어원, ann-; enn-= year
annual a. 일 년의 (rapid annual growth)
anniversary n. 기념식 (a husband who forgot the wedding anniversary)
annuity n. 연금 (receive annuity from the government)
biannual a. 연 2회의 (a biannual event taking place twice a year *bi-= two cf. bicycle)
annals n. 연대기 (last year's annals)
centennial a. 100주년의 (a centennial anniversary *cent-= 100 cf. century)
bicentennial a. 2백 주년의 (the bicentennial anniversary of the United States)
biennial a. 2년마다의 (a biennial event *bi-= two)
perennial a. 다년생의 (a perennial tree *per-= through cf. perfect)
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