영문법 - 대명사(Pronoun), 인칭대명사, 재귀대명사, 지시대명사, 의문대명사, 부정대명사, 관계대명사

Jobs 9 2021. 9. 27. 16:37


● 대명사 종류

1. 인칭대명사(Personal Pronoun) : I, you, he, she, they, it, we...

2. 지시대명사(Demonstrative Pronoun) : this, that, those, these, such...

3. 의문대명사(Interrogative Pronoun) : who, what, which

4. 부정대명사(Indefinite Pronoun) : any, some, each...

5. 관계대명사(Relative Pronoun) : who, which, what, that...


● 인칭대명사

인칭 (수) 주격
~을, ~에게
~의 것
1 단 수 I my me mine myself
복 수 we our us ours ourselves
2 단 수 you your you yours yourself
복 수 you your you yours yourselves
3 단 수 he his him his himself
she her her hers herself
it its it × itself
복 수 they their them theirs themselves



● 총 인칭(Generic Person)

인칭대명사 we, you, they, one 등이 특정한 어떤 사람이 아닌 일반적인 사람을 가리킬 경우

We learn our language very gradually by hearing our parents.

You never can tell what will happen in the future.

One often fails to see one's own faults.

One who gives no thought to health or illness is in fact healthy.

They (Those) who wish to be in good health should take moderate exercise.


● It 용법

1) 앞에 언급한 명사를 받는다.

He took a stone and threw it. (= the stone)


2) 앞에 나온 구나 절을 받는다.

The prisoner attempted to escape, but found it impossible.

He is innocent, I know it quite well.


3) 가주어로 쓰일 때.

It is very pretty that doll.

It is very hard (for me) to study English.

It is very important that you should do the work.


4) 가목적어로 쓰일 때.

I make it a rule to get up early.

I found it impossible to have breakfast at eight.


5) It가 비인칭대명사로 쓰일 때.

① 시간, 거리, 계절, 명암, 요일, 날씨 등을 나타낼 때 쓰이며 뜻은 없다.

It is fine today. (날씨)

It is spring now. (계절)

What time is it now? (시간)

How far is it from here to the station? (거리)

What day is it? It is Saturday. (요일)

It is dark in the room. (명암)


② 막연한 상황을 나타낼 때

How goes it with you? (요즘 경기가 어떻습니까?)

How is it in the market?


6) It ~ that 강조구문 : 문장의 일부 <주어, 목적어, 부사(구) 등>를 특히 강조함.

① 평서문의 강조.

I bought the book yesterday.

→ It was I that(who) bought the book yesterday.

→ It was the book that I bought yesterday.

→ It was yesterday that(when) I bought the book.


② 의문문의 강조.

Did you send me the flower?

→ You sent me the flower.

→ It was you that sent me the flower.

→ Was it you that sent me the flower?

★의문문 → 평서문 → 강조구문 → 다시 의문문의 순으로 고침.


③ 진주어·가주어 와 강조구문의 구분법

★진주어·가주어 구문인 경우.

that절을 it 자리에 놓아도 문장이 성립함.

It is that을 생략하면 문장이 성립하지 않음.

★강조구문인 경우.

that 절을 it 자리에 놓으면 문장이 성립하지 않음.

It is that을 생략해도 문장이 성립함.


● 소유대명사

1) 소유대명사 = 소유격 + 명사

This dictionary is mine. (= my dictionary)

소유대명사는 소유격 + 명사 대신 독립적으로 쓰인다.


2) 이중소유격

a, an, this, that, any, no, which, some, these, another 등과 인칭대명사의 소유격을 함께 쓸 때는 a friend of mine형 a/an … + 명사 + of + 소유대명사로 쓴다.

Show me another book of yours.

this book of his


3) own의 용법

소유격의 의미를 강조하기 위해 “own”을 사용한다.

a, any, some, this … 등 + 명사 + of one's own의 형태로 사용.

I have no house of my own.

This is my own hat.


● 재귀대명사

1) 재귀적 용법

-self형의 재귀대명사가 타동사의 목적어로 쓰이는 경우, 주어의 행위 결과가 다시 주어 자신에게 미치는 경우. (동사에만 stress)

She killed herself. = She committed suicide. = She took her own life.

History repeats itself.

He praises himself.

How did you enjoy yourself last Sunday?

I could not make myself understood.


2) 강조 용법

주어나 목적어를 강조하기 위해 동격으로 쓰여 ∼자신 ∼까지도=even ∼도 또한의 뜻이 되며, 재귀대명사를 생략해도 문장이 성립하고, 재귀대명사에 강세가 온다.

I myself wrote this book. = I wrote this book myself.

He himself did it. = He did it himself.


3) 전치사 + 재귀대명사 및 관용구

① for oneself : 자기 자신을 위하여 (for one's sake),

혼자 힘으로 (without others' help)

② by oneself: 외로이, 홀로 (all alone)

He lives in that house by himself.

③ 기타.

The candle went out of itself. (저절로)

to oneself : 자기 혼자에게만.

beside oneself = insane = mad = at the end of self-control : 제정신이 아닌, 미친.

in itself : 본질적으로

between ourselves : 우리끼리 얘긴데

come to oneself = become conscious: 의식을 찾다, 제정신이 들다.

pride oneself on = be proud of = take (a) pride in.

absent oneself from = be absent from.

present oneself at = be present at.

avail oneself of: ~을 이용하다.

accustom oneself to: ~에 익숙해지다.

overdrink oneself: 과음하다.

overeat oneself : 과식하다.

overwork oneself : 과로하다.

oversleep oneself: 늦잠 자다.

apply oneself to : ∼에 전념하다.

lose oneself : 길을 잃다.

revenge oneself : 복수하다.


● 지시대명사

이것(들). 저것(들) 등 사람 또는 사물을 가리키는 대명사

지시대명사 의 미 비 고
this(these) 이것(이것들) 비교적 가까운 것이나 사람을 가리킴
that(those) 저것(저것들) 먼 것이나 사람을 가리킴
such 그런 사람(사물)  
same 같은 것(일)  
so 그런 일→그렇게  


● this, that 용법

1) 상호 대조를 이룸

One man says this, and another that.

These are better than those, I think.


2) 전자(前者) vs 후자(後者)

전 자 후 자 비 고
the one the other the one이 후자,
the other가 전자를
가리킬 때도 있다.
the former the latter
that this

We keep a dog and a cat; I like the one better than the other.

Health is above wealth; this cannot give so much happiness as that.


3) this, that이 앞의 구나 문장 또는 뒷문장의 내용을 가리킬 때.

He did not answer the letter, and this made me all the more angry.

He promised to pay his debt, but he feared that very much.

He paid back the money at once, and this shows how honest he is.

I will pay you tomorrow. That will satisfy you.


4) 명사의 반복을 피하기 위한 that of~, those of~

The population of Japan is much larger than Korea. (×)

→The population of Japan is much larger that of Korea. (○) <that = the population>

His dress is that of a gentleman, but his speech and behavior are those of a clown.

The ears of a rabbit is longer than those of a fox.


5) those who∼, he who∼ : ∼하는 사람(들)

Those who like borrowing dislike paying.


6) 관용구

∼and that, and ∼at that (그것도, 더욱이)

that is, that is to say (즉, 다시 말하면)


● Such 용법

1) 보어로 쓰임

Such was my reward. (내가 받은 보답은 이런 것이었다.)

보어로 쓰이는 such는 단수·복수에 두루 쓰인다.


2) as such의 형태로 앞에 나온 어구나 문장을 받음.

He is a child and must be treated as such. ( = a child)

그는 어린아이이므로 그렇게(어린아이로) 취급되어야 한다.


3) such ~ as… : … 과 같은 ~ / such as ∼ : 가령 ~과 같은.

Such men as Washington and Lincoln are rare. (워싱턴과 같은 이는 드물다.)

Autumn gives us fruits, such as pears, persimmons, and apples.

(가을은 우리에게 배, 감, 사과 같은 과일을 준다.)


4) such + 명사 + that = so + 형용사/부사 + that : 너무 ∼하므로

She is such a lovely child that everybody loves her.

He had such a fever that he nearly died.

= He was so feverish that he nearly died.

such a long sermon = so long a sermon (○)

such long sermons(○) so long sermons (×)


● The same 용법

1) 목적어로 사용된다. (same에는 항상 the가 따른다.)

We must do the same. (우리는 같은 것을 해야 한다.)


2) the same ∼ as는 동일 종류 / the same ∼ that는 동일물을 나타냄.

This is the same watch as I gave her. (동일 종류)

This is the same watch that I gave her. (동일물)

이때 same은 형용사이다.


3) the same은 that 이외의 관계대명사나 관계부사와도 같이 쓰인다.

Are these the same people who came here yesterday?

(이분들이 어제 여기에 왔던 그분들인가?)

the same ~ where (when, who, as)...


4) 부사로 쓰이는 경우

They do not think the same as we do. (그들은 우리처럼 생각하지 않는다.)

이때 the same = in like manner (∼와 마찬가지로, ∼처럼)


● So 용법

1) 대명사로서 목적어로 쓰임.

so는 대명사로서 do, say, call, tell, speak, think, suppose, imagine, hope, believe 등 타동사의 목적어로 쓰인다.

Is he coming? I think so.


2) 보어로 쓰일 때.

He had been weak, but he wouldn't be so no longer.


3) So am I. / So I am.

so + S + V : (so=yes)

so + V + S : (so=also)

A: I am pretty.

B: I am pretty, too. (= So am I.)

A: You are pretty.

B: Yes, I am pretty, indeed. (= So I am.)


● 부정대명사

명확히 정해진 것을 가리키는 것이 아니고, 막연히 부정(不定)의 사람, 사물 및 수량 등을 나타내는 대명사 one, no one, none, another, other, some, any, all, both, either, neither, nobody, somebody, anything, something 등


● one 용법

1) 총인칭의 용법

one이 일반적인 뜻으로 사람, 세상 사람, 누구나 와 같이 사용되는 경우 → 총 인칭 용법.

총인칭 용법으로 사람의 뜻인 경우에도 he, him, himself, she, her, herself가 쓰임.

One should keep one's word.

One should obey one's parents.

One took his book and the other took his pen.

one이 막연하게 사람을 가리키지 않고, 어느 한 사람을 가리킬 때에는 him, his, himself

등으로 받는다.


2) 명사의 반복을 피할 때.

a + 단수보통명사 → one. (같은 종류이지만 다른 물건)

the, this, that + 단수보통명사 → it (바로 그 물건)

If you need a book, I will lend you one. (one = a book)

I bought a book, but I lost it. (it = the book)


3) 성질형용사 또는 지시형용사 + one(s).

성질형용사나 지시형용사(the, this, that 등) 다음에 오는 명사의 대용으로 쓰이는데 단수이면 one, 복수이면 ones를 사용함.

Your plan is a good one on paper. (one=plan)

This story is more interesting than the preceding ones. (ones=stories)


4) a certain의 뜻으로 쓰임.

I received a letter from one Mr. Jones.


5) one and the same (전혀 동일한)

Rain or sunshine, that is all one to me.

Rich or poor, that was all the same to me.

He is always humming one and the same tune.


6) one을 사용할 수 없는 경우

① 셀 수 없는 명사(물질․추상명사) 다음의 one은 생략됨.

I like a red rose better than a white one.

I like red wine better than white. (one 생략, wine이 물질명사)

② 명사, 대명사의 소유격 다음이나 소유격 + own 다음에는 one을 생략한다.

Your father's house is larger than my father's.

This bed is my own.

③ 기수나 서수 다음에 one은 생략한다.

He has three cars and I have two.

④ 최상급의 형용사, the + 비교급 뒤의 one은 생략한다.

He has two sisters; the elder is more beautiful than the younger.


● another, other(s)

수 /적 용 단 수 복 수
부정(不定)의 것 대명사 another others
형용사 another ∼ other ∼s
특정한 것 대명사 the other the others
형용사 the other ∼ the other ∼s


● another 용법

① an + other의 형태로 단수의 뜻이며, 여러 개(3개 이상)에서 몇 개를 빼고 남은 것 중의 하나를 가리키는 말.

I have six dogs; two of them are white, another is black, and the others are brown.


② another가 단독으로 쓰이는 경우의 의미

ⓐ one more(하나 더)의 뜻.

Will you have another cup of coffee?

I am going to stay another week. (앞으로 또 일주일)

I shall have another try.

ⓑ a different(다른, 별개의)의 뜻.

I don't like this; show me another.

There is another meaning in this sentence.

ⓒ 역시 같은 사람(also one, a similar one)의 뜻.

If I am a fool, you are another.

He is a liar, and his son is another.

ⓓ A is one thing and B is another : A와 B는 별개의 것이다.

To know is one thing and to teach is another.

ⓔ 기타.

They were helping one another in their work.

They looked at each other.

one another는 셋 이상에서 each other는 둘 사이에서 “서로서로”의 뜻으로 쓰이는

것이 원칙이나 명확히 구별해서 사용하지는 않는다.


● other(s) 용법

① 두 개 중에서 하나를 one이라고 하면, 나머지 하나는 특정되므로 the other가 된다.


② one, the other : 하나는, 또 하나는. (순서 없음)

the one, the other : 전자는, 후자는. (순서 있음)

I have two brothers; one is in England, and the other in America.

Mary has a white and a red rose; the one is lovelier than the other.


③ one, another (또는 a second), the other : 셋 중에서 순서 없이 열거할 때.

one, another, a third, the other : 넷 중에서 순서 없이 열거할 때.

the first, the second, the third : 셋 중에서 순서나 등급대로 열거할 때.

There are three men. One is a doctor, another (is) a teacher, and

the other (is) a lawyer.

There are four flowers in the vase; one is 'rose', another is 'tulip',

a third is 'carnation' and the other (또는 the fourth) is 'lily'.


④ some ∼ , others : 약간은, 또 약간은. (집단이나 한계가 막연할 때)

some ∼ , the others : 약간은 그리고 나머지는. (집단이나 한계가 명확할 때)

Some went on foot; and others (went) by bus.

There are ten students; some study German, and the others (study) French.


● Some, Any 용법

1) 긍정문에서는 some,

의문문, 조건문, 부정문에서는 any.

I have a lot of pencils; if you want any, I will give you some.

Is there any wine left in the bottle? No, there is not any.


2) 권유나 의뢰의 의미가 있는 의문문이나, 긍정의 대답을 기대하는 의문문에서는 → some.

Will you have some beer?


3) 긍정문에서 any가 쓰이면 : 어떤 ~ 일지라도.

Any child knows it.

Anyone can do it.


4) some = about, a certain.

We waited some twenty minutes. (= about)

He has some hundred books. (= about)

He went to some place in Africa. (= a certain)

Ask some boy to come here. (= a certain)


● None, No 용법

1) none : 단독으로 쓰여 부정대명사.

no : 명사에 붙어 형용사로 쓰임.


2) none은 원래 no one의 뜻으로 대명사로서 단수, 복수 어느 쪽에나 쓰이지만 가산명사를 나타낼 때는 보통 복수 취급을 한다. (no one은 단수 취급)

There was no one absent.

There were none absent.


3) no는 I have~, There is~ 문형에서 not any 대신에 쓰여 '조금도 ~ 아닌'의 뜻임.

I have no children. (나는 어린애가 없다.)

There is no hope. (희망은 조금도 없다.)


4) None have succeeded in solving the problem. (아무도 그 문제를 풀지 못했다.)

He sought rest and found none. (그는 휴식을 찾았으나 조금도 찾지 못했다.)


5) He is no genius. (그는 결코 천재가 아니다.)

He is no genius. 는 He is not a genius. 보다 강한 뜻.


● all 용법

단수, 복수가 가능하며, 대명사, 형용사, 부사 구실을 한다.

The brothers are all kind. (대명사)

All (the) brothers are kind. (형용사)

It was all covered with mud. (부사)

All is well that ends well.

All the ink is spilt.


● each, every 용법

항상 단수 취급한다.

Each of the brothers has his own room.

Every dog has his own day.


● 부분 부정

each, every, all, both 등이 부정어와 함께 쓰이면 부분 부정이 된다.

① not + both : 둘 다 ~ 한 것은 아니다.

I know both of them. (완전 긍정)

I do not know both of them. (부분 부정) = I know one of them.

I do not know either of them. = I know neither of them. (완전 부정)


② not + all : 모두가(셋 이상일 때) ~ 한 것은 아니다.

I invited all of them. (완전 긍정)

I did not invite all of them. (부분 부정)

I did not invite any of them. = I invited none of them. (완전 부정)

not + any = none.

All is not gold that glitters. (부분 부정)


③ not + every : 누구나(어느 것이나) ~ 한 것은 아니다.

Everybody likes her. (완전 긍정)

Everybody does not like her. (부분 부정)

Nobody likes her. (완전 부정)

Every + not의 완전 부정은 nobody(사람인 경우), nothing(사물인 경우).


④ 기타 부분 부정.

부정어 + (all, always, both every(-), altogether, absolutely, completely, entirely, generally, necessarily, wholly 등) ⇒ 부분 부정

not + always : 항상 ~ 한 것은 아니다.

The rich are not always happy. (부분 부정)

The rich are never happy. (완전 부정)

not + completely : 완전히 ~ 한 것은 아니다.

Not all of the crew completely happy.

not + entirely = not + altogether : 전적으로 ~ 한 것은 아니다.

You are not entirely free from blame.

I do not altogether agree with him.

not + necessarily : 반드시 ~ 한 것은 아니다.

The greatest minds do not necessarily ripen the quickest.

not + absolutely : 절대적으로 ~ 한 것은 아니다.


● 전체 부정 (완전 부정)

부정어 + any(-), either

neither, no(-), none

부정의 뜻인 dis-, im-, in-, un- 등으로 표시될 때.

not ~ in the least = not ~ at all = never : 결코 ~ 이 아니다.


●  at all

They are not interested at all. (조금도 ~이 아니다)

I don't know him at all.

If you do it at all, do it well. (조건문 : 적어도, 기왕에)

Do you believe it at all? (의문문 : 도대체)

I am surprised that he passed the exam at all. (평서문 : 어쨌든)

There are very little if at all. (관용적 표현 : 있다손 치더라도)


● -thing, -body.

any와 some의 용법에 준한다.

Is there anything interesting in today's paper?

Is anybody in the room?

I saw something white in the dark.

-thing의 대명사를 수식하는 형용사는 대개 그 뒤에 온다.

everything : 가장 중요한 것, something : 상당한 것, nothing : 하찮은 것

Money is everything to her.

He thinks something of himself.

If you want to be anybody, you must make efforts.

She was a humble nobody a few years ago.


● both

둘 다 의 뜻으로 대명사, 형용사 구실을 한다.

The stories are both true. (대명사)

Both the stories are true. (형용사)

not + both = 부분 부정

I do not know both of the sisters.


● either

둘 중 어느 하나의 뜻으로 대명사, 형용사, 부사의 구실을 한다.

Either of them will do. (주어 : 대명사)

You can take either book. (형용사)

Do you know either of the two sisters? (둘 중의 하나)

Do you know any of the sisters? (셋 이상 중의 하나)

∼도 역시 란 뜻으로 긍정문에서는 too를 쓰며, 부정문에서는 either를 쓴다.

There is no time to lose, either.

If you do not go, I will not, either.


● neither

둘 중 어느 쪽도 아니다 라는 부정의 뜻으로 대명사, 형용사, 부사 구실.

Neither of the stories is true. (대명사)

Neither the story is true. (형용사)

If you don't go, I will go neither. (부사)

If you will not do so, neither will I. (= neither will I = nor will I)

neither = not either

● 의문대명사

의문사의 용법: 의문문을 나타내는 who, whom, what, which, when 등을 의문사라고 하며 크게 의문대명사와 의문부사로 나눈다.

의문대명사 : who, whom, whose, what etc.

의문부사 : why, where, when, how etc.

1) who : 사람의 성명, 혈족관계

Who is he? He is John, my cousin.


2) what : 사람의 직업, 신분 및 사물

What is he? He is a poet.


3) 의문대명사가 주어로 쓰일 때 do나 did와 같은 조동사가 필요 없다.

Who told you?

What makes you so sad? = Why are you so sad?


● 직접의문문, 간접의문문

1) 직접의문문 : 의문사 + 동사 + 주어 형태 → 직접의문문.


2) 간접의문문 : 의문사가 이끄는 절이 다른 문장에 포함되어 종속절이 되면, 그 의문문은 의문사 + 주어 + 동사의 형태로 되어 명사절이나 명사구가 된다.

직접의문문 간접의문문
Who is that man? I don't know who that man is.
What does she want? I don't know what she wants.
Who come first? Ask him who came first.
Which flower do you like better? Tell me which flower you like better.


3) 간접의문문에서 의문사가 문두로 나가는 경우.

동사가 think, suppose, believe, imagine, guess 등의 생각동사일때는 반드시 의문사를 문두로 도치시킨다.

What does he want? (○)

→ Do you know what he wants? (×) → yes, no의 대답이 가능하다.

Do you think what he wants? (×)

→ What do you think he wants? (○) → yes, no로 대답할 수 없다.


● 의문사절 역할

1) 주어 역할

Who did it is a question to me. (누가 그것을 했는지 나에게 문제가 된다.)


2) 보어 역할

The question is who did it. (문제는 누가 그것을 했느냐이다.)


3) 목적어 역할

Tell me who did it. (누가 그것을 했는지 말해다오. 동사의 목적어)

There is no doubt as to who did it.

(그것을 누가 했는지에 대해 의심할 바 없다. 전치사의 목적어.)

4) 의문사절이 전치사의 목적어가 될 때, 전치사가 생략되는 경우가 많다.

They are ignorant what they are after. (be ignorant of의 of가 생략됨)

(그들은 자기들이 무엇을 추구하고 있는지도 모른다.)

I have no idea who did it. ( ∼as to가 생략됨)

(누가 그것을 했는지 전혀 모른다.)

= I have no idea as to who did it.


● 수사의문문

1) 수사의문문 : 자신의 생각을 강하게 표현하기 위해서 의문문 형식으로 표현하는 것.

Who knows? (수사의문문 : 누가 알겠는가?)

= Nobody knows. (평서문 : 아무도 모른다.)

Who does not know the fact?

= Everybody knows the fact.


2) 일반적으로 수사의문문이 긍정이면 평서문은 부정문, 부정이면 긍정문이다.

Who is there but commits errors?

= There is nobody but commits errors. (but은 관·대 주격으로 that ~ not의 뜻)

= Everybody commits errors.

= Who is there that does not commit errors? (형용사절)

= There is nobody that does not commit errors. (형용사절)

Who would do such a thing but a fool?

= Who but a fool would do such a thing.

= None (Only) but a fool would do such a thing.

but은 전치사로서 ~을 제외하고는 의 뜻. (save, except)

What is the use of ~? : ~하는 것이 무슨 소용이 있느냐?


● 부가의문문

1) 용법

주로 회화에서 쓰이며, 앞 문장(주절)이 긍정이면 부정의 부가의문문을 사용하고, 앞 문장이 부정이면 긍정의 부가의문문을 사용.

부가의문문의 주어는 항상 대명사를 쓰며, 동사와 not은 축약형을 사용한다.

주절에 be동사가 있을 땐 be동사, 조동사가 있을 땐 조동사, 일반동사는 do를 사용한다.

They are listening to the radio, aren't they?

She can't speak French, can she?

Tom has a book, doesn't he? (○) (이때 have는 일반동사로 가지고 있다 의 뜻임)

Tom has a book, hasn't he? (×)

You bought a new car, didn't you?


2) 완료시제 문장에서는 have로 쓴다.

You've been to Pusan, haven't you?

3) have to는 부가의문문에서 반드시 have 대신 do를 사용한다.

You have to study English, don't you?


3) 조동사 should나 ought to는 반드시 shouldn't + S의 형태로 쓴다.

You should study harder, shouldn't you?

I ought to go by plane, shouldn't I?


4) 명령문의 부가의문은 주절이 긍정이든 부정이든 언제나 will you?로 쓴다.

단, 권유의 뜻으로 쓰인 명령문은 won't you? 를 사용한다.

Do it at once, will you?

Have a cup of coffee, won't you?


5) 주절에 no, nothing, seldom, hardly, scarcely 등이 있을 경우는, 이들 자체가 부정의 뜻이 포함되어 있으므로 부가의문문은 긍정으로 쓴다.

We have no time, do we?

He seldom came here, did he?


6) 기타 부가의문문

She's doing her best, isn't she? (= She is doing her best.)

She's done her best, hasn't she? (= She has done her best.)

윗 문장의 's는 is도 되고 has도 되나 본래의 문장은 She is doing her best와

She has done her best이므로 isn't she와 hasn't she로 부가의문문을 써야 한다.

You'd better go at once, hadn't you?

You'd는 You had의 약자이며 had better의 부가의문문은 hadn't이다.


● 관계대명사

역할 : 관계대명사는 앞에 있는 명사나 대명사(→선행사)를 받는 구실을 하면서 두 문장을 연결해 주므로 접속사 + 대명사의 역할을 겸하면서 형용사절을 이끌어 관계대명사 앞의 선행사를 수식한다.

I have a friend. He plays tennis very well.

⇒ I have a friend who plays tennis very well.



● 관계대명사 종류

주격 소유격 목적격 선행사 문중역할 전치사와의 관계
who whose whom 사 람 형용사절 동반한다.
which whose,
of which
which 동 물, 사 물 형용사절 동반한다.
that   that 사람, 동물, 사물 형용사절 동반하지 않는다.
what   what 사물(선행사 포함) 명사절 동반하지 않는다.


● 관계대명사 WHO (who - whose - whom)

1) Who

This is the girl. She is a good typist.

→ This is the girl who is a good typist. (형용사절)

She가 주격이므로 주격 who를 사용.


2) Whom

This is the boy. I wanted to see him.

→ This is the boy whom I wanted to see.


3) Whose

A child is called an orphan. His parents are dead.

→ A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.

A child와 His는 같은 사람이며, His가 소유격이므로 소유격 관계대명사 whose를 씀.


4) 관계대명사 + one think(imagine, suppose, guess, believe, be sure) ⇒ 삽입절

  관계대명사 + one think(imagine, suppose, guess, believe, be sure) + to 부정사 ⇒ 목적격 관계대명사

I picked up a man who I thought was honest. (I thought는 삽입절)

I picked up a man whom I thought to be honest.


5) who, whom 자체에 선행사가 포함되어 있는 경우.

Who steals my purse steals trash. (Who∼ = He who∼) <Shakespeare>

Whom the gods love die young. (Whom∼ = Those whom∼) <Byron>


● 관계대명사 WHICH 용법 (which - whose, of which - which)

1) Which

선행사가 동물이나 사물일 때 쓰이며 주격으로 which, 소유격으로 of which나 whose, 목적격으로 which가 쓰인다.

which가 계속적 용법으로 쓰일 땐 구, 절, 형용사들을 선행사로 받는 용법이 있다.


2) 주격, 목적격으로 쓰일 때.

I have a book. It is very interesting.

→ I have a book which is very interesting.

This is the dictionary. I bought it yesterday.

→ This is the dictionary which I bought yesterday.

which는 주격과 목적격의 형태가 동일하므로 which + S + V ∼이면 목적격

which + V∼이면 주격으로 생각할 수 있다.

전치사와 관계대명사가 함께 쓰일 때, 전치사는 관계대명사절의 끝부분에 놓일 수도 있고, 관계대명사의 바로 앞에 놓이기도 한다.


3) 소유격으로 쓰일 때.

This is the word. I don't know the meaning of it.

→ This is the word which I don't know the meaning of.

which는 전치사 of의 목적격이므로 생략 가능.

→ This is the word of which I don't know the meaning.

→ This is the word the meaning of which I don't know.

→ This is the word whose meaning I don't know.

선행사가 사물인 경우, 소유격 관계대명사 whose 대신에 of which를 쓰기도 한다.

이때 소유의 대상이 되는 말은 of which의 뒤에 오기도 하고 앞에 올 수도 있다.

which 앞에 전치사 of가 있을 땐 of which가 소유격이기 때문에 which를 생략할 수 없다.


4) which가 구, 절, 형용사를 선행사로 받을 때.

He wanted to come, which was impossible. (= but it)

관계대명사 앞에 comma가 있으면 계속적인 용법으로서 접속사(and, but, for, though) + 대명사의 형태로 바꿔 쓸 수 있다.


5) 신분, 지위, 성격을 선행사로 받을 때.

He is a gentleman, which his brother is not.

선행사가 사람일지라도 신분, 지위, 성격을 나타낼 때에는 who, whom을 쓰지 않고 which나 that을 사용한다.

She is no longer the shy girl which(or that) she was ten years ago.

that은 계속적인 용법에는 쓰이지 않고 제한적 용법에만 사용이 가능하다.


● 관계대명사 THAT (that - × - that)

1) 관계대명사 that

that은 한정용법에만 쓰이고, 계속적 용법에서는 쓸 수 없다.

that은 사물, 사람, 동물에 모두 쓰이며 소유격이 없다.

that 앞에는 전치사를 쓸 수 없다.

that는 who, whom which 등을 대신해서 쓸 수 있다.


① 선행사가 사람과 동물일 때.

A man and his dog that were passing by were injured.


② 선행사에 최상급 형용사, 서수사, the very, the only, the last, the same, every, all, any, no 등이 포함되어 있을 때는 that을 쓴다.

He is the greatest poet that korea has ever produced.


③ 선행사에 의문대명사 who, what, which 등이 올 때는 that을 쓴다.

Who that has common sense can believe such a thing? (주격)

Which is the book that you want to read. (목적격)

Who is the man that is talking with the foreigner?


2) That의 용법

① 지시대명사.

Can you see that?

The climate of Korea is milder than that of China.


② 지시형용사.

Give me that chair.

from that hour: 그 시간부터.

at that time : 그 시간에.

지시형용사로 쓰일 땐 that + 명사의 형태로 that이 다음에 오는 명사를 수식


③ 지시부사.

Don't eat that much. (그렇게 많이 먹지 마라)

that이 수량이나 정도를 나타내는 형용사나 부사를 수식하면서 그만큼, 그렇게 의 뜻으로 사용되는 경우 → 지시부사.


④ 접속사로 쓰일 때.

That he is innocent is certain. (주어명사절)

= It is certain that he is innocent. (진주어)

that 다음의 문장이 완전한 경우에는 that이 접속사로 쓰인 경우이다.


⑤ It ~ that 강조구문.

I bought the book on Monday.

= It was on Monday that I bought the book.


⑥ 관계대명사로 쓰일 때.

He is the greatest actor that has ever lived.


⑦ 관계부사의 대용으로 쓰일 때.

This is the last time that(when) I teach you.

This is the village that(where) the poet was born.

that이 관계부사 when, where, why, how 등의 대용으로 쓰임.

⑧ that의 발음 : 지시대명사, 지시형용사, 지시부사일 때 → [dæt]

관계대명사, 접속사, 관계부사일 때 → [dət]


● 관계대명사 WHAT = 선행사 + 관계대명사

(that which, those which, the thing(s) which, all that 등)

1) 관계대명사 What

관계대명사 what은 선행사를 포함한다 : what = 선행사 + 관계대명사.

what은 that which~, all that~, anything that~, the thing(s) which~, those which∼ 로 바꾸어 생각할 수 있다.

What(that which) is beautiful is not always good. (주어명사절)

I will do what(all that) I can. (목적어명사절)

What I say is always quite true.

There is some truth in what he says.

What is important is not what he has but what he is.

What one has : 재산

What one is : 인격

You should judge a man not by what he has but by what he is.

What is important is not what he has but what he is.


2) what을 포함하는 관용적 표현

① what one is ( (상태의) 인물, (인격적) 인물)

② what is(are) called = what you(we, they) call (소위, 말하자면)

He is, what we call, a self-made man.

(그는 소위 자수성가한 사람이다.)

③ what is worse = to make matters worse (설상가상으로)

④ A is to B what C is to D

= Just as C is to D, so is A to B

= What C is to D, A is to B

= A가 B에 대한 관계는 C가 D에 대한 관계와 같다.

Reading is to the mind what(as) exercise is to the body.

= Just as exercise is to the body, so is reading to the mind.

= What exercise is to the body, reading is to the mind.

(독서가 마음에 대한 관계는 운동이 신체에 대한 관계와 같다.)

⑤ What is + 비교급 : 더욱 ~ 한 것은.

She is beautiful, and what is better still, tender-hearted.

⑥ What with A and (what with) B

(한편으로는 A 때문에, 또 한편으로는 B 때문에. <원인, 이유>)

What with fatigue and (what with) hunger, he fell down as if he were dead.

(피곤도 하고 배도 고프고 해서 그는 죽은 사람처럼 쓰러졌다.)

⑦ What by A and (what by) B. (수단, 방법)

(한편으로는 A에 의해서, 또 한편으로는 B에 의해서...)

What by threats and (what by) entreaties, he achieved his aim.

(협박도 하고 또 간청도 해서, 그는 그의 목적을 달성했다.)


● 관계대명사 생략

문장을 간소화하기 위해 다음과 같은 경우엔 관계대명사를 생략할 수 있다.

1) 관계대명사가 동사나 전치사의 목적어 일 때. (목적격 관계대명사는 생략 가능)

This is the boy (whom = that) we saw yesterday. (동사의 목적어 : 생략 가능)

This is the house in which he lives. (생략 불가능)

This is the house (which) he lives in. (생략 가능)

He has no friend (whom) he can depend upon. (전치사의 목적어 : 생략 가능)

관계대명사를 생략할 때, 관계대명사 앞에 있는 전치사는 뒤에 온다.


2) 주격보어, 목적격보어로 쓰일 때

He is not the man (which or that) he was two years ago.

She is not the girl (that) she was.

I am not the fool (that) you think me (to be).


3) 관계대명사 다음에 there is, there are가 계속될 때.

He taught me the difference (that) there is between right and wrong.


4) There is, Here is, It is, What is, Who is로 시작되는 구문에서.

There is a boy (who) wants to see you.

It was he (that) met her yesterday.


5) 예외적으로 관계대명사가 생략이 안 되는 경우.

ⓐ 관계대명사의 계속적 용법에서는 생략이 불가능하다.

I bowed to the gentleman, whom I knew well.

ⓑ 전치사 + 관계대명사가 시간, 장소, 방법 등을 나타낼 때.

I remember the day on which he went to the front. (= when, 시간)

ⓒ of which, of whom이 어느 부분을 나타낼 때에는 생략이 불가능하다.

I bought ten pencils, the half of which I gave my brother.

ⓓ 관계대명사의 주격, 소유격은 생략할 수 없다.

다만, 주격과 뒤에 오는 be동사를 함께 생략할 수는 있다.

It is a very old monument (which is) made of marble.


● 관계대명사 제한적 용법과 계속적 용법


1) 관계대명사의 제한적 용법

관계대명사가 이끄는 형용사절이 앞에 있는 선행사를 수식하며 제한, 또는 한정하는 경우를 제한적 용법이라고 한다.

관계대명사 앞에, (comma)가 없고 뒤에서부터 올려서 해석한다.


2) 관계대명사의 계속적 용법

관계대명사 앞에, (comma)가 있으며 선행사를 수식, 그것에 관해 설명을 하는 경우를 계속적 용법이라고 한다.

접속사(and, but, for, though) + 대명사의 역할을 한다.

앞에서부터 내려 번역하며 관계대명사의 생략이 불가능하다.

that은 계속적 용법에 쓸 수 없다.


3) 제한적 용법과 계속적 용법의 비교

He had three sons, who became statesmen. (계속적 용법, who = and they)

He had three sons who became statesmen. (제한적, 한정적 용법)

He had four sons who became doctors.

→ 제한적 용법 - 의사가 아닌 아들이 또 있었는지도 모른다.

He had four sons, who became doctors.

→ 계속적 용법 - 아들 넷이 있었는데, 모두 의사가 되었다.

I will wear no clothes which will distinguish me from my fellow-men.

I will wear no clothes, which will distinguish me from my fellow-men.

Everybody likes Tom, who is kind. ( , who = for he)

(모두 Tom을 좋아한다. 왜냐하면 그는 친절하기 때문이다.)

I met a boy, who told me the news. ( , who = and he)

(나는 한 소년을 만났는데, 그가 그 소식을 나에게 말했다.)

The farmer, who is poor, is honest. ( , who = though he)

(그 농부는 비록 가난하지만 정직하다.)


● 관계대명사와 전치사

This is the house. I spoke of it.

→ This is the house which I spoke of.

→ This is the house (which) I spoke of.

→ This is the house of which I spoke of. (전치사 + 관.대는 생략 불가)

→ This is the house that I spoke of. (that앞에서는 전치사를 쓸 수 없음.)


● 복합관계대명사 : 관계사 + -ever (whoever, whomever...)

What과 복합관계대명사는 모두 선행사의 역할과 관계대명사 역할을 동시에 하고 있음.


1) 명사적 용법.

Give it to whoever wants it. (= anyone who : wants의 주어)

Give it to whomever you like. (= anyone whom : like의 목적어)

Choose whichever you like. (= anything that)

I will give you whatever you need. (= anything that)


2) 형용사적 용법. (⇒복합관계형용사)

You may read whatever book you like.(= any book that)

Take whichever book you like. (= any of the books that)

Whosever horse comes in first wins the prize. (= anyone whose)

whosever는 거의 쓰이지 않고 anyone whose가 쓰인다.


3) 부사적 용법. (양보의 부사절을 유도)

Whoever may come, he will be welcome. (= No matter who)

Whatever you may do, do it well. (= No matter what)

Whichever you choose, you will be pleased. (= No matter which)

However eloquently a dog may bark, he can not tell you that his parents were poor

but honest. (= No matter how) <Bertrand Russel>

오늘의 영어에서는 may를 안 쓰고 직설법을 쓰는 경우가 많다.


4) Whatever는 부정문, 의문문에서 강조어로 쓰인다.

There can be no doubt whatever about it.

Is there any chance whatever?

(조금이라도 가망이 있습니까?)


● 관계형용사

He spoke to me in french, which language I could not understand.

관계대명사로서의 which가 명사 language를 수식한다.

I gave them what money I had.

what은 money를 수식하는 동시에 I had를 형용사절로 money에 연결시킨다.

= I gave them all the money that I had. (what = all the.... that)

I will approve whichever(or whatever) course you decide on.(복합관계형용사)


● 의사관계대명사 (as, but, than)

원래는 관계대명사가 아닌 접속사가 관계대명사와 같은 구실을 할 때, 이를 의사관계대명사(Quasi Relative Pronoun)라고 한다.


● 관계대명사 as

선행사에 such, the same, as 등이 있을 때, 뒤의 as는 관계대명사로 본다. 주격과 목적격이 있다.

Choose such friends as will benefit you. (will의 주어 : 주격)

Do not read such books as stain your mind. (stain의 주어 : 주격)

Beware of such as flatter you to your face. (flatter의 주어 : 주격)

He is not such a man as I expected. (expected의 목적어 : 목적격)

I have the same trouble as you have. (have의 목적어 : 목적격)

As many men as came were caught. (온 사람은 다 붙잡혔다 : 주격)

He is absent, as is often the case. (as의 선행사는 He is absent(절))

He is American, as I knew from his accent.

(그의 말투로 안 일이지만 그는 미국인이었다.)

As was the custom with him, he went out for a walk after supper.

(여느 때처럼 식사 후에 산책 나갔다.)

The book is written in such easy English as I can read.

(나도 읽을 수 있을 만큼 쉬운 영어로 써졌다.)

The book is written in such easy English that I can read.

(쉽게 써졌기 때문에 나도 읽을 수 있다.)

This is the same watch as I lost. (동일종류) : the same은 생략 불가능

This is the same watch that I lost. (동일물) : the same은 생략 가능

(the same은 바로 같은 물건임을 강조하기 위해서 사용됨.)


● But 용법 (but = that ∼ not)

but이 관계 대명사로 쓰이는 경우 - but 앞에 no, not, never, scarcely, hardly 등의 부정하는 말이 나와 있을 때 사용할 수 있는 부정을 포함하는 관계대명사

There is no rule but has some exceptions.

= There is no rule that has not some exceptions.

There is no one but knows him.

= There is no one that does not know him.

None came to his house but were welcome.

= None came to his house that were not welcome.

(그의 집에 오는 사람은 누구나 환영을 받았다.)


● 기타 but 용법

① 등위접속사로 쓰이는 경우.

Summer is hot, but winter is cold.

He is a hard-working but not very intelligent boy.


② 부사로 쓰이는 경우.

부사로 쓰이면 only(단지, 오로지, 불과)의 뜻으로 쓰이며, but을 생략해도 문장이 성립한다.

He is but a child. (그는 단지 어린애에 지나지 않는다.)

It is but a question of money. (그것은 단지 돈에 관한 문제이다.)


③ 전치사로 쓰이는 경우.

but이 전치사로 쓰이면 except, save의 뜻으로 쓰이며, but을 생략하면 문장이 성립하지 않는다. (but + 목적격 형태로 쓸 것.)

All but him were drowned. (그를 제외하고는 모두가 익사했다.)

Nobody but me attended the meeting.

(나를 제외하고는 아무도 그 모임에 참석하지 않았다.)

Nobody know (but God). = Only God knows. = No one knows.


④ 종속접속사로 쓰이는 경우.

종속접속사로 쓰이면 that ~ not의 뜻으로 쓰이며, but\이하의 문장은 완전한 문장이 된다.

No one is so old but he may learn.

= No one is so old that he may not learn.


● 의사관계대명사 than

선행사에 비교급(more)이 있는 문장에서 than을 관계대명사로 쓰며, 주격, 목적격이 있다.

There are more books than are needed.

Her service has been more valuable than was supposed.

The next war will be more cruel than can be imagined. (can be의 주어)

He has more money than I have now.

Children should not have more money than is needed.


● 이중 제한

두 개의 관계 대명사가 이끄는 형용사절이 하나의 선행사를 공동으로 수식하는 것.

There is no one that we know who can do such a thing.

Is there anything that you want which you do not have?




1. 관계대명사의 문법적 의미

접속사 + 대명사
하나의 마침표 안에 두 개의 동사를 공존시켜주는 기능을 하는 접속사

ex) I read the book. We had discussed it.

    I read the book we had discussed it.(x)

    I read the book, and we had discussed it.

    => I read the book which we had discussed.


 2. 관계대명사의 사용 맥락

선행사를 명시(identify)해준다.

 ex) Did you buy the book that we'd discussed in the class?


 3. 기존의 오류들

 1) 제한적 용법과 계속적 용법(Identifying clause, Non- identifying clause)

 계속적 용법 개념은 틀렸다.

<제한적 용법 : 선행사에 반드시 필요한 설명>
The teacher who teaches English grammar on EBS is a nice lecturer.

<비제한적 용법 : (이미 알고 있는) 선행사에 부가적으로 필요한 설명>
Choi Inho, who teaches English grammar on EBS is a nice lecturer.

 ex) He has five sons who are doctors.(x)

    He has five sons, who are doctors.(x)

    => He has five sons, all of whom are doctors.


ex) I was brought up in Seoul, which is the capital of South Korea.(선행사 : 고유명사)

    cf) I was brought up in Seoul which is the capital of South Korea.

   (남한의 수도인 서울과 서울이라는 이름을 가진 도시가 존재한다는 의미가 됨.)


ex) I love my father, who loves my family. (선행사 : 친인척관계)

    cf) I love my father who loves my family.

      (진짜 아버지와 가족을 사랑하는 아버지가 존재한다는 의미가 됨.)


비제한적 용법에서는 기존의 관계대명사를
다른 격으로 바꿔 쓸 수 없고, that도 사용할 수 없다.
=> 선행사주격관계대명사(who which)   
    선행사, 목적격관계대명사(whom which)


2) whose와 of which

소유격 관계대명사
who - whose
which - whose
※ of which는 which를 소유격 변화를 시킨 것이 아니라 전치사 + 관계대명사일 뿐이다.

ex) Look at the mountain whose top is covered with snow.

    Look at the mountain of which top is covered with snow.(x)

    Look at the mountain of which the top is covered with snow.

    Look at the mountain, the top of which is covered with snow.


1. what(선행사를 포함)을 제외한 모든 관계 대명사는 반드시 선행사를 필요로 한다.
2. 관계대명사 뒤의 문장은 ‘주어‘나 ’목적어‘나 ’보어‘가 빠져있는 불완전한 문장이다.
3. 불완전한 관계대명사절에서 무엇이 어디에서 빠져있는지 알아내는 것이 가장 중요하다.

 ex) Do you remember the man (that) we talked to ☑ at the party last night? (to 목적어)

   Do you remember the girl (that) I asked ☑ to dance with me at the party? (asked 목적어)

   Do you remember the bag (that) I asked Jim to keep an eye on ☑ at the party last night? (on 목적어)





(1) Take the case of two people who are watching a football game. One person, who has very little understanding of football, sees merely a bunch of grown men hitting each other. Another person, who loves football, sees complex play patterns, daring coaching strategies, and effective blocking and tackling techniques.

(2) The flora of the arid American Southwest is less varied than that of the semi-tropical Southeast

(3) To practice summarizing, after watching a program, parents can turn off the TV and ask how the story was about.

(4) His forecasts of the economy are much more positive than that of many analysts, who fear the country is going into a recession.

(5) The weather of Korea is much milder than Japan.


(6) This book is mainly concerned with climate changes that are likely to take place as a result of global warming.

(7) The task which confronts him is not different from that which faced his predecessor.

(8) In resolving conflict, what you say it is as important as how you say. (당신이 갈등을 해결할 때, 그것을 어떻게 말하느냐가 무엇을 말하느냐 만큼 중요하다. )

(9) Although Julia Adams was almost totally deaf in one ear and had weak hearing in another, she overcame the handicap and became an internationally renowned pianist.

(10) This is bad news, but there is good news. Part of the good news is that this estimate was about one percent less than those of the previous year.


(11) Between she and her husband there have been nothing but arguments; this is a situation which is strikingly typical of most modern marriage.

(12) They also tend to imagine that their futures will be brighter than that of their peers.

(13) But my worst moment came when I decided to climb up to the high diving tower to see how the view was like.

(14) To work is one thing, and to make money is another. (일하는 것과 돈 버는 것은 별개의 것이다.)

(15) Unless scientists discover new ways to increase food production, the Earth will not be able to satisfy the food needs of all their inhabitants.




(1) Take the case of two people who are watching a football game. One person, who has very little

understanding of football, sees merely a bunch of grown men hitting each other. Another person, who loves football, ~ (X) 

→ The other

(2) The flora of the arid American Southwest is less varied than that of the semi-tropical Southeast. (O)

(3) To practice summarizing, after watching a program, parents can turn off the TV and ask how the story was about. (X) 


(4) His forecasts of the economy are much more positive than that of many analysts, who fear the country is going into a recession. (X) 


(5) The weather of Korea is much milder than Japan.(X)

 than that of


(6) This book is mainly concerned with climate changes that are likely to take place as a result of global warming.(O)

(7) The task which confronts him is not different from that which faced his predecessor. (O)

(8) In resolving conflict, what you say it is as important as how you say. (당신이 갈등을 해결할 때, 그것을 어떻게 말하느냐가 무엇을 말하느냐 만큼 중요하다.)(X) 

 what you say is as important as how you say it. (영작문제)

(9) Although Julia Adams was almost totally deaf in one ear and had weak hearing in another, she overcame the handicap and became an internationally renowned pianist. (X) 

 the other (귀니까.. 당연히 두개)

(10) This is bad news, but there is good news. Part of the good news is that this estimate was about one percent less than those of the previous year. (X)



(11) Between she and her husband there have been nothing but arguments; (X)

 her (비트윈은 전치사다)

(12) They also tend to imagine that their futures will be brighter than that of their peers.(X)


(13) But my worst moment came when I decided to climb up to the high diving tower to see how the view was like.(X) 


(14) To work is one thing, and to make money is another. (일하는 것과 돈 버는 것은 별개의 것이다.)(O) (예외적인 one thing)

(15) Unless scientists discover new ways to increase food production, the Earth will not be able to satisfy the food  needs of all their inhabitants. (X)







(1) All that is needed is a continuous supply of food and water.

(2) Who comes back first is supposed to get a lot of money.

(3) The other night the orchestra played four symphonies, one of them was Mozart‟s.

(4) In 1863 American President Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving an official annual holiday, when is now celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November each year.

(5) This is the boy whom I believe deceived me.


(6) There is no rule but has exceptions.

(7) He was the only man that I knew in my neighborhood.

(8) It seems safe to say that the least assimilated of Asian-Americans include the residents of New York‟s sprawling Chinatown, many of who never learn English and rarely move out of their own community.

(9) The child sits quietly, schooled by hazards to which he has been earlier exposed.

(10) I have a photograph of the home where I grew up.


(11) She wants to rent the apartment where she saw last Sunday.

(12) I am tired of shoe stores where there‟s nothing that fits my style.

(13) You may invite who you desire to the company outing.

(14) The substantial rise in the number of working mothers, whose costs for childcare were not factored into the administration’s policymaking, was one of the main reasons why led to the unexpected result at the polls.

(15) Chile is a Latin American country where throughout most of the twentieth century was marked by a relatively advanced liberal democracy on the one hand and only moderate economic growth.


(16) He barely managed to drive to the nearest hospital, which he was admitted to coronary-care unit.

(17) Code talkers was a term used to describe people who talk using a coded language. It is frequently used to describe Native Americans who served in the United States Marine Corps which primary job was the transmission of secret tactical messages.

(18) Subsequently, however, astronomers here have seen color changes [which /where] they, too, believe are signs of continuing volcanic activity on the previously supposed dead body of the moon.

(19) Tom moved to Chicago, which he worked for Louis Sullivan.

(20) Who is there but loves his own home? (자신의 가정을 사랑하지 않는 사람이 누가 있겠는가?)


(21) Who that is rich could do such a stingy thing?

(22) He employed a man whom he thought was diligent.

(23) Bananas contain resistant starch which research shows block conversion of some carbohydrates into fuel.

(24) It was the main entrance for that she was looking.

(25) However you may try hard, you cannot carry it out.


(26) The police found an old coin which date had become worn and illegible.

(27) His sense of responsibility urged him to undertake the dangerous task which he eventually sacrificed himself.

(28) Alcino Pereira, an intellectually challenged orphan from East Timor, who is unable to speak, has never had access to health care.

(29) The previous revised editions were driven by the huge increase in knowledge, both scientific and experiential, that arose on this new topic.

(30) We can all avoid doing things that we know damages the body, such as smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol or taking harmful drugs.


(31) The previous revised editions were driven by the huge increase in knowledge, both scientific and experiential, that arose on this new topic.

(32) In addition, pattern books frequently contain pictures what may facilitate story comprehension.

(33) They prefer to store such information on their cell phones or computers rather than use their heads, which leads to a condition known as digital dementia, or forgetfulness.

(34) The building was destroyed in a fire, the cause of which was never confirmed.





(1) All that is needed is a continuous supply of food and water.(O)

(2) Who comes back first is supposed to get a lot of money. (X)


(3) The other night the orchestra played four symphonies, one of them was Mozart’s. (X)


(4) In 1863 American President Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving an official annual holiday, when is now celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November each year. (X)


(5) This is the boy whom I believe deceived me. (X)



(6) There is no rule but has exceptions. (O)

(7) He was the only man that I knew in my neighborhood. (O)

(8) It seems safe to say that the least assimilated of Asian-Americans include the residents of New York’s sprawling Chinatown, many of who never learn English and rarely move out of their own community. (X)


(9) The child sits quietly, schooled by hazards to which he has been earlier exposed. (O)

(10) I have a photograph of the home where I grew up. (O)


(11) She wants to rent the apartment where she saw last Sunday. (X)

 which (아파트를)

(12) I am tired of shoe stores where there’s nothing that fits my style. (O)

(13) You may invite who you desire to the company outing. (X)


(14) The substantial rise in the number of working mothers, whose costs for childcare were not factored into the administration’s policymaking, was one of the main reasons why led to the unexpected result at the polls. (X)

 that or which (주어가 없다)

(15) Chile is a Latin American country where throughout most of the twentieth century was marked by a relatively advanced liberal democracy on the one hand and only moderate economic growth. (X)

 which (역시 뒤에 주어가 없기에)


(16) He barely managed to drive to the nearest hospital, which he was admitted to coronary-care unit. (X)


(17) Code talkers was a term used to describe people who talk using a coded language. It is frequently used to describe Native Americans who served in the United States Marine Corps which primary job was the transmission of secret tactical messages. (X)


(18) Subsequently, however, astronomers here have seen color changes which they, too, believe are signs of continuing volcanic activity on the previously supposed dead body of the moon. (O)

(19) Tom moved to Chicago, which he worked for Louis Sullivan. (X)


(20) Who is there but loves his own home? (자신의 가정을 사랑하지 않는 사람이 누가 있겠는가?) (O)


(21) Who that is rich could do such a stingy thing? (O) 누가그런 인색한 짓을 하겠는가... 누가를 한정시켜줌.

(22) He employed a man whom he thought was diligent. (X)


(23) Bananas contain resistant starch which research shows block conversion of some carbohydrates into fuel. (X)


(24) It was the main entrance for that she was looking. (X)


(25) However you may try hard, you cannot carry it out. (X)

 However hard you may try


(26) The police found an old coin which date had become worn and illegible.(X)


(27) His sense of responsibility urged him to undertake the dangerous task which he eventually sacrificed himself.(X) 

 for which

(28) Alcino Pereira, an intellectually challenged orphan from East Timor, who is unable to speak, has never had access to health care.(O)

(29) People who are satisfied appreciate what they have in life and don`t worry about how it compares to which others have. (X)


(30) We can all avoid doing things that we know damages the body, such as smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol or taking harmful drugs. (X) 

 damage (동사다 이거. 이게 위의 9번)


(31) The previous revised editions were driven by the huge increase in knowledge, both scientific and experientialthat arose on this new topic. (O)----(컴마, 컴마, 는 삽입구 앞에 것이 선행사)

(32) In addition, pattern books frequently contain pictures what may facilitate story comprehension. (X)


(33) They prefer to store such information on their cell phones or computers rather than use their heads, which leads to a condition known as digital dementia, or forgetfulness. (O)

(34) The building was destroyed in a fire, the cause of which was never confirmed. (O)


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