*sacr-; secr-; sanct-= sacred
sacrifice n. 제물 (offer a sacrifice *fic-= make cf. artificial 인공적인)
sacred a. 신성한 (a sacred place)
sanctuary n. 성역 (break into a sanctuary)
sanctify v. 신성하게 하다; 축성하다 (sanctify the shrine)
sanctimonious a. 신앙심이 깊은 척하는 (his sanctimonious attitude *mon-= show cf. monitor)
desecrate v. 신성을 모독하다 (desecrate the holy place *de-= down cf. degrade)
*sag-= know
sage n. 현자 (Confucius, a Chinese sage)
presage v. 예고하다 (The black clouds presaged a thunderstorm. *pre-= beforehand)
sagacious a. 현명한 (a sagacious choice)
*sail-; sal-; sault-; sult-= jump
assail v. 공격하다 (assail a castle)
salient a. 두드러지는 (salient traits)
assault n. 공격 (assault and battery)
desultory a. 종잡을 수 없는 (desultory wandering *de-= scatter cf. delight 기쁨)
result n. 결과 (as a result of the incident)
exult v. 기뻐 날뛰다 (exult at his victory)
resilient a. 복원되는; 탄력이 있는 (a spider's resilient cobweb)
*sal-= salt
salary n. 봉급 (In ancient Rome salt was provided as a salary for soldiers.)
salinity n. 염도 (the salinity of the sea)
salad n. 샐러드 (fruit salad)
saline a. 염성의 (a saline lake)
*salus-; salv-= good; safe
salutary a. 이로운 (salutary advice)
salubrious a. 건강에 좋은 (salubrious climates)
salute v. 경례하다 (salute the national flag)
salutatory a. 인사의 (deliver a salutatory speech)
salvation n. 구조; 구조수단; 구원 (find salvation)
salvage n. 해난구조; 폐품수집 (a salvage campaign)
savior n. 구조자; 구세주 (the Savior)
*san-= health
sanity n. 제 정신 (lose his sanity)
insane a. 미친 (an insane person)
sanitation n. 위생 (a sanitation worker)
sanatorium n. 요양소 (patients at the sanatorium)
*sat-= fill; water
saturate v. 포화시키다; 물로 적시다 (saturated fat)
insatiable a. 만족시킬 수 없는 (insatiable desire)
satisfy v. 만족시키다 (be satisfied with the result)
sad a. 슬픈 (be sad about his failure)
*saur-= dragon; lizard
dinosaur n. 공룡 (the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs)
tyrannosaur n. 폭군룡 (carnivorous tyrannosaurs cf. tyrant 폭군; tyranny 폭군정치)
*schol-= school; study
scholar n. 학자 (an apt scholar)
scholastic a. 학교의; 학자의 (the Scholastic Aptitude Test)
scholiums n. 고전에 붙어있는 주석 (attached scholiums)
*scrib-; script-= write; draw a line
script n. 대본 (read the script)
description n. 묘사 (give a description)
conscript a. 징집된 n. 징집병 (a conscript soldier)
prescription n. 처방 (write out a prescription)
inscribe v. 글씨를 새기다 (inscribe a book to his friend)
proscribe v. 추방하다; 법률의 보호 밖에 두다 (proscribe the homeless)
*scient-= know
prescience n. 선견 (Prescience is better than a hindsight.)
conscience n. 양심 (pricks of conscience)
omniscient a. 전지의 (Even professors are not omniscient. *omni-= all cf. omnibus 버스)
science n. 학문; 과학 (liberal arts and science)
*se-= separate
seclude v. 떼어놓다 (seclude himself from the group *clud-= boundary cf. include)
secede v. 탈퇴하다 (secede from the union *cede-= go cf. antecedent 선조)
segregation n. 격리 (racial segregation *greg-= gather cf. congregation 집합)
separate v. 분리시키다 (separate the two fighters)
*sec-; seq-= follow
consecutive a. 연속된 (for three consecutive days)
persecute v. 박해하다 (persecute christians)
execute v. 사형을 집행하다; 실행하다 (execute him for murder)
obsequious a. 아첨하는 (an obsequious smile *ob-= over; excessively cf. obese 비만한)
consequence n. 결과 (as a consequence)
sequel n. 후속편 (a sequel to the movie)
sequence n. 연속 (in rapid sequence)
*sect-= divide; cut
sect n. 교파 (a religious sect)
sectarian a. 당쟁을 일삼는 (a sectarian attitude)
sector n. 분야 (an agricultural sector)
dissect v. 해부하다 (dissect a frog)
resect v. 잘라버리다 (resect a part of the organ)
intersection n. 사거리 (a busy intersection)
*sed-; ses-; sid-= set; sit
sedentary a. 정적인 (lead a sedentary life)
sedate v. 진정시키다; 잠재우다 (sedate a lion)
sedative a. 진정의 (a sedative effect)
sedimentary a. 침적암의 (sedimentary rock)
session n. 회의 (a brainstorming session)
obsess v. 강박관념을 주다 (be obsessed with jealousy)
assiduous a. 꾸준한 (an assiduous worker *as-< ad-= to)
dissident a. 반대의 (a dissident group *dis-= away)
resident a. 거주하는/ n. 거주민 (a resident tutor)
preside v. 관장하다 (preside over a wedding)
residue 나머지 (for the residue)
insidious a. 잠행성의 (an insidious disease)
*semin-= seed
seminar n. 세미나 (conduct a seminar)
seminal a. 생산적인; 번식의 (seminal power)
disseminate v. 유포시키다; 씨를 뿌리다 (disseminate seeds)
inseminate v. 씨앗을 뿌리다; 마음에 심다; 인공 수정시키다 (inseminate seeds)
seminary n. 신학교; 온상 (study at a seminary to be a priest)
*sen-= old
senile a. 노쇠한 (be old and senile)
senior a. 나이가 더 많은 (be senior to me)
senate n. 상원 (the House and the Senate)
senator n. 상원의원 (be elected a senator)
*sens-; sent-= feel
sense n. 감각 (a sense of smell)
consensus n. 공감 (general consensus)
sensuous a. 심미적인 (sensuous eyes)
dissension n. 의견불일치 (dissension among the members)
consent n. 동의/ v. 동의하다 (consent to the plan)
resent v. 화를 내다 (resent his constant interruptions)
sentimental a. 감상적인 (by a sentimental motive)
presentiment n. 예감 (have a presentiment)
consentient a. 만장일치의 (be consentient to the plan)
*sep(t)-= black; rot
sepia n. 오징어 먹물 (a cuttlefish's sepia)
antiseptic n. 방부제; 상처에 바르는 약 (an antiseptic for this cut *anti-= against)
septic a. 부패의 (a septic tank)
*sert-; sort-= the same kind
insert v. 끼워 넣다 (insert a word in the sentence)
assort v. 종합하다 (assorted candies)
consort v. 어울려 다니다 (consort with thieves)
desert v. 버리다 (You deserted me when I needed you. *de-= away)
sort v. 분류하다 (sort mail)
*sic-; suc-= water; suck
desiccant n. 방습제 (a desiccant in the candy can *de-= down)
succulent a. 물기가 많은 (a succulent orange)
suck v. 흡수하다 (suck in water)
sucker n. 흡입기; 바보 (Please hold this sucker and drill.)
suction n. 흡입 (a suction chamber)
*-smith= worker
blacksmith n. 대장장이 (a blacksmith who has too many irons in the fire)
silversmith n. 은세공인 (a silversmith making silverware)
locksmith n. 자물쇠 제조공 (a locksmith making a lock)
wordsmith n. 명문장가; 말을 잘하는 사람; 컴퓨터 (a wordsmith, or a smooth talker)
*soci-= companion
associate v. 함께 어울리다 (associate with hooligans)
dissociate v. 해체시키다; 관계를 끊다 (dissociate himself from the union)
sociable a. 사교적인 (a sociable person)
social a. 사회적인 (a social animal)
*sol-; sul-= one; alone
solitude n. 고독 (in solitude)
desolate a. 황량한 (The war left the whole country desolate.)
solitary a. 외로운 (a solitary traveler)
console v. 위로하다 (console her for her misfortune *con-= together cf. convene 만나다)
solo a. 단독의/ n. 독주 (a solo flight)
sullen a. 시무룩한 (a sullen look)
*solar-= sun
solar a. 태양의 (a solar cell)
solstice n. 하지; 동지 (summer solstice; winter solstice)
solarium n. 일광욕실 (a solarium in the hospital)
parasol n. 양산 (put up a parasol *para-= block cf. parachute)
*solid-= firm; solid
solid a. 단단한/ n. 고체 (solid food)
consolidate v. 합병시키다 (consolidate two companies)
solidarity n. 단결 (solidarity among the union members)
solidify v. 응고시키다 (the solidifying point)
soldier n. 군인 (a career soldier)
solder v. 납땜하다 (solder metals)
*solu-; solv-= melt; solve
absolute a. 절대적인 (an absolute denial)
soluble a. 녹을 수 있는 (be soluble in water)
resolute a. 단호한 (a resolute will)
resolution n. 결심 (New Year's resolution *re-= against cf. refute 반박하다)
solvent n. 용매 (a solvent for this paint)
insolvent a. 해결할 수 없는 (go insolvent)
resolve v. 해결하다 (resolve the mystery)
solution n. 용액 (a strong solution)
*somn-= sleep
somnolent a. 잠이 오게 하는 (a somnolent effect)
insomnia n. 불면증 (suffer from insomnia or sleeplessness)
somnambulism n. 몽유병 (somnambulism or sleepwalking *ambul-= roam; wander cf. amble 배회하다)
somniloquy n. 잠꼬대하는 버릇 (a wife with a somniloquy)
*son-= sound
sonar n. 수중음파탐지기 (detect a wreck with a sonar)
resonant a. 울려 퍼지는 (an owl's resonant hoot)
consonant n. 자음 (consonants and vowels)
sonnet n. 소네트 (Shakespeare's sonnets)
dissonant a. 소리가 다른; 의견이 다른 (be dissonant with each other)
sonorous a. 낭랑한 (a sonorous voice)
sonic a. 음의 (sonic waves)
*sor-= pain; painful
sore a. 아픈 (a sore throat)
sorehead n. 지고 분해하는 사람 (a sorehead who is angry about the result of a game)
sorry a. 마음이 아픈; 유감스런 (sorry to hear of his death)
*spec(t)-; spi-; spic-; spis-= see
prospect n. 전망 (the prospects of the harvest)
aspect n. 양상 (an aspect of gloom)
espy v. 상대방의 흠을 보다 (espy his faults)
specter n. 도깨비; 유령 (see a specter in the dark)
spectacle n. 안경; 광경 (a pair of spectacles)
inspect v. 조사하다 (inspect the car for defects)
speculation n. 투기 (land speculation)
conspicuous a. 눈에 잘 띄는 (a conspicuous road sign)
perspicuous a. 명료한 (written in a perspicuous style)
suspicion n. 의심 (on suspicion of smuggling)
despite n. 악의/ prep. 불구하고 (despite his resentment)
perspective n. 원근법 (This picture is out of perspective.)
espionage n. 첩보활동 (be convicted of industrial espionage)
*sphere-= globe
atmosphere n. 대기권 (the atmosphere around the earth)
stratosphere n. 성층권 (fly through the stratosphere)
spherical a. 구모양의 (a spherical surface)
photosphere n. 광구 (the photosphere of the sun)
hemisphere n. 반구 (the western hemisphere)
asthenosphere n. 취약권 (the asthenosphere, or the lower mantle)
*spine-= spine; thorn
spine n. 등뼈 (a deformed spine)
porcupine n. 호저; 고슴도치 (a porcupine full of spines)
*spire-= breathe
aspire v. 열망하다 (aspire to be the leader)
aspirant n. 열망자 (an aspirant for the presidency)
inspiration n. 영감 (have a sudden inspiration)
perspire v. 땀을 흘리다 (Why are you perspiring?)
expire v. 기한이 만료되다 (When does your visa expire?)
expiry n. 만료기한 (at the expiry of the term)
conspiracy n. 음모 (take part in conspiracy)
respiration n. 호흡 (artificial respiration)
transpiration n. 증발 (transpiration from leaves)
*sp+vowel+r-; spr+vowel= scatter; spray
sporadic a. 산발적인 (sporadic cases)
spray n. 스프레이; 물보라/ v. 뿌리다 (a hair spray)
sprinkler n. 조로 (a lawn sprinkler)
disperse v. 해산시키다 (disperse the mob)
prosperous a. 번창하는 (a prosperous business *pro-= forward cf. progress)
sparse a. 드문드문한 (a sparse beard)
sperm n. 정충 (a sperm whale)
spring n. 봄 (sow seeds in spring)
sprightly ad. 활기차게 (walk sprightly)
*stat-; stit-= stand; set
statue n. 동상 (the Statue of Liberty)
status n. 지위 (social status)
stature n. 키 (be short of stature)
thermostat n. 자동온도조절장치 (set the thermostat at 20 degrees Celsius)
destitute a. 가난한 (a child from a destitute family)
constitution n. 헌법 (ratify the constitution)
institute n. 연구소 (an experiment conducted at an institute)
institution n. 기관 (an educational institution)
constituent a. 구성하는/ n. 구성요소; 유권자 (the constituent parts of water)
*stella-= star
stellar a. 별의; 별이 밝은 (a stellar night)
constellation n. 별자리 (observe many different constellations)
interstellar a. 행성 간의 (the condensation of interstellar gas clouds)
stellate a. 별 모양의 (a stellate figure)
*str+vowel= strand; tighten
strenuous a. 힘겨운 (strenuous exercise)
stress n. 스트레스 (have too much stress at work)
strand v. 억류시키다 (be stranded in financial difficulties)
strict a. 엄격한 (a strict father)
constrain v. 억제하다 (constrain obedience)
restraint n. 억제 (budget restraint)
restricted a. 제한된 (a restricted area)
strait a. 좁은/ n. 해협 (Strait is the gate.)
*suad-; suav-= sweet; talk sweetly
persuade v. 설득하다 (persuade him to do the work)
dissuade v. 못하게 설득하다 (dissuade him from cheating)
suave a. 상냥한; 유순한 (a suave way of talking)
assuage v. 누그러뜨리다 (assuage his anger)
assuasive a. 가라앉히는 (assuasive effects)
*sume-; sumpt-= take; eat
assume v. 미리 예측하다; 떠맡다 (assume the burden)
resume v. 다시 시작하다 (resume the session)
unassuming a. 건방지지 않은 (an unassuming attitude)
consumption n. 소비 (excessive consumption of gasoline)
*super-= top
insuperable a. 극복할 수 없는 (an insuperable hurdle)
super a. 최고의 (It's super!)
superb a. 최고의 (a superb masterpiece)
supreme a. 최고의 (the supreme court)
superior a. 상위의 (my superior officer)
*sur-= up; surpass
surplus a. 잔여의/ n. 잔여; 나머지 (surplus to his needs)
surpass v. 초월하다 (surpass my expectation)
surmount v. 극복하다 (surmount difficulty cf. mount)
insurrection n. 반란 (put down the insurrection *in-= in cf. input 입력)
*tabl-= plank
table n. 탁자; 표 (a round table; a multiplication table)
tablet n. 판; 표; 명판 (a bronze tablet)
tabular a. 표 모양의 (in tabular form)
tabulate v. 표로 만들다 (tabulate the result of research)
*tac-; tic-= silent
reticent a. 과묵한 (be reticent about the political issue)
taciturn a. 과묵한 (a taciturn person)
tacit a. 무언의 (a tacit consent)
*tach-; tack-; tact-; tag-; tang-; tig-; ting-= touch
attach v. 붙이다 (attach a label to the parcel)
attache n. 부관 (a military attache)
detach v. 떼다 (detach the locomotive from the train *de-= do the opposite of)
tackle n. 태클 v. 접하다 (tackle the challenge)
tack n. 압정/ v. 붙이다 (tack an amendment to the bill)
contact n. 접촉/ v. 접촉하다 (come in contact with)
intact a. 손상 받지 않은; 손으로 만지지도 않은 (keep the forest intact)
tactile a. 촉각의 (tactile feelings)
tag n. 꼬리표 (a price tag)
contagious a. 접촉의 (contagious disease)
tangible a. 만져볼 수 있는 (tangible assets)
tangent a. 접촉하는/ n. 접선 (a tangent line)
contiguous a. 인접한 (be contiguous to the orchard)
contingent a. 부속적인 (be contingent on the weather)
*tact-; tax-= arrange
tactics n. 전술 (air tactics)
taxonomy n. 분류 (taxonomy of plants and animals)
taxidermist n. 박제사 (a taxidermist who makes stuffed birds)
taxis n. 분류(법) (the taxis of animals)
*tail-= cut
detail n. 세목 (in detail)
curtail v. 줄이다 (curtain expenses)
retail n. 소매/ v. 소매하다 (a retail dealer)
tailor n. 재단사 (The tailor makes the man.)
*tain-; ten-; tin-= hold
appertain v. 속하다 (everything appertaining to the premises)
abstain v. 삼가다 (abstain from smoking *abs-= away)
detain v. 가두다 (detain him as a suspect)
retain v. 유지하다 (retain water)
contain v. 담다 (contain his anger)
pertain v. 속하다 (issues pertaining to education)
tenacious a. 완강한 (a tenacious foe)
maintenance n. 유지 (the maintenance of peace)
lieutenant n. 소위; 중위 (the first lieutenant *lieu-= place)
tenant n. 세입자 (the previous tenant of the house)
pertinacious a. 끈기 있는 (a pertinacious alpine climber)
abstinence n. 절제; 금욕 (abstinence from pleasure *abs-= away)
*tele-= far
telepathy n. 정신감응 (telepathy between the twins)
telecommunications n. 텔레커뮤니케이션 (a telecommunications company)
telecommuting n. 재택근무 (a telecommuting system)
televise v. 텔레비전으로 방송하다 (The event will be televised. *vis-= see cf. vision)
*tempor-= moment; time
temporary a. 일시적인 (temporary relief)
contemporary a. 동시대의/ n. 동시대 사람 (contemporary music)
extemporaneous a. 즉흥적인 (an extemporaneous speech)
temporal a. 일시적인; 시간의 (temporal and spatial)
tempest n. 폭풍; 대소동 (a tempest in a teacup)
*ten(d)-; tens-= pull; thin
attenuate a. 가늘어진/ v. 가늘어지다 (The shaft has become attenuate.)
extenuate v. 경감하다 (Nothing can extenuate his guilt.)
contend v. 싸우다; 경쟁하다 (contend with the enemy)
extend v. 연장하다 (get my visa extended)
distend v. 팽창시키다 (with a distended stomach *dis-= away cf. distract 주의를 산만하게하다)
tendon n. 힘줄 (Achilles' tendon)
tensile a. 장력의 (tensile strength)
extension n. 연장 (Please give me extension 355. *ex-= out cf. extract 추출하다)
tension n. 긴장 (ease the tension)
*ter-; tri-= three
ternary a. 3개의 (ternary alloys)
triad n. 3부작 (a triad which consists of three different works)
triangle n. 3각형 (the eternal triangle)
trigonometry n. 3각법 (trigonometry in math)
tripod n. 3각대 (mount a camera on a tripod)
tertiary a. 제 3의; 제 3기의 (mass extinctions between the Cretaceous and the Tertiary period)
*term-= end
terminate v. 끝내다 (terminate this contract)
exterminate v. 제거하다 (exterminate pests)
extermination n. 멸종 (mass exterminations of species)
conterminous a. 인접한 (be conterminous with each other)
conterminal a. 인접한 (be conterminal to the parking lot)
terminus n. 종점 (the terminus of this railroad line)
terminal n. 종점; 공항/ a. 치명적인 (be terminally ill)
term n. 기간; 학기; 한계점 (for terms of life)
*terr-= earth
terrain n. 지형 (high terrains of Mt. Everest)
territory n. 영토 (the ex-English territory)
terrestrial a. 지구의 (the terrestrial globe)
extraterrestrial a. 외계의/ n. 외계인 (extraterrestrial life *extra-= outside cf. extraneous 외부적인)
subterranean a. 지하의 (a subterranean tunnel)
inter v. 묻다 (inter the dead body of the pet)
terrace n. 테라스/ v. 계단식으로 만들다 (terraced fields)
terra n. 흙; 땅 (terra cotta)
*tex(t)-= weave
context n. 문맥; 전후관계 (in this context)
textile n. 직물 (the textile industry)
texture n. 직물; 결 (the texture of the redwood)
pretext n. 핑계 (make a pretext)
tissue n. 조직 (the body tissue)
text n. 본문 (a full text)
*theo-= god
theology n. 신학 (speculative theology)
atheist a. 무신론자 (atheist who believes that there is no god)
pantheism n. 범신론 (pantheism, a belief that gods exist in everything *pan-= all cf. pan-America)
*therap-= treatment
therapeutic a. 치료의; 건강에 도움이 되는 (a therapeutic way)
therapy n. 치료 (physical therapy)
therapist n. 치료사 (a physical therapist)
radiotherapy n. 방사선 치료 (radiotherapy for cancer)
*therm-= heat; hot
thermal a. 열의; 뜨거운 (a thermal spring)
thermostat n. 온도조절장치 (a thermostat, or a temperature regulator *stat-= set cf. static electricity)
diathermy n. 열 치료 (diathermy, or a heat treatment *dia-= through cf. diameter 직경)
hypothermia n. 저체온 증세 (suffer from hypothermia *hypo-= under; low cf. hypothetical 가설적인)
thermonuclear a. 열핵의 (a thermonuclear reaction)
thermoplastic a. 열가소성이 있는 (thermoplastic matter *plast-= form cf. plastic)
*thesis-; thet-= set
synthesis n. 종합 (a synthesis of various components)
photosynthesis n. 광합성 (make food by photosynthesis)
hypothesis n. 가설 (set up a hypothesis)
synthetic a. 합성 가공된 (synthetic rubber)
*tic(k)-= tickle
entice v. 유혹하다 (entice a girl away from home)
tickle v. 간지럽다; 자극하다 (It tickles.)
*tom-= cut
dichotomy n. 양분법 (In this matter any dichotomy is not admissible. *di(cho)-= two)
atom n. 원자 (atoms and molecules)
appendectomy n. 충양돌기 절제술 (undergo an appendectomy *pend-= hang cf. depend)
anatomy n. 해부; 해부학적인 구조 (comparative anatomy *ana-= scatter cf. analysis)
epitome n. 요약 (the epitome of the story *epi-= on cf. epidermis 표피)
*tors-; tort-= twist
torsion n. 비틀림 (force of torsion)
tortoise n. 거북 (hare and tortoise)
torture n. 고문/ v. 고문하다 (put him to torture)
extort v. 착취하다 (extort money from him)
contort v. 인상을 찡그리다 (contort his face)
distort v. 왜곡시키다 (distort history)
retort v. 대꾸하다 (retort against me)
tortile a. 비틀린 (a tortile stem)
*tox-= poison
toxic a. 독성이 있는 (toxic gases)
antitoxin n. 항독소 (an antitoxin working against poison)
toxicant n. 독성 물질 (a toxicant which is harmful to animals)
toxin n. 독소 (a toxin in the body)
intoxicate v. 중독시키다; 술에 취하게 하다 (driving while intoxicated)
*tract-; treat-= draw
entreat v. 간청하다 (entreat him for mercy)
retreat n. 후퇴/ v. 후퇴하다 (retreat from the front)
contract n. 계약/ v. 수축하다 (The pupils of our eyes contract when exposed to light.)
subtract v. 뺄셈하다 (subtract 3 from 7)
extract v. 뽑다 (extract a decayed tooth)
detract v. 실추시키다 (detract from his fame)
retract v. 취소하다 (retract my statement)
extraction n. 혈통; 발치 (an American of Korean extraction)
tractable a. 유순한 (a tractable child)
distract v. 혼란시키다 (distract his attention)
protract v. 연장시키다 (a protracted illness)
tract n. 종교 선전용 책자; 넓은 토지 (a tract of land)