grad-; gred-; gress-= go
grade n. 학년; 급수 (the school grade)
gradual a. 점차적인 (a gradual increase)
degrade v. 몰락하다 (degrade in qualities)
graduate v. 졸업하다; 승인하다 (a graduated scale)
upgrade v. 향상시키다 (upgrade my computer)
ingredient n. 재료 (the recipe and ingredients)
regress v. 퇴보하다 (regress rather than progress)
egress v. 탈출하다/ n. 탈출 (egress out of the capsule)
mid 16th century: from Latin egressus ‘gone out’, from the verb egredi, from ex- ‘out’ + gradi ‘to step’.
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