잡스 영어/영어 문법

빈출 영문법 정리 #03[공무원 영어 문법]

Jobs 9 2025. 2. 20. 05:35



 부사절에서의 시제의 대체

∙시간, 조건, 양보의 <부사절>에서 미래시제는 현재시제로, 미래완료시제는 현재완료시제로 대체된다. 그러나 형용사절과 명사절에서는 그대로 각각 미래시제와 미래완료시제로 나타낸다.

■ Don't forget to turn off the heat when the water will boil. (○, ×)

cf) Do you know when the concert will be held?

■ Can I borrow the book for a day or two if you have finished reading it? (○, ×)

Even if the government (survives, will survive) this crisis, they will face enormous problems.

The road will link four cities when it (has completed, will have been completed, has been completed, will have completed).



 특정 시제를 통제하는 시간 부사어구

∙과거시제 부사어구 : last night, yesterday, two months ago(=two months back), just now(=just ago), the other day, then, at that time, (in) those days, What time…?, When…?, the first(last) time, in 1988
∙현재완료시제 부사어구 : lately(=of late), 기점의 since 구문의 주절, up to now, so far, till now, as yet, to date, for(during, over) the last(past) 2 months
∙과거완료시제 부사어구 : long before, two months before

■ Women (were, have been) expected to stay at home not long ago.

■ There (was, were, has been, have been) a lot of serious talk about a merger lately.

■ The reports (went, have gone) missing in 1987 and nobody (saw, has seen) them ever since.

I have felt nervous the last time I travelled by air. (○, ×)

Flight cancellations are increasing since last April. (○, ×)

With local elections coming up, the Green Party (was, has been) campaigning for the last few months.

When did you last have something to eat? (○, ×)

What time have you waken her up? (○, ×)

■ He said he had met her long before. (○, ×)

cf) We will be finished before long.



 과거완료시제와 미래완료시제

∙과거완료는 기준시점인 ‘과거시제 부사어구’를 수반하며, 잇따른(=연속된) 동작의 경우를 <과거 + 과거>로 나타내는 것과는 구분해야 한다.
∙미래완료는 기준시점인 ‘미래시제 부사어구’를 수반한다. 특히 완료의 by에 유의한다.

I (often heard, had often heard) about her before I met her.

She was a beauty contest winner before she became president of the company. (×)

cf) My bus left(=had left) before I reached the terminal.

Medical science (will advance, will have advanced) to a considerable degree by the end of this century.

He will be an accountant by the time you get back to Korea. (○, ×)



 시제 관련 주의구문

∙He had no sooner(hardly, scarcely) said it than(when, before) he regretted it. = No sooner(Hardly, Scarcely) had he said it than(when, before) he regretted it. = As soon as(The moment․minute․instant․second) he said it, he regretted it.
∙We had not driven a mile when(=before) we ran out of gas.
∙It won't be long before we meet her.
cf) It will be long before you know the outcome.
∙He has been dead for 5 years. = He died 5 years ago. = 5 years have passed since he died. = It is(=has been) 5 years since he died.
∙have gone to는 <가고 없다(결과)>의 뜻으로 1, 2인칭을 주어로 쓰면 틀린다.
∙사건 발생 순서에 따른 시제의 논리관계에 유의한다.

■ No sooner (has, had) he finished his speech (when, than) a young woman stood up to ask a question.

■ Hardly the rain had stopped when the spectators returned to the stadium. (○, ×)

They (did not, had not) spent an hour before they agreed to become friends.

It won't be long before we (go, will go) on a honeymoon.

■ My parents have been married 30 years ago. (○, ×)

I have gone to Japan this weekend. (○, ×)

Scrapped was an old law that lets husbands kill adulterous wives. (×)

lived here for more than 30 years, and I will not move now. (×)



 진행형 시제 관련 주의사항

∙while(…하는 동안에) 절의 <동작동사>는 진행형으로 나타내는 것이 원칙이다.
∙He is always complaining.(반복적 습관․동작), She is leaving for Japan.(예정된 미래)에서처럼 진행형이 꼭 ‘진행되고 있는 동작’만을 의미하지는 않는다.
∙소유․소속(have, possess, belong to, contain, own, include), 감정․심리(want, like, prefer, hate), 인식․사고(know, think, believe), 무의지 감각․지각(feel, look, smell, sound, taste, hear, see), 기타(resemble, lack, become, live, remain, appear, seem) 등의 상태동사는 원칙적으로 진행형(be …ing)으로 나타내면 틀린다.

Keep the bacon warm while you (fry, are frying) eggs.

People working hard do so because they (want, are wanting) to get a better job.

Some food from the last night's party (is still remaining, still remains) in the freezer.

cf) They are having a hard time.

She is living in Seoul for the time being.



 주관적 판단동사 + that S + (should) R

∙제안(propose, suggest), 주장․요구(insist, urge, require, request, demand), 명령(command, order), 조언․추천(advise, recommend), 동의․재청(move, second), 조건․규정(condition, stipulate) 등 주관적 판단동사의 목적절에 오는 동사의 시제와 태에 유의한다.
∙특히 suggest와 insist 뒤의 that절이 당위절인지, 단순사실절인지의 구분에 유의한다.

■ They strongly suggested that the store (improves, improved, improve) its service.

■ She demanded that the newspaper (prints, print, be printed) a full apology.

■ At the inquiry the judge recommended that the safety procedures (update, updated, are updated, were updated, be updated).

■ The government rejected the proposal that the hospital not be closed. (○, ×)

󰋪 She insisted that she (meet, had met) him before, but her eyes suggested that she (lie, be lying, was lying).



 조동사 관련 주의사항

∙had better not, would rather not, ought not to, used not to(=didn't used to) 등의 구 조동사에서 not의 위치에 유의한다.
∙Have some more, won't you?(권유문), Wait for me downstairs, will you?(명령문), Let's go for a drive, shall we?(제안문)의 부가의문의 형태에 유의한다.
∙He used to have his own office.(예전엔 …하곤 했었다, 과거엔 …이었다), He is not used to asking a favor of people.(…에 익숙하다), Dictionaries are used to look up unfamiliar words.(…에 사용된다) 구문의 차이를 이해한다.

■ You (ought to not use, ought not to use) the computer without prior permission.

■ She had not better ask her father for the car key. (○, ×)

He used not to smoking before, but nowadays he does. (○, ×)

Let's stop about here and take a little break, (will we, shall we)?

In the past parsley tea was used to making childbirth easier. (○, ×)



 조동사 would 관련 주의구문

∙used to는 과거의 규칙적 습관 또는 현재와 다른 과거의 사실을, would는 흔히 <막연한 빈도부사>와 함께 과거의 불규칙적인 습관을, will은 주어의 불변적 습성․성향을 나타낸다.
∙would like to(=want to)를 would want to로 나타내면 틀린다.
∙would rather(=sooner) leave than stay = would as soon leave as stay = prefer to leave rather than (to) stay = prefer leaving to staying = may(might) as well leave as stay
∙<would rather + (that)절>의 구문에서 that절의 동사는 가정법으로 나타낸다.
∙Would you mind if I smoked? = Do you mind if I smoke?

When she was younger, she (used to, would) often play tennis till dusk.

A bear (will not, would not, should not) touch a dead body.

cf) Accidents will happen.

I would want to spend Christmas at home this year. (×)

cf) I would like you to spend Christmas at home this year.

■ You would rather help people than to cheat them. (○, ×)

■ I would rather we (go, will go, went) skiing instead of camping.

■ Would you mind if I open the window? (×)



 조동사 can 관련 주의구문

∙cannot…without~ : …할 때마다 ~하다, …하려면 ~해야 하다
∙cannot…too much(to excess, enough, fully) : 아무리 …해도 지나치지 않는다

I can not see this picture without thinking of her.

These pills can hardly be efficacious without being taken everyday.

You cannot praise your secretary for her savvy too much.



 조동사 need의 용법

∙긍정문의 본동사 need는 수(needs)와 시제(needed)가 있고, to R을 목적어로 취한다.
∙부정문(not 앞에)과 의문문(문두)에 쓰이는 조동사 need는 수와 시제가 존재하지 않으며, 원형동사(R)가 연결된다.

■ She (needs not, need not, need not to, doesn't need, doesn't need to) apologize.

Needs he attend the meeting? (○, ×)



 조동사 + have pp

∙조동사를 이용한 지난 일에 대한 판단은 조동사 자체의 현재형․과거형과 상관없이 조동사의 뒤를 완료시제(have + pp)로 나타낸다.
∙would have pp(…했을 것이다), may(might) have pp(…했을지도 모른다), could have pp(…했을 수도 있다), must have pp(…했음이 틀림없다), cannot have pp(…했을 리가 없다), should(ought to, had better) have pp(…했어야 했다, 근데 안 했다), would rather have pp(…하는 편이 나았을걸 그랬다, 근데 안 했다), need not have pp(…할 필요가 없었다, 근데 했다)
cf) will have pp(미래완료)

■ He (may, must, will, cannot, would, had better, would rather, need not) have attended the meeting last weekend, but he didn't.

■ "Why did you get angry with her?" "I don't know. I (should, should not, should have, shouldn't have)."

■ I'd rather we (will ask, have asked, asked, had asked) him for help last week.

= We would rather have asked him for help last week.



 가정법의 약속 틀

∙가정법 과거 : If + S + 과거시제, S + 과거조동사 + R
It is (about, high, the right, the very) time + S + 과거동사(=should + R)
∙가정법 과거완료 : If + S + had pp, S + 과거조동사 + have pp
∙혼합 가정법 : If + S + had pp, S + 과거조동사 + R
∙가정법 미래 : If + S + should + R, S + 과거조동사(>현재조동사) + R
If + S + were to + R, S + 과거조동사 + R
If + S + would + R, S + 과거(현재)조동사 + R

If you (have, had) four kids to take care of, how could you manage it?

■ I think it's about time we (think, thought) carefully before making any decision.

■ If things had changed, we (might make, might have made) a bigger profit.

I wish I (will take, took, have taken, had taken) their offer at that time.

If the war had not happened, he (would live, would have lived) on the farm now.

 If you were to speak Chinese, you (will enjoy, would enjoy) more opportunities.



 If 가정절의 도치

∙if 가정절의 도치는 if절 속에 조동사가 있는 경우에 한하며, if를 생략하고 if절 속의 조동사를 주어 앞으로 도치시키면 된다.

■ (If, Because, Had, As) UN forces not intervened, a full-scale war might have erupted.

■ He would have walked out of the job (if, as, though, had) he needed no money.

(Had, Were, Was, Be) it not for his injury, he could play in the field

I would jump down, (if, were, as, had) a fire to break out.



 가정법과 직설법의 혼용

∙한 절 속에 가정과 직설이 섞여 있는 경우에도 가정법의 약속 틀을 준수한다.
∙한 절은 가정, 한 절은 직설로 나타낸 구문에서 시제와 접속사에 유의한다.

If she (knew, had known) that you were ill, she would have visited you.

I didn't know your number then, (if, so, but, or) I would have called you.

He took a taxi to the airport last night; otherwise he would (miss, have missed) his flight.


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