준동사의 동사적 성질 : 태
∙먼저 해당 준동사의 <의미상 주어>를 파악한 후, 그 의미상 주어와 준동사의 태 관계를 따져본다. 특히 분사구문에서의 태 관계에 유의한다. |
■ The food was so cold that he required it (to take away, to be taken away).
■ She resents (blaming, being blamed) for something she didn't do.
■ (Taking, Taken) everyday, this medicine will work right away.
■ (Comparing, Compared) with his novel itself, he remained relatively unknown.
■ (Considering, Considered) one of the most advanced civilizations, the Mayans are credited with architectural development.
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