문두 준동사구의 이해 : 준동사구, S + V
∙절(S+V) 앞에 위치하는 문두 to부정사구는 <목적>의 의미를 나타낸다. ∙절(S+V) 앞에 위치한 문두 동명사구는 <전치사 + …ing>의 형태를 취한다. By …ing, On …ing, In …ing, Besides …ing, Instead of …ing, Far from …ing ∙절(S+V) 앞에 위치한 문두 분사구문은 시간, 조건, 이유, 양보, 부대상황을 나타낸다. |
■ To lower production costs, (the number of the employees was cut, they cut the number of the employees) to a minimum.
■ Having been deceived by him before, (she doesn't believe him, he is untrustworthy).
■ (Understanding, Having understood, Understood, To understand, To have understood) how film reacts to light, you'll have to study the chemicals in the film.
■ (Making, You to make, For you to make, By your making) a simple telephone call, a cheque can be stopped.
■ (To use, To be used, Using, Used) economically, this fuel can last at least two weeks.
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