잡스 영어/영어 어휘, 어원

attach,tangible,detach,tackle,contingent,contact,intact,tactile,contagious,contiguous,어원, tach-, tack-, tact-, tag-, tang-, tig-, ting-,= touch

Jobs 9 2021. 1. 30. 18:16

어원, tach-; tack-; tact-; tag-; tang-; tig-; ting-= touch


attach v. 붙이다 (attach a label to the parcel)

attache n. 부관 (a military attache)

detach v. 떼다 (detach the locomotive from the train *de-= do the opposite of)

tackle n. 태클 v. 접하다 (tackle the challenge)

tack n. 압정/ v. 붙이다 (tack an amendment to the bill)

contact n. 접촉/ v. 접촉하다 (come in contact with)

intact a. 손상 받지 않은; 손으로 만지지도 않은 (keep the forest intact)

tactile a. 촉각의 (tactile feelings) 

tag n. 꼬리표 (a price tag)

contagious a. 접촉의 (contagious disease)

tangible a. 만져볼 수 있는 (tangible assets)

tangent a. 접촉하는/ n. 접선 (a tangent line)

contiguous a. 인접한 (be contiguous to the orchard)

contingent a. 부속적인 (be contingent on the weather)

late Middle English (in the sense ‘of uncertain occurrence’): from Latin contingere ‘befall’, from con- ‘together with’ + tangere ‘to touch’. The noun sense was originally ‘something happening by chance’, then ‘a person's share resulting from a division, a quota’; the current sense dates from the early 18th century.

subject to
based on
determined by
hingeing on
resting on

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