영문법 - 접속사(Conjunction), 등위접속사, 상관접속사, 추가접속사, 명사절 접속사, 형용사절 접속사, 부사절 접속사

Jobs 9 2021. 9. 28. 13:51


● 접속사

접속사는 단어와 단어, 구와 구, 절과 절을 연결시켜 주는 매개 역할을 하는 품사

절과 절을 연결(Linking)하거나 문장성분을 연결(Linking)하는 접속사: "Linking 접속사" 절을 만드는(Making) 도구적 역할을 하는 접속사: "Making 접속사"  
명사절 접속사
형용사절 접속사
부사절 접속사  

Linking 접속사를 등위/상관 접속사

Making접속사는 주절에 항상 종속되어 존재한다는 뜻에서 종속접속사



Linking접속사와 Making 접속사 개념 비교

   Linking 접속사 Making 접속사 
기존에 있는 절이나 문장성분을 연결하는가? O X
기존에 있는 절에 종속적인 절을 새로 만드는 느낌, 즉  절을 새로 만들어 생성하는가? X O
연결된 두 절 사이에 종속관계가 성립하는가? X O

의미상 종류

1) 등위 접속사 :

단어와 단어, 구와 구, 절과 절을 대등한 관계로 연결시켜 주는 것.

and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet, then, however, therefore, nevertheless 등

boys and girls

in his room or in the garden

He was ill, but he was not absent.

2) 종속 접속사 :

절을 주종의 관계로 연결시켜 주는 것. 즉, 종속절의 주절에 연결시켜 주는 것

if, as, after, before, since, lest, till, though, when, unless, whether, that, because 등

As he was ill, he could not attend the meetings. (As∼는 부사절 : attend 수식)

I will go though it is raining. (though∼는 부사절 : go 수식)

He regrets that he was not present at the meeting. (that∼는 regrets의 목적절)

● 형태상 종류

1) 단순 접속사 : and, when, as, for 등

2) 상관 접속사 : either ~ or, both ~ and, not only ~ but also

3) 접속사구 : as soon as, as well as, as long as 등

● 등위 접속사 and

1) ∼과 그리고, 그러자, 그러면의 뜻.

She is pretty and clever.

He and I are cousins.

They became man and wife.

He said so, and went out.

He waved a flag, and the train began to move slowly.

Work hard, and you will pass the exam.

= If you work hard, you will pass the exam.

Work hard, or you will fail in the exam.

= If you don't work hard, you will fail in the exam.

2) 불가분의 관계에 있거나 단일개념은 단수 취급을 한다.

Bread and butter is good for most sick people. [brednbʌtə]

The poet and statesman is dead.

The poet and the statesman are dead.

Slow and stead wins the race.

a cup and saucer [kʌpənsɔːsə] : 접시가 딸린 컵

brandy and water : 물 탄 브랜디

3) go, come, try, send 등의 다음에 오는 and는 부정사 to 대신 사용할 수 있다.

Come and see me next week.

= Come to see me next week.


4) 형용사 + and + 형용사󰡕에서 앞의 형용사가 부사적 구실을 하는 경우.

I am good and tired.

= I am very tired.

It is nice and warm.

= It is nicely warm.


5) both (=alike, at once) A and B : A, B 둘 다, A와 B도 역시

It is both (or alike, at once) interesting and instructive.

It has alike (or both, at once) genius and character.

● 등위 접속사 But

He is lazy but you are diligent.

He works slowly but accurately.

He did not come on Sunday, but on Monday.

Not that I don't like the game, but that I have no time.

not that A but that B = not because A but because B

=A 때문이 아니라 B 때문이다.

No one is so old but he may learn. (=No one is so old that he may not learn.)

I don't deny but that he will succeed.

(don't deny(doubt) 다음에 오는 but that이나 but what은 that의 뜻)

She would have fallen but that he caught her. (but that = unless)

Excuse me, but what is your name? (but = however)

Indeed he is old, but he is still mentally young.

(It is true (that) ∼ but ⋯ = Indeed ∼ but ⋯ :과연 ∼이지만, 그러나 ⋯

● 등위 접속사 Or

1) ∼나 ∼, 또는, 혹은 : 선택

You may dance or sing here.

He may be a preacher or a teacher.

or로 연결되는 말의 수·인칭이 다를 때는, 동사는 가장 가까운 말의 수에 일치.

You or he is in the wrong.

Were you or he there?


2) 명령문, or∼ : ∼해라, 그렇지 않으면∼할 것이다

Make haste, or you will be late for school.

= If you do not make haste, you will be late for school.

= Unless you make haste, you will be late for school.


3) 즉 ( = that is )

The distance is five miles, or about eight kilometers.

She is a spinster or thirty years and eleven months old.

(그녀는 노처녀야. 즉 30세 하고도 11개월이나 되었지.)


4) 양보

Rain or shine, the farmer worked hard in his field.


5) either ∼ or ⋯ : ∼나 ⋯나, 어느쪽 하나

You will find it either on the table or in the book case.

● 등위 접속사 Nor

1) ∼도 ⋯도 않다(없다) : 부정과 함께 and ∼not의 뜻

Not a man, a woman, nor a child is to be seen.


2) neither A nor B : A도 아니고 B도 아니다. : 양자부정

I have neither money nor time.

= I have not money, and have not time.

Great wealth will make us neither more wise nor more healthy.

He is neither very clever, nor very industrious, nor very strong.


3) nor나 neither가 절의 앞에 오면, 어순이 바뀐다. : nor + 조동사(be 동사) + 주어

I am not rich, and I do not wish to be rich either.

= I am not rich, nor do I wish to be.

= I am not rich, neither do I wish to be.

● 등위 접속사 for / because

1) for : 때문에, ∼한 것을 보면 : 뒤에 생각난 이유의 설명 (등위접속사)

He must have been ill, for he was absent.

It may be morning, for the birds are twittering.


2) because : ∼때문에 : 처음부터 생각난 이유, 필연적 원인 (종속접속사)

He was absent because he was ill.

She did not marry Joe because she loved him. (사랑했기 때문에···)

You should not despise a man because he is poor. (가난하다고 해서···)


상관접속사는 같은 품사나 상당어구를 상관적으로 연결해야하며, 연결하는 어구가 같은 형태이어야 한다.

1) both A and B : A, B 둘 다 : 양자긍정 ( = alike A and B = at once A and B)

He is both a novelist and a poet.

He is remarkable both for his intelligence and for his skill.

Both butter and cheese are nutritious foods.

This book is at once interesting and instructive.


2) either A or B : A이거나 B이다. (양자택일)

neither A nor B : A도 B도 ~이 아니다. (양자부정)

Either uncle or aunt may come.

Neither you nor he is wrong.

He must be either mad or drunk.

Either of these buses goes to the stadium.

either A or B, neither A nor B에서, 동사는 동사에서 가까운 곳에 있는 주어인

B에 일치시킨다.

He neither had money nor food. (×)

He had neither money nor food. (○)

either A or B, neither A nor B에 연결되는 부분은 문법상 같은 기능을 가진

상당어구이어야 한다.


3) not only (merely, just, alone) A but (also, likewise) B

= B as well as A

= A뿐만 아니라 B도 ~이다. (동사는 B에 일치)

He not only teaches English but also writes many novels.

= Besides (In addition to) teaching English, he writes many novels.

He gave me both food and money.

= He gave me not only food but also money.

= He gave me not merely food but also money.

= He gave me money as well as food.

= He gave me food, and money.

Lincoln was not only a friend of the negros but (also) a friend of the weak

and the helpless.

Labor is not merely a necessity but (likewise) a pleasure.

Not only rice but also wheat is the staple food in the Orient.

cf) as well = besides = into(in) the bargain = in addition = additionally 게다가


4) not A, but B : A가 아니고 B다. (낱말이나 구를 중심으로 해서 사용)

not that A but that B = not because A but because B

: A때문이 아니고 B때문이다. (절을 중심으로 해서 사용)

The true worth is measured not by his abilities, but by his character.

Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.

<Shakespeare : Julius Caesar>

Not because I am fond of him, but because I respect him.


5) never [not, no] A but (that) B : A하면 반드시 B한다

no∼ so ∼ but (that) ⋯ : 아무리 ∼해도 ⋯한다

They never meet but they quarrel.

= They never meet without quarrelling.

No one can read a good and interesting book for an hour but (that) he is

the better and happier for it.

Nothing is so difficult but it becomes easy by practice.

= Nothing is so difficult that it does not become easy by practice.

● 종속접속사 - 명사절 접속사

that, whether, if 등

That he will succeed is certain.

= It is certain that he will succeed.

that~의 문장은 모두 완전한 문장이어야 한다.

즉, 접속사로서 that이 유도하는 문장은 완전해야 한다.

Whether it is a good plan or not is a matter for argument.

Ask him if it is true.

Ask him whether it is true or not.

I don't know whether he is at home or at the office.

if와 whether는 같은 뜻이지만, if는 구어체에서 많이 쓴다.

● 종속접속사 - 부사절 접속사

1) 시간 부사절을 이끄는 접속사

when, while, after, since, before, as soon as, till, until, the moment, the instant,

as, instantly 등

I did not realize the value of the documents till yesterday.

= It was not until yesterday that I realized the value of the documents.

= Not until yesterday did I realize the value of the documents.

I'll have finished the work by the time you get back.

조건부사절과 시간부사절에서는 미래시제 대신 현재시제를 사용한다.

I was busy when he came.

Her tongue grew sharper as she grew older.

I found the secret letter long after he had gone away.

◇ Not ~ till (until)

I did not know the fact, till(until) the next morning.

= It was not till the next morning that I knew the fact.

= Not till the next morning did I know the fact.

= Only after the next morning did I know the fact.

not A till B: B하고 나서야 비로소 A하다.

◇ not till the next morning을 문두로 도치시키면 반드시 조동사 + 주어 + 본동사의 형태

로 해야한다.


2) 장소 부사절을 이끄는 접속사

where, wherever, as far as(∼까지) 등

Where there is a will, there is a way.

He was welcome wherever he went.

I will go with you as far as Suwon.


3) 원인 · 이유의 부사절을 이끄는 접속사

because, since, now that (=since), as, for, seeing that 등

You should not despise a man because he is poor.

I did not go, because I was busy. (내가 바빴기 때문에 가지 못했다.)

Now that
Seeing that
On the ground that
he is poor, he cannot buy the car.

⇒ 이유 접속사 : ∼하기 때문에
Because of
Owing to
On account of
On the ground of
his poverty, he cannot buy the car.

⇒ 이유를 표시하는 전치사구
( 명사나 동명사 구문이 온다.)


4) 목적의 부사절을 이끄는 접속사

that ∼ may = so that ∼ may = in order that ∼ may

lest ∼ should = so that ∼ may not

I work hard that I may succeed in life.

He works hard that
so that
in order that
he may pass the examination.

⇒ 목적을 나타내는 부사절
= He works hard to
so as to
in order to
pass the examination.

⇒ 부정사의 부사적 용법
= He works hard for the purpose of
with a view to
with the view of
with the object of
with the intention of
passing the examination.

⇒ 전치사구

Make a note of it that you may not forget it.

that ~ may not : ~하지 않도록, 부정어 not은 반드시 부정사 to 앞에.

He works hard lest he should fail in the exam.

= He works hard for fear (that) he should fain in the exam.

lest ~ should나 for fear (that) ~ should는 ~하지 않도록,

~하지 않기 위하여로 그 속에 부정어 not을 포함한다.


5) 결과의 부사절을 이끄는 접속사

so ~ that, such ~ that 등

As he is poor, he cannot buy the car.

= He is so poor that he cannot buy the car.

= He is so poor as not to buy the car.

= He is too poor to buy the car.

= His poverty is such that he cannot buy the car.

= His poverty prevents him from buying the car.

= His poverty forbids him to buy the car.

He spoke English so fast that I could not follow him.


6) 조건의 부사절을 이끄는 접속사

if, unless, in case, provided, providing, suppose, supposing, on condition that 등

If you ask him, he will help you.

It it rains tomorrow, I shall go nowhere.

Unless you work harder, you will fail.

= If you do work harder, you will fail.

Suppose (that) he refuses, what shall we do?

= If he refuses, what shall we do?

In case (that) you find the man, please let me know at once.

Take your umbrella in case it should rain.

You may go provided (that) all is safe.

Suppose [=Supposing] black were white, you would be right.

unless, suppose that, in case (that) : 접속사이므로 다음에 S + V의 형태가


In case of (In the event of) fire, ring the alarm bell.

in case of, in the event of는 조건을 나타내는 전치사구이므로

다음에 명사 또는 동명사 구문이 와야한다.


7) 양보의 부사절을 이끄는 접속사

Even if
Even though
he is poor, he is happy.

⇒ 양보 접속사
= In spite of
Despite of
After all
For all
With all
In the face of
Not withstanding
his poverty, he is happy.

⇒ 양보전치사구


8) 명령형 양보부사절

① 명령문(원형동사) + wh- 절

Wherever he may(will) go, he will be welcome.

No matter where he may go

Let him go where he will

Go where he will

(그가 어디에 가더라도 환영받을 것이다.)

② 명령문 + as 절

However hard you may try, you can never do it in a week

No matter how hard you may try

Try as you may (will)

(네가 아무리 열심히 해볼지라도, 너는 그것을 1주일 안으로 해낼 수는 없다.)

③ 기타

Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.

However humble it may be

No matter how humble it may be

(아무리 누추하더라도 내집 같은 곳은 없다.)

Be a man ever so rich, he should not idle.

However rich a man may be

No matter how rich a man may be

(사람이 아무리 부자라 할지라도, 게을러서는 안된다.)

Be it true or not, it is not worth considering.

Whether it be true or not

(그것이 사실이든 아니든, 생각해 볼만한 가치가 없다.)

9) As 양보 부사절

형용사, 부사, 명사, 과거분사 + as(또는 though) + 주어 + 동사의

형태로서 양보의 뜻을 가진 것.

① 형용사 + as (though) + 주어 + 동사

Rich as he is, he cannot afford such extravagance forever.

Rich though he is

Though he is rich

(비록 그는 부자일지라도 영원히 그런 낭비를 감당할 수는 없다.)

② 부사 + as + S + V

Though he studied hard, he failed in the exam.

Hard as the studied

③ 명사 + as + S + V

Though he was a coward, he could not bear such an insult.

Coward as he was

Coward though he was

◇ a coward가 문두로 도치되면 반드시 부정관사 a를 생략할 것.

④ 과거분사 (p.p) + as + S + V

Though he was startled, he didn't lose his balance.

Startled as he was

Startled though he was

(비록 그는 놀랐지만 마음의 안정을 잃지는 않았다.)

keep one's balance = keep steady : 몸의 균형을 유지하다.

≠ lose one's balance : 균형을 잃다. (become unsteady)

마음의 안정을 잃다. (be upset)

● 접속사 as

① as if (마치 ∼처럼)

He treats me as a child.

② ∼함에 따라

As he grew older, be became duller.

③ since (∼이기 때문에)

As we were of the same opinion, the conference was a great success.

④ 양보 : 비록 ∼일지라도

Rich as he is, he works hard day and night.

= Though he is rich, he works hard day and night.

⑤ 관용구

The conditions are as follows. (다음과 같이)

as it is = as it stands : 있는 그대로, 사실 그대로

as it were : 말하자면 (=so to speak)

as regards : ∼에 관하여는 (=as respects)



● 접속사 that

① because

If I complain, it is that I want to get justice.

② 판단의 기준

He must be mad that he should cry out at this time of night.

③ 놀람, 슬픔, 희망

That he should betray me!

That I were in England again!

④ 명사절 유도

That he is guilty is certain. = It is certain that he is guilty.

⑤ 동격의 명사절 유도

He realized the fact that he had made a great mistake.

● 접속사 as long as : ∼하는 한, ∼하는 동안 = while

so long as : ∼하기만 하면, ∼하는 이상은 = if only

As long as we remain united, there is no fear for anyone.

Animals are happy so long as they have health and enough to eat.

Any book will do so long as it is interesting.

As long as Lincoln lived, he was the guiding star of a whole brave nation.

● 접속사  as far as : ∼까지, 나, 하는 한 ⇒ 거리 및 지역적 한계

so far as : ∼하는 한, 만큼 ⇒ 관념적 한계 및 정도

I am going as far as Pusan.

I walked as far as thirty miles.

As far as the eye can reach, nothing is to be seen but sand.

So far as I know, he is a trustworthy gentleman.

You will succeed in so far as you persevere.

So[As] far as I am concerned, I have nothing to complain of.

● 접속사 so that : 그러므로, 만약∼하기만 하면 ⇒결과 · 조건

so ∼ that :∼이기 때문에 한다. 하리만큼 ⇒ so는 부사

such ∼ that : ∼이기 때문에 한다. ⇒ such는 형용사

All precautions had been taken, so that we expected to succeed.

Any book will do, so that it is interesting.

We must so handle this matter that we shall have nothing to regret.

His death gave her such a shock that her face turned white.

Such was his eloquence that we were moved to tears.

She is such a modest girl that everyone likes her.

She is so modest (a girl) that everyone likes her.

● 접속사 (so) that ∼ may : 하기 위하여, 하도록

in order that ∼ may : 하기 위하여, 하도록

I learned English that I might become a diplomat.

= I learned English so that I might become a diplomat.

= I learned English in order that I might become a diplomat.

= I learned English in order to become a diplomat.

We read history in order that we may know the laws of political growth.

Be careful about the choice of books that they may not mislead you.

He ran so that he could catch the first express for Pusan.

● 접속사 not so much A as B

= not A so much as B : A라기 보다는 오히려 B다.

not so much as ∼ : ∼조차도 아니다. ⇒not even의 뜻

Happiness depends not so much on circumstances as on one's way of

looking at one's lot.

The ocean does not so much divide the world as unite it.

= The ocean does not divide the world so much as unite it.

I have not so much as heard of his name.

= I have not even heard of his name.

He went out of the room angrily, without so much as saying good-bye to me.

● 접속사 lest ∼should

= for fear (that) ∼should : 하지 않도록, 하면 안되니까, 하지나 않을까

He applied himself to his task lest he should fail.

Take your umbrella with you lest it should rain on the way.

There is danger lest (that) he (should) be murdered.

● 접속사 not A till [until] B : B해서야 비로소 A하다

It is not till A that B : A해서야 비로소 B하다

Things growing are not ripe until their seasons.

It was not till the next day that I learned the truth.

People do not know the value of health till they have lost it.

It is not till people have lost health that they know the value of it.

● 접속사  no sooner ∼ than

= scarcely [hardly] ∼ when [before]

= as soon as ∼ : ∼하자마자 곧

No sooner had he entered the room than he fell down.

Scarcely [Hardly] had he entered the room when [before] he fell down.

As soon as he entered the room, he fell down.

He had scarcely graduated from the university when he went abroad

for studying.

The boys come to the classroom immediately the bell rings.

= directly

= the moment

= the instant

immediately, directly, the moment, the instant는 다른 품사에서 전용되어 온 접속사로서 as soon as 와 같다.





기출 문제(접속사)


(1) Extensive forests, mountain scenery is spectacular, abundant wildlife, and beautiful waterfalls are among the attractions of Glacier National Park.

(2) Although there was an accident on the highway, the driver decided to take a detour.

(3) What annoys me most is that my sons don‟t study.

(4) I had hardly left home than it began to rain.

(5) Since the poets and philosophers discovered the unconscious before him, that Freud discovered was the scientific method by which the unconscious can be studied.


(6) It is common these days to eat a healthy and balanced diet. This means watching what you eat.

(7) If caught smoking, chewing or even possessing tobacco by the police, an underage offender could be fined as much as $100, yanked off the street or out of the shopping mall and took home in the back seat of a squad car.

(8) So/ Such pervasive has celebrity become in contemporary American life that one now begins to hear a good deal about a phenomenon known as the Culture of Celebrity.

(9) When the Dalai Lama fled across the Himalayas into exile in the face of advancing Chinese troops, little did the youthful spiritual leader know what he might never see his Tibetan homeland again.

(10) Because of the controversial governmental budget bill was passed by Congress, the opposition party raised an opposing point of view enough to lead a severe disruption on ministry administration.


(11) Summer jobs are seen as good ways to get work experience, earn some money, and becoming more familiar with the realities of the world outside of school and family.

(12) Not until they began cultivating tobacco for sale abroad they could finance their activities and develop their country.

(13) One of the preeminent benefits I used to derive from being chancellor of a university was what I had the pleasure of meeting thoughtful men all over the world.

(14) New York‟s Christmas is featured in many movies while this time of year, which means that this holiday is the most romantic and special in the Big Apple.

(15) What a woman feels she has been assigned the role of silently listening audience does not mean that a man feels he has assigned her to that role.


(16) This not only frees up the line so that other family members can make and receive calls, but teaching your teen moderation and discipline.

(17) Thoreau lived alone in a cabin near concords Walden Pont and in doing this he set a famous example of courage, independence, and worthy.

(18) I don’t want to remember that they did to me.

(19) I am not certain that he will succeed or not.

(20) When Dr. Kozyrev first published what he thought he had seen on the moon, his interpretation was doubted by many astronomers in other lands.


(21) The important thing is not what you have but what you are.

(22) I wonder whether this was the right thing to do.

(23) Since this is fragile, be careful lest you should not break it.

(24) Tom made so firm a decision that it was no good trying to persuade him.

(25) Many people have the belief which the economy will get better.


(26) Despite he was sleepy, he kept watching TV.

(27) He lowered his voice for fear he should not be overheard.

(28) German shepherd dogs are smart, alert, and loyalty.

(29) However weary you may be, you must do the project.

(30) Although these intellectual and physical challenges, he loves to run.


(31)To avoid this problem, experts suggest remembering important phone numbers in your head, and concentrating when reading magazines or newspapers.

(32) We tend to organize what we perceive into whole, continuous figures.

(33) Linguistics shares with other sciences a concern to be objective, systematic, consistency, and explicit in its account of language.

(34) That a husband understands a wife does not mean they are necessarily compatible.

(35) But he will come or not is not certain.

(36) It is not the strongest of the species, nor the most intelligent, or the one most responsive to change that survives to the end.




(1) Extensive forests, mountain scenery is spectacular, abundant wildlife, and beautiful waterfalls are among the

→ spectacular mountain scenery attractions of Glacier National Park. (X)

(2) Although there was an accident on the highway, the driver decided to take a detour. (X)

→ Since

(3) What annoys me most is that my sons don’t study. (O)

(4) I had hardly left home than it began to rain. (X)

→ when

(5) Since the poets and philosophers discovered the unconscious before him, that Freud discovered was the scientific method by which the unconscious can be studied. (X) 

→ what


(6) It is common these days to eat a healthy and balanced diet. This means watching what you eat. (O)

(7) If caught smoking, chewing or even possessing tobacco by the police, an underage offender could be fined as much as $100, yanked off the street or out of the shopping mall and took home in the back seat of a squad car. (X)

→ taken

(8) So pervasive has celebrity become in contemporary American life that one now begins to hear a good deal about a phenomenon known as the Culture of Celebrity. (O)

(9) When the Dalai Lama fled across the Himalayas into exile in the face of advancing Chinese troops, little did the youthful spiritual leader know what he might never see his Tibetan homeland again. (X)

→ that

(10) Because of the controversial governmental budget bill was passed by Congress, the opposition party raised

→ Because an opposing point of view enough to lead a severe disruption on ministry administration. (X)


(11) Summer jobs are seen as good ways to get work experience, earn some money, and becoming more familiar with the realities of the world outside of school and family. (X)

→ become

(12) Not until they began cultivating tobacco for sale abroad they could finance their activities and develop their country. (X)

→ could they finance

(13) One of the preeminent benefits I used to derive from being chancellor of a university was what I had the pleasure of meeting thoughtful men all over the world. (X)

→ that

(14) New York’s Christmas is featured in many movies while this time of year, which means that this holiday is the most romantic and special in the Big Apple. (X)

→ during

(15) What a woman feels she has been assigned the role of silently listening audience does not mean that a man

→ That feels he has assigned her to that role. (X)


(16) This not only frees up the line so that other family members can make and receive calls, but teaching your teen moderation and discipline. (X)

→ teaches

(17) Thoreau lived alone in a cabin near concords Walden Pont and in doing this he set a famous example of courage, independence, and worthy. (X)

→ worth

(18) I don’t want to remember that they did to me. (X)

→ what

(19) I am not certain that he will succeed or not. (X)

→ whether

(20) When Dr. Kozyrev first published what he thought he had seen on the moon, his interpretation was doubted by many astronomers in other lands.(O)


(21) The important thing is not what you have but what you are. (O)

(22) I wonder whether this was the right thing to do. (O)

(23) Since this is fragile, be careful lest you should not break it.(X)

→ not 삭제

(24) Tom made so firm a decision that it was no good trying to persuade him. (O)

(25) Many people have the belief which the economy will get better.(X)

→ that


(26) Despite he was sleepy, he kept watching TV.(X)

→ Although

(27) He lowered his voice for fear he should not be overheard. (X)

→ not삭제

(28) German shepherd dogs are smart, alert, and loyalty. (X)

→ loyal

(29) However weary you may be, you must do the project. (O)

(30) Although these intellectual and physical challenges, he loves to run. (X)

→ Despite


(31) To avoid this problem, experts suggest remembering important phone numbers in your head, and concentrating when reading magazines or newspapers. (O)

(32) We tend to organize what we perceive into whole, continuous figures. (O)

(33) Linguistics shares with other sciences a concern to be objective, systematic, consistency, and explicit in its account of language. (X)

→ consistent

(34) That a husband understands a wife does not mean they are necessarily compatible. (O)

(35) But he will come or not is not certain. (X)

→ Whether

(36) It is not the strongest of the species, nor the most intelligent, or the one most responsive to change that survives to the end. (X)

→ but


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