잡스 영어/영어 문법

준동사의 동사적 성질 : 부정

Jobs 9 2023. 5. 18. 19:47

준동사의 동사적 성질 : 부정

∙준동사의 부정은 최초의 약속형태인 to R, V…ing, …ing의 바로 앞에서 한다.

■ He advised me to not believe her words. (○, ×)

■ She seems (to have not noticed, not to have noticed) me at a glance.

 We are used to not having a car. (○, ×)

■ (Having not heard, Not having heard) from her for a long time, I miss her bad.

 With the light not turned on, she wrote a letter. (○, ×)


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