1. The city of Seoul has announced a ban on the use of neonicotinoids, a widely-used insecticide, as part of efforts to preserve honeybees amid alarming signs of their population decline.
꿀벌 개체수가 급격히 줄어들고 있는 가운데, 이를 막기 위한 노력으로 서울시가 살충제로 널리 쓰이는 네오니코티노이드계 농약 사용을 전면 금지한다고 발표했습니다.
Expression ]
▶widely-used : 널리 쓰이는
▶alarming : 놀라운, 걱정스러운, 심상치 않은
2. The US government’s debt has swelled nearly 50 percent since the early days of the COVID pandemic, reaching 34 trillion dollars — about 11 trillion dollars higher than where it stood in March of 2020.
미국 정부 부채가 코로나19 유행 초기 이후부터 지금까지 거의 50% 가까이 증가해, 2020년 3월보다 약 11조 달러가 늘어난 34조5천억 달러, 우리 돈으로 4경6천7조원 이상인 것으로 나타났습니다.
Expression ]
▶swell : 부풀다, 부어오르다; 증가하다
▶the early days of : ...의 초창기
3. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and other high-ranking officials have been found dead after their helicopter crashed in a foggy, mountainous region of the country’s northwest, according to state media.
에브라힘 라이시 이란 대통령과 여러 고위 관리들이 탑승한 헬리콥터가, 짙은 안개 속에 이란 북서부 지역 산악 지대에 추락하면서 전원 사망했다고, 국영 언론이 보도했습니다.
Expression ]
▶high-ranking officials : 고위 관리들
▶foggy : 안개가 낀[자욱한]
4. Blue Origin's tourism rocket has launched passengers to the edge of space for the first time in nearly two years, ending a hiatus prompted by a failed uncrewed test flight.
미국 우주 탐사기업 블루 오리진의 관광 로켓이, 과거 무인 시험 비행 실패로 인한 공백기를 뒤로 하고 거의 2년 만에 승객을 태우고 우주로 발사됐습니다.
Expression ]
▶edge of space : 우주의 가장자리(지구의 대기권과 외계 사이의 경계선을 가리키는, 고도 100㎞ 상의 일명 ‘카르만 라인(Kármán line)’)
▶hiatus : (행동의) 중단, 단절, 휴지(기)
5. France has issued scratch-and-sniff postage stamps that smell like a bakery to celebrate the country’s artisan baguette.
프랑스가 자국의 정통 바게트를 기념하기 위해, 긁으면 이 빵 냄새가 나도록 만들어진 특별한 우표를 발행했습니다.
Expression ]
▶scratch-and-sniff : 긁으면 냄새[향]가 나는
▶artisan : (명)장인, 기능 보유자 (형)장인이 전통적인 방식으로 만든 (made in a traditional way by someone who is skilled with their hands)
Who’s Afraid of Double Denim?
Guy Trebay
c.2024 The New York Times Company
Fashion savants, of course, have been proclaiming the return of “double denim” for some time, predicting, with the bland assurance of carnival fortunetellers, that the future lies ahead. Yet, suddenly, in look after look, there was the proof: full denim outfits worn with theme-and-variation twists on a classic get-up comprising a denim trucker jacket and bluejeans, captured by Pieterson in seemingly every possible wash, permutation and silhouette.
※Canadian tuxedo: 청재킷과 청바지를 함께 입은 옷차림 ((North American English) (informal) a denim jacket worn with a pair of jeans)
savant: 학자, 석학
▶lie ahead = (위험 따위가) 기다리고 있다, 앞에 놓여 있다
▶get-up = (특히 특이한) 복장[옷차림] (a set of clothes, especially strange and unusual ones)
permutation: 바꾸어 넣음, 교환, 치환(interchange), 변경 (one of several different forms)
In London for the filming of “Project Hail Mary,” Gosling’s new film about an astronaut rocketed into the galaxy in an effort to save an endangered Earth, Avery had taken his eye-catching style for a jet-lagged walk along Portobello Road, dressed like Gene Autry. Not everyone could pull off the battered cowboy hat Avery sported. As for the double denim suit, “it’s pretty much a foolproof formula anyone can wear,” he said.
“What I love is that double denim does the same thing a suit does,” Avery said. “Even when you do it in denim, it creates this vibe of being put together and intentional.”
Gene Autry: 진 오트리. 미국 텍사스 출신의 싱어송라이터이자 영화배우로, 카우보이 복장과 로데오 문화, 컨트리 음악 등과 밀접한 관계를 가진 인물.
▶pull off = (힘든 것을) 해내다[성사시키다]; (옷이나 스타일 등을) 잘 소화하다 ((informal) to succeed in doing something difficult or unexpected)
▶sport = (구어) 자랑삼아 보이다, 뽐내다; (새 모자 등을) 쓰고 몸치장하다 (to wear or be decorated with something)
▶foolproof = 실패할[잘못 될] 염려가 없는, 누구나 이용할 수 있는 ((of a plan, method, or machine) designed to be easily done or operated without possibility of mistake or failure)
There is something else, Samuel Hine, a fashion writer at GQ, said about double denim: With its roots in workwear, it is unambiguously American in its origins and stands as a corrective to a lot of the giddier and sometimes unwearable stuff designers crank out. At least in part it is an acknowledgment — tacit at Chanel, explicit at Louis Vuitton — of values aligned with the needs of new consumers. “Simple utilitarian clothing is connecting in a meaningful way,” Hine said.
And, like any suit, it is essentially a recipe. “The great thing about double denim,” Hine said, “is that you don’t have to overthink it.”
▶corrective = (이전 것을) 수정[교정]하는 것; 교정물, 조정책, 구제 수단 (something that improves a situation)
▶giddy = 경박한, 변덕스러운; 어지러운, 아찔한, 눈이 도는 것 같은
▶crank something out = (특히 질 낮은 물건들을) 빠르게 만들어 내다[쏟아 내다] (to produce something with no special care or effort)
tacit: 암묵적인, 무언의
overthink: 너무 많이[오래] 생각하다
That is almost true. Given the light years it will take for the horror of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake’s appearance at the American Music Awards in 2001 wearing coordinated head-to-toe stonewashed denims to fade from memory, it is clear that, if not styled smartly, double denim can easily veer into cosplay or, worse yet, dadcore.
light year: 광년; 아주 오랜 시간 (the distance that light travels in one year (about 9.5 million million kilometres))
▶veer = (차량 등이) 방향을 홱 틀다[바꾸다]; 진행되면서 차츰 그 방향·성격이 달라지다 (to (suddenly) change direction)
cosplay: 코스프레(만화 혹은 게임의 인물을 모방하고 흉내 내는 행위) (costume + play) (The art or practice of costuming oneself as a (usually fictional) character.)
dadcore: (동세대가 아니라) 아버지 같은 스타일[옷차림] (일명 '아재 패션') (A genre, aesthetic or fashion trend stereotypically associated with fatherhood or particularly popular among fathers.)
In the lexicon of style, double denim is a constant, designer Todd Snyder noted last week over lunch in Manhattan. “I’ve always loved denim-on-denim, even when it was out.” Anyway, the arbitrariness of “in" and “out” distinctions seems out of step in an era when designers and consumers draw freely from a decontextualized slipstream of Pinterest imagery. “Anything styled the right way is right,’’ Snyder said.
▶lexicon = (특정 언어·분야·개인·집단에서 사용하는 모든) 어휘; 어휘 목록; 사전 (all the words used in a particular language or subject, or a dictionar)
constant: 변하지 않는 것; (수학) 정수, 항수, 상수 (↔variable 변수) (a number or value that does not change)
▶in/out of step (with somebody/something) = (~와) 발을 맞추어/발이 안 맞게; (~와) 생각이 같은/다른 (When someone is out of step, they do not lift the same foot and put it down again at the same time as other people.) (used to say that opinions, ideas, or ways of living that are different from those of other people)
slipstream: (빠르게 움직이는 차량이나 기체 뒤에 생기는) 후류(後流) (a current of air behind a quickly moving object, such as a car travelling extremely fast or an aircraft)