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챗GPT, AI 열풍에 시들해진 메타버스, 디즈니, MS, 메타 사업 축소·철회, Disney cuts metaverse division as part of broader restructuring

Jobs 9 2023. 5. 22. 13:22

챗GPT에 밀린 ‘메타버스’… 2년도 안돼 시들
AI 열풍에 시들해진 메타버스…디즈니, MS, 메타 사업 축소·철회

불과 2년 전만 해도 기술산업의 화두였던 메타버스에 대한 관심이 빠르게 식고 있다. 대신 챗GPT의 등장 이후 AI(인공지능)가 차세대 기술산업을 주도할 것으로 전망된다.

월스트리트 저널(WSJ)에 따르면 월트 디즈니는 최근 메타버스 전략을 개발하던 부서를 없앴다.

디즈니의 전임 최고경영자(CEO)였던 밥 채펙이 "대중들이 경험하고 스토리에 개입하는 방식에서 전적으로 새로운 패러다임을 창조하는 것"이 목표라며 신설했던 부서를 지난해 11월에 CEO로 복귀한 로버트 아이거가 없앤 것이다. 이 부서에 소속한 50여명의 직원은 전원 감원 대상인 것으로 알려졌다. 

마이크로소프트는 2017년에 인수했던 소셜 가상현실 플랫폼 알트스페이스VR을 최근 폐쇄했다. 알트스페이스VR는 가상현실 공간에서 아바타로 대화와 게임을 하고 파티를 할 수 있는 소셜미디어(SNS) 앱이다. 마이크로소프트는 증강현실 헤드셋을 만드는 홀로렌즈 부서도 구조조정하고 예산을 삭감했다. 

다만 마이크로소프트는 "여전히 하드웨어와 소프트웨어 양쪽에서 메타버스에 주력하고 있다"고 말했다.

모바일 인터넷 다음은 메타버스라며 회사 이름마저 페이스북에서 메타 플랫폼으로 바꿨던 메타의 최고경영자(CEO)인 마크 저커버그는 이제 AI에 더 집중하는 모습이다.

저커버그는 2021년 10월에 사명을 메타로 바꾸고 메타버스에 수십억달러를 투자했지만 메타버스 이용시 고가의 가상현실 하드웨어가 필요한데다 기술적 결함, 경제 여건의 악화 등으로 인해 메타버스 사업부는 대규모 손실만 냈다.

WSJ가 입수한 문서에 따르면 메타의 대표적인 메타버스 앱인 호라이즌 월드(Horizon World)는 메타버스로 사명 변경 후 첫 해에 사용자를 확보하고 유지하는데 어려움을 겪었다. 호라이즌 월드를 비롯한 가상현실에 접근하게 해주는 메타의 가상현실 헤드셋인 퀘스트2는 최근 분기에 판매량이 줄은 것으로 나타났다.

메타는 메타버스 사업부의 대규모 적자 등 실적이 악화하자 지난해 가을 1만1000명의 직원을 해고하고 이달엔 메타버스 사업부도 일부 포함해 1만개의 직책과 프로젝트를 없앨 것이라고 밝혔다.

특히 저커버그는 지난달 실적을 발표한 뒤 가진 콘퍼런스 콜에서 AI는 28번 언급한 반면 메타버스는 단 7번만 말했다. 저커버그는 "우리의 로드맵을 주도하는 두 가지 기술의 물결은 지금은 AI이고 장기적으로는 메타버스"라고 밝혔다.

리서치회사인 써드 브리지 그룹의 기술 부문 애널리스트인 스콧 케슬러는 "많은 기업들이 직원 수나 지출을 전반적으로 줄여야 한다면 이런 종류의 사업부는 매우 쉬운 목표가 될 것"이라며 메타버스는 "언제 임계점에 도달할지 아무도 알 수가 없다"고 지적했다.

반면 AI에 대한 투자는 메타버스보다 더 짧은 기간에 수익을 약속한다며 "AI와 관련해 진행되는 모든 것들은 지금 당장 활용될 수 있을 것"이라고 말했다.

메타버스 열풍에 일찌감치 회의감을 드러낸 기술기업도 있다. 아마존의 디바이스 및 서비스 부문 수석 부사장인 데이비드 림프는 지난해 WSJ의 '모든 것의 미래'(Future of Everything) 행사에 참석해 "사람들이 고개를 들 수 있게 해주는 기술, 사람들이 현실세계를 즐길 수 있도록 해주는 기술을 연구하고 싶다"고 말했다.

가상현실에서 부동산을 구입해 자신만의 세계를 구축할 수 있도록 해주는 디센트럴랜드와 샌트박스 등에서는 1평방미터의 땅값이 1년만에 45달러에서 5달러로 폭락했다.

특히 디센트럴랜드는 지난해 11월부터 올 1월까지 활성 사용자수가 25% 감소했다. 다만 이번주에는 메터버스 패션 위크를 맞아 활성 사용자수가 소폭 반등하긴 했다.

벤처캐피탈 투자자이자 메타버스 관련 책을 저술한 매튜 볼은 "메타버스를 둘러싼 열풍이 가라앉은 것은 분명하지만 이를 아예 진전이 없었던 것으로 받아들이면 안 된다"며 "변화는 그렇게 빠르게 일어나지 않는다"고 말했다. 





Disney cuts metaverse division as part of broader restructuring

Walt Disney Co. has eliminated its metaverse division as part of staff cuts that promise to reduce head count by around 7,000 across the company over the next two months, reports The Wall Street Journal. 

CEO Bob Iger said Monday that those layoffs would begin this week. Disney’s next-generation storytelling and consumer experiences unit, the small division that was developing metaverse strategies, looks like it’s one of the first to go. 

The metaverse division is headed by Mike White, who was promoted to the role from SVP of consumer experiences and platforms in February 2022 and charged with getting Disney deeper into the web3 space. The unit aimed to find ways to tell more interactive stories in immersive formats using Disney’s extensive library of intellectual property, according to WSJ. Aside from the Disney we all know and love, that extensive library includes Pixar, Marvel and all of the Star Wars movies and shows. 

All 50 or so members of the team have lost their jobs, sources told WSJ. White will remain at the company, but it’s not clear in what capacity. 

The company could not be reached for comment.

Disney’s former CEO, Bob Chapek, brought White on last year with the goal of creating “an entirely new paradigm for how audiences experience and engage with our stories,” according to an internal memo. Chapek also described the metaverse as “the next great storytelling frontier” and a “perfect place to pursue our strategic pillars of storytelling excellence, innovation and audience focus.” 

The hiring of White and the creation of the new metaverse unit came a few months after Facebook rebranded to Meta in an attempt to identify with the futuristic technology into which CEO Mark Zuckerberg had been pouring billions of dollars. 

Iger took over for Chapek in November and, despite recent developments, seems to be bullish on the metaverse. He invested in and joined the board of Genies Inc. last year, a startup that lets users create online avatars for use in metaverse applications.  

The metaverse is still many years from going mainstream, which has frustrated many big tech companies that invested large sums on new entertainment formats. Despite Meta’s billions spent on the Oculus headset and building out the metaverse, there has been low user demand and general confusion among users about how to use the new technology for anything but gaming.  

Last month, Disney said it would make $5.5 billion in cuts and cut 7,000 jobs as part of a broader restructuring. Like many other large conglomerates, Disney is feeling the pressure to bring costs down, and that often means cutting out expensive moonshot projects that aren’t bringing in any near-term revenue. 

It’s not yet clear if Disney will continue to work on metaverse applications via other teams, since it’s a long-term bet. Zuckerberg has repeatedly asked investors to trust him, be patient and play the long game. 
