사회 과학 Social Sciences/사회, 문화 Social, Culture

아이스 버킷 챌린지, ALS 아이스 버킷 챌린지, 근위축성 측색 경화증, 루게릭 병

Jobs 9 2021. 3. 3. 14:37

아이스 버킷 챌린지 혹은 ALS 아이스 버킷 챌린지는 사회 운동으로, 근위축성 측색 경화증(이른바 루게릭 병)에 대한 관심을 환기하고 기부를 활성화하기 위해 한 사람이 머리에 얼음물을 뒤집어 쓰는 방식으로 이루어져있다. 2014년 여름에 시작된 이 운동은 소셜 미디어를 통해 급격히 퍼져나가 하나의 유행이 되었다.

이 운동의 방식은 참가자가 동영상을 촬영하면서 시작된다. 참가자는 우선 동영상을 통해 이 도전을 받을 세 명의 사람을 지목하고, 24시간 내에 이 도전을 받아 얼음물을 뒤집어 쓰든지 100달러를 미국 ALS 협회에 기부하든지 선택하도록 유도한다. 그 후 참가자가 얼음물을 뒤집어 쓰는 간단한 방식이다. 그러나 얼음물을

 뒤집어 쓰는 것이 하나의 사회 유행으로 퍼져, 기부를 하면서도 얼음물을 뒤집어 쓰는 사람들도 상당수이다,

The Ice Bucket Challenge, sometimes called the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, was an activity involving the pouring of a bucket of ice water over a person's head, either by another person or self-administered, to promote awareness of the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as motor neuron disease and in the U.S. as Lou Gehrig's disease) and encourage donations to research. The challenge was co-founded by Pat Quinn and Pete Frates;[1] it went viral on social media during July–August 2014.[2][3] In the U.S., many people participated for the ALS Association, and in the UK, many people participated for the Motor Neurone Disease Association,[4] although some individuals opted to donate their money from the Ice Bucket Challenge to other organizations.[5]

The challenge encourages nominated participants to be filmed having a bucket of ice water poured on their heads and then nominating others to do the same. A common stipulation is that nominated participants have 24 hours to comply or forfeit by way of a charitable financial donation.[6]

On August 1, 2015, a group of ALS organizations in the United States, including the ALS Association, Les Turner ALS Foundation, and ALS Therapy Development Institute, re-introduced the Ice Bucket Challenge for 2015 to raise further funds with the intention of establishing it as an annual occurrence. It failed to raise the same viral attention as the 2014 event, which raised over $220M worldwide for the disease,[7] however some people, including various government officials around the world, have performed the challenge again in the summers of 2016
