoise n. 평형 (equipoise between the two cf. poise 추)
equinox n. 춘분; 추분 (the vernal equinox *nox-= night)
equivalent a. 동등한 가치의 (be equivalent to an insult *val-= value cf. valuable)
equanimous a. 침착한 (stay equanimous even in the disturbance *anim-= mind cf. unanimous)
mid 17th century: from Latin aequanimus, from aequus ‘equal’ + animus mind.
inequality n. 차이; 불공정 (the inequality between the rich and the poor *in-= not)
equivocal a. 애매한 (an equivocal answer *voc-= call cf. vocal)
equator n. 적도 (right on the equator)
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