화법 (Narration)
● 직접화법 (Direct Narration)
남이 말하는 것을 그대로 인용하여 전하는 방법
You say, "I know it." (이때 say를 전달동사, "I know it."을 피전달문이라 한다.)
● 간접화법 (Indirect Narration)
남이 말하는 것을 그대로가 아니라, 전달하는 사람의 입장에서 말을 바꾸어
그 내용을 전달하는 방법.
You say that you know it.
● 직접화법을 간접화법으로 전환할 때 피전달문의 어구 변화 (전달동사가 과거일 경우)
① now → then
② today → that day
③ tomorrow → the next day (or the following day)
④ yesterday → the day before (or the previous day)
⑤ last night → the night before (or the previous night)
⑥ ago → before
⑦ here → there
⑧ this → that
⑨ these → those
⑩ come → go
⑪ next week → the next week (or the following week)
● 평서문을 간접화법으로 고치는 방법
① 전달동사 : say → say, say to → tell
② 인용부호안의 피전달문은 that 절로 바꾼다. (이때 that는 생략가능)
③ 피전달문의 1인칭(I, my, me)은 전달동사의 주어와 일치시킨다.
④ 피전달문의 2인칭(you, your)은 수화자(say to + 사람)에 일치시킨다.
⑤ 전달동사가 과거시제이면 피전달문의 동사는 시제일치법칙에 준한다.
He said, "You are kind to my brother."
= He said that I was kind to his brother.
He said to me "I have once seen you"
= He told me that he had once seen me.
● 주의해야 할 화법 전환
피전달문이 불변의 진리, 습관적 사실일 때에는 현재를 쓰며,
피전달문이 역사적 사실일 때에는 과거를 쓰며,
피전달문이 가정법일 때는 인칭에 따른 동사만 변하고, 시제는 변경없이 그대로 쓴다.
Our teacher said, "The earth is round."
Our teacher said (that) the earth is round.
He said, "I take a walk at 6 every morning."
He said (that) he takes a walk at 6 every morning.
He said, "Columbus discovered America."
He said (that) Columbus discovered America.
She said, "If I were a bird, I would fly to you."
She said (that) if she were a bird, she would fly to me.
● 피전달문이 중문인 경우
피전달문이 중문인 경우는 문맥을 뚜렷하게 하기 위해서 and, but 다음에 that을 되풀이하여 쓴다. 단, for의 경우는 for that이라고 할 필요는 없다.
He said, "I am tired and wish to have a rest."
He said that he was tired and that he wished to have a rest.
I said, "I am sorry, but I can't go out now."
I said that I was sorry, but that I couldn't go out then.
● 화법 전환 연습
① You say, "I am right."
= You say (that) you are right.
② She says to me, "I am leaving here tomorrow."
= She tells me (that) she is leaving here tomorrow.
③ He says, "I will see you." (will은 의지미래)
= He says (that) he will see me. (will은 의지미래)
④ He says to me, "You will succeed." (will은 단순미래)
= He tells me (that) I shall succeed. (shall은 단순미래)
⑤ My aunt says to me, "You are a beautiful girl."
= My aunt tells me (that) I am a beautiful girl.
⑥ He said, "I shall be back tomorrow." (shall은 단순미래)
= He said (that) he would be back the next day. (would는 시제일치로)
⑦ He said to me, "I have received this letter today."
= He told me (that) he had received that letter that day.
⑧ They said, "We saw him here yesterday."
= They said (that) they had seen him there the day before.
⑨ He promised, "I will come, if I can." (가정법이 아니라 조건문임, will은 의지미래)
= He promised that he would come if he could.
⑩ He said, "If I were rich, I would buy a new car." (가정법이므로 인칭만 바꿈)
= He said that if he were rich he would buy a new car.
⑪ He said, "I have lost my ring."
= He said that he had lost his ring.
⑫ I said to him, "I hoped so."
= I told him that I had hoped so.
⑬ "I had been happy before that," said he.
= He said that he had been happy before that.
⑭ My brother said, "I can do it."
= My brother said that he could do it.
⑮ He said, "You must come here."
= He said that I must go there.
must, ought to, need not 및 당위를 나타내는 should는 종속절에서 과거의 뜻으로
사용되므로 고치지 않고 그대로 쓴다.
의문문의 전달
● 의문사가 있는 의문문
① 전달동사 say는 ask 또는 inquire of로 바꾼다.
② 피전달문은 의문사 + S + V 의 어순이 된다 (간접의문문으로 명사절을 이끈다.)
③ 의문사가 주어 또는 보어이고, be동사가 오되 그 뒷 부분이 길 때는 be를 뒤로 돌리지 않고, 글의 안정감을 위해서 어순을 그대로 의문사 + be동사 + 주어로 한다.
He said to me, "Who are you?"
He asked me who I was.
He said to her, "Where are you going now?"
He asked her where she was going then.
He said to me, "How long have you been learning English?"
He asked me how long I had been learning English.
She said to her husband, "Why do you say so?"
She asked her husband why he said so.
He said to me, "Where do you live?"
He asked me where I lived.
She said to me, "When will your brother go to America?"
She asked me when my brother would go to America.
I said to myself, "Where can I find him?"
I wondered where I could find him.
He said to me, "What is the matter with you?"
He asked me what was the matter with me.
He said to me, "Which is the shortest cut across the field?"
He asked me which was the shortest cut across the field.
● 의문사가 없는 의문문
피전달문을 명사절로 만들기 위해서 접속사 if 또는 whether(∼인지 아닌지)를 사용해서 if + S + V 형태를 취한다.
He said to me, "Do you know her address?"
He asked me if I knew her address.
Mary said to her mother, "May I go out with Helen?"
Mary asked her mother if she might go out with Helen.
He said to the doctor, "Shall I get well soon?" (shall은 단순한 추측)
He asked the doctor if he would get well soon.
He said to me, "Shall I post this letter?" (shall은 상대방의 의지를 물음)
He asked me if he should post that letter.
She said, "Do you remember me?"
She asked if I remembered her.
He said to me, "Were you at home yesterday?"
He asked me if I had been at home the day before.
He said to me "Are you fond of this music?"
He asked me if(whether) I was fond of that music.
"Shall I be able to read such books?" she thought.
She wondered if she would be able to read such books.
부탁·권유를 나타내는 의문문은 형태는 비록 의문문이나, 부탁·권유를 나타내는 명령문의 내용이므로 ask(beg) + 목적어 + to do 의 형태로 쓴다.
He said to me "Could you give me a lift?"
He asked (begged) me to give him a lift.
● 명령문의 전달
전달동사 say to ⇒ 피전달문의 내용에 따라서 tell, ask, beg, order, command, bid, advise, request, forbid 등으로 바꾸고 그 다음에 목적어 + to부정사를 붙인다.
① 일반적 명령문 : tell + 목적어 + to부정사
② 상관이 부하에게 : order(command) + 목적어 + to부정사
③ 의사가 환자에게 충고 : advise + 목적어 + to부정사
④ 부탁, 의뢰의 명령문·의문문 : ask(beg) + 목적어 + to부정사
⑤ Let가 쓰인 명령문 :
ⓐ 전달동사를 propose (or suggest)로 바꾸고,
전달내용을 that + S + (should) + VR 형식으로 한다.
ⓑ offer + 목적어 + to부정사
ⓒ ask to be allowed
He said to me, "Open the window."
He told me to open the window.
The old man said to me, "Please help me with this luggage."
The old man asked me to help him with that luggage.
The officer said to his men, "Stay where you are."
The officer commanded his men to stay where they were.
He said to me, "Don't come in till you are called."
He told me not to come in till I was called.
He forbade me to come in till I was called.
The doctor said to me, "Don't overeat yourself."
The doctor advised me not to overeat myself.
He said to me, "You had better work harder."
He advised me to work harder.
The doctor said to me, "You had better not smoke."
The doctor advised me not to smoke.
He said to me, "Let's go to the park."
He suggested (or proposed) (to me) that we (should) go to the park.
He proposed to go to the park.
"Let me show you the way," he said.
He offered to show me the way.
He said, "Let me go and say goodbye to John."
He asked to be allowed to go and say goodbye to John.
"Do as I tell you," said the officer.
The officer ordered me to do as he told.
The officer bade me do as he told. (bid는 사역동사이므로 동사의 원형을 쓴다.)
She said to me, "Lend me some money, please."
She asked (=begged) me to lend her some money.
I said to him, "Come here tomorrow."
① I told him to go there the next day. (다른 장소, 다른 날 전달하는 경우)
② I told him to come here tomorrow. (같은 장소, 같은 날 전달하는 경우)
③ I told him to go there tomorrow. (다른 장소, 같은 날 전달하는 경우)
④ I told him to come here the next day. (같은 장소, 다른 날 전달하는 경우)
● 감탄문의 전달
감탄문을 간접화법으로 바꿀 때는 피전달문의 원뜻에 가깝도록 해야 한다. 따라서 감탄문의 화법전환은 다음과 같이 형식이 각각 달라지게 되며, 그때그때 보아서 가장 알맞은 표현을 하면 된다. 감탄문의 화법전환은 영작문의 영역에 속한다고 볼 수 있다.
① 전달동사 : say → exclaim, shout, cry(out), remark 등으로 바꾸고 다음과 같이한다.
ⓐ 감탄문 어순을 그대로 놓는 방법
ⓑ 부사 very를 보충하고 평서문의 순으로 하는 방법
ⓒ 감탄사를 부사구로 바꾸고, 평서문의 순으로 하는 방법
② 기쁜 내용, Hurrah, Bravo 등의 감탄사 → with delight, with joy, with pleasure 등의 부사구를 전달동사 다음에 첨가한다.
③ 슬픈 내용, Alas 등의 감탄사 → with regret, with a sigh, in sorrow, sadly 등의 부사(구)를 사용한다.
He said, "What a beautiful sight it is!"
He exclaimed (or cried out) what a beautiful sight it was.
He exclaimed that it was a very beautiful sight.
He said, "Oh, my friend has come!"
He cried out with joy that his friend had come.
She said, "What a lovely flower it is!"
She remarked what a lovely flower it was.
She said, "How happy I am!"
She exclaimed how happy she was.
She said that she was very happy.
He said, "How foolish I was to believe her!"
He said that he had been very foolish to believe her.
He said, "Hurrah! I've won!"
He shouted with joy that he had won.
The spectators said, "Bravo! Wonderful!"
The spectators exclaimed with applause that it was wonderful.
She said, "Alas! I am ruined."
She cried out with a sigh that she was ruined.
● 기원문의 전달
전달동사는 pray, wish, express one's wish 등으로 표시된다. 그러나 피전달문은 내용에 따라 여러 가지가 있으니 문장을 많이 살펴보아야 한다.
① 피전달문에 God이 있을 때 → pray that God may~
② 사람에 대한 소망 → express one's wish that + 주 + may~
She said, "God save my son!"
She prayed that God might save her son.
She prayed God to save her son.
He said to her, "May you have a happy life!"
He wished (or expressed his wish) that she might have a happy life.
● 중문과 복문, 두 문장 이상의 전달
1) 중문
피전달문이 and, but 으로 연결된 중문일 때 and와 but다음에 접속사 that을 쓸 것.
He said "The sun has set, and the stars are out."
He said (that) the sun had set, and that the stars were out.
She said, "The watch is very expensive, and I cannot buy it."
She said (that) the watch was very expensive, and that she could not buy it.
피전달문이 for, because, as, since, so 등의 접속사로 연결되었을 때에는 접속사 다음에 따로 that을 쓰지 않는다.
He said, "It will rain, for the barometer is falling."
He said that it would rain, for the barometer was falling.
2) 명령법 + and(or)
and(or)를 그대로 남겨 두어도 된다.
He said to me, "Hurry up, and you will be in time."
He told me to hurry up and I should be in time.
He told me that if I hurried up I should be in time.
3) 복문
종속절의 시제도 바뀐다.
He said, "Let's wait here until the rain stops."
He suggested that we should wait there until the rain stopped.
4) 평서문 + 의문문
전달동사를 두 번 사용해서 양자를 and로 연결한다.
She said, "It is cold in this room, why don't you shut the window?"
She said that it was cold in that room and asked why I didn't shut the window.
5) 명령문 + 의문문
전달동사를 두 번 쓰고, and로 연결한다.
He said to me "Listen! Can you hear someone talking?"
He told me to listen and asked if I could hear someone talking.
6) 감탄문 + 평서문
그 때의 환경에 따라 적절하게 표현을 한다.
She said, "Oh, how wonderful! I'd simply love to go with you."
She exclaimed with delight that she would simply love to go with me.
● 묘출화법
등장인물의 생각이나 심리를 생생하게 표현하는 방법으로, 직접화법과 간접화법의 중간적 성격을 가지는 화법이다. 주로 소설 등에서 많이 볼 수 있다.
① 문장의 어순, 구둣점 - 직접화법에 준함.
② 인칭과 시제 - 간접화법과 같음.
He said to me "Will you go to the movies?" (직접화법)
He asked me if I would go to the movies. (간접화법)
He asked me would I go to the movies. (묘출화법)
He said "Yes"
He agreed.
He answered in the affirmative. (긍정적으로)
He said "No"
He answered in the negative. (부정적으로)
He said "Good morning"
He wished me a good morning.
I was wondering could she be our new teacher.
She whispered something, and asked was that enough.
Ned put his flat and final question would he marry her, then and there.
He wants to know is the newspaperman here.
He asked the boy Micky had anyone gone to see them.
She asked her next-door neighbor if she knew Lady Micklehma by sight, and had she
seen her lately.
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