*octa-= eight
octopus n. 낙지 (an octopus with eight feet *pus-; pod-= foot cf. tripod 삼각대)
octave n. 옥타브 (one octave consisting of eight notes)
octagon 옥타곤, UFC 8각 링
*ocul-= eye
oculist n. 안과의사 (an oculist, or an eye doctor)
binoculars n. 쌍안경 (see through binoculars *bi(n)-= two cf. bicycle)
inoculate v. (박테리아 씨눈을) 주사 놓다; 주입하다 (inoculate him against the epidemic
cf. penicillin, 세균을 죽이려 박테리아 주입)
*odo-= way
odometer n. 자동차 주행기록기 (an odometer measuring the distance traversed)
exodus n. 탈출 (the Exodus from Egypt) *ex-=out
*ob-= against; toward; on; over
obscene a. 외설적인 (obscene TV commercials cf. scene 장면,경치)
obstruct v. 방해하다 (obstruct the view cf. structure 구조물)
objective a. 객관적인/ n. 과녁; 목표 (the objective lens)
obtrude v. 내밀다 (obtrude his opinion into a family quarrel *trud-= thrust 떠밀다 cf. intruder 침입자)
obliterate v. 지우다 (obliterate all traces *liter-= letter cf. literate)
obsess v. 괴롭히다 (be obsessed with the idea *ses-= sit cf. session 회의)
obviate v. 필요를 제거하다 (obviate the need to go to the library *via-= way cf. deviate 탈선하다)
obese a. 비만한 (an obese man with a great appetite *es-; *ed-= eat cf. edible 먹을 수 있는)
obdurate a. 끈질긴 (wait obdurately for a cab *dur-= last cf. endure)
*odor-= smell
odor n. 냄새 (body odor)
malodorous a. 냄새가 나쁜 (a malodorous ditch *mal-= bad cf. malaria)
deodorizer n. 탈취제 (tomato juice used as a deodorizer *de-= away)
odoriferous a. 코를 찌르는 (odoriferous chemicals *fer-= carry cf. ferry)
*olfact-= smelling
olfactory a. 후각의 (an olfactory organ)
olfaction n. 후각 (olfaction or smelling)
*op-; ops-; opt-= eye; see
optical a. 광학의 (an optical store)
myopic a. 근시안적인 (myopic urban planning)
hyperopia n. 원시 (an old man with an hyperopia *hyper-= beyond cf. hyperbole 과장법)
optometrist n. 검안사 (The optometrist tested her eyesight. *meter-= measure cf. speedometer 속도계)
optician n. 안경상 (an optician selling various glasses)
*op(er)-= work
operate v. 작동시키다 (operate the machine)
cooperate v. 협동하다 (cooperate with each other)
opera n. 오페라; 연속극 (a soap opera)
opus n. 작품 (opus #5)
*opt-= choose; best; wish
option n. 선택 (have no option but to quit)
adopt v. 채택하다 (adopt a son)
optative a. 기원의 (an optative sentence)
optimism n. 낙천주의 (optimism and pessimism)
optimal a. 최선의 (an optimal choice)
optimum n. 최적조건/ a. 최적의 (optimum conditions)
optimize v. 최대한으로 활용하다 (optimize the computer program)
*or-= mouth
oral a. 구두의; 구강의 (oral hygiene)
inexorable a. 용서 없는 (inexorable heat of a desert) in[=not]+ex[=out]+or[=say]+able → 말할 가치도 없는, 용서불가의
orator n. 웅변가 (the public orator)
oracle n. 예언; 예언자 (the oracle of God) 메트릭스의 오라클
*orb-= circle
orb n. 구; 안구 (the orb of the day, or the sun)
orbit n. 궤도/ v. 궤도를 돌다 (orbit the earth)
exorbitant a. 지나친,벗어난,터무니없는 (an exorbitant amount) *ex-=out
orbicular a. 공 모양의 (an orbicular muscle)
*ordin-= order
ordain v. 목사로 임명하다 (be ordained to priesthood)
subordinate a. 하위의 (a subordinate officer)
order n. 명령 (issue an order)
*ori-= birth; origin; rise
abort v. 취소하다 (abort the dive because of the typhoon *ab-= off cf. abroad)
abortive a. 실패된 (prove abortive)
aboriginal a. 원주민의/ n. 원주민, 아보리진 (Australian aboriginals)
origin n. 기원 (the origin of species)
orientation n. 동쪽으로 향하게 함; 방위 (the orientation of the building)
disorientation n. 방향감각 상실 (Sleep deprivation may cause disorientation.)
*ortho-= correct
orthodox a. 정통적인 (orthodox Christianity *dox-= theory)
야구,테니스,권투 ; 오소독스↔사우스포south paw
orthodontist n. 치열 교정사 (an orthodontist correcting malocclusion *dont-= tooth)
orthopedist n. 정형외과의사 (an orthopedist correcting the deformity of the spine *ped-= child cf. pediatrician 소아과의사)
orthography n. 맞춤법 (orthography, or the way words are spelled *graph-= writing)
*out-= out; surpass
outgoing a. 외향적인 (an outgoing person)
outdoor a. 옥외의 (outdoor activities)
outstrip v. 능가하다 (outstrip the neighboring country in economic growth) strip=띠, 벗다.
outgrow v. 더 크게 자라다 (He has outgrown his jacket.)
outrace v. 더 빨리 뛰다 (outrace the rabbit)
outnumber v. 숫자가 더 많다 (outnumber the farm population)
outwit v. 더 영리하다; 속이다 (outwit the innocent man)
outperform v. 더 근무를 잘하다 (outperform his colleagues)
outdo v. 더 잘하다 (outdo his classmates)
outrun v. 더 빨리 뛰다 (outrun his pursuers)
outdate v. 날짜에서 앞서다 (an outdated map)
outlast v. 더 오래 지속하다 (This battery will outlast your car.)
outfox v. 더 영리하다 (outfox the fox)
outsmart v. 더 영리하다 (outsmart the intelligent man)
outdistance v. 능가하다 (outdistance the newspaper in its circulation)
*ov-= egg
oval a. 달걀 모양의, 타원형 (an oval shape)
ovum n. 난자 (fertilize an ovum)
ovary n. 씨방 (an ovary in a plant)
ovarian a. 난소의 (ovarian cancer)
*paleo-= old
paleolithic a. 구석기의 (the paleolithic period) ↔ neolithic
paleozoic a. 고생대의 (the paleozoic period) *zo-동물
paleontology n. 고생물학 (paleontology, or the study of ancient plants and animals)
*pane-= small cloth; patch
pane n. 창유리 (a window pane)
panel n. 판; 등록부; 토론자단 (a panel of experts)
impanel v. 배심원 명부에 올리다 (impanel the experts)
counterpane n. 침대 겉 덮개 (a counterpane on the bed)
*pan-; panto-= all
pantomime n. 무언극,
모든 것(all)을 손짓으로 흉내내다(mime)
(a pantomime actor)
panacea n. 만병통치약 (a panacea curing all diseases)
그리스어 panakes ; pan(모두)+akos(치료하다)
pan-American a. 범미주의 (Pan-American Highway)
panorama n. 전경 (a panorama of the surrounding area)
pandemonium n. 난장판 (Pandemonium broke loose after the explosion. cf. demon)
pandemic n. 전국적인 병; 대 유행병 (pandemic H1N1 *dem-= people)
panoply n. 장비 일체; 갑옷 일체 (the panoply of equipment)
그리스어 pan(모든)+hopla(무기)
*para-= pair; parallel, equal
parasite n. 기생충 (a social parasite)
parasitism n. 기생관계 (parasitism and symbiosis)
parallel a. 나란한 (be parallel to each other)
disparity n. 차이 (the disparity between the two *para-= pair)
paraphrase v. 말을 바꾸어 쓰다 (paraphrase the difficult sentence cf. phrase)
comparable a. 비슷한 (be comparable to the other)
disparage dis(not)+para(equal) 동급으로 보지 않다. 얕보다 (disparage his rival candidate)
par n. 등위; 액면가격 (above par)
parity n. 등위 (stand at parity)
parasol n. 양산 (under a parasol *sol-= sun)
parachute n. 낙하산 (a parachute descent cf. chute)
parapet n. 난간 (Do not lean against the parapet.)
*pass-; path-= feel
apathetic a. 냉담한 (be apathetic about the result *a-= no cf. atheist)
passion n. 열정 (have a passion for the actress)
dispassionate a. 냉담한 (be dispassionate about the matter *dis-= not)
compassion n. 동정심 (take compassion on the underdog)
sympathetic a. 동정심이 있는 (shed sympathetic tears)
empathy n. 공감; 감정이입 (have empathy with each other *em-= in)
*pater-= father; fatherland
patron n. 후원자 (a theater patron)
patriot n. 애국자 (an ardent patriot)
paternal a. 아버지의 (paternal love)
expatriate v. 국외로 추방시키다/ n. 국외 거주자; 국외 추방자 (an expatriate banished from the country)
repatriate v. 본국으로 송환시키다 (repatriate the diplomat)
patrilineal a. 부계의 (a patrilineal society cf. line)
patronize v. 생색내다; 후원하다 (Please do not patronize the poor man.)
*pati-= suffer; endure
compatible a. 서로 잘 참고 지내는; 호환성이 있는 (a compatible computer)
incompatible a. 공존할 수 없는; 양립할 수 없는 (Cats and dogs are incompatible.)
impatient a. 참을성이 없는 (be impatient with the kids)
patient n. 환자; a. 참을성이 있는 (an ambulatory patient)
*peal-; pel-= drive; shout
dispel v. 추방시키다 (dispel the mob)
expel v. 내쫓다 (be expelled from the school)
compelling a. 강력한 (a compelling argument)
repel v. 격퇴시키다 (repel the enemy troops)
propeller n. 추진 장치 (the propeller on the shaft)
peal n. 소리 (a peal of thunder)
appeal v. 호소하다 (appeal to the law)
repeal v. 취소하다 (repeal the consolidation)
*pec-; pic-; piq-; pric-; punc-; pung-= sting; stigma; point
compunction n. 양심의 가책 (without the slightest compunction)
puncture v. 찌르다 (puncture the balloon)
acupuncture n. 침술 (resort to acupuncture *ac-= sharp cf. acute)
peck v. 쪼다 (peck corn out)
woodpecker n. 딱따구리 (a woodpecker pecking a tree)
pick n. 까다롭게 고르는 선택/ v. 찌르다; 코를 파다 (pick his nose)
impeccable a. 흠이 없는 (be proud of impeccable service)
picky a. 까다로운 (a picky dresser)
picayune a. 꼼꼼한 (picayune details)
pique v. 찌르다/ n. 분노 (in a fit of pique)
prick v. 찌르다; 자극하다 (prick his finger)
pungent a. 신랄한 (pungent criticism)
punctual a. 시간을 잘 지키는 (Be punctual, please.)
*pector-= chest; breast
expectorate v. 가래침을 뱉다 (expectorate on the walk)
pectoral a. 가슴의; 가슴에 다는/ n. 흉패 (a pectoral, or a breast piece of a priest)
*pecu-= money; property
pecuniary a. 금전적인 (pecuniary embarrassment)
impecunious a. 가난한 (an impecunious person)
peculation n. 공금횡령 (be accused of peculation)
*ped-= child
pediatrician n. 소아과의사 (a pediatrician, or a child's doctor)
pedagogue n. 교사 (a pedagogue, or a teacher *gogue-= leader cf. demagogue 민중선동가)
orthopedist n. 정형외과의사 (go to an orthopedist for his fracture *ortho-= correct)
encyclopedia n. 백과사전 (the Encyclopedia Britannica cf. cycle)
en-(in 안에) 어근 cyclo(circle 주위) pedia(education 교육) '안에 주위의 교육을 담은 책'
*ped-; pod-= foot
pedestal n. 발받침 (the pedestal of the statue)
pedigree n. 가계 (a family pedigree)
pedal n. 페달 (the pedals of the bike)
impede v. 방해하다 (impede his work)
pedestrian n. 보행자 (Pedestrians Only)
tripod n. 삼각대 (a tripod race *tri-= three)
podiatrist n. 족병의사 (a podiatrist, or a foot doctor)
gastropod n. 복족류 (A snail is included in a gastropod.
*gastr-= stomach cf. gastronome 미식가)
arthropod n. 절족동물 (an arthropod with arthroses in feet
*arthro=ar(join) thr(action)= 관절 articulation cf. arthritis 관절염)
*pen-= punish
penalty n. 벌금 (pay the penalty)
penal a. 형벌의 (the penal code)
repent v. 후회하다 (repent of his folly)
penance n. 속죄 (do penance for his sin)
*pend-; pens-= hang
pendant n. 목걸이 장식 (wear a pendant)
pendulum n. 추 (the pendulum of the clock)
dependent a. 의존하는 (be dependent on parents)
independent a. 독립된 (be independent of parents)
*penta-= five
Pentagon n. 미국국방성 (the Pentagon, the head office of the US military)
pentameter n. 5보격의 시 (iambic pentameter in poetry)
pentathlete n. 5종 경기 선수 (a pentathlete participating in the pentathlon)
*per-= through; perfect
perforate v. 구멍 뚫다 (a perforated line cf. bore 구멍 뚫다)
perceptive a. 감각의 (a perceptive verb *cept-= catch cf. intercept)
persistent a. 지속적인 (a persistent headache *sist-= stand cf. resist)
pervade v. 스며들다 (Spring is pervading the air. *vad-= go cf. invader 침입자)
peruse v. 통독하다 (peruse the book cf. use)
perjury n. 위증 (commit perjury *jur-= swear cf. abjure 맹세코 버리다)
persuade v. 설득하다 (persuade him out of buying a new car *suad-= sweet cf. dissuade 못하게 설득하다)
*peri= around
periscope n. 잠만경 (a periscope used on a submarine *scope-= glasses)
periphery n. 주변 (at the periphery of diplomacy)
perimeter n. 원주 (the perimeter of a circle)
peripateticism n. 소요학파 (Aristotle's peripatetitism)
perigee n. 근지점 (the perigee and the apogee *gee-= earth cf. geology)
*pest-= plague
pest n. 흑사병; 해충 (a garden pest)
pesticide n. 살충제 (the use of pesticides *cid-= cut cf. decide)
pester n. 골칫거리/ v. 괴롭히다 (pester him with complaints)
pestilence n. 유행병 (the pestilence of Black Death)
pestology n. 해충학 (pestology, or the study of pests)
*pet-= strive; seek; rush at
impetuous a. 성급한 (an impetuous child)
appetite n. 식욕 (have a great appetite)
petition n. 탄원서 (a petition of appeal)
competition n. 경쟁 (enter a competition)
perpetual a. 종신의; 영원한 (perpetual punishment)
centripetal a. 구심력의 (centripetal force)
*petal-= leaf
petal n. 꽃잎 (pretty petals of a flower)
petaloid a. 꽃잎 모양의 (a petaloid form)
*pharm-= drug
pharmaceutical a. 제약의 (a pharmaceutical company)
pharmacy n. 약국; 조제 (a dispensary of a pharmacy)
pharmacist n. 약사 (give the prescription to the pharmacist)
*pharyng-= throat
pharyngitis n. 인두염 (cannot say anything because of pharyngitis *-itis= inflammation cf. hepatitis 간염)
pharyngeal a. 인두의 (the pharyngeal artery)
*phil(o)-= like
philanthropist n. 박애주의자 (a philanthropist who likes mankind *anthropo-= humans cf. anthropology)
philharmonic a. 음악을 애호하는 (philharmonic orchestra)
philology n. 언어학 (the comparative philology)
philosophical a. 철학적인 (a philosophical analysis *sopho-= wisdom cf. sophomore)
philatelist n. 우표수집가 (a philatelist who collects stamps)
*phlem-= flame
phlegm n. 담; 냉담 (a man of phlegm)
phlegmatic a. 냉담한 (a phlegmatic temperament)
*phobia-= fear
acrophobia n. 고소 공포증 (acrophobia, or an unreasonable fear of heights *acro-= top cf. acrobat 공중 곡예사)
agoraphobia n. 광장 공포증 (agoraphobia, or an unreasonable fear of open space)
claustrophobia n. 폐소 공포증 (claustrophobia, or an unreasonable fear of enclosed space cf. closed)
hydrophobia n. 물 공포증; 공수병 (hydrophobia, or an unreasonable fear of water *hydro-= water cf. hydrant 소화전)
*phon-= sound
cacophony n. 불협화음 (make cacophony with a violin *caco-= wrong cf. cacography 틀린 철자)
microphone n. 마이크 (use a microphone for the lecture)
megaphone n. 확성기 (proscribe the use of a megaphone)
*photo-= light
photograph n. 사진 (take a photograph)
phospherous a. 인광의 (phospherous light)
photosynthesis n. 광합성 (depend on photosynthesis to make food cf. synthesis 합성)
photosphere n. 광구 (the photosphere of the sun cf. sphere 구)
*phrase-= speech
phrase n. 어구 (an adjective phrase)
paraphrase v. 말을 바꾸어 표현하다 (paraphrase the passage)
periphrasis n. 완곡한 표현 (a periphrasis, of a roundabout way of speaking *peri- around cf. perimeter 원주)
*physi-= nature; matter
physique n. 체격 (a man of strong physique)
physical a. 물리적인; 신체적인 (a physical checkup)
physiological a. 생리적인 (physiological process)
physics n. 물리학 (nuclear physics)
*plac-= please; calm; place
complacent a. 자기만족에 빠진 (be complacent in everything)
implacable a. 진정시킬 수 없는; 달래기 어려운 (implacable feud)
placebo n. 허위진정제 (administer a placebo to the patient)
placet n. 찬성표 (placets and nonplacets)
placid a. 평온한 (a placid lake)
*plai-; plic-; plex-; ploi-; ploy; -ply= fold
explain v. 설명하다 (explain the point to me)
plait v. 주름잡다 (plaited work)
duplicate v. 복제하다 (have the key duplicated)
replica n. 복사본 (a replica of a Turtle Ship)
implication n. 암시; 관련 (his implication in the crime)
supplicate v. 엎드려 빌다 (supplicate him for mercy *sup-<sub-= down)
multiplication n. 곱셈 (the multiplication table)
complicated a. 복잡한 (complicated math problems)
explicit a. 명백한 (Please be explicit.)
accomplice n. 공범자 (an accomplice in murder)
implicit a. 암시적인 (an implicit promise)
imply v. 암시하다 (imply consent)
multiply v. 곱하다 (multiply 6 by 7)
comply v. 응하다 (comply with a rule)
exploit v. 자원을 개발하다 (exploit natural resources)
employ v. 고용하다 (be employed in a bank)
deploy v. 배치하다 (deploy troops along the border)
complex a. 복잡한 (complex problems)
*plas(t)-= mould; form
plastic 플라스틱
plasty 성형외과
plaster n. 회반죽 (a plaster figure)
thermoplastic a. 열을 가하면 물렁물렁해지는; 열가소성이 있는 (a thermoplastic material)
protoplasm n 원형질 (protoplasm, the core of life *proto-= first cf. protype 원형)
*ple-; plem-; plet-= fill
complement n. 보충 (a full complement of workers)
implement v. 수행하다/ n. 도구 (implement the policy)
supplement n. 부록/ v. 보충하다 (a supplement to the book)
deplete v. 고갈시키다 (deplete natural resources *de-= do the opposite of)
replenish v. 보충하다 (replenish the tank with more fuel)
complete a. 완전한 (a complete failure)
*plum(b)-= lead; metal
plumb n. 납추 (fall plumb down)
plummet n. 납추/ v. 급강하하다 (plummet to below freezing)
plumber n. 연관공 (have a plumber fix the leaky faucet)
plumbism n. 납중독 (plumbism, or serious heavy metal poisoning)
*polis-= city
metropolis n. 중심지; 대도시 (a metropolis of commerce)
cosmopolitan a. 세계적인 (a cosmopolitan language)
police n. 경찰; 치안 (be chased by the police)
*pond-= weigh; weight
preponderance n. 우월함 (preponderance in military power *pre-= before; in advance)
ponder v. 신중히 생각하다 (ponder on the matter)
ponderous a. 무거운 (a bear's ponderous movements)
pound n. 파운드 (be sold by the pound)
*pone-= put
postpone v. 연기하다 (postpone the meeting *post-= in the back)
exponent n. 지수 (a figure with an exponent *ex-= out cf. exit)
proponent n. 주창자; 지지자 (the proponent of the proposal *pro-= forward)
opponent n. 적수 (my opponent in the argument *op-<*ob-= against)
component n. 구성요소 (component parts)
*popul-= people
population n. 인구 (a large population)
populated a. 인구가 많은 (a populated area)
depopulate v. 인구가 줄어 들다 (a depopulating nation)
popular a. 사람들이 널리 애용하는; 인기 있는 (be popular among people)
populace n. 민중 (the opinion of populace)
*port-= door; harbor
portal n. 정문 (the portal of the university)
port n. 항구 (any port in a storm)
deportation n. 국외 추방 (a deportation order *de-= away cf. detour 우회하다)
porch n. 현관 (the front porch)
importunate a. 귀찮게 졸라대는 (an importunate salesman)
*pos-= put; place
repository n. 저장소 (the repository of ancient arts)
impose v. 부담을 지우다 (impose a heavy tax on him *im-= on cf. impending 임박한)
repose v. 놓다/ n. 휴식 (repose his head on a pillow *re-= back)
expose v. 노출시키다 (be exposed to danger)
depose v. 퇴위시키다 (depose the king *de-= down)
composure n. 침착 (recover his composure *com-= all)
pose v. 자세를 취하다 (Will you pose for me?)
dispose v. 처리하다 (dispose of garbage *dis-= away)
juxtaposition n. 나란히 놓임; 병치 (juxtaposition of the two things *juxta-= side by side)
*post-= afterward
posterity n. 후손 (for the good of our posterity)
postmortem a. 사후의/ n. 검시 (a postmortem examination *mort-= death cf. mortal)
preposterous a. 앞뒤가 바뀐 (preposterous insistence *pre-= before; front)
postscript n. 추신 (add a postscript)
postdate v. 날짜에서 뒤지게 하다; 미래 날짜를 적다 (a postdated bill)
*potent-= power
potent a. 강력한 (potent reasoning)
omnipotent a. 전능의 (the Omnipotent God *omni-= all cf. omnivore 잡식동물)
impotent a. 무능한 (an impotent bachelor *im-= not)
potentate n. 권력가 (a powerful potentate)
*pre-= before; beforehand
preface n. 서문 (a preface to a book *fac-= make cf. factory)
precede v. 앞서다 (a book preceded by a short preface *cede-= go cf. intercede 중재하다)
precept n. 교훈 (Practice is better than precept. *pre-= beforehand)
precautious a. 조심하는 (be precautious in doing everything)
preview n. 시사회; 예습 (attend a preview)
*prec-= price
appreciate v. 높이 평가하다; 값이 올라가다; 감상하다 (appreciate a work of art)
depreciate v. 값이 내려가다; 멸시하다 (depreciate himself *de-= down)
precious a. 귀중한 (a precious stone)
semi-precious a. 준보석의 (a semi-precious stone *semi-= half cf. semicircle)
prize n. 상 (receive first prize)
*prehend-; prehens-; pregn-= catch; take
comprehensive a. 포괄적인 (comprehensive reading *com-= all)
apprehend v. 체포하다 (apprehend the thief)
comprehend v. 이해하다 (comprehend the meaning)
reprehend v. 비난하다 (reprehend him for his neglect of duty *re-= against)
prehensile a. 쥐기에 적당한 (prehensile fingers)
pregnant a. 임신한 (be 9 months pregnant)
*press-= push down
impression n. 인상 (first impression *im-= on cf. impose 부과하다)
repress v. 억누르다 (repress his anger)
suppress v. 억누르다 (suppress a yawn)
pressure n. 강압 (succumb to the pressure)
compress v. 굳게 다물다; 압착하다 (compress his lips)
depressed a. 우울한 (feel depressed)
press v. 누르다; 다림질하다 (press clothes)
*prim-= first
primeval a. 원시적인; 원시시대의 (a primeval forest)
primary a. 주요한; 원초적인 (primary instincts)
primitive a. 원시적인 (primitive weapons)
prime a. 최고의; 으뜸의 (in prime conditions)
*priv-= separate
deprive v. 빼앗다 (deprive him of his title *de-= away)
private a. 사적인 (private life)
privacy n. 개인의 비밀 (guarantee maximum privacy)
privilege n. 특권 (exclusive privilege)
*pro-= forward; in advance
process n. 과정 (a process of manufacture)
progressive a. 누진적인; 진보적인 (progressive taxation *gress-= go cf. digress 이탈하다)
procedure n. 과정 (legal procedure)
proverb n. 속담 (as the proverb goes, *verb-= words cf. verbal communication)
prosper v. 번성하다 (May God prosper you! *sper-= scatter cf. disperse 해산시키다)
*prob-= test; investigate
probe n. 탐사(선)/ v. 탐사하다 (probe the space with a satellite)
approbation n. 허가; 시인 (buy the treadmill on approbation *ap-<*ad-= near)
probation n. 집행유예 (place under probation)
reprobate a. 버림받은/ v. 비난하다 (the elect and the reprobate *re-= agaisnt)
disprove v. 반증하다; 논박하다 (disprove his hypothesis)
approve v. 승인하다 (approve himself a good student)
*proper-= one's own
property n. 재산 (real property)
appropriate a. 적절한/ v. 예산을 충당하다 (appropriate money for defense)
misappropriation n. 공금횡령 (be convicted of misappropriation)
proper a. 적절한 (a proper measure to take)
proprietor n. 재산 소유주 (the proprietor of the inn)
inappropriate a. 부적절한 (an inappropriate way to do the work)
*proto-= first
prototype n. 원형 (the prototype of a robot)
protagonist n. 주인공 (the protagonist in the movie)
protozoan n. 원생동물 (A protozoan is a primitive animal.)
protoplasm n. 원형질 (Protoplasm is the germ of life. *plas-= form)
스타크래프트 종족 Protos
*psyche-= mind
psyche n. 영혼 (the psyche and the body)
psychiatrist n. 정신과 의사 (be under the care of a psychiatrist)
psychoanalysis n. 정신분석 (Freud was an Austrian psychoanalyst.)
*pulmo-= lungs
pulmonary a. 폐의 (pulmonary diseases)
pulmometer n. 폐활량계 (a pulmometer for measuring the capacity of lungs)
pulmotor n. 인공호흡기 (a patient breathing through a pulmotor)
*puls-= drive; desire
pulsation n. 맥박 수 (60 pulsations a minute)
pulse n. 맥박 (Let me take your pulse.)
impulse n. 충동 (act on impulse)
propulsion n. 추진 (jet propulsion)
expulsion n. 추방 (expulsion from school)
compulsory a. 의무적인 (compulsory education)
repulse v. 격퇴시키다 (repulse the enemy troops)
*put-= think; reckon
dispute n. 논쟁/ v. 논쟁하다 (dispute with him about the matter)
putative a. 추정되는 (his putative father)
impute v. 탓으로 돌리다 (impute his fault to his brother)
compute v. 계산하다 (compute the distance at 100 yards)
computer n. 컴퓨터 (a computer programmer)
*pyro-= fire
pyromania n. 방화광증 (pyromania, or an insane desire to set fire)
pyroclastic a. 화쇄류의 (pyroclastic flows)
pyrometer n. 고온도계 (a pyrometer for measuring an extremely high temperature)
*quadr-; quart-= four
quadruple a. 4배의/ v. 4배로 증가하다 (the Quadruple Alliance)
quarter n. 4분의 1 (a mile and a quarter)
quadrilateral a. 4변형의/ n. 4변형 (a quadrilateral figure)
quartet n. 4중주; 4중창단 (a quartet consisting of four singers)
*quanta-= how much; amount
quantitative a. 양적인 (quantitative statistics)
quantum n. 양자 (a quantum theory)
quantity n. 양 (a large quantity of water)
*quies-; quiet-= rest; quiet
acquiesce v. 묵종하다 (acquiesce in his proposal *ac-<*ad-= near cf. access 접근)
quietude n. 평온; 안식 (At last Edgar A. Poe found his quietude he sought all through his life.)
requiem n. 안식; 죽은 이를 위한 미사(곡) (play a requiem for the deceased)
acquit v. 석방하다 (acquit the prisoner)
*quint-= five
quintessence 제 5원소; 정수 (the quintessence of this matter)
quincunx n. 5점짜리 (the quincunx on a dice)
*rad-= root
eradicate v. 뿌리 뽑다 (eradicate evil *e-= out cf. evade 피하다)
radish n. 무 (pull up the radish)
radical a. 근본적인 (a radical change)
radicle n. 잔뿌리 (young radicles)
*radi-= ray; light
radium n. 라듐 (radium, a radioactive element)
radiate v. 빛을 방사하다 (radiate light)
irradiate v. 빛나게 하다 (a face irradiated with a smile)
radiant a. 빛나는 (the radiant sun)
radius n. 방사상 모양; 반지름 (the radius of the circle)
*rap(t)-; rav-= snatch; catch; take
rapid a. 빠른 (at a rapid rate of speed)
ravish v. 강탈하다; 매혹시키다 (be ravished with joy)
rapacious a. 욕심스런 (a rapacious loan shark)
rapture n. 황홀 (with rapture)
rape v. 강탈하다 (rape the girl)
enrapture v. 황홀하게 하다 (be enraptured at her beauty)
*rat-= reason; reckon
ratify v. 비준하다 (ratify the draft)
ratio n. 비율 (in the ratio of three to two)
rational a. 합리적인 (a rational policy)
*re(tro)-= backwards; again
retroactive a. 소급되는 (a retrospective law)
retrogress v. 후퇴하다 (the retrogressing economy *gress-= go cf. progress)
retrospect n. 회고/ v. 회고하다 (in retrospect *spect-= see cf. inspect 조사하다)
retrospective n. 회고전/ a. 회고전의 (the deceased artist's retrospective)
recede v. 물러나다 (The tide has receded. *cede-= go cf. cede 양보하다; 양도하다)
*rect-= correct; right
rectify v. 바르게 고치다 (rectify the situation)
rectitude n. 정직 (have high regard for rectitude)
rectangular a. 직사각형의 (a rectangular form cf. angle 각도)
erect ad. 바르게/ v. 바르게 세우다 (stand erect *e-= out)
rectum n. 직장 (A rectum is a part of the intestine.)
correct a. 바른/ v. 바르게 고치다 (the correct thing)
*rid-= laugh
deride v. 비웃다 (deride him *de-= down cf. deviate 탈선하다)
ridiculous a. 우스꽝스런 (That's ridiculous!)
ridicule n. 조소 (cast ridicule upon him)
*rod-=; ros-= gnaw
rodent n. 설치류 (A beaver is a rodent.)
erode v. 침식시키다 (eroded basin *e-= out)
corrode v. 부식되다 (Chemicals from the battery corroded the battery terminal.)
erosion n. 침식 (soil erosion)
noncorrosive a. 부식성이 없는 (noncorrosive metal *non-= not)
*rog-= question; ask for
interrogative a. 의문의 (an interrogative sentence *inter-= between cf. international)
interrogation n. 심문 (undergo interrogation)
abrogate v. 폐지하다 (abrogate the old law *ab-= away cf. abroad)
rogue n. 건달 (play the rogue)
derogate v. 명성을 떨어뜨리다 (derogate from his reputation)
surrogate n. 대리인/ a. 대리의/ v. 대리로 임명하다 (surrogate her to represent him *sur-<*sub-= down cf. subterranean 지하의)
*rot-= wheel; roll
rotund a. 둥근; 토실토실한 (a rotund face)
rotation n. 자전 (rotation and revolution)
rotary a. 회전하는/ n. 환상교차로 (a rotary fan)
roulette n. 룰릿 (화전하는 원반) (gambling at the roulette table)
*rud-= raw; crude
erudite a. 학식이 있는 (an erudite person *e-= out cf. elude 피하다)
rude a. 무례한 (rude manners)
rudiment n. 기본; 기초 (rudiments of chemistry)
rudimentary a. 기초적인 (rudimentary skills)
*rupt-= break
bankrupt a. 파산된 (go bankrupt cf. bank)
erupt v. 분출하다 (an erupting volcano)
disrupt v. 붕괴시키다 (disrupt the order *dis-= scatter)
interrupt v. 가로막다 (Do not interrupt me.)
rupture n. 불화 (come to a rupture)
abrupt a. 가파른; 갑작스런 (come to an abrupt end *ab-= away; off cf. abduct 유괴하다)
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