수동태로 표현하면 틀리는 주의 자동사
∙disappear, vanish, expire, emerge from, occur to, last, consist of․in․with, resign from, retire from, result from․in, belong to, apologize to, object to, contribute to, experiment on․with, remain, appear, seem 등의 자동사는 수동태(be pp)로 나타내지 못하며, 또한 전치사 없이 명사에 연결시킬 수 없다. |
■ She (retired, was retired) six months before her contract (expired, was expired).
■ The release of the two hostages (resulted from, was resulted from) the secret talks with the kidnappers.
■ The United Nations (consists of, is consisted of) more than 200 individual nations.
■ All my worries have been completely disappeared. (○, ×)
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