어원, a-= no
abyss n. 심연 (an abyss of despair cf. base), 영화 어비스
atom n. 원자 (break to atoms *tom-=cut cf. anatomy 해부학 ana(up=완전히))
agnostic a. 불가지론의 (an agnostic theory *gno-= know cf. diagnosis 진찰)
atheist n. 무신론자 (an atheist who believes that there is no god *theo-= god cf. theology 신학)
asymmetrical a. 비대칭의 (Most human faces are asymmetrical. cf. symmetry 대칭) *sym=together *metry=measure
apathy n. 무관심 (have an apathy to the matter *path-= feel cf. telepathy)
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