잡스 영어

수여동사, 4형식 문장 기출 포인트

Jobs 9 2020. 2. 12. 15:08
4형식 문형 : S + V(수여동사) + sb + sth

 "수여 sb sth " →  "수여 sth 전치사  sb"


4형식 수여동사 기출 포인트

★수여동사는 4→3형식 전환 : 전치사 올바른 쓰임
★take, cost 올바른 구조
★★직목을 that절로 가지는 동사
★★수여동사 착각 완전타동사


 수여동사=독어동사=give, allow 타입 :  4→3 전환 


 I gave her the book. (4형식 수여 sb sth)→ I gave the book to her. (3형식 수여 sth 전치사 sb)



give 타입(독어기원 동사-단모음)

give sb sth → give sth to sb

send sb sth → send sth to sb

lend sb sth → lend sth to sb

show sb sth → show sth to sb

bring sb sth → bring sth to sb

pay sb sth → pay sth to sb

buy sb sth → buy sth for sb 

cook sb sth → cook sth for sb 

get sb sth → get sth for sb 

make sb sth → make sth for sb 

ask sb sth → ask sth of sb (sth가 favor, question)

play sb sth → play sth on sb



I paid him the money.      수여 sb sth                 → I paid the money to him.    수여 sth 전치사 sb


Learning foreign languages gives us insight into other cultures.

→ Learning foreign languages gives insight into other cultures to us 



allow 타입(독어같은 동사)


PROAD "프로미 리푸 오퍼 얼라 디나"

promise sb sth → promise sth to sb

refuse sb sth 

offer sb sth → offer sth to sb

allow sb sth

deny sb sth → deny sth to sb


He promised his grandchildren the money.

I’ve promised myself some fun when the exams are over

I allow my self an occasional piece of cake.

    수여 sb sth     

→ I allow an occasional piece of cake for my self 

    수여 sth 전치사 sb

Please allow me one more hour to stay



 4→3 전환시 전치사 


to + sb  → give, grant, hand, offer, tell, show, pass, owe, promise, pay, bring, hand, deny, sell, send, lend, ...for + sb  → make, buy, get,  find, choose, do, spare, order, build, cook...of + sb  → ask, beg, inquire, demand, require, requeston + sb  → play, impose, bestow, confer...


give sb sth → give sth to sb

send sb sth → send sth to sb

show sb sth → show sth to sb

bring sb sth → bring sth to sb

pay sb sth → pay sth to sb

buy sb sth → buy sth for sb 

cook sb sth → cook sth for sb 

get sb sth → get sth for sb 

make sb sth → make sth for sb 

ask sb sth → ask sth of sb (sth가 favor, question)

play sb sth → play sth on sb


she gave him her ticket → She gave her ticket to him

I paid him the money. → I paid the money to him.

I will buy you a watch. → I will buy a watch for you.

I asked him a question. → I asked a question of(to X) him. 

He asked me the way. → He asked the way of me

He played me a trick → He played a trick on me.

The boss played her a trick → The boss played a trick on her



allow 는 1,3,4,5 형식 모두 사용


allow ~ing    3형

allow 간목 직목  4형식

allow O to R    5형식

Smoking is not allowed here. 1형식
They do not allow smoking here. 3형식
I allowed him some money. 4형식 =I gave him some money.
I allow you to smoke outside. 5형식



 take/ cost / envy /pardon : 절대 4형식 동사 

"대 4 tacoenpa"


4형식에서 3형식으로 전환이 불가능한 동사

envy sb sth → envy sth to sb (×)


cost 비용이 들다, 희생시키다

take 시간이 걸리다

envy, forgive, save 면하게 하다

pardon 등


I envy him his success. (O)

→ I envy his success to him. (×)

I envy his success. (O)


It will cost you an arm and a leg. (O)

→ It will cost an arm and a leg to you  (×)

 It will cost an arm and a leg for you to get (O)

그것은 당신에게 많은 비용이 들게 할것이다.


God will forgive you your sins. 

하느님은 여러분의 죄를 용서하실 것입니다.


4→3형식 전환

It(가주어) take(cost,envy) sb sth  + to(진주어)

= It take(cost,envy)  sth + for sb +  to


It will take you an hour to get to the airport.  (O)

It will take an hour to you to get to the airport. (×)

It will take an hour for you to get to the airport. (O)



 4형식 that절 직접목적어(sth) 

수여 sb sth(that절)

tell, remind, inform, persuade, notify, assure, convince + sb + that 

(tell me that~)

show, promise, teach, warn, advise

(show (me) that~)


I informed him that she had been successful.

He promised me that he wouldn't do it again.



 수여동사로 착각하기 쉬운 동사 = 4형식 불가동사 

provide 타입(라틴기원 동사;2모음) : 수여동사 (×) 

provide, supply, explain, introduce, announce, confess, describe, prove, suggest, propose, present, mention + A to B"explain it to me"


'제공/설명' 의미 but 수여동사 sb sth (×) 


could you explain this problem to me? (O)

could you explain me this problem to? (×) 

                                 sb sth

He explained the rule to me.(O)
He explained me the rule.(×)


He introduced me to his sister.(O)
He introduced his sister me.(×) 


I will explain to you what this means.

Learning foreign languages provides us with insight into other cultures.


They supplied us with the foods. 

They supplied the foods to us. 

수여동사로 착각하기 쉬운데

Supply A with B : A에게 B를 제공하다

는 뜻으로 동사+목적어+전치사+명사의 형태로 사용되는 동사


They furnished him with enough money.

They furnished enough money to him. 



suggest, recommend


suggest 명사    suggest it (to me)
recommend 명사

suggest 동명사(O)
              to 부정사(×)


조동사 ’should' : suggest(제안하다)
suggest that절 (should) R


she suggest chocolate to me

I suggest Jim for this project.

(cf: 수여동사 get sb sth → get sth for sb)

The waiter recommended the grilled salmon.

The waiter recommended the grilled salmon to us.


He suggests that I should go to New York.

He suggests that I go to New York.

He suggests I should go to New York.

He suggests I go to New York.


He suggested going to Glastonbury.

He suggested my going to Glastonbury.

I suggested visiting your grandmother.

I suggested your visiting your grandmother.


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